EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chameleonn on April 01, 2016, 06:10:56 am

Title: Private Login Server
Post by: Chameleonn on April 01, 2016, 06:10:56 am
Can we please have a private login server

i asked in ooc about this and was told by AKKA to make a post here and gather support so if enough of you agree with me he said he will do for us

up side of private login server:

1. if EQemu login goes down we can still play
2. the server number for EZ in EQemu (that change ever damm day) wont effect autologin in MQ2 any more
3. am sure it logs in faster/quiker/like Lightning/i might be lying

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Darpey on April 01, 2016, 08:18:07 am
up side of private login server:

1. if EQemu login goes down we can still play
2. the server number for EZ in EQemu (that change ever damm day) wont effect autologin in MQ2 any more
3. am sure it logs in faster/quiker/like Lightning/i might be lying

I don't know how exactly that works - I know Shards of Dalaya just recently re-joined EQEmu, and had a private server for years.

"if EQemu login goes down we can still play" - granted I haven't played in a while, but... does this really happen? Hardly at all in my recollection

"the server number for EZ in EQemu (that change ever damm day) wont effect autologin in MQ2 any more" - This would be a huge benefit - to be able to log into all 12, 16, whatever, characters automatically with MQ2? /drool

"am sure it logs in faster/quiker/like Lightning/i might be lying" - idk, maybe, it's fine as is though.

Server numbers not changing would be awesome.

My biggest concern would be the publicity this server would lose.

If we lost our EQEmu LS connection, we would (in my opinion) get virtually zero new players, or at least a lot less. We need new players on EZ. Not the same ol' stale T10 guys working on their 6th UW.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Kelordis on April 01, 2016, 10:40:47 am
"the server number for EZ in EQemu (that change ever damm day) wont effect autologin in MQ2 any more" - This would be a huge benefit - to be able to log into all 12, 16, whatever, characters automatically with MQ2? /drool
Yeah, the thing is. It all take 3 seconds to change the server number on MQ2Autologging INI everyday, sure it can be hassle if you're really lazy. But to me, it's not really a big deal.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Akkadius on April 01, 2016, 11:35:10 am
One thing I would make of mention is that if we did this, there would be simultaneous connections to both loginservers if we did this.

It would just be up to user preference which one they decide to use. If you use the EZ login server, obviously the only server you will see is the EZ server.

I would also have to create an association between existing (EQEmu) accounts and the new loginserver accounts as well.

We wouldn't lose any publicity over this.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Darpey on April 01, 2016, 12:13:28 pm
Great - I don't see any downside then.

Akkadius - could you tell us the benefits of moving to a private loginserver?

i.e. will it be faster? Would the server number stay the same? Would it be more stable?, etc...

Thank you!

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Akkadius on April 01, 2016, 02:00:14 pm
Great - I don't see any downside then.

Akkadius - could you tell us the benefits of moving to a private loginserver?

i.e. will it be faster? Would the server number stay the same? Would it be more stable?, etc...

Merely that if you wanted to 'auto login' the server number would stay the same yes. The other benefit is that you can create as many accounts specific to EZ server as you wanted granted that I build a web interface to manage the accounts. Those accounts couldn't be used on anything other than the private loginserver.

You'd have two ways of getting to the same server. And I could tie private loginserver accounts to the original EQEmu based ones as well.

Coming up with this solution would take a little bit to develop though, not too terribly long.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: warrior5 on April 01, 2016, 02:06:14 pm
Ohh yeah this sounds like a good idea.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Kobrakai Pwnstar on April 01, 2016, 02:22:07 pm
sounds good to me - I use separate eq clients for different eq servers, but either way this would be awesome.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Natedog on April 01, 2016, 03:38:44 pm
2. the server number for EZ in EQemu (that change ever damm day) wont effect autologin in MQ2 any more

If you know how to script you can make it auto-fix itself after you log in 1 toon

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Brannyn on April 02, 2016, 12:13:33 am
I like where this is going

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: kronarq on April 02, 2016, 02:36:39 pm
The main benefit to this would seem to be not having the server number change all the time. Instead of dealing with secondary login servers why don't we try to come up with a solution to the eqemu login server. We are after all in the uniquely advantageous position of having an eqemu dev and it would be a solution that benefited the larger eqemu community as a whole.

Akkadius can you think of a way we could fix this issue in the login server? Maybe a way to lease a specific number that way if a server went down permanently it could be reused but not list on reboot?

EDIT: Just found out that the EQEMU login server is a different codebase from the open source login server available on github. So i retract my previous statement a private login server sounds great.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Kelordis on April 03, 2016, 09:34:59 am
After dealing with one of my box desynced in PoDragon, I had to close rest of the boxes and reopen them in specified order purely for proper taskbar order.

I definitely want this if it can autologging the multi-boxes in future.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Akkadius on April 03, 2016, 04:25:36 pm
I've got enough want for this, I'll just add it on my tasklist to get in place for you all.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Brannyn on April 04, 2016, 12:39:02 am

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Chameleonn on April 04, 2016, 02:33:37 am

thank you :)

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: vegitto on April 04, 2016, 08:32:02 am
would anyone mind posting directions on this thread on how to autologin a full group or more of toons once this new login server is up and running i've tried it in the past with no success

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Chameleonn on April 05, 2016, 12:25:09 pm
would anyone mind posting directions on this thread on how to autologin a full group or more of toons once this new login server is up and running i've tried it in the past with no success

1 - find your - MacroQuest.ini file

2 - add this under plugins - [Plugins]

3 - make a TXT file any where on desktop - call it what ever you like - save

4 - right click and edit it and put this in there -- then SAVE it

cd C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic
START C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic\MacroQuest2.exe
timeout /t 2
cd C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic
START C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic\EQBCServer.exe

cd C:\EQ
START C:\EQ\eqgame.exe patchme
PING localhost -n 15 -w 750 >> NULLcd C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic
START C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic\MacroQuest2.exe
timeout /t 2
cd C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic
START C:\EQ\MQEmu_Classic\EQBCServer.exe

cd C:\EQ
START C:\EQ\eqgame.exe patchme
PING localhost -n 15 -w 750 >> NULL

4.5 - YOUR paths to your EQ.exe and MacroQuest2.exe might not be the same - and if so why not o.O

5 - right click it and rename it too - EQ autologgin

6 - i used Total commander to make it a batch file - as in change the .txt to .bat ( no idea how to do it in windows [figure it out] )

7  - find MQ2AutoLogin.ini in your MQ2 dir

8 - make it look like this


EZ Server=61

server=EZ Server

server=EZ Server

server=EZ Server

server=EZ Server

server=EZ Server

server=EZ Server

9 - see this ---- UseStationNamesInsteadOfSessions=0 ----
     DONT change it sometime clients crash and shit happens all you do then is manaully start a client and HOLD DOWN the END key (this tells the autologging DLL file to not assist and you can log in the toon that has crash)
how to drag the little window on the taskbar to its right place in the set up no clue yet - wish some one will enlighten me in this

10 - see this ---- EZ Server=61 --- THAT is the bain of restarting a server every day (withc is good) on eqemu - the damm thing keeps changing and moveing EZ server in the list - hence the please gib us a private logging server thingy - that number lives in your --- eqlsPlayerData.ini ---

if your toon wakes up in a strange server you know you have to go change that number (did i mention each day)

11 i know i forgot something

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: KnowFear on April 05, 2016, 12:31:30 pm
To make it a batch file with just windows, just save the file as whatever.bat. It will automatically change it from a text file to a .bat file that can be executed. (to edit it later on, right click and open with and select notepad or whatever)

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: vegitto on April 05, 2016, 12:48:10 pm
thanks man I'll definitely give that a shot when akkadius makes this login server

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Chameleonn on April 05, 2016, 12:53:48 pm
thanks man I'll definitely give that a shot when akkadius makes this login server

you can use it now you not need to wait for the pirvate logging server

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Kelordis on April 13, 2016, 05:47:25 pm
Chame - By using this guide - http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=3851.0

You get individual taskbar icon and you can move them around as you see fit.

I just tried it out and it work flawlessly.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: KnowFear on April 17, 2016, 11:25:28 am
Is this still a thing? I would really love to see this come to life. As well as daily server reboots.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Chameleonn on April 17, 2016, 01:53:20 pm
yes akka will do it for us when he is back from downunder

or maybe not - the wolverine i payed with half pig to take him out hasnt called back so all is still on :P

daily server reboots is not needed if all is ok - atm all is foooked for some reason

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Akkadius on May 03, 2016, 05:19:19 pm
I am actually working on a solution that will allow users to completely bypass the loginserver.

It depends on how far I get with this but you may have two options when I'm done:

1) One-Click login to character select
2) One-Click login all the way into the world

This would require users to set a password in-game for each account before using this method.

The end result would be from-scratch One-click login all of your characters straight into the game granted that you have everything setup correctly in a batch script.

Now don't tell me that doesn't sound appealing  ;D

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: KnowFear on May 03, 2016, 05:22:28 pm
Sounds perfect.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Kelordis on May 03, 2016, 06:30:25 pm
Sound amazing!

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Riot on May 03, 2016, 06:36:53 pm
I am actually working on a solution that will allow users to completely bypass the loginserver.

It depends on how far I get with this but you may have two options when I'm done:

1) One-Click login to character select
2) One-Click login all the way into the world

This would require users to set a password in-game for each account before using this method.

The end result would be from-scratch One-click login all of your characters straight into the game granted that you have everything setup correctly in a batch script.

Now don't tell me that doesn't sound appealing  ;D

that would be awesome :D :D :D

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Brannyn on May 04, 2016, 07:53:50 am
I am actually working on a solution that will allow users to completely bypass the loginserver.

It depends on how far I get with this but you may have two options when I'm done:

1) One-Click login to character select
2) One-Click login all the way into the world

This would require users to set a password in-game for each account before using this method.

The end result would be from-scratch One-click login all of your characters straight into the game granted that you have everything setup correctly in a batch script.

Now don't tell me that doesn't sound appealing  ;D
I don't normally do/say this BUT... I came.

Title: Re: Private Login Server
Post by: Akkadius on May 16, 2016, 06:18:43 pm
Update on this project: One click login straight into world is not looking like a realistic proposition due to client limitations.

We are looking at a private loginserver + one click solution that will login straight to character select, this could be combined with some other tools to give us the one-click solution we are looking for.

When I get closer to the point of testing, a guide can be made so that users can easily follow the directions and use it for themselves.