EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on November 21, 2015, 08:29:40 am

Title: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 21, 2015, 08:29:40 am
Strike Augment Changes!

These changes are live. All augs should be type 22 for proc'ing, 24 for HP, 25 for anything else (resists, mana, hp regen, mana regen, etc). If you find items that are not this way, PLEASE REPORT THEM IN THIS THREAD. A lot of augs were lost in the process and I spent two hours trying to save literally every one that I could. There will be a small (TEMPORARY) cost reduction very soon for those wishing to get caught up.

For those wondering about augments, the base damage on all augments has been increase by 3x (300%) and the "create three augments for a single T7 augment" crap is gone. You simply transition from rank 8 to rank 9 with the formulas. I'm posting this public sheet again as in-game books are broken on RoF2 still and I do not have time to fumble with updating them currently.


NEW SPELLFILE IS AVAILABLE! Also, recipes should be turned back on now.

Additionally, if you have problems, email hateborne@gmail.com with character name and SPECIFICS. Emails of "I lost an aug on SoandSo" (WITH NOTHING ELSE...yes, I get these) will be laughed at and deleted. If you can't put forth effort to request help, I can't bother to return effort.


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Gepeng on November 21, 2015, 08:46:04 am
Haha, I am so unlucky, I spent 10 millions to buy components yesterday, I hope it wont turn into a waste  :)

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Warbash on November 21, 2015, 09:37:44 am
What's the impact to firestrike 2h with dbl augs post t7? Same?
Also do we need te remove epic augs to be safe?

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: warrior5 on November 21, 2015, 11:53:00 am
I'm assuming this doesn't affect Tse whip, only pre T7 items. Also want to echo the question on zerk 2h since the intention is to remove the need for UF.

Also, while you're adjusting damage for augs, I'd recommend reviewing the dmg for anger augs. In today's EZ their dmg output seems trivial, especially the anger VI as this aug is supposed to be for T7+. Just a thought.

Final note - I attempted to remove some augs this morning, and often received an error that the augment could not be found.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Rent Due on November 21, 2015, 02:13:59 pm
and an echo to the questions above, do we need to remove the 2 strike augs from the 2hand weapons for T9 weapons

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Brannyn on November 21, 2015, 03:30:20 pm
I would just to be on the safe side rent. Better to be stuck playing the aug dance with FS augs than to lose the aug and cry to hate about it.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Akito1221 on November 21, 2015, 03:59:32 pm
I would just to be on the safe side rent. Better to be stuck playing the aug dance with FS augs than to lose the aug and cry to hate about it.

I'm going with this route, going to remove augs tonight when I'm done playing and take a break until Monday/Tuesday. Excited for the changes though!!

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 21, 2015, 04:00:26 pm
He already posted 3 days ago the 2nd aug slot on 2hs are safe until he says. I wouldnt worry about it for now

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Akito1221 on November 21, 2015, 05:21:55 pm
If things will be refunded after then i wont worry, if there are no refunds then i would remove the items so you don't have to deal with the OMG it happened.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Ponzi on November 21, 2015, 06:20:53 pm
People still use strike augments?

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 21, 2015, 06:23:59 pm
Rent, no, it's fine for now. I'll give warning if it's changing.

-Hate /quote]

From 2 days ago. "Question for Hateborne" where Rent asks if we need to remove the 2nd strike aug.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Rent Due on November 21, 2015, 07:10:10 pm
I was just making sure cause I'm out of commission for a few more days with some medical shit and didn't want to come back to heartattack and have to go all "all play and no augs makes jack a very angry player" mode.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 09:33:12 am
Placing the rest of the changes in DB now. I'm honestly going to remove the two slots on 2h and bows (not now). I'll give everyone until Wednesday to remove augs from 2h as I'll just create a 2h Firestrike aug. :-P


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: WatchYouDie on November 22, 2015, 10:44:10 am
Placing the rest of the changes in DB now. I'm honestly going to remove the two slots on 2h and bows (not now). I'll give everyone until Wednesday to remove augs from 2h as I'll just create a 2h Firestrike aug. :-P


will there be a way to convert the FS aug

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 11:14:33 am
Updated original post.


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 12:11:57 pm
Will be back online in maybe 15min to help with those missing augments. Again, ALL REIMBURSEMENT REQUESTS MUST BE EMAILED TO ME FIRST. Additionally, I am checking against previous night's backup to confirm before handing out items. Liars get suspensions, so save us both time and don't do that. :-)


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 01:12:02 pm
More: I will be level restricting augments Wednesday as well. This is because a T2 could technically use a VERY high level augment now.


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: zzakk on November 22, 2015, 02:06:18 pm
So I was moving HP and Resist augs around on my gear and noticed with my T9 Mask of the Spider I am unable to put a Resist X on the mask.  I get a "You cannot place two duplicate gems in the same item" message.  I'm wondering if when the other slot was removed, which would have contained a Resist X, the aug is still linked with the item.  No biggie cause I can just aug a XI.  Just wanted to let you know of a potential cleanup issue.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 03:51:04 pm
So I was moving HP and Resist augs around on my gear and noticed with my T9 Mask of the Spider I am unable to put a Resist X on the mask.  I get a "You cannot place two duplicate gems in the same item" message.  I'm wondering if when the other slot was removed, which would have contained a Resist X, the aug is still linked with the item.  No biggie cause I can just aug a XI.  Just wanted to let you know of a potential cleanup issue.

This *should* be resolved now.


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Kwai on November 22, 2015, 04:20:08 pm
Only my monks were affected.  Weird.  Zerks and Pallies were good. Email sent.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 22, 2015, 05:00:52 pm
Monk, bard, ranger and bst were stripped :( email sent.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 22, 2015, 05:32:15 pm
Silly question, plz don't beat me up.

Since you multiplied x300% dmg on the augs, are you planning on doing the same to the dmg proc on the UW's ? Or could you enable the slot 22 for the UW ? :)

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 06:27:00 pm
Silly question, plz don't beat me up.

Since you multiplied x300% dmg on the augs, are you planning on doing the same to the dmg proc on the UW's ? Or could you enable the slot 22 for the UW ? :)

That's not a stupid question. The reason for the damage bonus is because it used to be Pre-T7 aug x3 per weapon. Now it's just 1 aug per weapon. So the pre-t7 augs are slightly more expensive and MUUUUCH stronger so it's a seamless transition. So much so that the T6->T7 "make three augs to get your new slot 22 aug" is gone (yes, it's literally just rank 8 -> 9).

Did that adequately cover it?


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 22, 2015, 06:52:49 pm
Yea, I got that. What im looking at now is the dmg proc on the UW vs the current augs

UW8= 71,875 (dagger)
NS8 (Pre) = 62,500
NS8 (now) = 187,500

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 22, 2015, 06:59:50 pm
Yea, I got that. What im looking at now is the dmg proc on the UW vs the current augs

UW8= 71,875 (dagger)
NS8 (Pre) = 62,500
NS8 (now) = 187,500

Assuming UW8 dagger:

NS8 = 187,500
T6 Dagger = 2,800

UW8 Proc = 71,875
UW8 Damage = 66,300

While the auto attack damage is slightly high on NS8/T6 dagger, backstabs will SKYROCKET dps with UW8 dagger. Additionally, I'm not seeing the huge issue as it's been like this forever except now it only takes one aug instead of three?


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Brannyn on November 22, 2015, 08:25:37 pm
Someone said last week in OOC that UW4 dagger will outdamage NS9 because of the backstab damage.
Just UW1 dagger can crit for over 2mil backstabs and I believe UW8 dagger has at least 8x the bs damage on it (I believe it's actually over 10x but not sure). Backstabs can double and I believe we have the capability of getting triple backstabs now.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Darpey on November 22, 2015, 09:01:45 pm
Updated backstab amounts on UW dagger page Ultimate Dagger (http://ezserverwiki.com/Ultimate_Dagger)

I guess there's a multiplier from the UW itself - bc the "backstab" damage itself is low, I guess I'm missing something


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Warbash on November 22, 2015, 10:40:46 pm
email sent.
Mnk, bst, bard, rang, rogue stripped. Rogue only main hand and ns8 from ts, but left the NSXI in off hand.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Chunka on November 22, 2015, 11:33:40 pm
I guess there's a multiplier from the UW itself - bc the "backstab" damage itself is low, I guess I'm missing something

Seems it. UW 8, no epic aug, 1.3 mil backstab average. With epic aug 12 mil and change. Desert Shank with epic aug is 712K avg backstab, without is 1732.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: warrior5 on November 23, 2015, 02:40:33 am
Anger Aug dmg was not increased 300% - I also have an ISX stuck in a freeport arc of pain.

Update: Nm got it out. Something odd going on with items in bank. My arc of pain became a stone of resistance. Also noticed I had two tse whips and two arcs in bank earlier. Looks like some items are appearing as duplicate weapons for some reason and then when you zone they go back to their original types.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: barrettd04 on November 23, 2015, 02:48:14 am
He's working on a solution.  He was under the impression that no one used more than 1 anger aug or something pre t7, when I explained that I in fact used 4 anger V's and 2 IS.  So, yea.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Momentum on November 23, 2015, 07:20:26 am

Update: Nm got it out. Something odd going on with items in bank. My arc of pain became a stone of resistance. Also noticed I had two tse whips and two arcs in bank earlier. Looks like some items are appearing as duplicate weapons for some reason and then when you zone they go back to their original types.

I noticed this anytime I try to mess with augs on items in the bank. Best practice is pull everything out of the bank before working on augs.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 23, 2015, 07:25:11 am
Rogue with tessa whip in offhand? Im seeing crits up in mid 30 mil

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Rent Due on November 23, 2015, 10:29:06 am
Silly question, plz don't beat me up.

Since you multiplied x300% dmg on the augs, are you planning on doing the same to the dmg proc on the UW's ? Or could you enable the slot 22 for the UW ? :)

That's not a stupid question. The reason for the damage bonus is because it used to be Pre-T7 aug x3 per weapon. Now it's just 1 aug per weapon. So the pre-t7 augs are slightly more expensive and MUUUUCH stronger so it's a seamless transition. So much so that the T6->T7 "make three augs to get your new slot 22 aug" is gone (yes, it's literally just rank 8 -> 9).

Did that adequately cover it?


So, one sec....you no longer have to make 3 NS augs to convert into 1 NS aug to progress the aug?

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Brannyn on November 23, 2015, 11:45:35 am
I guess there's a multiplier from the UW itself - bc the "backstab" damage itself is low, I guess I'm missing something

Seems it. UW 8, no epic aug, 1.3 mil backstab average. With epic aug 12 mil and change. Desert Shank with epic aug is 712K avg backstab, without is 1732.
The main source of damage comes from using 2 epic augs with the UW

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 23, 2015, 12:15:39 pm
Silly question, plz don't beat me up.

Since you multiplied x300% dmg on the augs, are you planning on doing the same to the dmg proc on the UW's ? Or could you enable the slot 22 for the UW ? :)

That's not a stupid question. The reason for the damage bonus is because it used to be Pre-T7 aug x3 per weapon. Now it's just 1 aug per weapon. So the pre-t7 augs are slightly more expensive and MUUUUCH stronger so it's a seamless transition. So much so that the T6->T7 "make three augs to get your new slot 22 aug" is gone (yes, it's literally just rank 8 -> 9).

Did that adequately cover it?


So, one sec....you no longer have to make 3 NS augs to convert into 1 NS aug to progress the aug?

No you don't. So you can now go straight from T6 to T7 w/out having 3 of the same. HOWEVER, I do believe, and Hate can correct me, that the prices will be substantially increased to compensate the change during those levels. Sooo get on it!

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Brannyn on November 23, 2015, 01:21:27 pm
So are the ToFS weapons going to be updated as well?
Yes I know you are going to update twhip so it doesn't have 2 slots but that is not what i'm asking.  Looking more at the magnetic dirk and such.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Rent Due on November 23, 2015, 04:02:25 pm
Silly question, plz don't beat me up.

Since you multiplied x300% dmg on the augs, are you planning on doing the same to the dmg proc on the UW's ? Or could you enable the slot 22 for the UW ? :)

That's not a stupid question. The reason for the damage bonus is because it used to be Pre-T7 aug x3 per weapon. Now it's just 1 aug per weapon. So the pre-t7 augs are slightly more expensive and MUUUUCH stronger so it's a seamless transition. So much so that the T6->T7 "make three augs to get your new slot 22 aug" is gone (yes, it's literally just rank 8 -> 9).

Did that adequately cover it?


So, one sec....you no longer have to make 3 NS augs to convert into 1 NS aug to progress the aug?

No you don't. So you can now go straight from T6 to T7 w/out having 3 of the same. HOWEVER, I do believe, and Hate can correct me, that the prices will be substantially increased to compensate the change during those levels. Sooo get on it!

This reminds me of something, oh yeah

"back in my day son we had to make 3 of each augment just to turn into 1 augment and progress!"

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 23, 2015, 08:57:41 pm
Still working through the requests as fast as I can. Work wrecked me today so I was actually busy outside of game.


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Stikkan on November 23, 2015, 11:12:50 pm
Will Mana Necklace be changed to have FS 2hs proc or remain as is?  I heard the cost should be going up with the changes to strike augs as well.  Does that mean we can expect something different with the necklace as well?  Also, any clue as the effects on SoA price and such?

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: WatchYouDie on November 25, 2015, 11:48:26 am
suggestion FS augs are ber pal sk only basically those classes use 2hd if not they are tanking using 1hd taking a mass damage hit as is from white damage. How about upping fs dmg 50% and leave it able to go in both 1hd and 2hd and remove the 2nd slot on 2hds

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Brannyn on November 25, 2015, 12:49:07 pm
suggestion FS augs are ber pal sk only basically those classes use 2hd if not they are tanking using 1hd taking a mass damage hit as is from white damage. How about upping fs dmg 50% and leave it able to go in both 1hd and 2hd and remove the 2nd slot on 2hds
Already pointed out the fact that they will be using only 1 aug no matter what. Just let him work his magic and do what he do.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on November 25, 2015, 01:16:22 pm
suggestion FS augs are ber pal sk only basically those classes use 2hd if not they are tanking using 1hd taking a mass damage hit as is from white damage. How about upping fs dmg 50% and leave it able to go in both 1hd and 2hd and remove the 2nd slot on 2hds

You're tunnel-vision focusing on Firestrike. What about 2h axes, swords, and bo staves that accept two slot 22 augs (i.e. monks, bards, rangers, etc)


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: WatchYouDie on November 25, 2015, 01:24:43 pm
suggestion FS augs are ber pal sk only basically those classes use 2hd if not they are tanking using 1hd taking a mass damage hit as is from white damage. How about upping fs dmg 50% and leave it able to go in both 1hd and 2hd and remove the 2nd slot on 2hds

You're tunnel-vision focusing on Firestrike. What about 2h axes, swords, and bo staves that accept two slot 22 augs (i.e. monks, bards, rangers, etc)

those classes get to duel wield and prob should until they get a UW ...either way i get your point =)


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Expletus on November 25, 2015, 01:34:14 pm
Whats ranger dmg with bow vs dw ?

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Raygan on November 25, 2015, 05:54:52 pm
For those wondering about augments, the base damage on all augments has been increase by 3x (300%)

I take it that is just on augs pre t7?  Or am I reading that to say all augs (i.e. NS 11) had increase of 300%?  If thats the case what kind of dps are we looking at from  strikes versus UW now?

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: dopeystuffz on November 25, 2015, 08:54:50 pm
Just pre T7 were increased I believe. Its a lot more linear damage increase now ^^

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: zefirus on November 28, 2015, 04:51:23 pm
Glad I check the forums regularly.. well, email sent with missing augs and an explanation as to what was zeroed out and what wasn't. 2 handers were ok.. oddly, all of my ranged were wiped of their resist augs.

With this being said, I think the change is awesome and makes it more linear and much easier for the newer folks, but not completely so.

Should I remove my Fire-strike augs or are they safe?  Just to conifrm I should remove em

EDIT - I took them out. Better safe then sorry

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Ponzi on November 30, 2015, 02:37:22 am
Ya, atm Ranged slot options seem pretty devoid of anything but strike aug type 22 options, which makes them basically empty vessels. =/

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Premador on November 30, 2015, 07:17:09 am
Toons with 1 handers (monk, rogues, clerics) lost their augs, minus rogues with tserrinas whip

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Natedog on December 07, 2015, 01:36:51 am
E-mail sent.. my NS users all missing augs.. like everyone above posting :p

It seems everyone was doing the same thing...

(Epic Aug, NS Aug, EMPTY) -- OLD

(Epic Aug, EMPTY) -- NEW

So everyone who only used 1 aug per weapon now has no augs :P

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: WatchYouDie on December 07, 2015, 10:24:18 am
he want's rank of aug and weapon/ weapon location

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: WatchYouDie on December 07, 2015, 10:32:46 am
That's not even english
it's american

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: WatchYouDie on December 07, 2015, 10:38:42 am
he want's rank of aug and weapon/ weapon location

I just re-read the entire thread. No mention of this anywhere at all. What I posted above is what I sent him the day the shitstorm went down, and it worked just fine.
i know it doesnt say it in the forum but when he replies to the orig e-mail it's what he asks for ... at least he did of me. thought i would just try and help out like you are too =P

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Natedog on December 07, 2015, 10:41:10 am
I vote next time someone contacts me and I'll write up a sexy script to do all the work! :P So crazy shit like this doesn't happen lol

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Agilm on December 08, 2015, 03:59:15 pm
Just logged in after being gone for about a year and noticed this...

I did my best to tell him what was missing but there is no telling what's gone on some of my newer toons I used for my 2nd group and especially the toons on my Son's account.

The HP and Mana augs I can farm again if need be... but my Ninjastrike, Firestrike and Icestrike augs... ouch!

My pally's augs was the last thing I worked on and I have no idea where I left off... I can't seen any of them in the Epic. :(

Keeping my fingers crossed that most of it is recovered/fixed or whatever can be done.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Chunka on December 08, 2015, 06:27:46 pm
Yeah, I hadnt noticed before but the FSXI augs in both my pallies' 1hers are missing, too. Emailed Hate, we'll see what happens when he returns.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Natedog on December 08, 2015, 06:37:49 pm
Yeah, I hadnt noticed before but the FSXI augs in both my pallies' 1hers are missing, too. Emailed Hate, we'll see what happens when he returns.

Ah so most 1hders got ganked of augs... the 2hder were all safe for my zerkers / paladins.

Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: hateborne on December 09, 2015, 02:22:21 pm
Got through the last bit of email. :)


Title: Re: Strike Augment Changes! 11/21/15
Post by: Natedog on December 09, 2015, 07:39:49 pm
Got through the last bit of email. :)


Got mine thanks <3