EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Tuomo on June 23, 2010, 04:51:19 pm

Title: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Tuomo on June 23, 2010, 04:51:19 pm
I've killed over 20 Ptahs now without a single plate leg drop. What is the point of this? It's insanity... why is the drop rate so low?

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 23, 2010, 05:03:30 pm
The drop rates aren't low you're just having shitty luck.

Why the fuck does EVERYONE think just because an item takes forever to get that the drop rate is set low? lrn2RNG before whining. The items are selected via the set percentages on the loot drop/loot table and a Random Number Generator (RNG). If an item doesn't drop for you often that simply means you're having shitty luck. I can tell you that there's been days before where plate legs dropped a lot.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: ieawenpo on June 23, 2010, 06:30:32 pm
its the same rate (calculation) for each set, you just have crap luck.
Dont worry, im in the same boat, Ive had 5 pairs of chain and 4 pairs of leather

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Reed on June 23, 2010, 07:11:32 pm
Ive gotten more cloth than i can remember...

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 23, 2010, 07:13:14 pm
Which is funny cause i rarely get cloth (except in T2 and even then it's only Wizzy/Chanter and sometimes Necro. Never Mage.) It's all luck. It's funny how fast people jump to the drop percentages.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 02:35:43 am
In 242 T1 Tikis in the last three days we have spawned Ptah 31 times.  Based on there being 7 possible T1 bosses we've either been a bit lucky (assumes bracer mob is heavily weighted because you need two) or a bit unlucky (bracer boss has the same chance of popping as any mob in the zone.)  Out of the 31 times that we have killed Ptah we have had _one_ pair of T1 plate legs drop.  This isn't down to luck.  Our sampling size is large enough to rule out variance due to RNG.  We are hovering right around 1:7 or 1:8 on getting Ptah to spawn, but are 1:31 in getting plate leggings to drop.

Danyelle, since Femme left you've lacked someone to provide you your opinion.  If having some guidance would keep you from posting nonsense then let me be the first to offer it.  Quiet you -- adults are talking.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: PORTIS on June 24, 2010, 04:42:40 am
Plate seems much rarer in all zones.

In the last two nights I have done 5 qvic runs for plate for my Warr and logged every armour drop. Tuesday:

Did 3 rounds+ multiple additional repeats:

Got 3 Plate: 2 Bracer and 1 Boots

Leather: 20+ no legs no BP

Cloth: 20+ 2 Robes no Legs

Chain: 20+ no legs no BP


2 Rounds with multiple additional repeats

Plate: 2 BP(both from sandmonster) 2 Helms

Leather: 15+ no BP no Legs

Chain: 15+ no BP no legs

Cloth: 10+ no BP 1 legs

Is it just me or does plate (the servers biggest bottleneck) have a much reduced drop rate all round? The figures stack up, i will do another 3 tonight and add to this tomorrow.

I know there is shit luck but thats 7 plate drops out of approximatly 107 nameds. If it truely is random then figures would level out over large numbers. Here we have approx

35 leather
35 Chain
30 Cloth
7 Plate

Fuddles me!

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: ieawenpo on June 24, 2010, 11:45:26 am
In 242 T1 Tikis in the last three days we have spawned Ptah 31 times.  Based on there being 7 possible T1 bosses we've either been a bit lucky (assumes bracer mob is heavily weighted because you need two) or a bit unlucky (bracer boss has the same chance of popping as any mob in the zone.)  Out of the 31 times that we have killed Ptah we have had _one_ pair of T1 plate legs drop.  This isn't down to luck.  Our sampling size is large enough to rule out variance due to RNG.  We are hovering right around 1:7 or 1:8 on getting Ptah to spawn, but are 1:31 in getting plate leggings to drop.

Danyelle, since Femme left you've lacked someone to provide you your opinion.  If having some guidance would keep you from posting nonsense then let me be the first to offer it.  Quiet you -- adults are talking.
Why you such a hater?

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 11:51:37 am

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Thyl on June 24, 2010, 12:13:33 pm
It's all luck. It's funny how fast people jump to the drop percentages.

But RNG isn't really completely random and you know that. Also wasn't there an update to source code recently to improve the randomness of RNG?

I too have felt that Plate, particularly pants have been hard to come by. Some of the plate hate might be related to the likeleness in a group of having to gear usually more toons with plate (War/Cleric).

But I can also give anecdotes also such as getting 6  toons full T1 except War and Cleric who have yet to get pants. Even after seeing numerous duplicates for cloth/leather/chain.

It also took an extraordinary amount of time for my cleric to get plate pants in Qvic. I had basically all but given up after having taken 5 of my own (non-plate) toons created after cleric and numerous other people's toons to 3.0 and seeing no plate pants. I tried farming them for several hours and didn't see them drop until one day when I brought my cleric to heal for a guilde and two pairs of pants dropped in a row.

So yes there is some randomness, and no I haven't kept track of the statistical figures but I can say that my plate classes have always lagged behind. When I created my wizard 3 toons  and a lot of play time ater creating my cleric he had over 10k more hpts than my cleric 2 days after getting him to PoD.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor on June 24, 2010, 03:09:02 pm
The truth of it is plate does have a lower drop rate.
A subset of that is the damn RNG hates everyone.

What really pist me off was when I was looking to refarm some chain and got 2x plate legs in a night and zero guild members online to loot them and some jackass was afking on one of my plate class bots that needed legs.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Reed on June 24, 2010, 04:04:32 pm
The truth of it is plate does have a lower drop rate.
A subset of that is the damn RNG hates everyone.

What really pist me off was when I was looking to refarm some chain and got 2x plate legs in a night and zero guild members online to loot them and some jackass was afking on one of my plate class bots that needed legs.

Is it not like SoD (Shards, not Seeds), where if you log into a char who's currently online it knocks them off to server select?

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Eliseus on June 24, 2010, 04:12:55 pm
Isn't there 5 plate users / 4 chain / 3 leather / 4 cloth iirc? If so wouldn't it make sense that plate drops more then anything else, but it seems in that it is actually dropping less? lol

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: zomgDanyelle on June 24, 2010, 04:23:33 pm
First let me just say, thank you Yellowbird for basically calling me a child, it's nice to know you're not a complete jackass insulting people you don't even know....oh wait....

Second. It is entirely possible something other than RNG is affecting the outcome of armor drops now. I'll admit i've only been in PoD a few times since instancing went live but the times i was there i noticed fluctuating patterns of what nameds spawned and what those named dropped. For example the day instancing was released we had 2 or 3 glove mobs spawn in a row each with leather gloves and yesterday someone in our guild farming in PoD claimed to have popped iirc close to 9 Amuns almost consecutively and all but 1 or 2 of them dropped silk. It's not entirely impossible instancing changed something with the spawns. However prior to instancing i saw no issue with drop rates aside from what could be attributed to luck (good/bad or otherwise). Case in point being  2 days prior to instancing going live we had 90% of all drops in T1 turn up plate, 1 or 2 of those were legs as i recall. We also had a day AFTER instancing went live where we had a ton of plate drop, my gimp as hell bard ended up getting 3 or 4 drops in the 2 hour period we were there before leaving, and i don't give my bard anything unless it's absolutely going to rot.

tl;dr without any one actually coming in and posting "The drop rate for XXXXX item is XX%" then any numbers we post here are pure opinion, mine included, based upon past experiences in the zones and you have no right to insult me and call me a fucking child for posting what i have seen.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Eliseus on June 24, 2010, 04:35:30 pm
First let me just say, thank you Yellowbird for basically calling me a child, it's nice to know you're not a complete jackass insulting people you don't even know....oh wait....

Second. It is entirely possible something other than RNG is affecting the outcome of armor drops now. I'll admit i've only been in PoD a few times since instancing went live but the times i was there i noticed fluctuating patterns of what nameds spawned and what those named dropped. For example the day instancing was released we had 2 or 3 glove mobs spawn in a row each with leather gloves and yesterday someone in our guild farming in PoD claimed to have popped iirc close to 9 Amuns almost consecutively and all but 1 or 2 of them dropped silk. It's not entirely impossible instancing changed something with the spawns. However prior to instancing i saw no issue with drop rates aside from what could be attributed to luck (good/bad or otherwise). Case in point being  2 days prior to instancing going live we had 90% of all drops in T1 turn up plate, 1 or 2 of those were legs as i recall. We also had a day AFTER instancing went live where we had a ton of plate drop, my gimp as hell bard ended up getting 3 or 4 drops in the 2 hour period we were there before leaving, and i don't give my bard anything unless it's absolutely going to rot.

tl;dr without any one actually coming in and posting "The drop rate for XXXXX item is XX%" then any numbers we post here are pure opinion, mine included, based upon past experiences in the zones and you have no right to insult me and call me a fucking child for posting what i have seen.

Just ignore yellows posts, its what I've been doing since most of his posts have made him look like a dipshit.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 07:05:57 pm
I am having difficulty processing what you wrote, Danyelle and Budz.  Two of my new friends won't shut up on Vent.  Jesus.  You might have heard of them.  Gnaughty and Pudge.


Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Uxt on June 24, 2010, 08:42:41 pm
FoH is recruiting, send tells to Yellowbird.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 08:44:44 pm
Seeing as how 3/4s of the time YB is logged in it's not me on the character, yes, please send tells to Yellowbird!


Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Uxt on June 24, 2010, 09:11:04 pm

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Budzwar on June 25, 2010, 03:16:38 pm
I am having difficulty processing what you wrote, Danyelle and Budz.  Two of my new friends won't shut up on Vent.  Jesus.  You might have heard of them.  Gnaughty and Pudge.


Good, go fucking wank to each other in chat roulette while you're at it. I dont give a shit about you or them.

Now go get back under Hunter's desk where you belong.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 25, 2010, 03:33:14 pm
I am having difficulty processing what you wrote, Danyelle and Budz.  Two of my new friends won't shut up on Vent.  Jesus.  You might have heard of them.  Gnaughty and Pudge.


Good, go fucking wank to each other in chat roulette while you're at it. I dont give a shit about you or them.

Now go get back under Hunter's desk where you belong.

You just committed post suicide. You destroyed any validity you might have because of how vulgar and angry your post is.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: yellowbird on June 25, 2010, 03:45:09 pm
I heard Vendetta was having troubles fielding a force.  Here let me help.



Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: ieawenpo on June 25, 2010, 04:07:43 pm
Bakers posting in a roll bread.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Budzwar on June 25, 2010, 06:57:47 pm
I heard that the xzibit meme's went out of style  about 2 or 3 years ago when it was actually funny.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Gnaughty on June 25, 2010, 07:29:43 pm
I am having difficulty processing what you wrote, Danyelle and Budz.  Two of my new friends won't shut up on Vent.  Jesus.  You might have heard of them.  Gnaughty and Pudge.


Good, go fucking wank to each other in chat roulette while you're at it. I dont give a shit about you or them.

Now go get back under Hunter's desk where you belong.
Aww  man I was hoping you werent all mad at me, I would have appreciated it if you had sent me a tell asking me if yellow was bullshitting or not.  Oh well this is a game I play to relax, have a good time and in T3 bro.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Scootz on June 26, 2010, 05:20:43 am
So yellowbird makes a webpage hunter approves of and becomes god of EZ, LOLOLOLOLOLOL, it's called women man, use em!  Also Gnaughty and Pudge, no harm done, Gnaughty is cool in my book, him and pudge already said they wanna gear up and HELP us, woot for upgrades.   Also yellowbird, must be hard to be all alone, next time turn your trash on your own guild, Dany and Budz  are actual guildies, maybe you have seen one, ya know one who actually cares about a guild and won't panic and flee for free loot.  Again, I like Gnaughty......


Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Gnaughty on June 26, 2010, 09:26:47 am
At least that one felt like you used KY jelly.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: yellowbird on June 26, 2010, 11:04:59 am
@Vendetta as a whole:

Don't get mad at me that people left your guild to join mine.  That isn't a function of me "snaking" them away.  No one leaves a guild that they are happy in.  Like I told Uxt on vent if Tosser wants to know what he needs to do to fix Vendetta he is free to send me a tell or PM.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor on June 26, 2010, 01:46:20 pm
Members of V are my friends just as I have members in several of the guilds on the server.

YB Standing there and claiming you know what a guild leader needs to do to fix his guild is kind of fucked up.
Maybe instead of standing there going "I can fix yo shit if you just listen" you could go "I suggest this man cause I think it would help you out."

I would like to see the petty bullshit between both parties to stop. I really do like several members of FoH and most of Vendetta I have known for some time.

Anyways its just a game, we got instanced content now. So we can all just relax and enjoy this shit.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor on June 27, 2010, 05:03:01 am
so in regards to T1 plate legs.
Lastnight was a slow night for me going afk a lot. Only spawned 10 T1 tiki and like 30 T2.
I rotted 3 plate legs from T1, 1 silk leg and the other shit was misc head/boot drops.
T2 rotted 4 warrior pieces.

I think the RNG is fucking with me now.
/kills RNG

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Gnaughty on June 27, 2010, 12:36:36 pm
Balthor you've always been one of my favorite people, you would be surprised how much alike you and yellowbird are.  Can't we all jus get along?  Anyhow, I'm gonna log in now and quit trolling these message boardz to get my new pally and three rangers geared before yellow starts cracking the whip on meh.  Uhhhhhh nevermind looks like Ez is not up on my server listing atm which makes me want to cry. I am not going outside as its 105 out today and I needs me some indoor entertainment!

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Reed on June 27, 2010, 03:07:07 pm
so in regards to T1 plate legs.
Lastnight was a slow night for me going afk a lot. Only spawned 10 T1 tiki and like 30 T2.
I rotted 3 plate legs from T1, 1 silk leg and the other shit was misc head/boot drops.
T2 rotted 4 warrior pieces.

I think the RNG is fucking with me now.
/kills RNG

the last part made me sad, because he tried to call/ text me and my phone was on silent.... DAMN YOU SLEEP *shakes fist*

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor on June 27, 2010, 08:34:26 pm
dude it gets worse I finally got a fucking kronos and it was a warrior bp AND no one I knew was online.
At least if Balthor's bp ever goes poof I'll have a t2 in bank ><

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Scootz on June 28, 2010, 05:12:32 am
I thought Balthor was a cool guy, don't bring his image down by comparing him to an OFFICER like yellowturd, c'mon guys.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Reed on June 28, 2010, 10:05:58 am
I think Balthor is a cool guy, don't bring his image down by comparing him to an OFFICER like yellowturd, c'mon guys.


Also, i don't have anything in particular against Yellow. Never talked to him in tells or anything. Just know and like Balthor, no matter how rage filled his tiny d0rf is

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 01, 2010, 01:34:26 am
scootz still loves me. Cant deny the dorfmeat.
Not sure if the RNG is just fucking with me now. Only seeing plate drops minus bp in T1 the last few days.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Thyl on July 06, 2010, 11:38:39 am
So yesterday I had Ptah spawn and drop some T1 plate legs. For some reason two of my toons couldnt see the body. Naturally it was my Cleric and Paly who actually need them still. The body was clearly there and lootable on my War.

I was able to assist my other toons to target it but regardless of where I stood I was "too far" to loot it. I camped both of these toons, zoned them in and out, and even had one die so I could rez them back in. No luck. I ended up just looting it on my War who already has the T2 pants.  :'(

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: kyle on July 06, 2010, 11:56:35 am
So yesterday I had Ptah spawn and drop some T1 plate legs. For some reason two of my toons couldnt see the body. Naturally it was my Cleric and Paly who actually need them still. The body was clearly there and lootable on my War.

I was able to assist my other toons to target it but regardless of where I stood I was "too far" to loot it. I camped both of these toons, zoned them in and out, and even had one die so I could rez them back in. No luck. I ended up just looting it on my War who already has the T2 pants.  :'(

Happened to me before, albeit it was a leather bracer, not the uber rare plate legs.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Reed on July 06, 2010, 05:05:44 pm
had me some good luck with double drops. thank god i dont need any more plate legs now. praise jebus

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 06, 2010, 07:05:45 pm
Ya man double drop was crazy. 15hours of no kronos but every char I could get access to was finished minus BP.
Then like 7 kronos in 2hours and everyone that I needed bp on, got it.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Thyl on July 13, 2010, 10:18:02 am
I'm so on to you guys. 4 pairs of T1 plate pants last night  :P

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: ieawenpo on July 13, 2010, 01:53:38 pm
Ya man double drop was crazy. 15hours of no kronos but every char I could get access to was finished minus BP.
Then like 7 kronos in 2hours and everyone that I needed bp on, got it.
I've had horrible luck with kronos this weekend.
7 kills, 1 needed bp.
The rest were all crap classes.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: kaizen on July 13, 2010, 02:13:37 pm
Killed Kronos 7 times the last 2 days..
2 Wizards

Warr BP wru?
hmm would be nice to exchange 5 bps for 1 you need

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: nuska on July 13, 2010, 03:44:18 pm
Killed Kronos 7 times the last 2 days..
2 Wizards

Warr BP wru?
hmm would be nice to exchange 5 bps for 1 you need

Not one dragon class chest drop? Dang man, sucky luck :( On last x2 loot, i saw a guildie get druid bp, ranger bp, and 2 dragon class chest ><

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 13, 2010, 03:50:15 pm
Killed Kronos 7 times the last 2 days..
2 Wizards

Warr BP wru?
hmm would be nice to exchange 5 bps for 1 you need

Not one dragon class chest drop? Dang man, sucky luck :( On last x2 loot, i saw a guildie get druid bp, ranger bp, and 2 dragon class chest ><

That was a good day :3

Off 1 kill lol

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Scootz on July 13, 2010, 04:15:21 pm
IDK, double drop was fantastic for me, but then again thats how I roll.  Got ranger's bp'ed and must of seen at least 4-5 dragon class bp's.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 13, 2010, 08:01:52 pm
yea my best Kronos on double drop had 4 bp. 2x dragon class 2x bp with 1 being needed and 1x rot that I looted on the class in case aug pool ever ate its T2 bp.

Warrior BP is fucking rare, I put dragon class molds on warriors cause of how rare the drops are they need. Out of maybe the last 20 kronos kills I have seen 1 warrior BP (something like 7 dragon class) and sadly no guild members were online that night so I have it in the bank.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Scootz on July 14, 2010, 05:03:01 am
Don't feel bad buddy, if i can't find a guildie to fit the mold i hold it for MAXIMUM TROLLING!  Always comes in handy, lil thing I picked up from my guild leader <3

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: kaizen on July 14, 2010, 08:54:08 am
last night 3 kronos popped..
2 warrior

RNG liked me.. still no dragon class though
now if i can only get alfarare to pop more often

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 14, 2010, 09:37:24 am
Alf loves me. You should do T2 with me some day.
Will pop tiki 20 times and see 7alf

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 16, 2010, 09:44:05 am
some new alts needed t1. 3 pops 2 plate bp's.
Half the spawns gave up needed items. Roughly the last 50percent was 30percent usable by guild 20percent rot.

Of course now I probably ruined my luck and will spend the next 3 EQEMU years with shit drops but it was worth it to get some needed items outa the way.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Narcissus on July 16, 2010, 09:48:38 am
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Thyl on July 16, 2010, 09:54:33 am
Backgearing some toons yesterday on T1. Apparently some higher force is under the impression that Norath has an abundance of shoeless Dru/Monk/BST and is trying compensate.

Well at least I got a lot of guilde alts geared.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 16, 2010, 01:14:19 pm
Strange how I suddenly can not get leather legs. Last thing my epic click and forget about druid needs.

Its ok tho I can always make fun of the ugly Narcissus

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Gantrathor on July 18, 2010, 10:00:48 am
I've been gearing up my pally in T1 and the RNG gods seem to think there's a dirth of chain and leather bracers our there.  On 6 pops one day I got 4 Amun, 2 leather, two chain.   :D

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 18, 2010, 04:21:14 pm
Yea I usually see a lot of chain so I got this new baby ranger and now I am not seeing anything but silk.
In t2 yesterday I poped 10 tikis, 5x paladin drops (lawl) 2x rogue bp 1xRNG bp 1xwar boots
R.N.G. be damned, at least I have friends needing gear I can coth for rots.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Narcissus on July 19, 2010, 07:44:22 am
Its ok tho I can always make fun of the ugly Narcissus

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Isaaru on July 19, 2010, 12:37:35 pm
Yea I usually see a lot of chain so I got this new baby ranger and now I am not seeing anything but silk.
In t2 yesterday I poped 10 tikis, 5x paladin drops (lawl) 2x rogue bp 1xRNG bp 1xwar boots
R.N.G. be damned, at least I have friends needing gear I can coth for rots.

We had a ton of plate drops...

90% boots though  ::)

Title: Re: T1 Plate Legs
Post by: Balthor2 on July 20, 2010, 03:22:32 pm
Well its what it is. I'll be spending the next few days in T2 to finish some characters off.
Maybe I can kick it in the gonads and get some good drops.