EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: wolfegunr on October 19, 2016, 07:38:42 am

Title: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: wolfegunr on October 19, 2016, 07:38:42 am
When I think of all the good times I had on EZ, it makes me want to come back and play again. So, I re-setup the new pc build with appropriate partitions, I renew my subscribtion to isboxer, I spend hours to get the format just right and hotkeys setup, then I fire up my accounts. It doesn't take long to remember again why I quit ez server...the ridiculous high end grinds that are no fun, only to get a bit stronger...for what? I have done this many times in the past few years and I realized what I really wanted. I wanted to start here all over again from scratch. As I leveled up a new set of toons, it was fun but didn't take long to be unfulfilling... I mean, who can you brag to about finally making it through a new zone, when everyone here is T10? Then it hit me what would bring back old friends and new alike to experience all the content we have long forgotten about once again.

Going through the content would be just part of the fun, as we will have to band together again to break into zones as we go... and just imagine actually helping people again in the lower tiers once you get your 3.0 epics? Not just rofl stomping with T10 gear, but actually having fun along side lower tier players?

How about we have a seperate New EZ server, where everyone starts out from scratch again? You could run it on the same hardware, just have two instances...the numbers of people logged in would go up due to the new server, but the old servers numbers for now would be close to 0, and this would also buy plenty of time to develope new content as we work our way up on the new server. You could eventually use the current server as a kind of test realm for new content, then shift it over to the new server as bugs are worked out.

Just a thought. This would be the best days of EQ all over again, and would generate a lot of new interest and people that are loath to start from scratch on an established server. If you agree, add your comments and let's generate some interest in this. Thanks for your time.

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Brannyn on October 19, 2016, 10:40:47 am

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: balidet on October 19, 2016, 02:06:56 pm
So a burned out retired players wants to hit the reset button on the server so he can relive this glory days....and to hell with the current players?   Or did I read this thing wrong?

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Soakked on October 19, 2016, 02:08:05 pm
Good idea, I'm up for it

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: walk2k on October 19, 2016, 02:41:56 pm
I think he wants a new, duplicate server. Seems okay to me, doubt I would play there but... main thing is who wants to maintain and administer it?

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Raygan on October 19, 2016, 02:47:27 pm
Then people get into T10 (in a few months) and we have two identicle EZ servers? Nah...
Sounds like if that's what is being asked maybe look into another EMU server altogether.

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Akkadius on October 19, 2016, 03:30:22 pm
Sounds like he's looking for a progression-style clean slate server where people can rush to the top.

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Brannyn on October 19, 2016, 06:23:30 pm
Sounds like he's looking for a progression-style clean slate server where people can rush to the top.
I could see that as being cool if we did something like D3 seasons and give rewards to characters on the main server for how well they do on the new server, just reset it every couple of months. I suspect it would be the same people getting rewards every time though.

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Peign on October 19, 2016, 11:34:35 pm
I think this could be a sweet idea.   Roll this new server back to the 2012 code base (Around T7 or T8) pre UW, pre XP mask etc and call it EZ Legends.      Like others indicated though, not sure there is enough EZ crowd to populate 2 servers.  

edit - oh and let us port our toons over at level 1 with all of our reward items  :)

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Chunka on October 21, 2016, 08:39:56 am
I'd play on a pre UW EZ server. I honestly think the UW are one of the biggest problems with the server atm.

Title: Re: Would it be possible to have a reset version of EZ?
Post by: Ponzi on October 23, 2016, 05:30:51 pm
I'd vote for an actual server reset just for the glorious thread of tears. Not enough popcorn in this world....

In all seriousness, its a fun idea. But it works better for p99-type places where depriving people of content is the norm. On EZ higher-ups actually help the newer population, so all a reset/2nd server would do is eliminate any help from 'higher powers'.

A full on progression server would be fun for bragging rights and weiner comparison, but i doubt it would generate a spike in player interest of people who don't currently play on EZ anyways. Logistically it would just be something for Akk to have to worry about without the benefit of an influx of real, new players.