Title: Portal click macro Post by: grim2594 on June 20, 2016, 06:25:55 pm As requested... Here is a simple macro that will click across the screen, in the attempt to enter a portal.
To use: 1) Copy the macro text. 2) Create a new text document. 3) Name it ClickPortal.inc 4) In the main macro, that you want to use it in, have the include tag at the top: #include ClickPortal.inc 5) Wherever you want the macro to run, simply use: /call ClickPortal Optional) If you want the main script to know if you clicked the portal or not, you can use /varset variableName ${Macro.Return} || Then /if (${variableName }) { } Optional) If you want to just run this as a macro, and not include it in another macro, just change the file extension from .inc to .mac and then rename Sub ClickPortal to Sub Main Here is the code: Code: #event PClicked "#*#You got it open#*#" Title: Re: Portal click macro Post by: cyantheblue on June 20, 2016, 06:48:17 pm thanks so much for posting this it works great for 6a/6b mirror (sure would work for aungish dragon door also) alot nicer then alt tabing all 12 boxxes threw