EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on October 10, 2015, 12:44:18 pm

Title: Server being retarded
Post by: Raygan on October 10, 2015, 12:44:18 pm
Server is laggy and just all around acting like a complete bitch today 10/10/15 13:44.   ::)

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Akkadius on October 10, 2015, 02:46:46 pm
Server is laggy and just all around acting like a complete bitch today 10/10/15 13:44.   ::)

Working on anti-retardation formula

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 10, 2015, 03:01:33 pm
if [Waraesh] = ONLINE
      then /kill server

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Natedog on October 10, 2015, 03:06:56 pm
if [Waraesh] = ONLINE
      then /kill server

But with that statement the server would always be dead!

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 10, 2015, 05:08:46 pm
Server is down intentionally to go thru a 12 step unretardation program. Nobody panic!

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: barrettd04 on October 10, 2015, 05:44:41 pm

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Darinow on October 10, 2015, 07:02:24 pm
Yo guys..madasmash here..at work: /  how goes the detarding?

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 10, 2015, 07:18:31 pm

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Darinow on October 10, 2015, 10:29:44 pm
As there is not a copious amount of bitching in this thread I assume the detardation went well and all is peachy?

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Gepeng on October 11, 2015, 01:16:49 am
Hello !

"An unknown error has occured while trying to join the server". I am at this point :)

Edit: nvm, it seems I cannot connect to any server with any client I have...

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Brannyn on October 11, 2015, 04:29:53 am
I just started getting this issue as well.
It's odd because not 5 minutes ago I was able to log in with no problems.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Waraesh on October 11, 2015, 08:25:09 am
Waraesh is logging in, prepare to grind to a halt ladies and gents!

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Drajor on October 11, 2015, 08:52:23 am
Also not able to connect to any server :/

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: slaughterhaus on October 11, 2015, 09:04:51 am
I was able to log in 1/3 of my dudes then got the error message on the rest. Didn't get to log in any pallys so it's ess farming for me.


Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Darinow on October 11, 2015, 09:16:58 am
Figures that there would be something wrong on my day off -.-

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Denzig on October 11, 2015, 09:36:36 am
Getting the same error on all toons, on all computers. Tried a few things on my end to no avail.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 11, 2015, 09:41:47 am
It's not just us, it's EQ Emu problem, cannot connect to any server at all at the moment. Drajor already contacted them. Yay Drajor  8)

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Waraesh on October 11, 2015, 08:10:01 pm
Ground to a halt with 3k ping in anguish guild instance.  No idea what was different from when I left to visit my folks and when I came back.  Did 5 or 6 runs this morning with 0 lag and came back to same instance and was facing that monster ping.  I quickly resigned ;)  niters all.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Akkadius on October 12, 2015, 01:11:04 pm
As I've mentioned before in /ooc, I need a commonality cause and effect for these lag issues that occur.

If I don't have any cause and effect to go off of, it's a complete shot in the dark.

It's especially strange since these started occurring only recently, and with what changes I've observed, they don't have any relation

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: littlelongbeard on October 12, 2015, 02:24:51 pm
I have had lag spike while combing tokens in airplane and turning in the tokens. Then I get lag when I start pulling mobs. Then it is random and I just get lag when I stand around in a zone and things stop responding.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 12, 2015, 02:34:13 pm
Issues I've seen recently are:

Ever since the source update when AAs were revamped, I get a massive spike while receiving xp messages during swarm killing (HoH / Anguish) This used to happen long ago, but Hunter or somebody had put something in to smooth it out and reduce the lag effect of killing 100+ mobs at once. As soon as the AA update hit, it returned.

Expeditions crashing upon creation, resulting in the instance looping and failing (how fast / frequently it's trying I don't know) When it occurs, I have to use Character Mover to get my warrior out, issue an #e destroy and then it lets me log other character on, booting them to their bind locations.

Qvic FPS lag. This one has been a mystery to many of us for a long time. Sometimes, when zoning into a Qvic (pub or instance), as soon as you aggro 10-15 mobs FPS grinds down to 5. If you aggro 20-25+, it goes down to 2-3 FPS. More than 50 mobs and you can't even move. At first, I thought this may have been the mq2fps plugin being wonky. But after disabling it completely, the issue still occurs. I have seen this bug for years on two different machines and 3 different clients. When the FPS drop occurs, there is 0 strain on my GPU, 0 strain on my CPU, 0 strain on my RAM. It literally drops to 0 FPS for no reason, based on how many mobs are chasing you at the time. I am clueless on how to further test this issue  :o

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 12, 2015, 05:36:03 pm
Just created an instance and entered with 18 characters at once, server hit a large spike at the same exact time I hit the /bcaa //say enter guild kruciel lopingplains command in, followed by an /ooc eruption. I'm not one for coincidences, but it seems to be pointing to instance creation. Trying to get my characters out of zone, as it's too lagged out inside to do much of anything.

Gated out, deleted it, remade instance. Sent the warrior in alone to open the instance up, then sent the crew in afterwards. Could it be something related to you sending a ton of characters into an instance that is currently unpopulated?

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Openwounds on October 12, 2015, 06:11:28 pm
Just logged into anguish with all my chars.  About the 3rd pull the lag starts and about 4 of my chars fall minutes behind with whats going on.   
Lets call the lagged behind char Player "L" and a character that's current with whats going on character "C".
Characters L and C both can move about the screen and see each others movements as I move them. 
If character L tries to trade something with character C, nothing happens on character L's screen but character C gets a trade window.
If character C tries to trade with character L then nothing happens at all. 

If nothing combat related is going on and character L is caught up then he is fine.  Once I pull and the combat window starts blowing up again then it slowly lags behind.  Its as if the combat information is coming in at a much slower rate  on characters L's screen as opposed to character C.    Also some chars are lagged behind worse then others.  Ill keep trying different things to change it up and keep digging.  This lag has made it unplayable for me at peak times the last few days.  I might have to start playing at the early morning hours when I never see this lag issue.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: balidet on October 12, 2015, 06:52:19 pm
I did some t5 last night with a crew of 4 and had zero problems.. created instance and zoned all in.. 2 of my chars had a slightly elevated ping in the 190 range but my main was the normal 123

/not sure if this is of any use

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: WatchYouDie on October 12, 2015, 07:05:06 pm
trying to zone is so horrible atm.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on October 12, 2015, 07:13:46 pm
Yeah... went from 30ms to 800ms on a zone still over 600ms atm.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: WatchYouDie on October 12, 2015, 07:44:37 pm
def having problems back at it again.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Waraesh on October 12, 2015, 07:58:47 pm
I was grinding in t6 when people began saying they were catching lag in their instances.  I myself saw no real change to my grind.  I finished t6 and went to head to t7, created instance, zoned in 17.  Ping shot to 4300 on main box.  I did a couple lag pulls just to see if it would right itself or ping would stabilize, it did not.  For the moment it appears as though it is a lotto for me.  sometimes I zone in and everything is super smooth, other times I can't move; much like what Kru was describing during Qvic runs.  I can't tell what is being done differently from one zone to the next.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: barrettd04 on October 12, 2015, 08:27:33 pm
Shit has seemed to be getting laggy really bad since the last T10 beta and the eventual tweaks(if any were made) after it ended. 

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Openwounds on October 12, 2015, 08:35:10 pm
Took a break for about a half hour then logged in all my chars in and before doing anything 3 of them were super lagged.  Once the lag starts its there till the server can catch up.   Will try to get in as much playtime before the server overloads with people tomorrow. 

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: barrettd04 on October 12, 2015, 08:38:55 pm
Just logged on to 3k ms, can't see anyone when I check guild management page, i'm at like 88% health in nexus with no buffs.  Something is fucked.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Warbash on October 12, 2015, 09:21:17 pm
Server acting wonky, zoning 18 toons into stonehive. 3 or 4 take around 5 minutes to zone and another 3 minutes to synch up with rest of toons. has 1200 ms

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: huffdady on October 13, 2015, 08:24:07 am
I logged in last night, it took me about 10 to 12 min's to get all my toons in.  Normally this is a 2 - 3 min process.

Then once I was in, I would have really crazy spikes where my toons would run through me and off into the distance and rubber band back to me.  There would be times I would have to hit my /assist key 4 or 5 times before any of my toons would think about attacking any mob. 

I ended up logging out shortly after I logged in, I just couldn't deal with the Lag.  I think I will take a week or two off and go play ESO or GW2.  Hopefully this lag is cleared up before Halloween. 

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: hateborne on October 13, 2015, 10:09:39 am
The network lag is unrelated as that's localized. We're seeing CPU spikes. Things/actions/activities in the server causing it, not the connection between your machine and the server. :-)


Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 13, 2015, 11:11:03 am
One of the more recent changes I noticed was the Extended Target Window list is updating RAPIDLY nonstop at the speed of light. This just popped into my head this morning, while trying to think of any recent changes. I really really hope this is the case and it is the cause of the server spikes, BECAUSE I HATE THIS FEATURE WITH A PASSION.

In the recent past, I would always target the biggest and baddest mob in t9 to AOE off of. I would then glance at my Extended Target window, rest my cursor over the 2nd highest HP mob I could see at the time. As my target dies, simply click, new target is up, and I go to town on that.

NOWWWW, as soon as my target dies, the entire list shuffles around, reorganizes, and it is literally impossible to click anything at all if you're AOEing because the list updates and reorganizes itself 50 times in a second.

If this ^ is firing off updates to every character on EZ hundreds of times per second, I could definitely see potential of making the server poop itself (i.e. you have 18 characters in t9 with aggro on 50+ mobs, every 0.01 seconds the server is asking you "HEY HOW MANY MOBS YOU GOT HEY HEY HEY HOW MANY, DID ANY OF THEM DIE? HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HOW MANY MOBS YOU GOT ON YOU ?"

/rant over on the new extended target window crap  :P

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: littlelongbeard on October 13, 2015, 12:12:41 pm

If this ^ is firing off updates to every character on EZ hundreds of times per second, I could definitely see potential of making the server poop itself (i.e. you have 18 characters in t9 with aggro on 50+ mobs, every 0.01 seconds the server is asking you "HEY HOW MANY MOBS YOU GOT HEY HEY HEY HOW MANY, DID ANY OF THEM DIE? HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HOW MANY MOBS YOU GOT ON YOU ?"

/rant over on the new extended target window crap  :P

I agree, maybe I will try closing the extended target window on all the alts and see how that works out.

/xtarget gave a list of commands to use I found do /bca //xtarget show off then /bca //xtarget auto off <--- stops your xtarget from even showing mobs and updating every .01 secs has helped a tiny bit today. But, I do play when most people are not on so that tends to help my issues.

I do like the extended target window but that is just how I feel

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Mixlor on October 13, 2015, 12:15:14 pm
The network lag is unrelated as that's localized. We're seeing CPU spikes. Things/actions/activities in the server causing it, not the connection between your machine and the server. :-)

Uhhh.. has anyone fed the hamsters lately?! I feed mine and my computers are running smooth. Feed da hamsters people.. feed da hamsters!

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: hateborne on October 13, 2015, 02:56:03 pm
One of the more recent changes I noticed was the Extended Target Window list is updating RAPIDLY nonstop at the speed of light. This just popped into my head this morning, while trying to think of any recent changes. I really really hope this is the case and it is the cause of the server spikes, BECAUSE I HATE THIS FEATURE WITH A PASSION.

In the recent past, I would always target the biggest and baddest mob in t9 to AOE off of. I would then glance at my Extended Target window, rest my cursor over the 2nd highest HP mob I could see at the time. As my target dies, simply click, new target is up, and I go to town on that.

NOWWWW, as soon as my target dies, the entire list shuffles around, reorganizes, and it is literally impossible to click anything at all if you're AOEing because the list updates and reorganizes itself 50 times in a second.

If this ^ is firing off updates to every character on EZ hundreds of times per second, I could definitely see potential of making the server poop itself (i.e. you have 18 characters in t9 with aggro on 50+ mobs, every 0.01 seconds the server is asking you "HEY HOW MANY MOBS YOU GOT HEY HEY HEY HOW MANY, DID ANY OF THEM DIE? HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HOW MANY MOBS YOU GOT ON YOU ?"

/rant over on the new extended target window crap  :P

Just aggregating information. I'll try to zone pull with xtargets up and see if it causes massive lag bombs.

https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/commit/4ae02e5efe04aa665d833f041b6baaf7a9a72c7f (Xtargets autoshift)
https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/commit/0d3bd5988b03ccf263aa99d70a5b34848f79f43c (existence check for xtargets)


Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: Kruciel on October 13, 2015, 04:02:36 pm
It might not do anything noticeable with just 1 client in zone. I think the only way to test it fully would be reverting the xtarget changes and seeing how the server handles during prime-time.

I was going to ask if any other EMU servers have seen spikes like this as of late, but Drajor said "the AOE and havoc created by every box squad is the equivalent of an entire raid on other servers" so meh... We'll just continue being the PTR of EQ EMU boundaries I suppose lol.

Title: Re: Server being retarded
Post by: huffdady on October 13, 2015, 09:20:45 pm
Well, that just sucks.....

Logged all my toons in, the load time was only slightly longer than normal.  I thought I was ok. 
MGB'ed everyone, pulled a handful of mobs in T9 and got killed so hard it disconnected me.  It was one of the smaller pulls I have done in there but still killed everyone and DC'ed my tank.