EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kruciel on October 14, 2015, 12:29:24 am

Title: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Kruciel on October 14, 2015, 12:29:24 am
It needs to be said. THANK YOU GUYS~
And Demonstar, Natedog, Drajor, Haynar too <3

For players that think they haven't updated EZ much
Here's a list of the recent updates (ya I am copying your entire thread from over a year ago Fugi, it needs to be said... again)

  • Thousands of new AA's were added to the database which required a COMPLETE AA overhaul
  • Triple Attack has been implemented as a skill
  • Packet handling in large zones has been heavily optimized
  • Plane of Time (A) is super noob friendly (more AAs per kill, more loot)
  • ALL spells have a minimum recovery time of 1.0 seconds (if the recovery time was greater than 1.0 seconds).
  • Ancient: Drain Life abilities had cap removed from 1.5 - 2.5 SK epic.
  • Hunter's Wrath (70-72) [proc dmg] was actually screwy and could roll 0 damage. This has been fixed. In addition, the damage amount went up by roughly 40%.
  • EXP Values in LDONs has be increased to higher than Plane of Time but lower than QVIC. Each successive floor gives slightly more experience than the previous.
  • Minor text naming/description/lore updates to Augment Books for sake of consistency.
  • Almost all damage spells from 1-70 have been made consistent in terms of cast time. Nearly every spell was adjusted to match the 70+ spells of same/similar effect. This causes some of the lowbie spells to no longer have a 45-90s recast, most direct damage spells to 0.9 - 2.0 sec cast, most AoEs to 0.0 - 1.5 sec cast, most DoTs to 0.5 - 1.5 sec cast, and most heals to 0.0 - 2.0 cast.
  • Fixed an issue where Breath of Nature and Word of Vivification (sp?) had inconsistent recast and recovery times.
  • Most DoTs across the board have 0.0 - 0.5s recovery (time before it unlocks bar). This should help with dumping DoTs more expediently.
  • Slight drop rate increase to LDoN (almost nonexistent, but still an increase!).
  • Acquittal of the Tribunal, Timeless: Chlorobon, and Over Raided Healing all have cast time of 0.25 sec. This is not instant, VERY near instant, and should help with fizzle locking down the character for 10 full seconds. If this causes problems, please let me know and it can safely be undone.
  • All LDON levels have Epic Vendor, Newbie Vendor, and Buff Bot. May add in the card/charm NPC as well.
  • LDON now has batch dropped gems (3-5 at a time). This is common enough to add cash, but rare enough to not bog down clear times.
  • LDON NPCs saw some minor DB-side adjustments. Casters were given small amounts of resist difference (translated: better chance to land spells on fresh 70s), while lowering the melee damage. Most non-melee NPCs lost triple/quad attack in LDON as well.
  • Guardian's Charm and Brawler's Charm are now USEFUL
  • Essence Trader Now Accepts Bulks!
  • Essence Trader Now Accepts Bulks!
  • Essence Trader Now Accepts Bulks! weeeee
  • Fixed run-speed issues
  • Added a "Health Marquee" display for players to get accurate server health percentage
  • Gemstone of the Ages Drop Rate Increased!
  • Double Loot Events
  • Countless hours spent watching us hobble around t10
  • Group Teleports added to ToFS!
  • Scumbag botters destroyed!
  • Constant back and forth questions / feedback / concerns regarding t10 difficulty
  • Tons of source updates
  • Tons of spell file updates
  • So many on-the-fly fixes when the server comes up fubar after major source changes
  • Many behind-the-scenes optimizations to clean up clunky code and make things run smoother that goes unnoticed without any posts or news updates
  • Gemstones/Crystals Added to CT/QVIC, Increased Chance in T9!
  • Unstuck Corpse Function Added!
  • COMPLETE overhaul of the instance system
  • Multiple GM events, Orc attacks, Vampire attacks
  • Druids nerfed from making every single Warrior on the server an immortal God

And this is all from less than 6 MONTHS! And so many of the bugs and code updates go unmentioned, unnoticed, and unappreciated.

But seriously, Hate + Akka are working on this server spiking issue as much as they can possibly fit in to their schedules. I've given Hate all the information my non-programmer brain can possibly come up with, as well as offered my time to test things in-game to help cross some possible causes off the list. They know Halloween is coming, they know we're terrified with what's been happening the past few days. If people are upset and need to vent, it's understandable. BUT, when they're online asking OOC for actual intel and trying to gather as much evidence as they can to look around and figure out what hole to dig in, STOP SPOUTING STUPID FUCKING NONSENSICAL QQ INTO OOC. Akka just announced a reboot, and OOC fills with stupid shit like "awww mannnnn" "see you guys in 3 hours lulzzzz" "man everytime I try to play come on" Grow a fucking brain, how do you think they feel reading this garbage as they prepare to dig thru lines of code for someone that's being a dickweed?

So, thank you guys for what you do. It really is amazing how smoothly things are run 99% of the time. It's times like these where, instead of mindlessly QQing, you should appreciate all the days you played without any server hiccups.

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Warbash on October 14, 2015, 12:47:25 am
Nice post :)
Thank you guys, crazy what you do for free and to keep hunters memory alive.

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Mixlor on October 14, 2015, 02:28:13 am
I am the usual joker but this time I don't really have anything to say. Well said Kruciel...well said!


(might wanna go back in and change the font to red...would be the only thing I would have added to your post..)


Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Brannyn on October 14, 2015, 03:13:34 am
I try my best not to cry out about stuff serverside (Except with drop rates because it always gives me better drop rates after I cry in OOC).
Even as little as I get on and play on EZ, I still am very thankful for everything they do to keep this server up and awesome.

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: hateborne on October 14, 2015, 08:07:44 am
I try my best not to cry out about stuff serverside (Except with drop rates because it always gives me better drop rates after I cry in OOC).

That's called "praying to RNG through OOC". It works.  ;D


Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on October 14, 2015, 08:18:18 am
Well said.  Thanks Hate, Akka and Love for all you do!!!

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: barrettd04 on October 14, 2015, 10:16:16 am
I just cooked a pound of bacon.

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Skitzy on October 14, 2015, 10:27:10 am
I concur. I'm semi-familiar with how much work goes into this sort of project, albeit not on this large of a scale, and its so much more than a lot of people realize.  Your work here allows me to play something that I actually enjoy with my spare time, which is hard to come by these days, so I cannot extend my appreciation to you guys enough.

Seriously, thank you both; and thank you to everyone else that allows the eqemu community to continue on!

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Ponzi on October 15, 2015, 02:05:18 am
We also notice the little things..

Whoever made it so floor 5 tofs mobs drop *only* hero stone 5s, and Floor 7 mobs drop only hero stones 7 has my undying thanks. Noticed it running a buddy through for his Tserinna keys.

Would be fun to make a thread of just all the little things that are fixed under the radar that really make things nicer. :)

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Brannyn on October 15, 2015, 07:08:03 am
Like Anguish mobs no longer throwing arrows at you?

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Chunka on October 15, 2015, 01:34:09 pm
Akk and Hate are the two biggest reasons this is STILL my game of choice.

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: balidet on October 20, 2015, 02:18:37 pm
just wanted to remind you that even though we seem to bitch a lot on these forums we still enjoy the crap out of this old ass game thanks to all of the hard work you guys selflessly put into this project...

keep it up!

this is not about the "Vision" of hunter anymore but the sandbox you are creating for us...

again thank you!

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: warrior5 on October 20, 2015, 08:10:15 pm
1000% yup  :)

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: Warbash on October 25, 2015, 02:04:53 pm
Hate and Akka,

I know I already posted here but if there is anything you guys need, that I can do to show my thanks and appreciation, just let me know.
I'm in the powersports industry, so anything from watercrafts to motorcycles, I'm your huckleberry.

Title: Re: Dear Hate / Akka
Post by: balidet on October 25, 2015, 03:28:22 pm
lol yea I got your um..rock crushing and screening ... yea...well i don't actually break rocks..i just make the machines that do so other people can... so if you know someone ....that needs...rocks.....

/sigh I really am not much help.
