EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: wendel on February 22, 2016, 10:40:41 pm

Title: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: wendel on February 22, 2016, 10:40:41 pm
To the asshat Workiing that just scammed me out of 30 Essences, go fuck yourself.
I guess it's my fault for hitting the trade, but I still hope your dick falls off from masturbating too much... 

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: samuel_denton on February 23, 2016, 12:29:43 am
Workiing likes this  :) :) ;D much love 237 copper

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Chunka on February 23, 2016, 04:53:56 am
Yeah, dont know the story, so cant comment on your experience....but Workiing and Kande are either closely associated (as in sharing accounts) or are in fact the same player. Either way, many on the server wont deal with either.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: samuel_denton on February 23, 2016, 06:49:34 am
We are two different ppl he help me and said I can use his
Toon if I need to help get through some stuff on the game y'all are mad at him because he cheated all I did was stand up for him because y'all just keep dragging it out over and over like git over yourself I don't cheat at the game I play fair just sometimes use his toon when he not online so he not me if y'all are mad at me be mad idc stand in line with the rest of the haters  :)

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 07:08:09 am
Samuel _ D, are you Workiing in game? If so then what happened with the 30 esse's referred to?

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 07:11:36 am
Wendell how about an explanation from your side as well..what did he do to scam you?  Maybe the server admin can do something to help.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: kronarq on February 23, 2016, 07:26:49 am
I saw people complaining about getting scammed by him in OOC today. While experienced players learn to avoid this moron new players will still fall victim. Allowing known scammers to run free is bad for the server. His account should be deleted and all accounts accessed by the IP addresses that accessed that account should be deleted. Those IP addresses should be banned for the next couple weeks until they have likely been recycled.

To Samuel_Denton:

  Whether you participated in the scamming or not you still knowingly reaped the benefits and are just as guilty.

  I would also like to point out trying to read your writing is just painful. If English isn't your first language, I apologize and kudos to you for working on learning multiple languages. If English is your first language, hopefully the admins will ban you like I suggested above. You would at least have more time to take an English class, the world and the English language will be grateful.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 08:35:17 am
Here's a thought, echoed by the more experienced of us on the server: Don't deal with this guy, or his cheating BFF Kande.

It will only be a matter of time before their scams catch up to them for good. It always does.

As far as,
y'all are mad at me be mad idc stand in line with the rest of the haters  :)

No one has more "haters" than The Rent  ;D clearly for other reasons though, as my gaming integrity has never been in question.

 As far as,
because y'all just keep dragging it out over and over like git over yourself

Yes, we will keep dragging it out, over and over from here until the end of time.

Again, new players, steer clear of these jackwagons. Steer clear of trading with, dealing with, guilding, trusting, etc.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Darpey on February 23, 2016, 08:40:37 am
Naaw Rent, you're a good guy. As are the rest of the main EZ crew, for the most part, although many (including me) certainly have our eccentricities.

Concerning "samuel_denton"/ Workiing / Kande - just ask Maslow how being a dick turns out.

(spoiler: you can't ask Maslow that question)

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: wendel on February 23, 2016, 10:22:00 am
Wendell how about an explanation from your side as well..what did he do to scam you?  Maybe the server admin can do something to help.

End of the day it's my fault for hitting trade... however I wish there was a 5 second timer that held items in escrow...

What happened was workiing was advertising that he was offering 237m for 30 GMajors... I had them, it will also be months before I could use them... I thought sure... that's a great investment...

I find Workiing in the nexus, he's a lizard with a 2hUW... I think to myself, getting an UW isn't easy, he must of had a lot of help(he is blue to me), I put the items in the trade window... see a shitload of coins go in, hit trade... as I hit trade I realize it was coppper he put in there... it's late, my math isn't great... I didn't worry... take it to the banker to exchange it... it was only 287k plat... that's when I knew I'd been scammed, and the workiing was lower then whale shit on the bottom of the ocean...

I'm not a noob, I've been playing EQ since 99, I know all the scams... I think the problem was that I just trust everyone on this server so much I let my guard down....

So once again Workiing and your minions.... Fuck off, we don't need you on the server

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 10:24:33 am
Screw that! Rent is a queer! Just joking....Although he does like some sugar in his tank.  I just hope if this guy got scammed that the person who scammed him gets the butt reeming of a life time...can't stand someone who screws over the next guy (although I hear Rent likes it)

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 10:27:07 am
Send Hate a message on forums. ..fuck that guy!!!!!! What a douchbag move !!!!

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 10:33:18 am
Workiing likes this  :) :) ;D much love 237 copper
    And he admitted it before it was posted...guilty as charged!  Hate please hit this piece of shit with the ban hammer!

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 10:45:13 am

What this jackwagon did was underhanded, dirty and rotten. That is not in question. I hope everyone at least looks at this thread and takes action with their deals.

Technically, as I am sure you know, what he did is not against the rules of the server.

So, contacting Hate, while you can do that to get his formal stance, but I don't see him taking action against the trade or reversing it.

This is a community issue. For the most part, what I have seen, heard and spoke with people about, these assclowns are on the out's.

We should just all distance our community from these jackholes. Wait, and they will screw up again, that lure of quick gain and greed will screw them over, hopefully soon.

As for you damn people that are on here denying me the right to be me! screw off!


get in my bus! So let it be written, so let it be done!

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: balidet on February 23, 2016, 10:55:42 am
nah fuck all that.

this is a small server .... these "Rules" are just bullshit ...we need to do what we need to do to eliminate jack off's like this..

I vote "if I had such a thing" in removal of all toons... deletion of accounts... ip adress the entire thing if possible...

we dont need this 4th grade bullshit on this server...

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 11:37:22 am
nah fuck all that.

this is a small server .... these "Rules" are just bullshit ...we need to do what we need to do to eliminate jack off's like this..

I vote "if I had such a thing" in removal of all toons... deletion of accounts... ip adress the entire thing if possible...

we dont need this 4th grade bullshit on this server...

I'm quite happy with the 4th grade bullshit that I produce for the server on a daily basis

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Goth on February 23, 2016, 11:52:24 am
Workiing likes this  :) :) ;D much love 237 copper
    And he admitted it before it was posted...guilty as charged!  Hate please hit this piece of shit with the ban hammer!

Ban his ass ... we really do not need players like this

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 12:01:32 pm
- Crowd: A jackwagon! A jackwagon! A jackwagon! We found a jackwagon! We've got a jackwagon! A jackwagon! A jackwagon! We have found a jackwagon. May we burn him?
 - How do you know he is a jackwagon
- he looks like one.
 - Bring him forward.
 - I'm not a jackwagon! I'm not a jackwagon !
 - But you are dressed as one.
 - They dressed me like this. - No, we didn't.
 - And this isn't my nose. It's a false one.
 - Well? - We did do the nose.
 - The nose? - And the hat. But he is a jackwagon !
 - Did you dress her up like this? - No, no!
 - Yes. A bit.
 - he has got a assclown friend named Kande.
 - What makes you think he's a jackwagon?
 - he screwed a guy over on a trade!
 - A trade?
 - I got better, the community is gonna screw him over on my behalf.
 - Burn him anyway!
 - Quiet! Quiet!
 - There are ways of telling whether he is a jackwagon.
 - Are there? What are they? Tell us. - Do they hurt?
 - Tell me, what do you do with jackwagons?
 - Burn them!
 - And what do you burn, apart from jackwagons?
 - More jackwagons! - Wood!
 - So why do jackwagons burn?
 - 'Cause they're made of wood? - Good!
 - How do we tell if he is made of wood? - Build a bridge out of him.
 - But can you not also make bridges out of stone?
 - Oh, yeah.
 - Does wood sink in water?
 - No, it floats. - Throw him into the pond!
 - What also floats in water?
 - Bread. - Apples.
 - Very small rocks. - Cider! Great gravy.
 - Cherries. Mud. - Churches.
 - Lead. - Kande!
 - Exactly.
 - So, logically--
 - If he weighs the same as a Kande...
 - he's made of wood.
 - And therefore?
 - A jackwagon!
 - Kande! Kande! - Here's Kande.
 - We shall use my largest scales.
 - Burn the jackwagon !
 - Remove the supports!
 - A jackwagon!

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Blurring on February 23, 2016, 12:18:48 pm
Just because I haven't listed a rule, doesn't mean you can't get banned for a certain action. Use your head, You know right and wrong.
Don't be an idiot or you'll get banned.

Do not harass players through actions or words. Let them have their mobs and don't spam them. If try to ruin the game for others, then you'll be removed from the game.

Hope this jackass gets banned.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 01:08:24 pm
You said it better than anyone Blarr. I whole heartily agree with you. He knew exactly what he was doing and should pay the price.  /going to get my pitchfork

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 01:47:25 pm
You said it better than anyone Blarr. I whole heartily agree with you. He knew exactly what he was doing and should pay the price.  /going to get my pitchfork

Can you get mine too Ray? I think I left it at your mom's house. I want to bring the torch as well, do you have a spare torch and someone get some gas and a lighter

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 01:51:15 pm
My mom had to sell yours because you didn't leave milk money again, Rent. >:(

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: samuel_denton on February 23, 2016, 03:59:27 pm
I said in ooc 237m for 30 gmajora knowing it a large amount of cash someone should had know it was just a joke I didn't say 237m plat just 237m so when he got there he put the gmajors in the trade I put the 237m cooper which is what I was trading he looked at it for a min and hit trade like it his own fult for doing that like I was just jocking around and didn't think he would had hit trade and just be like lol your funny and get a kick out of it but he got what I was offering trading is on both parts both haft to hit trade it not just me hitting trade

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 04:11:39 pm
So did you give him the essences back?
With how ticked he is i would say no you didnt...so if it was a joke you should have given them back...if not you scammed him and knew good and well what you were doing.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 04:23:25 pm
I said in ooc 237m for 30 gmajora knowing it a large amount of cash someone should had know it was just a joke I didn't say 237m plat just 237m so when he got there he put the gmajors in the trade I put the 237m cooper which is what I was trading he looked at it for a min and hit trade like it his own fult for doing that like I was just jocking around and didn't think he would had hit trade and just be like lol your funny and get a kick out of it but he got what I was offering trading is on both parts both haft to hit trade it not just me hitting trade

that's the most pathetic excuse/rationale I think I've ever heard about a scam. Here's a statement that is not a joke, give him the essences back and self ban yourself for a month for being a scourge on our server. Or, stick around and see how the community deals with your "someone should had know it was just a joke" bullshit.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 23, 2016, 04:24:48 pm
and while you're at it, start writing your posts in MS word, proof read them, spellcheck and all that before you post. You make Ebonics look bad.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Dimur on February 23, 2016, 04:57:36 pm
Before you start trying to play yourself as the victim...even though you are the victim of a severely sadistic English curriculum when it comes to communicative skills, I thought I'd throw up a few snippets from you bragging about and openly admitting the scam you pulled.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Dimur on February 23, 2016, 04:58:22 pm

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: balidet on February 23, 2016, 05:46:11 pm
Well... I am glad I got him talking in ooc but honestly I dont have any pity for anyone who does a trade without making sure its good.

So I do think the working should be perma removed with IP bans, char bans all of that because we really dont want to play with him or anyone like him.

but also the person who hit trade should not get the essence back and consider it lesson learned...

that sucks..

hate is not our net nanny ...

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: samuel_denton on February 23, 2016, 07:17:44 pm
Well... I am glad I got him talking in ooc but honestly I dont have any pity for anyone who does a trade without making sure its good.

So I do think the working should be perma removed with IP bans, char bans all of that because we really dont want to play with him or anyone like him.

but also the person who hit trade should not get the essence back and consider it lesson learned...

that sucks..

Yea it does suck but even if u don't like me I'm not here to play a game with y'all like fr i can care less about what y'all think about me and y would I get baned if he hit trade to one again it takes 2 to tangle not just one

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Raygan on February 23, 2016, 07:26:27 pm
Wow Dimur.....that puts his whole "I was just playing a joke on him when a storm blew threw Texas and knocked my power out" story he was dishing out this afternoon in /ooc.....yeah this guy is scum.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Chunka on February 23, 2016, 07:27:41 pm
y would I get baned if he hit trade to one again it takes 2 to tangle not just one

Sorry, but thats like claiming a woman asked for it because she didnt say "no" after you ruffied her. You're trash, pure and simple, and the server is better off without people like you on it. I eagerly await the descent of the banhammer on your pathetic ass.

And by the way....trying to read your semi-literate scribbling is painful. I know US public education is pathetic, but DAMN.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Noot on February 23, 2016, 07:38:53 pm
I haven't seen something this slimy since George C. Parker and Charles Ponzi had a baby.

In my profession I deal with con artists, frauds, counterfeiters, and general liars.  Conniving cuntbags looking to fleece honest people expecting an honest return.  

I don't cheat at the game I play fair just sometimes use his toon when he not online so he not me if y'all are mad at me be mad idc stand in line with the rest of the haters

Typical criminal mindset.  You've intentionally been dishonest to take advantage of another person in a community for your own personal gain/benefit.  Whatever mental gymnastics it takes for you to not feel guilt.  This is a sign you don't lack empathy, you're merely attempting to fool yourself that you aren't a piece of shit.  Also typical to align yourself with outsiders or the unliked to reinforce your victim/downtrodden angle.  No one is falling for it but you.

I put the 237m cooper which is what I was trading he looked at it for a min and hit trade like it his own fult for doing that like I was just jocking around and didn't think he would had hit trade and just be like lol your funny and get a kick out of it but he got what I was offering trading is on both parts both haft to hit trade it not just me hitting trade

Con artists are notorious for throwing out lines and waiting for a bite.  If someone catches on and cuts before your big payoff, no big deal, keep fishing for the next sucker.  That way when someone does fall for your game, it's their fault for not seeing through your con.  Another justification in your series of delusions.  It's incredible the lengths crooks, criminals, and thieves will go to so they can sleep at night.

You're not very clever, just clever enough to take advantage of someone.  

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Chunka on February 23, 2016, 07:43:46 pm
On the plus side...according to the rules of the road here this means that if this scumbag goes bye-bye Kande does as well.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: balidet on February 24, 2016, 12:55:31 am
this has been a major distraction from my farming of lewtz...

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Rent Due on February 24, 2016, 07:14:42 am
since i got kicked out of my guild i went ahead and left the server and deleted ALL my toons that i play. on yall got what you wanted go fuck yall self im out <3 much love

I still want Hate to make a public stance and let the hammer fall on the side of justice. 2 jackwagons with 1 hammer stroke? I'm all in!

Plus, I seriously doubt someone this deep in their own bullshit would "self delete" all their gains without first moving their ill gotten wealth to new characters on different accounts.

That's the beautiful thing about Hate's power in this sandbox, you can not hide your IP address :)

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: Darpey on February 24, 2016, 07:49:46 am
but also the person who hit trade should not get the essence back and consider it lesson learned...

that sucks..

hate is not our net nanny ...
I see where you're coming from. However, how many of us have, at one point in EZ, put the wrong items on trade on an NPC in an important trade and had them eaten? Given the xp mask to the wrong NPC. Accidentally did this or that and had x, y, z eaten, etc... etc...

IDK - I would equate it very similarly. NPC's don't forgive. At least most of the time, if the wrong trade item is put on the window, a PC would say "whoops" fix the mistake. Clearly not in this case.

Title: Re: Workiing Go Fist Yourself
Post by: hateborne on February 24, 2016, 10:22:16 pm
The plot thickens. The character has been deleted. I'm harassing Akkadius for a backup from the week before so I can trace the character. Once I do, I'll deal with it. Considering a character was deleted or renamed to cover tracks makes me less likely to be lenient.

Workiing trashed his characters, except one named 'Lois' (Griffin). I helped him find his way out with that one too.
