EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on March 18, 2016, 12:57:19 pm

Title: Still Alive! 3-18-16
Post by: hateborne on March 18, 2016, 12:57:19 pm
Hi Ladies/Gents/Trolls,

Hate again. I'm still here, it's just been a particularly brutal week with wedding bits and still job hunting. I will get all outstanding emails/issues caught up by Wednesday (3-23-16). I apologize on the delay and will make up for my sluggishness in response time.

Additionally, if anyone happens to know of a telecommute opening for a Linux Sysadmin or Jr. Dev Ops monkey, please pass that information my way (Hateborne@gmail.com).


Title: Re: Still Alive! 3-18-16
Post by: munga on March 18, 2016, 04:11:11 pm
Congratulations on the wedding!

Title: Re: Still Alive! 3-18-16
Post by: balidet on March 18, 2016, 05:26:41 pm
wait....you got married and fired?

horrible week!

I kid!

best of luck.... changing jobs is just an opportunity to better yourself.

Title: Re: Still Alive! 3-18-16
Post by: hateborne on March 21, 2016, 11:13:51 am
Not yet. Wedding is the first week of May and my previous employer effectively went belly up. I was dropped Feb 17th and been hunting ever since.

As mentioned, if anyone has a contact needing a Linux System Administrator or a Perl/SQL/C++ monkey, let me know. :-\
