EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on October 07, 2016, 11:51:39 am

Title: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 07, 2016, 11:51:39 am
Thinking about getting one of these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147373&cm_re=ssd_desktop-_-20-147-373-_-Product

any idea if it would help with lag running 18 toons?  I can run 12 fine but when I try to run 18 I have toons lagging behind when I hit my follow button and they just act stupid...so I have 6 toons sitting on the sidelines.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: balidet on October 07, 2016, 01:11:17 pm
I run MQ and EZ on its own 40gb SSD and it seems to really help with load speeds...

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 07, 2016, 01:33:10 pm
no, that's not going to help with your /stick problems. you need more megahurts.

I had the same problem on an old dual-core (no HT) but not on a more modern quad core+HT. both use Samsung 850 EVOs

also do NOT use mq2fps
it made the stick issues worse... MUCH worse.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 07, 2016, 01:51:17 pm
ok system info (if it helps)

Processor: Intel Core i5-2320 cpu @ 3.00 GHz

Installed memory: 32.0 GB

System type: 64 bit OS (windows 10)

Display adapter: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti

so is this system to "limited" to run 18 toons?

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 07, 2016, 02:54:21 pm
well, that's a 4-core, 4-thread, so no HT, it will look to EQ as 4 cpus.
are you using RoF2? it's pretty good about spreading the load around.

I run 8 toons, on the quad core/8 thread pc, basically each client gets its own "cpu"
you're trying to run 18 clients on 4 "cpus", maybe it's not so good at handling that?
on my dual-core/2 thread, I have the same issues, with only 8 toons (4 toons is fine).

are you using EQplaynice, or any other botting s/w?
are you using mq2fps?

I have the same SSD on both pc's (and the same video card on the dual core actually)
I'm about sure the SSD won't help your issue..

I bought off ebay a quad core cpu to replace the dual core .. haven't installed it yet, but I hope it fixes the lagging behind problem.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 07, 2016, 03:12:21 pm
personally I would look at getting something like this, assuming it will drop in.
not too cheap, but cheaper than upgrading the whole PC ...

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 07, 2016, 08:49:11 pm
are you using RoF2? Yes
are you using EQplaynice, or any other botting s/w?No
are you using mq2fps?No

Just looking for a way to run 18 toons....like I said 12 is fine...thought maybe the SSD with it's faster read/write capability would alleviate any other problems since my system is pretty tight....I have a new mobo that everything is connected to but maybe a new processor would help it...will have to see if anyone who is a computer genius can  shed some light into ways to get 18 toons on one system to work  :-\

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Fecs on October 07, 2016, 11:18:35 pm
I can run 17 accounts with no lag in most zones (not t10, only 15 there, and not t6/9) with a 7 year old garbage computer.

Before installing my SSD it started lagging around 9-10 accounts.

Just from experience, with no computer knowledge. I'd assume you could handle 18 without a problem with ssd.

But that's just my experience.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 08, 2016, 07:09:14 am
Maybe I can try the SSD and if that doesn't do what I need look at upgrading the processor at a later date.  ;)

Will this processor work http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIABRA4UV3683&cm_re=Intel_Core_i7-3770K-_-9SIABRA4UV3683-_-Product
with this mobo http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157436&cm_re=ASRock_z77_1155_motherboard-_-13-157-436-_-Product (that is the mobo I am using) it says can use i7/i5/i3 cpu types

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Chieftan on October 08, 2016, 04:07:09 pm
Maybe I can try the SSD and if that doesn't do what I need look at upgrading the processor at a later date.  ;)

Will this processor work http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIABRA4UV3683&cm_re=Intel_Core_i7-3770K-_-9SIABRA4UV3683-_-Product
with this mobo http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157436&cm_re=ASRock_z77_1155_motherboard-_-13-157-436-_-Product (that is the mobo I am using) it says can use i7/i5/i3 cpu types

Yes, they are both socket LGA1155

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Chunka on October 09, 2016, 10:03:05 am
Honestly, were I in need of upgrading my system I would wait and see what the new Zen brings to the table. A friend who works for Apple is telling me (without hurting NDA's) that they're "most definitely worth the look". You have to know the guy, but thats like you or me saying, "HEY! BUY THIS!!!" And no, not saying you should buy Apple.....the Zen AMD processor will be available for PC's.....Apple's using them as well.

Prelims are showing as much as a 50% increase in performance over AMD's Excavator design....and 14nm architecture means low power use AND far cooler running temps. The new AM4 socket will mean boards that support DDR4 ram (worth the cost), PCI-E 3.0, new interface architecture, etc....which should by all reports mean a board that should be upgrade ready for years to come.

But again, time will tell.

Now....all that being said, I LOVE my Skylake 6700.....and thats saying a lot. Before this I stayed with AMD because of costs and benefits to gaming.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 09, 2016, 10:09:32 am
Well, Chunka, I am trying not to buy a new mobo and processor....trying to get the most bang for my buck on a system I ONLY use to play EQ on EZ...so not looking at dumping a whole heap of money.  :-*

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Expletus on October 09, 2016, 01:49:55 pm
Just a thought, why not just find a nice laptop or desktop that you can run a group of 6 off of and having them connect to your eqbc? That would alleviate the load on your computer and cost it would take for you to upgrade "certain" parts, you could get a nice computer off of ebay or craigslist.

Years ago I did that and had 24 toons rolling at once. 

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Chunka on October 09, 2016, 02:11:21 pm
I gotta agree with that.....talk to Ergg about that one, Ray. He put a few of his boxes on a second, cheap machine and saw some pretty big improvements on play.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 09, 2016, 03:48:15 pm
Yeah he has been telling me about that (getting a second machine) i just want to try to push this one as far as I can.....more of make it a moster kinda thing..... 8)

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 11, 2016, 11:38:41 am
I did that when running 2nd group thru abyss, I didn't connect them to eqbc though, just loaded toons on another pc and parked them at zone in..

do what you want.. but I highly doubt the SSD will fix your lag issue. once it's done loading the zone files, it doesn't touch the disk again. unless you're running out of RAM and it's paging... in that case MAOR RAM

as I said, I have 850 Evo's on both my pcs, one lags one doesn't... one has an i7 4core/8thread with 18gigs, other has 2core/2thread with 4gb.. and sits at 80% ram used during play

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 12, 2016, 02:46:45 pm
ok so.. I finally got around to installing the Core2Quad in this pc (pain in the ass, the clips for the fan are so damn tight, almost broke the motherboard..)

anyway HUGE difference. I went from a 3.0ghz dual core (E8400) to a 2.8ghz quad core (Q9505S), same amount of ram (4gb, not much) everything immediately feels faster. 8 toons in Emu is quite a bit more responsive, I haven't done a lot of long distance follow testing (I'm done with Loping... lol) but they seem to follow better.

few interesting things I found..

each Rof2 client spawns 22 threads (!) if you are running 18 toons, that's almost 400 threads! so the most important thing here I think is going to be cores & threads - MOAR CORES!! ram is important yes, but it really depends on the zone too.. with my 8 toons loaded in Stonehive I was at 93% ram used, once I zoned them to Templeveeshan that dropped to 75% in use(!)  - ergo Stonehive is a shitty zone to use as a city.. there was only 12 toons in there at the time, 8 of them being mine..

also, check the affinity of each client - I thought Rof2 was pretty good at spreading them out, but turns out.. it really isn't. after loading my 8 toons, it assigned 3 of them to core 0, 3 to core 1, 2 to core 2, and NONE to core 3... so I rearranged them for 2 clients on each core.
[to do this, in task manager, click on details, right-click each client (eqgame.exe) and select "set affinity" - I think there might be a way to do this in the shortcut properties... or in a batch file]

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 12, 2016, 04:39:44 pm
So you are saying that going with the processor over the SSD would be the best bet?  ???

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: balidet on October 12, 2016, 08:24:22 pm
I went from a 2.4 dual core pentium to a much better 8core AMD and from 4gb or ram to 16.... it was a world changer for me and my 12 toons.... i was able to play up to 18 toons with the old set up but man....its so smooth now...

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 13, 2016, 02:20:22 pm
Ssd will help loading.. do both ;)

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 13, 2016, 03:47:29 pm
ok for the 1155 socket is the i7-3770K the biggest bang for the buck?  The research i have done says it is a "favorite of enthusiast"....... ???

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 13, 2016, 04:09:50 pm
seems like it yes

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: Raygan on October 14, 2016, 02:55:41 am
How about this i7-2600k?
Seems it is 3.4 ghz (so .5 ghz less than the 3770k) but with same cache and cores as the i7 3770k......also slightly less expensive.

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 14, 2016, 12:57:28 pm
sorry I don't know.. I'd say get the fastest cpu that will fit in the socket. well, besides some Intel "Xtreme" thing that's $1000...

you might also think about something like this:

$135 for a whole computer... only 4gb ram but it may be expandable..
network that to your system, you'll have to figure out how to connect it to EQBC but I assume it's easy once you figure it out.. and run 6-8 toons on that pc.

hell I'm tempted to buy one just because.. $135 whole damn computer!

Title: Re: SSD drive
Post by: walk2k on October 14, 2016, 01:01:25 pm
they have other options too, some have 8gb ram but smaller HDD..