EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Oogluck on October 30, 2016, 03:47:21 am

Title: Character Mover Utility
Post by: Oogluck on October 30, 2016, 03:47:21 am
I haven't been playing more than a few months and I had something just happen.  I zoned into Befallen with my lvl 70 pally and accidentally zoned out into wcommons.  The game crashed saying that I did not have the necessary commons file to run the game.  Well, when I tried to log in again, my pally was still said to be in wcommons on the character selection screen and crashed again when I tried to log in.  I then logged in another character and asked the good people of EZ what to do.  They told me wcommons was a pvp zone and I wasn't high enough lvl.  I was told that I needed to use the character mover utility in the ez server toolbar and move my pally to nexus.  But when I tried to do so, I ran into a problem.  On page 1 of 3, I entered my login name and my pally name.  On page 2 of 3 it said my login and character name were confirmed, but under Zone Name, it just said confirmed but didn't say what zone toon was in or where I might want to move it, nor did it give me any options to do so.  I hit the DO IT button anyway and page 3 of 3 said character has been moved to..... [blank].  Nothing.  How do I get my pally unstuck or moved or whatever?  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks.


Title: Re: Character Mover Utility
Post by: synthaxx_17 on October 30, 2016, 03:55:38 am
Have you tried logging in your Pally again? Supposedly, your char should be moved to Nexus.

Title: Re: Character Mover Utility
Post by: Chieftan on October 30, 2016, 03:58:23 am
Its probably due to the fact the server is currently running on Akka desktop though the event, i may be wrong though =)

But give this command a try from another toon when the server comes back up, something Akka put in place a while ago, it may work
If not, email Akka, he will sort ASAP

#character_move <account_name> <character_name>

Title: Re: Character Mover Utility
Post by: Oogluck on October 30, 2016, 04:01:55 am
Yes I tried relogging in after doing the mover utility, still said pally was in wcommons and still crashed.  Will try the moving with another character and get back to you.  Thanks for input!  8)
