EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Thos on August 26, 2015, 11:10:24 am

Title: Hateborne/Akkadius
Post by: Thos on August 26, 2015, 11:10:24 am
Hi Guys!

  I just wanted to say thanks for all of your efforts.  This server is one of the few emu servers that has been able to stand the test of time.  Hunter built an amazing escape for us and your efforts have allowed it to continue on for years to come.  I think he would be proud of the server and the work you've done to keep his vision moving forward. 

Thank you!

Title: Re: Hateborne/Akkadius
Post by: balidet on August 26, 2015, 03:30:49 pm

free lootz?

k thanks:)

Title: Re: Hateborne/Akkadius
Post by: Chunka on August 26, 2015, 04:53:13 pm
Can only echo the sentiment. I get pissy sometimes, like anyone else, and go off and sulk/pout for a while....but the honest truth is that you guys do a ridiculously amazing job given your resources, limitations and the bitching expectations of assholes like me. Not playing as much lately, thanks to a grueling work schedule, but this is my online home.


Title: Re: Hateborne/Akkadius
Post by: Raygan on August 27, 2015, 03:56:48 pm
I would also echo that but it would probably blow, Hate's mind....on second thought.........always the hater ;D

Title: Re: Hateborne/Akkadius
Post by: Rent Due on August 29, 2015, 05:29:42 am
I like goats...........

I like Akka and Hate and Love as well though  :P

oh yeah, I like Nate too, kinda.....maybe