EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mixlor on April 17, 2016, 07:30:25 am

Title: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Mixlor on April 17, 2016, 07:30:25 am
Still seeing zones connecting and server lag spikes. Repopping the zones takes about 30 secs or more. Nothing happens for about 15 secs after you type the command, then you pop back to the entrance and another 15 secs or so goes by before you start seeing the NPCs at the zone in. Hate to say it but maybe the server needs a reboot every day like before.


Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: KnowFear on April 17, 2016, 08:08:36 am
I agree on the reboot every day. Seems like twice a week fails after the 2nd day.

Two weekends in a row where it was nearly unplayable. That sucks. I get my good, focused playtime on the weekends when I don't hafta worry about work.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Mersedez on April 17, 2016, 08:19:00 am
Agreed especially if you are trying to log in to the game and your toons are in T10. It takes me 45 min just to log my toons into the game.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Rent Due on April 17, 2016, 09:35:24 am
also on zoning sometimes toons just get kicked to login screen.

zone repops are really slow sometimes, as well as zoning to a new instance, you zone fast, but the /bcaa //say blah blah blah hangs up

overall just seems like the server is sick atm

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Goth on April 17, 2016, 01:43:29 pm
I think that the server being hacked / DOS attached ... log in numbers are way out

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Kelordis on April 17, 2016, 02:22:02 pm
I think that the server being hacked / DOS attached ... log in numbers are way out
Way out like this?

Or maybe P99 just suck that badly!

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: hateborne on April 17, 2016, 02:50:59 pm
Server is being locked until Akkadius again returns from another trip. I cannot recompile source or revert to older one as I still have no access. As a result, server will stay down/locked due to massive duping issue.


Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Kelordis on April 17, 2016, 02:52:21 pm
Welp, Netflix time!

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Chunka on April 17, 2016, 02:52:25 pm
So we're down for a few days?

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: vegitto on April 17, 2016, 02:53:50 pm
damn i think i'm gonna lose it

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Goyuzund on April 17, 2016, 02:54:34 pm
totally just got kicked off with like 3 triggers spawned in abyss QQ i'll never finish this zone first time i've logged in to play in over a month aswell le'sigh

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: hateborne on April 17, 2016, 02:54:48 pm
Hello All,

Due to the netcode changes, a massive dupe has found it's way into EZ. As a result, we will likely be issuing the first rollback in years to Thursday. As a result, we will run a Double Loot next weekend (4/29 - 5/2) to help recoup time lost. As I cannot log in to the server, I cannot simply bounce us back to previous binaries. Emails to me will not speed this along. We are awaiting Akkadius' reply.


Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: vegitto on April 17, 2016, 02:57:21 pm
There were people abusing it?

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Kelordis on April 17, 2016, 02:58:03 pm
Annnnd there goes my Abyss flag along with two GSoA and few other things.

This really suck.

Why we didn't get this notification earlier? I slammed HoH and Airplane all day long over weekend and now it's most likely you guys going to rollback.

One day rollback would've been okay (not saying rollback is okay at all), but almost four days?

That really hurt.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Goyuzund on April 17, 2016, 03:09:26 pm
there isn't a way to check and see when/where dupes happened and just roll those back?

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: munga on April 17, 2016, 03:16:00 pm
Dang. How do people even find these bugs or whatever? I realize I am not generally sober when im playing, but still thats crazy.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: hardcoretank on April 17, 2016, 03:27:56 pm
Lol i figured we would get double loot with all this lag but didnt figure i would loose a weekends worth of work in the process lol FG/CG here i come! AGAIN!

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: warrior5 on April 17, 2016, 03:39:52 pm
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Does this have to do with the augmentation sealer? I had no issue with it yesterday. If so, why not just rollback any new augs which were created over the last 4 days? Seems extreme to roll the whole server back.

I got a gsoa, a ton of oc ess / gear, and leveled some toons on Thursday/Friday/Saturday... =(

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: KnowFear on April 17, 2016, 03:56:22 pm
I would think it would be possible to find out who was doing the naughty stuff. Make THEM pay the ultimate price. Level 1 toons. I agree with the rollback if that is not possible, But those that did the deeds still need to be punished. Severely. I haven't played much this weekend due to the massive lag and zones crashing so a rollback won't hurt me too bad. I might lose some T2 armor on my druid and a few levels on my exp mask. But nothing terrible. Still sucks that everyone has to suffer for some other assclowns actions.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Loyal on April 17, 2016, 05:05:50 pm
Is it really so bad that it warrants a server wide rollback? If there is evidence of clear abuse, take their items down. If thats too much work suspend them for 2 weeks.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Rent Due on April 17, 2016, 05:05:58 pm
Actually this is one of those cases where everything being turned in had the potential for being duped. So if you want the heads of the parties responsible you need to look at 80-90% of the server that has been playing for the past 2 days. The server lag was so bad that the NPCs were not responding correctly. This was tested and confirmed with the information passed on to hatebourne within minutes. I know cause I was the one that told him and confirmed that the server was responding inappropriately.

Want my head? Please, take your best shot.

This was not a malicious act on anyone's part. This is the result of the server being sick. And since it would take a long ass time to pinpoint all occurrences this is a very needed and appropriate response from Hatebourne

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Loyal on April 17, 2016, 05:12:10 pm
Actually this is one of those cases where everything being turned in had the potential for being duped. So if you want the heads of the parties responsible you need to look at 80-90% of the server that has been playing for the past 2 days. The server lag was so bad that the NPCs were not responding correctly. This was tested and confirmed with the information passed on to hatebourne within minutes. I know cause I was the one that told him and confirmed that the server was responding inappropriately.

Want my head? Please, take your best shot.

This was not a malicious act on anyone's part. This is the result of the server being sick. And since it would take a long ass time to pinpoint all occurrences this is a very needed and appropriate response from Hatebourne

Wasnt sure if it was just this or if there was evidence of abuse....this happened on my Epic turn ins (not that it was useful to have my old epic aug). But really how much damage could this have done? Seems like something where you just let it go (without a rollback) unless you can determine ungodly gains....then take action.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: warrior5 on April 17, 2016, 05:20:19 pm
I turned in a lot of stuff and received no duplicates. Odd.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Kelordis on April 17, 2016, 05:21:35 pm

Finding bug and reporting it is one thing.

Finding bug and abusing it is another.

No need for anyone to take a shot at you, dude.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Loyal on April 17, 2016, 05:24:37 pm
I turned in a lot of stuff and received no duplicates. Odd.

I noticed it a bit on Saturday morning while the server was lagging....figured it was a one time issue (with the server lag) and i couldn't discern any way to control it....but i also wasnt looking to seize upon the opportunity.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Goyuzund on April 17, 2016, 05:31:49 pm
could you just run a search on the db for any same item id's that happened within x time in common item hand in zones, remove any items looted instead of handed in remove one entry from each dupe and handle refunds or bugged stuff via petitions and emails afterward as i feel the amount of legit times getting 2 items back from a npc is close to nill

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Blurring on April 17, 2016, 05:41:36 pm
Just be happy the rollback isn't even further back.

If it was realistically doable to just find the duped items you think Hate wouldn't just do that? I imagine he hates rolling things back more than any of us.

Breathe in, breathe out. It is selfish to put a couple days of playing ahead of the entire health of the server -- that's what you are doing when you try to weasel extra time back from the rollback by whining.

Again -- everybody hates it -- it sucks -- it happens.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Natedog on April 17, 2016, 05:50:59 pm
This has nothing to do with the new netcode changes. Server stress is causing your return_items plugin to fail a key check of the "stop_return"

If the lag is caused from the netcode stuff.. then I guess it could contribute to the hangs of zones causing dupes from the code mentioned :p

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Chieftan on April 17, 2016, 05:51:33 pm
If their was an easy fix, then I'm sure they would sort it that way
If they need to rollback, then its bad enough to warrant it, and needs to be done, yeah its bad for us, wasted weekend etc, just have to live with it
We are getting a DL to compensate

I cant remember the last rollback on EZ, so it doesn't happen often, I remember it regular happening on live, with no warning

See yas all when its back up

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Rent Due on April 17, 2016, 06:07:48 pm
This has nothing to do with the new netcode changes. Server stress is causing your return_items plugin to fail a key check of the "stop_return"

so ok, but it just started /shrug

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Mersedez on April 17, 2016, 08:26:50 pm
There should be more rollbacks. At least once a month. Very small price to pay in return for dbl loots.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Dimur on April 17, 2016, 11:12:53 pm
Lots of folks are upset about FG/CG kit items farmed over the rollback days and double loot should help fix a lot of that, but the old world mobs aren't dropping double if you could check into that and enable it...should help alleviate some of the frustration.

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: balidet on April 17, 2016, 11:16:42 pm
ouch double loot ain't going to help my t10 kill count ....this totally sucks....now I will be traveling all week with no play time...double suck

Title: Re: Zone connects/Server Lag
Post by: Keroth on April 17, 2016, 11:56:42 pm
I wish double loot also doubled the chance of rare spawns in Abyss!!

Naw seriously, it's a bummer for everyone but i'm glad I decided to do yard work instead of play all weekend.

Wonder how long Double Loot will be on?