EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on June 26, 2010, 03:59:48 am

Title: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Hunter on June 26, 2010, 03:59:48 am
Talk about hohonora zone in this thread.

Need ideas how to make it more fun.

Was thinking about adding Epic 3.5 as a stepping stone to your Epic 4.0. Basically there would be a boss in the zone that drops the incompleted epic book, and then you'd collect 10 different pages from 10 different types of trash, maybe 1-5% drop rate. Then obvious fill up book, combine, and turn in.

Already added augs to drop.

Maybe edit the npc spells, and stats, etc.

Post ideas here.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Scootz on June 26, 2010, 05:04:46 am
Hunter your on the money man, I may be able to get a 3.5 book, maybe not be able to get any t3 gear, seeing as to how it takes a huge raid, but some form of bridge to the 4.0 would be awesome for those who can't get to the real hard stuff, yet!

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Smoka on June 26, 2010, 07:42:32 am
That sounds like a wonderful idea. Epic 3.5's with stats/dmg/etc in between the 3.0 and 4.0 weapons. Would help as a stepping stone for those that don't have full power to tackle 4.0's, but can still work a weapon upgrade in. Love it!

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Gnaughty on June 26, 2010, 09:21:18 am
There should be gnomes floating around in little hot air ballons that randomly drop bombs on you.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Tuomo on June 26, 2010, 11:52:27 pm
Change teleportation to other parts of the zone via 1 red stone, to a ring that you can buy for some number of stones which has clicky teleport.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: qualin on June 27, 2010, 01:08:58 am

Once you get to T3 / T4 it means you've grinded through T1/T2 gear, the last thing I look forward to is yet another grind for an epic 3.5.  Farming cyans is bad enough, especially if you are a non boxer (see my semi ultimate charm suggestion thread for that arguement).

If you are going to add a 3.5, do something cool like 2.5. Ya Know, epic 2.5 was wicked cool.  It was different from epic 1.5 and 2.0, there was no 'grind' with 2.5.  It was solo-able and challenging when i did it, and just a cool concept.  That is if you weren't a monk

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Ashbane on June 27, 2010, 02:19:42 am
So why not make 3.5 another soloable drop like the 2.5 quest but you need tier 1 bp or something to be flagged?

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Chane Laforet on June 27, 2010, 02:22:22 am
What about just random weapon drops with a very little drop rate that are slightly better than stats than the 3.0's but not being directly connected to the epic line so that you dont "have" to farm them for your 4.0, assuming you would need the 3.5 to get a 4.0... Making them not a necessity, but if you happen to find one it would be nice...

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Hunter on June 27, 2010, 03:00:07 am
Maybe collect 10 pages that are on the ground, as a ground spawn? Would spawn random locations every time. That way you could kinda of solo that.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Reed on June 27, 2010, 03:25:26 am
Maybe collect 10 pages that are on the ground, as a ground spawn? Would spawn random locations every time. That way you could kinda of solo that.

as long as you only need 10 pages, not in any certain order. otherwise random spawns of random pages at random locations would be like "wtf? i been looking for page 7 for weeks now!"

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Budzwar on June 27, 2010, 04:30:20 am
How about having some of the pet buff spells drop in here so they are actually viable? Or maybe some of the other spells?

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Padme on June 27, 2010, 05:54:10 am
I like the idea of an epic 3.5 in Hohonara, it will bring more player to play in, because actually its really boring to farm cyan ...

Maybe you can do a "boss" for each sort of avatar who drop a page (or a token)
Avatar of heaven / earth / hate / abyss / undeworld / skies / valor / storms / hell

There is 9 actually, so maybe add a last boss for the page 10 like the Dragon Slave with a port to go kill it and like you said a boss who will drop the incomplete book of epic 3.5

This should be a really nice thing to have and maybe help people for T3/T4

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Balthor on June 27, 2010, 07:45:40 am
Yea thats a nice idea and all but a lot of people are looking for something close to the 2.5.
I wouldnt want to do a 3.5 MoW on crack+TT on crack just to do the 4.0 fight some day when shits pretty rough.
Of course I am only going off what I have heard I have basically avoided T3 to work on pet alts.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: istvaan on June 27, 2010, 11:36:22 am
The only thing I could think of to make HoH farming even slightly tolerable is to make t3 spells rarely drop off of trash, just to keep things interesting.

It's the cyan grind that has prevented me from logging in lately. I just can't tolerate killing the same mobs over and over again for hours collecting red stones that drop without any change of pace.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Kaldar on June 27, 2010, 11:56:51 am
The number of hours a player spends in T3 is huge, as we all know. I think livening it up with mini-bosses would be an excellent way to go. Perhaps randomly spawning a mini on the death of any avatar. Maybe the mini could be 30% tougher than a regular avatar and drop a cyan, with possibility for war level jewelery from PoD, or small possibility for a T3 spell drop.

Also, the drops could be increased for mobs that require special tactics, like Earth, Storms, Hell and maybe even Valor. Maybe just a 50% incrase in drops by those mobs since they are enough of a hassle that people just avoid them.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: qualin on June 27, 2010, 12:07:59 pm
I like Kaldar's idea.

Would make T3 a semi raid zone, bosses you have to clear to get to.

Whatever you decide though, keep it a surprise. I always found half the fun of new content in EQ live was hunting down changes and quests.  Give us something to scramble to figure out. I loved the idea of the FG/CG quests, but I'd rather have clues to figure out what items to farm rather than the quest pc just telling me. I remember live did it and you got a fireworks clickie for doing the quest.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: istvaan on June 30, 2010, 01:00:12 pm
Bump because HoH is so excruciatingly boring.

Add some randomness to the place through the means of random boss spawns and random loot drops from trash.

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Bikaf on June 30, 2010, 05:28:02 pm
Since a lot of people have had to progress their tradeskill abilities to high levels to work on their ROA 51+ perhaps you could create a few accessory items that can be forged by from random no drop items that drop from trash. 

Things like paladin DPS augs.. new food and drink that has to be brewed / baked.. and maybe even combining skills to have to use the high level brewed drinks to make other items like an improved mana stone, or a spell to summon a weapon better than a fireblade (that you could perhaps give to other pets than your own?!)

The idea of a 3.5 would be nice even if it had the same spell effect but buffed stats + a spot for one more aug.  There seem to be a lot of possibilities about how you can spawn a 3.5 boss.  I don't like the idea of ground spawns as you'll just see 10000s of posts from people angry that page #6 never seems to spawn for them.  The idea about each "type" of avatar potentially dropping a page for a 3.5 book would work much better and be a little bit more of a challenge... plus it'd keep people from just camping their favorite types of avatar.  Which some people HATE  (har har har)

Title: Re: T3/T4 Hohonora Zone
Post by: Solbash on July 01, 2010, 01:27:46 am
Working on a new design and raid style for HoH, if anyone that wants to help let me know, preferably someone that is in the content and like to see it made more fun that beating your face on the keyboard from the same boring stuff.