EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 02:31:43 am

Title: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 02:31:43 am
I've created a proc on the Paladin 3.0 and 4.0 Epic Weapons that procs damage to a mob and at the same time heals and cures the whole group. This was inspired by the Necro Epic Pet that procs Server of the Blood Strike spell that does a life tap which heals the whole group.

Paladin 3.0 -
Dmg Mob 3000 pts
Heals Group 3000-3700 HP
Cures Group Disease, Poison, and Curses (48 Count)

Paladin 4.0 -
Dmg Mob 5000 pts
Heals Group 5000-5700 HP
Cures Group Disease, Poison, and Curses (64 Count)

Oracle's Charm LV50 does increase healing 500% (6x healing for 100% heal + 500% more)
Sorcer's Charm LV50 does increase spell damage 250% (3.5x more proc dmg total)

All the Paladin Epics had their Proc Rate changed from 0 to 50. This means 50% more procing for a total 150% proc rate = 1.5x normal rate to proc (faster). This value might get changed if over powered.

Just imagine with more than 1 Paladin in the group, how much easier it would be for a group to survive, and thats without clicking a heal, its auto attack procs.

1.0 = 100 dmg /w small group heal
1.5 = 500 dmg /w small group heal
2.0 = 1000 dmg /w small group heal
2.5 = 1500 dmg /w 1500-2200 Group Heal
3.0 = 3000 dmg /w 3000-3700 Group Heal
4.0 = 5000 dmg /w 5000-5700 Group Heal

Titanium and SoF Spells are now available for download.

Warriors should still have the edge with stonewall, and dual wielding their weapons, and even dual slotting their Anger Augs, for a total of 4 Augs. Epic 4.0's got an extra slot type 4 now. So a 4.0 Warrior can wield a total of 6 Anger Augs? Because the Paladin can only wield 1 sword, they probably will have less DPS than a Warrior, but its possible that their survival rate would be same with their heals.

Haven't decided yet if I'm going to allow Paladins to use the Anger augs.

The proc effect is actually 2 different spells. The first spell from the proc does damage to a mob, then makes reference to a 2nd spell for a group heal. Here are the effects of the 2 in 1 spell proc.


Here are some screenshots, including the healing from an Oracle Level 50 focus on a Paladin 3.0 Epic.


Here is an Ultimate Charm. Just imagine with the focus for 300% more spell damage and 600% more healing, how powerful the Paladin 3.0 would be!




Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 02:38:48 am
I will test them in the morning.  I am concerned about the size of the heal as the goal isn't to make clerics obsolete.  I will post my findings.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Murrjok on June 24, 2010, 02:50:27 am
I think that heal might be too big, But. Only one way to find out. Is that a base heal or?

Edit * Also proc rate comes into play.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 03:19:24 am
I will test them in the morning.  I am concerned about the size of the heal as the goal isn't to make clerics obsolete.  I will post my findings.

I'm sure Clerics will still be needed. If a Paladin goes too long without a proc, could end up with a dead group. Still need heals cast from Cleric at the right time to survive, among other tactics. Those are the values for testing, but yeah they could change. I might lower the 3.0 Epic and leave the 4.0 where it is. Then other Epic's 1.0 thru 2.5 would be much lower.

Awaiting test results, procs per minute, total heals, total damage, DPS, etc.

Keep me posted.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Scootz on June 24, 2010, 04:31:46 am
Where is Uxt when ya need him?

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: PORTIS on June 24, 2010, 04:57:02 am
Still in hope SK are next here somewhere otherwise all will have happend here is making us the poor cousin to warrs and pallys. Taking into account Pallys also got a wep increase 4 weeks ago and Warriors were already severly overpowered to the other classes. I am sure something is planned and this is a one by one thing, just speaking up for all the poor SKs out there:)P

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 05:06:15 am
Still in hope SK are next here somewhere otherwise all will have happend here is making us the poor cousin to warrs and pallys. Taking into account Pallys also got a wep increase 4 weeks ago and Warriors were already severly overpowered to the other classes. I am sure something is planned and this is a one by one thing, just speaking up for all the poor SKs out there:)P

SK's get a super life tap. They don't need anything right now.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Murrjok on June 24, 2010, 05:07:32 am
I figure it wont matter, but i dont run titanium, Using SoF for the test. Will just be an unknown spell.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Murrjok on June 24, 2010, 05:27:18 am
DPS seems a little low still, a mild boost and it looks about right, its currently a DoT as Dmg. Maybe change it to DD. Sorcers  charm has no effect on it.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: PORTIS on June 24, 2010, 05:40:14 am
Still in hope SK are next here somewhere otherwise all will have happend here is making us the poor cousin to warrs and pallys. Taking into account Pallys also got a wep increase 4 weeks ago and Warriors were already severly overpowered to the other classes. I am sure something is planned and this is a one by one thing, just speaking up for all the poor SKs out there:)P

SK's get a super life tap. They don't need anything right now.

I was working from:

Maybe give the SK a similar proc that the Necor pet has, that procs a damage on the mobs that does a group heal to the players group?

For Paladin, I could give a group heal proc, but that won't help with DPS.

SK and Paladins will definately get something, cause I'd like to see more of them.

I agree, our taps are awsome, but the fact remains Warriors are still a lot lot better, with the new updates paladins will be as well. Our taps help us only, do nothing for the grp, add no dps, no cures, no heals to grp and no additional dps to adds. In a grp situation we will be offtanks at best and cant out agro a warrior.

I had to start a warrior myself as I dont think we are anywhere near as powerful, as for seeing more SK's, all that will happen now is less.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 06:09:34 am
My power went out for the 1st hour of testing. I'm going to log in again to do my own testing, get some screen shots, etc.

How does it work with the 0.3 minute DoT on the mob? If the mob is already dotted, then I assume the next proc won't add any more damage? Just refreshes the DoT? If thats the cast, and Paladins can proc more than once every 6 seconds, then maybe I'll just edit that to a DD?

Anyone tells with Oracle or Ultimate Charm to see how the group healing is? I think the weapon by default already has 40% healing but a 100%-500% heal bonus from charm would over-write that anyways.

Keep me posted everyone. How much did you DPS go up? How does it compare to Warriors? I want to get close to Warriors, but not better, in the DPS. Don't forget you can Aug your weapons with Dmg proc weapons as well. I'm sure adding Paladins to the Anger Aug would make a HUGE difference.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Murrjok on June 24, 2010, 06:11:38 am
Maybe 200 dps it went up, from 1800~ to 2000 witht he DoT, it just refreshes every proc, I doubt any paladin here has Ultimate charm. And Sorcers doesnt work on DoT.

Its not even close to warriors, the Upgrade in DPS was minimum, however the Healing is very nice. 20k crits with no oracles with FoH, and 30k crits with just Oracle's focus 1 + FoH.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 06:13:29 am
Gotcha, Sorcer's don't work on DoT's.

1) Does another proc add more dmg? Or just refresh the DoT?

2) How often do Paladins Proc? Under every 6 seconds?

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Murrjok on June 24, 2010, 06:15:14 am
Its random, can proc one every 6-9 seconds. It doesnt add more dmg, just refreshes it.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 06:37:33 am
For sake of Sorcer Charm, I'll switch it to DD instead of DoT.

Also, I might be able to adjust the proc rate on the Epic =)

Going to make the rest of them, 1.0 thru 2.5 and then post including the SoF file.

Will require another reboot (manual) when I'm done.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 07:41:02 am
New Paladin Update:

All Paladin Epics are now adjusted their procs to be 150% normal meaning they proc 50% MORE often than before.

Adjusted the damage on the procs

1.0 = 100 dmg /w small group heal
1.5 = 500 dmg /w small group heal
2.0 = 1000 dmg /w small group heal
2.5 = 1500 dmg /w 1500-2200 Group Heal
3.0 = 3000 dmg /w 3000-3700 Group Heal
4.0 = 5000 dmg /w 5000-5700 Group Heal

Titanium and SoF Spells are now available for download.



Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: kaizen on June 24, 2010, 09:11:27 am
hmm i am almost tempted to make a paladin..

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Thyl on June 24, 2010, 10:11:35 am
This is cool stuff. I like Palies but it really made no sense to play them before. (Sorry Uxt)

I think with this change Anger Augs for Palies might be excessive.

Hopefully I will find some time to play again soon, somewhere between balancing, full time job, 3 year old and 3 week old, school, and buying new house.  :P

Thanks Hunter.  ;D

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 10:32:47 am
In a 10 minute parse I proced the new 3.0 83 times.  That is a proc every 7.25~ seconds.  If your math is correct and each hit does a 22k/ish heal that averages to 3.034k hp healed per second.  Cleric group heal with a level 50 charm does just under 70k (crit).  Takes six seconds from casting it to being able to cast it again.  So that is 7k HPS from a max charmed cleric (100% crit rate) or 4.2k HPS in the real world for a cleric.  WoV base heal is 2747-3427.

Real world tests:

Yellowbird, sitting at 177k hp with one 4.0 and one 3.0 (five anger augs)
Paladin, 98k HP, 25 oracle, ROA 100, full T2

Omm (T1): Piece of cake.
Imsety (T2): NP, but had to use 4.0 stonewall.

Crab and I are doing some further testing.  Paladins might need a _slight_ retune, but you are almost spot on it seems.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 10:48:14 am
Awsome! These are the types of results / feed back that I need to further tune the Epics. Keep me posted!

Thanks Yellowbird!


Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 10:52:54 am
1.0 = 100 dmg /w small group heal
1.5 = 500 dmg /w small group heal
2.0 = 1000 dmg /w small group heal
2.5 = 2000 dmg /w 1000-1300 Group Heal
3.0 = 4000 dmg /w 2250-2950 Group Heal
4.0 = 6000 dmg /w 5000-5700 Group Heal

This is how I would retune the paladin epic line.  This will bring there DPS up a smidge while slightly nerfing their group heal a touch until they get their 4.0.  Crab has seen everything I have seen and can post his thoughts.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 11:03:22 am
Also, this buff gives paladins exactly the role that I've said they should have for a long time.  They are now viable in T3/T4 raids as a melee group healer if the group is built like this:

Rogue/Monk/Berserker/Rogue/Paladin/Cleric.  Good update all around.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 24, 2010, 11:08:50 am
This brings tears to my eyes, i can play my paladin again! <3

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 24, 2010, 11:10:18 am
Also, is this dmg is single target DD, correct? at least im assuming it is

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: tulsplat on June 24, 2010, 11:26:57 am
dmg spell effect shows an AE range of 100...but thats a good question

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: robpickles on June 24, 2010, 11:43:52 am
I love it when our thoughts and ideas translate to Hunter's updates!

Nice work Hunter and crew...

Looking forward to seeing some Pallies around now.  ;D

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Smoka on June 24, 2010, 02:30:42 pm
Grats to the existing pallies and the influx of new ones that will be running around tonight.

Here's to hoping that SK works will happen next or will we take the brunt of what was paladin joking?

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Balthor on June 24, 2010, 03:03:03 pm
This is some good shit. Really like seeing this.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 24, 2010, 04:01:26 pm
I could see SKs getting about the same update, only change would be instead of just AoE dmg + heal.. would be an AoE Lifetap which is spread across group for healing. Same concept, just different effect/ feel (darker, more SK feel)

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Uxt on June 24, 2010, 04:18:00 pm
Just got home today, finally.

25 Sorcer's charm, I proc 7500 DD, or 15k critical.
25 Oracle's charm, I proc a 19,203 HP heal, 38406 critical.

Not sure if it makes me a better tank in T3, but at least I have better DPS.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 06:46:32 pm
Also, is this dmg is single target DD, correct? at least im assuming it is

Might be AoE rang 100 I think, but yes, its DD, not DoT. Re-download current spell file 062410b if you haven't already.

1.0 = 100 dmg /w small group heal
1.5 = 500 dmg /w small group heal
2.0 = 1000 dmg /w small group heal
2.5 = 2000 dmg /w 1000-1300 Group Heal
3.0 = 4000 dmg /w 2250-2950 Group Heal
4.0 = 6000 dmg /w 5000-5700 Group Heal

This is how I would retune the paladin epic line.  This will bring there DPS up a smidge while slightly nerfing their group heal a touch until they get their 4.0.  Crab has seen everything I have seen and can post his thoughts.

From the test results, this sounds good. I'll try to get those edits in before the next reboot. Thanks for testing. PPM, DPS, and HPS are all good to know for the Paladin Epics. Not bad for a first pass.

Hope to see more Paladins in game, at least more than Warriors now. =)

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 24, 2010, 08:58:46 pm
Does 1hs vs 2hs affect anything? Or same proc rate?

You can turn in your 2handed Epic for a 1handed version so you can use a shield.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: yellowbird on June 24, 2010, 09:04:32 pm
I was actually thinking about testing that.  Also, would it be an option to make the turn in 1hs->2hs->shield?  I have some ideas for a shield that might help Paladins some.

Also, you have an email in your inbox.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 24, 2010, 09:41:30 pm
I was actually thinking about testing that.  Also, would it be an option to make the turn in 1hs->2hs->shield?  I have some ideas for a shield that might help Paladins some.

Also, you have an email in your inbox.

Hmm... Paladin Epic Shield? Interesting idea Yellow

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 25, 2010, 07:31:35 am
Power went out all day today, and I didn't get a chance to update the proc dmg/heal amount yet.

Good idea on shield. Yeah, I could have Paladins trade their weapon for a shield. Of course the SK would demand the same.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Smoka on June 25, 2010, 07:37:45 am
Power went out all day today, and I didn't get a chance to update the proc dmg/heal amount yet.

Good idea on shield. Yeah, I could have Paladins trade their weapon for a shield. Of course the SK would demand the same.

Not sure if I would demand that. Beg, kick, scream, plead, cry maybe, but never demand!

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: PORTIS on June 25, 2010, 08:56:11 am
SK shield epic, nice idea:) Clicky grp cast, limited time returns % of dam created in health. This way clerics dont get ruled out because they would not do dam so heals would still be needed. :-X

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Thyl on June 25, 2010, 09:13:22 am
As nice as all of this is these numbers make my 20 Oracle Druid cry  :'(

1.667K regen per sec, no chance for crits, no dps, and much more cumbersome to maintain on group.  I hope Reed's suggestion for group buff might at least be considered.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 25, 2010, 09:30:57 am
Power went out all day today, and I didn't get a chance to update the proc dmg/heal amount yet.

Good idea on shield. Yeah, I could have Paladins trade their weapon for a shield. Of course the SK would demand the same.

Wouldn't be to hard to make a shield with more or less same exact stats, different name... and if clicky is included, different clicky. What graphic to use would be hardest part =p

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Bikaf on June 25, 2010, 10:10:29 am
i can just imagine a SK shield that right clicked focus of healing so their taps landed even better!

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: barrettd04 on June 25, 2010, 10:18:18 am
Give us a cooler/beefier pet(not to the tune of bst/mage, but at least usable), or make my mana pool do something other than just sit there looking pretty.  Only spell I use is dread gaze, which is sad.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Smoka on June 25, 2010, 10:28:32 am
Going to split off and make another thread so we stop deterring from the original reason that Hunter made this one. For the Pallies. ;D

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Crabthewall on June 25, 2010, 10:29:04 am
This is where it starts getting uglier. People will start going, well what about my class... Enchanters/Necros/Sk/Wizzie/Druid/etc.... The reality is there are plenty of classes that just aren't good classes. If you don't like a classes current abilities/skills the best choice is simply not to play that class and play one who's abilities you do like.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 25, 2010, 10:39:17 am

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Eliseus on June 25, 2010, 11:01:37 am
I think over time many classes will see good days and bad days, think its time for paladin to shine for a little :P

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Crabthewall on June 25, 2010, 11:06:17 am
I think over time many classes will see good days and bad days, think its time for paladin to shine for a little :P

And everyone playing one of these classes will feel the same way about their class too. Again, this is the problem, paladin's have been more valid toons then say Druids or Enchanters this whole time, why isn't it their turn- see my point?

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: bufferofnewbies on June 25, 2010, 11:35:20 am
Took my Pally out for a test spin with his 1.0.
Not sure how much more powerful you intended this to be, but his playablity has improved drastically. The only time I needed to heal in BoT from 60 to 69 was when i fought named.

Proc rate on the heal might be a bit high on the low end swords. Don't have the ability to test anything higher than 1.0 atm tho...

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: swamphy on June 25, 2010, 12:00:56 pm
Anyone else thinking of playing a full group of Pallies?

If proc = every 7.25 seconds, that's  7.25/6 or proc every 1.2 seconds average.

If the avg proc is 2,500hp group heal, that would be 5 procs per tick OR the equivalent of 12,500hp per tick group regen WITHOUT any charm upgrades, just a group of 3.0's (not to mention the dd damage)

Adding in the Oracle Charm upgrades, things get really crazy.

No healing agro to manage, since they are all tanks. Adds? no problem. They are all tanks, all being healed by each other constantly (while fighting that is).
Just non-stop hack'n'slash fun. Load up some hotkeys, pick a MT to assist and you're rolling.

I haven't done much in tiers yet, so I don't know if this healing would be enough to do the big bosses.

Very tempting to try this out.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Thyl on June 25, 2010, 12:18:04 pm
Anyone else thinking of playing a full group of Pallies?

If proc = every 7.25 seconds, that's  7.25/6 or proc every 1.2 seconds average.

If the avg proc is 2,500hp group heal, that would be 5 procs per tick OR the equivalent of 12,500hp per tick group regen WITHOUT any charm upgrades, just a group of 3.0's (not to mention the dd damage)

Adding in the Oracle Charm upgrades, things get really crazy.

No healing agro to manage, since they are all tanks. Adds? no problem. They are all tanks, all being healed by each other constantly (while fighting that is).
Just non-stop hack'n'slash fun. Load up some hotkeys, pick a MT to assist and you're rolling.

I haven't done much in tiers yet, so I don't know if this healing would be enough to do the big bosses.

Very tempting to try this out.

Let me know how getting those Qvic/T1 pants works out for you.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: swamphy on June 25, 2010, 12:58:54 pm
exactly... that's why I said tempting and not 'look what I'm doing'.

Think of all the bottlenecks. Pages are not that bad, but FG camps x 6 toons. yech. Thought, when you think about it, everybody that's running a full bot group around has done just that.

I've actually seen legs rotting a bit in qvic, but that's just because I wanted a BP. If I was hunting legs, it would have been the BP rotting. I don't think qvic farming would be near as toilsome if you didn't have to work so hard to control the group, manage adds and protect the healer.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Sickem on June 25, 2010, 04:06:01 pm
Contentedly pleased with the upgrade. The 2.5 makes most pre-qvic stuff almost liveable! :D
One thing I've wondered about all the melee epics 1.5+ is why doesn't the regen scale up with the weapon instead of going from nothing to *bam* 1k hp regen?

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 25, 2010, 06:55:14 pm
Contentedly pleased with the upgrade. The 2.5 makes most pre-qvic stuff almost liveable! :D
One thing I've wondered about all the melee epics 1.5+ is why doesn't the regen scale up with the weapon instead of going from nothing to *bam* 1k hp regen?

I wondered that too actually Sick, figured it was intended after a while *shrug*

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 26, 2010, 02:25:03 am
1.0 = 100 dmg /w small group heal
1.5 = 500 dmg /w small group heal
2.0 = 1000 dmg /w small group heal
2.5 = 2000 dmg /w 1000-1300 Group Heal
3.0 = 4000 dmg /w 2250-2950 Group Heal
4.0 = 6000 dmg /w 5000-5700 Group Heal

This is how I would retune the paladin epic line.  This will bring there DPS up a smidge while slightly nerfing their group heal a touch until they get their 4.0.  Crab has seen everything I have seen and can post his thoughts.

I've updated the Paladin's via spells_us.txt file. Its imported into the server so we just need the next auto reboot to test results. The Titanium spell file is available to reflect these changes. I'll do SoF spell file later, which is not needed for the new numbers to work server side.

1.0 = 100 dmg /w 10-500 Group Heal
1.5 = 500 dmg /w 100-750 Group Heal
2.0 = 1000 dmg /w 300-1000 Group Heal
2.5 = 2000 dmg /w 600-1300 Group Heal
3.0 = 4000 dmg /w 2250-2950 Group Heal
4.0 = 6000 dmg /w 5000-5700 Group Heal



Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 26, 2010, 02:34:28 am
I see 19 Paladins online now at 3:35am here. Looks like they are becoming popular or something.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Hunter on June 26, 2010, 06:28:41 am
Can someone test a 3.0 Procs Per Minute with a 1-handed vs 2-handed. I thought back in the days I heard about them having different rates for procing. Obviously people would want the higher of the two.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Crabthewall on June 26, 2010, 12:29:49 pm
Can someone test a 3.0 Procs Per Minute with a 1-handed vs 2-handed. I thought back in the days I heard about them having different rates for procing. Obviously people would want the higher of the two.

I tried turning in the 4.0 to get a 1h 4.0 but no luck with it, I don't have a 3.0 to test.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Balthor on June 26, 2010, 01:40:58 pm
when I last tested the paladin I noticed no significant difference in proc rates between 2H and 1H.

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Gnaughty on June 27, 2010, 12:51:03 pm
I must admit I jumped on the wagon and made my first pally two days ago, looking foirward to using one in my hunting group wewtzies!

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Uxt on June 27, 2010, 01:32:14 pm
Seems they were altered a bit now.

25 oracle charm heals for ~30k now.
25 sorcer charm deals 10k damage now, too.

Healing lowered a tad, damage upped a tad. They're both the same proc, so you heal and deal damage at the same time. lolz

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Murrjok on June 27, 2010, 01:51:36 pm
Yep, works like the classic group heal weapons such as http://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=23498 (http://lucy.allakhazam.com/item.html?id=23498) .

Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Reed on June 27, 2010, 03:13:10 pm
I must admit I jumped on the wagon and made my first pally two days ago, looking foirward to using one in my hunting group wewtzies!



Title: Re: Paladins Updated
Post by: Gantrathor on June 28, 2010, 08:24:28 am
Took my wife's pally out of cold storage (stopped with 2.5 in hand).  Did a Qvic run and the heal proc almost made the cleric unnecessary.  Probably would be unneeded if I didn't overpull from time to time.   ;)  PoD will be a whole different issue though.

Got the 3.0 and I must say "Thank You Hunter!"  Cadal's a lot more fun to play and really contributes to the group now!