EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Akkadius on August 23, 2015, 06:33:34 pm

Title: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Akkadius on August 23, 2015, 06:33:34 pm
New Spell File Available 8-23-2015

AA System Revamp
  • Thousands of new AA's were added to the database, however most of the higher level requirement AA's are still the original live requirement levels until we decide to bring the requirements down.
  • There are plenty of new AA's within the existing level ranges and their prices have been adjusted due to the attainable rates on EZ
  • You will have to re-purchase your AA's (Because the entire system has been redone), they have been retrieved from spent and brought back into unspent. If you had more than 1,000,000 unspent, they have been set to 1,000,000 + your original spent.
  • If you find any noticable issues with AA's in general, please report them on the forums. If you find a game breaking ability, report it to hateborne@gmail.com and akkadius1@gmail.com and we will make sure you are compensated appropriately. If you are found exploiting a game breaking AA, not to say that there are any out there, you will be either suspended or banned. Play nicely my friends.

  • Triple Attack has been implemented as a skill - demonstar55
  • Packet handling in large zones has been heavily optimized
  • For all other changes since 7/1/2015, see: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/changelog.txt

T10 BETA Testing
  • Testing details will be pending per Hateborne

  • Will no longer be fulfilled after the 23rd until further notice. EZ Credits will remain in game.

If anyone has any questions or wants to report issues on this update, use this thread. Thank you.


Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: slaughterhaus on August 23, 2015, 09:39:51 pm
Strange situation - with the new aa's I've gained a new spell gem. When I try to meme a spell in that spot the spell does not load. Additionally, I can not cast any other spells or target anyone but my own character.



Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Ponzi on August 23, 2015, 09:43:08 pm
Did a couple quick t8 runs since update and ran into this:

On about every 3rd pull mobs on incoming would just run to and obliterate my mask toon (zerker), druid, enchanter, paladin, etc.. whatever was closest instead of heading to warrior.

I delay my attack macro until i get the bosses in sight (to avoid ping pong summons, etc) so these toons werent attacking or AE'n or anything along those lines. I stopped druid regen entirely, druid would still get popped.. mask toon obv wasnt recasting mask upon early death, would still get sucker punched every 3rd pull or so.

So it doesnt seem to be active buffs (regen.sld, etc).. It might be geared toward constant buffs (VT, XP Mask, OAK3, etc) since it seemed to pick on toons that had buffed the warrior (in the distance past, mind you).

It made t8 a chore, which was a shame cuz with triple attack t8 was feeling a bit like t6 on the first few pulls. A chore to the point i switched to abyss so i wouldnt have to deal with wonky aggro.

Source change, things get silly, we all get it. :) just wanted to toss out a report on it.

Oh and Akk: about the UW stuff... Its something tied to the warrior, he's just a beast with glasses popped now. I noticed XP spam before i even had zerkers messaged to attack a mob at all. And with zerkers and other UWs going, it didn't exponentially boost dps to a multiple one would expect based on the improved warrior.. So /shrug. I'm thinking it might be some combo of warrior triple attack + earring 50 thats causing exceptional performance. I'll keep testing things.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 23, 2015, 11:34:43 pm
Did a couple quick t8 runs since update and ran into this:

On about every 3rd pull mobs on incoming would just run to and obliterate my mask toon (zerker), druid, enchanter, paladin, etc.. whatever was closest instead of heading to warrior.

I delay my attack macro until i get the bosses in sight (to avoid ping pong summons, etc) so these toons werent attacking or AE'n or anything along those lines. I stopped druid regen entirely, druid would still get popped.. mask toon obv wasnt recasting mask upon early death, would still get sucker punched every 3rd pull or so.

So it doesnt seem to be active buffs (regen.sld, etc).. It might be geared toward constant buffs (VT, XP Mask, OAK3, etc) since it seemed to pick on toons that had buffed the warrior (in the distance past, mind you).

It made t8 a chore, which was a shame cuz with triple attack t8 was feeling a bit like t6 on the first few pulls. A chore to the point i switched to abyss so i wouldnt have to deal with wonky aggro.

Source change, things get silly, we all get it. :) just wanted to toss out a report on it.

Oh and Akk: about the UW stuff... Its something tied to the warrior, he's just a beast with glasses popped now. I noticed XP spam before i even had zerkers messaged to attack a mob at all. And with zerkers and other UWs going, it didn't exponentially boost dps to a multiple one would expect based on the improved warrior.. So /shrug. I'm thinking it might be some combo of warrior triple attack + earring 50 thats causing exceptional performance. I'll keep testing things.

I did a few runs myself, but didn't notice anything like this. I always tag mobs with anger III while doing large pulls, a very select few get missed now that I'm tagging with Sceptre of Time rather than the super spammable Warrior 3.0 offhand, but the only thing I saw like this all night was my pally get insta raped as a large pull trickled in. Seems his heal aggro has picked up a bit  :P

Can easily just get around it by using more cooldowns until more of the pull gets into camp, but it seems to be under control for now. Maybe I'll start throwing chanter Mask buff on pallies if it pops up again.

Should also mention that my warrior is my Mask wielder though  8)

Something odd I did see was whenever I clicked Group Cure (Reward Item) I was getting spammed by a ton of "Your spell did not hold" errors. Almost like it was attempting to MGB it every time or something.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Ponzi on August 24, 2015, 12:28:33 am
Well its a proximity aggro issue, i just tagged mind flayer in a buddys illsalin instance and it curbstomped most of his group en route to me in the middle of the alkari house. /shrug.

This isn't isolated, its repeatable. And it certainly was never an issue before. And its so bad i jumped down to solo w/ warrior in t5 to help a buddy because i was sick of rebuffing every 5 minutes. Going to take a closer look at the source notes.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Krinkle on August 24, 2015, 06:11:54 am
Thanks akka and especially thanks for that list of changes thats freaking awesome I love bein able to read up on all that and adjust accordingly.

And the new changes for sure added alot of dps but im also max uw ear 50 so maybe we can hear from someone like harthek with lame gear about what his dps is like now? idk.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Leis on August 24, 2015, 12:40:49 pm
Strange situation - with the new aa's I've gained a new spell gem. When I try to meme a spell in that spot the spell does not load. Additionally, I can not cast any other spells or target anyone but my own character.

I just tried this and got the same result, had to relog to fix it.

I also noticed that the shared health aa is not working.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Akkadius on August 24, 2015, 01:53:17 pm
Strange situation - with the new aa's I've gained a new spell gem. When I try to meme a spell in that spot the spell does not load. Additionally, I can not cast any other spells or target anyone but my own character.



Extra spell gem needs to be properly implemented

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Digz on August 24, 2015, 02:27:25 pm
i didnt have much time to mess around but from the limited time i did have, the only issue i had was my cleric/druid specialization skills resetting after casting your first spell after logging in.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 24, 2015, 02:43:14 pm
Issues thus far:

Warrior's MGB cooldown is 72 minutes, up from 30 minutes, making it so you can't keep your Mask of Experience (60 min duration / cooldown) buff up on the raid.

I believe MGB is working on items but not getting consumed, hence why I was getting spammed everytime I used group cure clicky afterwards. Seems this way for all my toons. Cleric was clicking his epic after buffing the raid and it fired off on the whole raid over and over.

Still haven't seen any wonky aggro from doing more ToV clears today, did you guys update your spell files after the AA update?

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 24, 2015, 02:45:50 pm
BTW kiwi, I'm not saying you're full of shit, we just need to identify what is causing it for you and not me and narrow the field. Can't expect anything to get fixed if we tell Hate/Akka "shit's broke, imma go do other stuff bye"  :-X

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Drajor on August 24, 2015, 05:07:15 pm
I've also experienced the prox agro issue. Feels more like live but just means I need to be more careful with positioning.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: tulsplat on August 24, 2015, 07:45:01 pm
I noticed I no longer have Pet Discipline AA available on some classes (druid etc) that had it before.   Not sure if it was intended or not just reporting it.   

What an awesome update this was though, seriously, thanks for the hard work you guys

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Ponzi on August 24, 2015, 10:45:44 pm
BTW kiwi, I'm not saying you're full of shit, we just need to identify what is causing it for you and not me and narrow the field. Can't expect anything to get fixed if we tell Hate/Akka "shit's broke, imma go do other stuff bye"  :-X

Agreed, thats why i was trying to include as much info as possible. I noticed it far more in t8 / t9.. I'm guessing the reason is I am not anger bombing/3.0'n etc to pull in those zones (there's no real reason to unless you're hunting chain/leather in t9, or at all of course in t8). Feels like a funky EQlive undead aggro.

Just kinda head-scratching, and to some extent, yeah, you can plan your pulls and position all your toons accordingly for the most part. Just annoying when pulling, say, west wing or circle in t8, or anything a zip code away from the lake in t9, since mobs take the scenic route and then pour into pull spot in funky intervals.

Most people I've talked to have experienced the same, its just that no one posts on the boards consistently unless the server is down lol.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 24, 2015, 11:07:03 pm
I think the only reason you wouldn't is if you have it bound to bad keys that are hard to reach =p but for me it's just "tab 2 tab 2 tab 2 tab 2". Just a habit I got into long long time ago, especially after I got a few level of Ult Weapon and was farming lower tier zones. It prevented you from riposte insta killing shit all over the place.

But in the case of t8/t9, the only time I don't use this method is when pulling a large group of humanoids, or any large group of KoS other mobs that I pull with my face. And with those, I still stop a good distance from my team until I get them grouped up just to prevent freakish bard / zerker mishaps.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Akkadius on August 25, 2015, 12:08:56 am
MGB set back to 30 minutes, this will take affect on reboot and on new zones (instances)

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 25, 2015, 12:45:36 am
MGB set back to 30 minutes, this will take affect on reboot and on new zones (instances)

I lub you

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: warrior5 on August 25, 2015, 02:09:26 am
Noticeable uptick on my warrior (UW) DPS after AA change. Previously was doing 30-40% of group's DPS now I see 30-60%. Definitely not a problem for me - if anything I think it makes UW toons more desirable, but worth noting. I have a DPS parse on all toons from just before the change and one after. Both sets of data are from about 150 (recent) - 200 (previous) mobs and both are substantially the same types of mobs from T7. *edit* replaced with cleaner data.

Warrior is only toon with UW. He has UC2 and no earring.

Also please note my neck IX wizard and other casters continue to do totally worthless DPS no matter what spells I use or how hard I think I can I think I can I think I can ;)

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Waraesh on August 25, 2015, 05:21:15 am
Your data also shows your warrior has having roughly 7% more time on targets than the rest of your toons (640seconds vs 600 seconds).  That is going to skew your data by 7% vs your previous data where all of your toons are roughly equal to your warriors time on targets (1k vs 1k).  The bulk of the change is reflected in the average hit.  Currently 1.2m on the war vs 700k previously.  Also, your mnk is showing a decrease in their average hit dmg from 420k to 270k.  And zerk1 is showing double their previous dmg on avg. hit (760k vs 380k).

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Digz on August 25, 2015, 09:13:02 am
i think a lot of it has to do with warriors avoidance being super wonky right now, i take shit-loads of damage in t9 now compared to before due to having almost no noticeable avoidance. A nice side effect of this is its putting warrior dps through the roof because of the mass amounts of ripostes being done which i think also got buffed through more aa? its actually hilarious when you use furious disc....

also black priest seemed messed up for me last night, spawned the event twice and each time only his wandering eyes spawned, seemed to be ok a few days ago.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 25, 2015, 10:31:27 am
Anyone else noticing a lot of lag around xp being awarded? Did some Anguish runs last night and everytime my warrior used the Furious clicky, the screen just froze for a few seconds (kinda like it used to be way back).

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Drep on August 25, 2015, 10:56:40 am
I been messing around in t9 and something seems weird with the agro. 

It doesn't seem like the warriors ae hate is working right (i have a hatestomp 3).   There are mobs that aren't getting on my warriors hate list.   Even on long fights, I think i'm done clearing the pull and then i notice something standing right next to my warrior hitting a different character and it's not on my warriors list.  I haven't ever had this happen before.   It's like the hate ae's aren't hitting everything directly near me. 

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Drep on August 25, 2015, 11:04:37 am
Bah,  completely a non issue.   lol

I didn't notice there were so many extra slots in the extended target window and I didn't increase my window size to see all the new ones from the updates aa's. 

Nevermind, nothing to see here.  :)

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Premador on August 25, 2015, 01:53:17 pm
in T8 I get alot of spell resists. Hatestomp gets resisted alot, I havnt cleaned up my filters yet and my screen goes red with resists.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 25, 2015, 03:11:03 pm
in T8 I get alot of spell resists. Hatestomp gets resisted alot, I havnt cleaned up my filters yet and my screen goes red with resists.

That's a result of fighting on top of the invisible mobs all over the zone that make the "Danger fills this hallway" and silly messages like that. It has always been there  ;D

Did tov for 2 days after the AA update, and those mobs are the only time I saw resists on Hatestomp pop up.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Chunka on August 25, 2015, 05:13:51 pm
^ What he said.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Brannyn on August 27, 2015, 08:55:51 pm
ah crap, I should have been posting the aas that aren't working in here shouldn't I?

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Raygan on August 28, 2015, 06:05:52 am
Two AA stick out (for me) as potentially huge here: Mortal Coil for SK and Twinproc for both knights.

I looked for the Twinproc but is level 86....are these gonna get changed so they can be used on EZ?

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Chieftan on August 28, 2015, 07:11:34 am
Two AA stick out (for me) as potentially huge here: Mortal Coil for SK and Twinproc for both knights.

I looked for the Twinproc but is level 86....are these gonna get changed so they can be used on EZ?

AA System Revamp

  • Thousands of new AA's were added to the database, however most of the higher level requirement AA's are still the original live requirement levels until we decide to bring the requirements down.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Warbash on August 28, 2015, 08:34:51 pm
my refunded AA's did not show up in the AA window. I cant buy any AA's on warbash but when I say"aa" it tells me 68k AA. any suggestions?

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Gimble on August 29, 2015, 06:50:05 am
The aggro issue raised earlier by Kiwis is definitely real and my experience is that if each and every mob is not hit or aggro'd specifically then they will immediately bypass my tank and head straight for my healer even before I get to my group.

This is making things like shadowmen in T9 practically impossible for a newly T9 group.

I haven't tried just spamming angerbomb well ahead of my group for fear of the tank dying but really does it matter when he is the only one left standing anyway?

not sure what we can do just pointing out its real to me too.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Blurring on August 29, 2015, 09:16:20 am
my refunded AA's did not show up in the AA window. I cant buy any AA's on warbash but when I say"aa" it tells me 68k AA. any suggestions?

Same on a lot of my toons. I am just regaining the exp needed to buy AA's, but wanted to point out I am seeing this problem too in case it will cause problems with upgrading RoA or earring or that.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 29, 2015, 02:24:07 pm
The aggro issue raised earlier by Kiwis is definitely real and my experience is that if each and every mob is not hit or aggro'd specifically then they will immediately bypass my tank and head straight for my healer even before I get to my group.

This is making things like shadowmen in T9 practically impossible for a newly T9 group.

I haven't tried just spamming angerbomb well ahead of my group for fear of the tank dying but really does it matter when he is the only one left standing anyway?

not sure what we can do just pointing out its real to me too.

We can all agree something about aggro has changed, but this is where I draw the line. There's a difference between posting issues and over-exaggerating bullshit. If you've made it all the way to t9 and pulling 10+ mobs is still a problem, it's time for you to go back, max SOA, uc3 your tank, and possibly think of adding something to your team like a druid. Aggro issue or not, you have some serious gearing problems if shadowmen are an issue for you.

And sorry to sound like a dick, but it's posts like this one that get everybody to hop up on the bandwagon to make things easier, and it can also cause mass hysteria (hello t7 thread)

TLDR: Is aggro issue real? Yes
Is it making things impossible? No
It it making them harder? No

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: balidet on August 29, 2015, 07:08:48 pm
I have to agree with the above post I have had no issue with aggro or aggro control after the updates... I suggest more gear..

I use SOT to click everything that i pull and hit angerbomb 5 or 6 times during the fight and i typically leave my warrior out front and let him fight everything for 10 seconds or so solo just to make SURE that no stragglers are inbound to rape the minions.

gear and strategy i guess make this a non issue

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Leis on August 29, 2015, 08:28:45 pm
No gear is not the problem, I had my warrior go down on the squealing underboss, tabbed over to my healer, buffed and healed my healer, then rezed my warrior. Without even tabbing back to my warrior they moved off my healer and attacked the warrior as soon as she zoned back in. Something about how agro is being handled is screwed up. Many of us talking about the agro are T10, so telling us to get gear is kinda retarded.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 29, 2015, 08:56:18 pm
No gear is not the problem, I had my warrior go down on the squealing underboss, tabbed over to my healer, buffed and healed my healer, then rezed my warrior. Without even tabbing back to my warrior they moved off my healer and attacked the warrior as soon as she zoned back in. Something about how agro is being handled is screwed up. Many of us talking about the agro are T10, so telling us to get gear is kinda retarded.

I told him to get gear becuase he said pulling a camp of shadowmen was IMPOSSIBLE for a new t9 group.  And the people stating they have aggro issues so far have admitted they were pulling in the past without using any threat mechanics. I have not seen anything out of the ordinary and have pulled hundreds of trains to my group without any deaths. I already stated if you're pulling spread out mobs, just tab thru and click on a Warrior 3.0, SoT, Angerbomb, anything. If you pull shit with your face and expect it not to chain over to your group I don't know what to tell you. And if you still want a lazy way to face pull, just run thru a camp, stop out of proximity of your group but close enough for the druid to throw a drake on you, then turn around and let your weapon proc ONCE, and it's all good to pull em in close. Don't have a druid? Then use Vie 3 from a cleric. Don't have either? Use your T3 click riposte. There are plenty of options to circumvent random deaths from happening.

I'm posting these things not to make people rage, but as a way to get around the random deaths until the devs have some time to take a look at it. I already said apparently there is something new happening, but don't expect it to be fixed instantly, especially if it's not some major-league gamebreaking shit, WHICH THIS IS NOT. Basically, that has been my point this whole time.

p.s. if you run into the squealing underboss on your warrior solo, he will 1 shot you 10 times out of 10. His initial damage is based off your hp, and if there are others standing around you, he will most likely stab around randomly, killing no one.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Chunka on August 29, 2015, 09:21:22 pm
If you pull shit with your face and expect it not to chain over to your group I don't know what to tell you

^This! If you've been doing this then you need to just play smarter.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Leis on August 29, 2015, 09:39:30 pm
p.s. if you run into the squealing underboss on your warrior solo, he will 1 shot you 10 times out of 10. His initial damage is based off your hp, and if there are others standing around you, he will most likely stab around randomly, killing no one.
I know how to deal with him but one out of every 20ish times I go after him I forget to hold myself back and he does 225% of my hp in one shot. The point I was making was that my warrior pulled agro off my druid somehow, even though she had generated threat with both heals and buffs and might have had an epic click going on them as well. While I understand that its something a lot of us, myself included, can work around it is still a broken mechanic. Its not a case of the person not having the proper gear to handle something.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 29, 2015, 09:52:14 pm
I never said "go get gear it'll fix ur aggro" Please stop putting words in my mouth. I literally responded to the person I quoted only about him having problems with tank damage in tier 9. It's obviously someone who got power leveled quite a bit, who IS very behind in strike augs / soa / UC3, stating that tier 9 is impossible for a new group.

In other news, most seem to agree upon the "Mask of Experience" holder to be generating aggro. This I cannot speak to, as my mask is on my warrior, but maybe this is a place to start.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: balidet on August 29, 2015, 10:41:05 pm
In other news, most seem to agree upon the "Mask of Experience" holder to be generating aggro. This I cannot speak to, as my mask is on my warrior, but maybe this is a place to start.

my mask is on my rogue and he is also has uwXI and I have noticed no increase in aggro at all..

I think people are making random things into things that are not random...

what is the word for that?


Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 30, 2015, 12:13:55 am
what is the word for that?


Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Gimble on August 30, 2015, 06:45:36 pm

Seriously, practically impossible is not impossible.  I am geared fine.  I can pull about 10 mobs without dying and using anger bomb outside my camp has worked just fine.  Your comment about pulling without a threat mechanic is absolutely true.  It appears that you can no longer do that.

So basically I can pull T9 its just not the brainless exercise now.  Not sure if the old way was how it should have been but its definitely a massive difference on play styles.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Akkadius on August 30, 2015, 10:41:28 pm

You're a hooker!


Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 31, 2015, 12:25:33 am
Rofl, love that movie.

"OH MAN that was fun! What's new high score mean? Did I break it?"

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Ekuug on August 31, 2015, 03:33:04 am
"What's that ringing???  Do I have a tumor??"

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on August 31, 2015, 04:53:06 am
"Why are you getting a lion?"

"To protect my shit."

"Never heard of a dog?"

"Dude, you can get past a dog, nobody fucks with a lion."  ;D

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Braxas on September 02, 2015, 12:03:44 pm
Anyone Else having Problems with Mob's Warping on that ass ? Every zone I seem to get into there warping everywhere. I hope I'm not the only one. /cry

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Kruciel on September 02, 2015, 01:03:50 pm
I did notice it happening in certain zones, but it's nothing new. The biggest offender is Talendor is Skyfire. But anytime you zone somewhere with pacing mobs, and you're very far away from said mob, it's going to happen.

It's just that your client is too far away to constantly update their position via mq2, and when you finally reach where you originally tracked them, it has to update the new position. The only annoying part is with Talendor it can take up to 20 seconds of you standing there staring at him before he magically appears 5 miles away again.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Braxas on September 03, 2015, 12:13:04 pm
ALSO Akkadius and Hateborne ... can you guys please look into the Spell recipes ... alot of them are wrong on the spell component list .. spent a Million plat the other day trying to make the T3/T4 mage pet heal, and also tried to make Ancient Druid Regen III and that one didnt work either ... im sure others are messed up to ... please take a look into it dudes !! Thanks a bunch =D

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Adydar on September 03, 2015, 12:22:33 pm
ALSO Akkadius and Hateborne ... can you guys please look into the Spell recipes ... alot of them are wrong on the spell component list .. spent a Million plat the other day trying to make the T3/T4 mage pet heal, and also tried to make Ancient Druid Regen III and that one didnt work either ... im sure others are messed up to ... please take a look into it dudes !! Thanks a bunch =D

Hate has said he'd be looking at recipes in the future, also, which list did you try from, there are a few floating out there.

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Braxas on September 03, 2015, 01:43:52 pm
Looked on this Forum site. Looked on Ez Server wiki .com .. dont know of any other sites with spell recipes.   :-[

Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: hateborne on September 08, 2015, 01:52:19 pm
Most of the spell recipes are working as intended, some of the newer ones (t8+) are either not enabled or non-existent. I need to take a heavy look at them very soon (before October).


Title: Re: Server Code Update 8/23/2015
Post by: Warbash on September 08, 2015, 06:42:05 pm
my refunded AA's did not show up in the AA window. I cant buy any AA's on warbash but when I say"aa" it tells me 68k AA. any suggestions?

Hi Hate,
Anything on this? Have several char effected.