EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Adydar on December 15, 2016, 07:26:54 am

Title: Christmas event?
Post by: Adydar on December 15, 2016, 07:26:54 am
Curious if there is anything planned for Christmas this year, I'm abnormal in that I'm off the week before the holiday, but figured I'd throw out the question.

Happy holidays to all

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: spuddson on December 15, 2016, 08:46:25 am
I really loved last years gifts ))

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: warrior5 on December 15, 2016, 04:35:26 pm
Last year was awesome despite all the QQ.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: synthaxx_17 on December 15, 2016, 05:34:18 pm
Anyone can share info about the past christmas events?


Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Noot on December 15, 2016, 06:16:26 pm
Anyone can share info about the past christmas events?


Goblin death squads in Nexus.

Random teleporters to goblin island where you kill stuff to spawn a Turbo Goblin.

Kill Turbo Goblin before the others in instance for UW like items and massive QQ from other players.

Gingerbread man illusions and really neato augs.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Peign on December 15, 2016, 06:34:12 pm
Anyone can share info about the past christmas events?


Goblin death squads in Nexus.

Random teleporters to goblin island where you kill stuff to spawn a Turbo Goblin.

Kill Turbo Goblin before the others in instance for UW like items and massive QQ from other players.

Gingerbread man illusions and really neato augs.

Getting UWs from some random event is silly.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: warrior5 on December 15, 2016, 10:59:04 pm
They weren't UW though, cannot be combined for higher rank.

I say reactivate the event after fixing bugs and let the goblin weapons drop lvl 5-9 only. Do a toon check so toons don't end up with weapons they can't use. It's fun and badass and I never agreed with folks who don't like big items at events - although I do agree 10+ gob weap is way too much. These weapons cannot be upgraded and are very rare. If it makes folks feel better remove the stats and the ultimate aug slots or something but leave the white.

Which is more fun, nothing drops boring event same old stuff or we get some cool drops? I really enjoyed the Xmas event last year just wish all my boxes didn't vanish.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Noot on December 15, 2016, 11:54:10 pm
They weren't UW though, cannot be combined for higher rank.

I say reactivate the event after fixing bugs and let the goblin weapons drop lvl 5-9 only. Do a toon check so toons don't end up with weapons they can't use. It's fun and badass and I never agreed with folks who don't like big items at events - although I do agree 10+ gob weap is way too much. These weapons cannot be upgraded and are very rare. If it makes folks feel better remove the stats and the ultimate aug slots or something but leave the white.

Which is more fun, nothing drops boring event same old stuff or we get some cool drops? I really enjoyed the Xmas event last year just wish all my boxes didn't vanish.

That's why I said they were UW like, but I should have hyphenated it.  The stats were pretty crazy, and the drop rate was better than very rare.  I was helping someone through T2, and by doing the event, they had a better weapon than I had by just opening a box, while I had to grind for a crazy amount of time (Think I was at UW5 or so at this point).  My paladin got a level 7 weapon that has 55k base damage and other crazy stats.  I'm not bitter or jealous, it just boggles my mind that these kinds of weapons would be relatively accessible by random chance via Monty Hall.  That player I was helping went banana's when they could use that weapon, and has since not been on for some time.

The event itself was fun, and I enjoy running around as a gingerbread man, confusing the newer players on how to obtain one.  The nexus slaughter was also fun when the lag wasn't ball-crushingly awful.  If the weapons were better than their respective tier, and less than the equivalent UW, I wouldn't have an issue with the drops.  The augs were really good too, and the caster augs were a nice, exclusive incentive to participate. 

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: balidet on December 16, 2016, 12:08:18 am
I too would have to agree that UW dropping is nothing but sour milk... fun for the few that get them and annoying for the rest.

Could we have some other alt item that is not of the UW caliber but better than the normal weapon skins?

I really don't have a clue as to how much effort it takes to alter things for a once a year event but remeber these items can have a long term effect on the server mentality.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Brannyn on December 16, 2016, 01:25:11 am
How about just do the same thing with the gobby weapons as the BU weapons: only powerful during the Christmas event and normal the rest of the year.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: walk2k on December 16, 2016, 01:07:01 pm
how about just doing a pass thru the T1-T9 weapon skins and make the white damage comparble to an equiv level UW? (not 100% but say 80-90%). probably adding a 0 to the end would do it in most cases.. then we don't have to QQ about how game breaking the UW is, or how horrible of a grind it is... ever again.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Peign on December 16, 2016, 02:23:31 pm
how about just doing a pass thru the T1-T9 weapon skins and make the white damage comparble to an equiv level UW? (not 100% but say 80-90%). probably adding a 0 to the end would do it in most cases.. then we don't have to QQ about how game breaking the UW is, or how horrible of a grind it is... ever again.

Grind it out.   

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Mersedez on December 16, 2016, 03:34:56 pm
I'd be happy if christmas event only dropped master essences because it's the biggest cock block ever

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: balidet on December 16, 2016, 04:40:48 pm
Moar essence is better..... master...qvic....I  have never looted an essence out side of anguish that i was like..fuck...another essence...

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: bridgitx on December 17, 2016, 08:47:34 am
More weapons of anykind that accept ultimate augs would be awesome. id love the possibility of random special weapons dropping in regular zones that would let me use my berries on something other than sls..

Then theres a choice between utility ae damage or direct damage and it would increase the use of expeditions.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: balidet on December 17, 2016, 12:20:45 pm
Ultimate augs are for ultimate weapons...make more if you have to many berries

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Raygan on December 17, 2016, 03:36:45 pm
I would like to see UW augs to fill slots in UWs that arent utilized.....my warrior and pally have 1-2 slots not utilized because there is nothing to fill it.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Dimur on December 17, 2016, 04:04:10 pm
You could probably just remove the non-utilized uw slots for far less effort than trying to itemize something that has never been itemized anyhow.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Drep on December 17, 2016, 05:20:18 pm
change them to ninja Aug slots :)

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Rakharth on December 18, 2016, 11:52:39 am
Double loots and Double credits and im happy

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Chieftan on December 20, 2016, 01:55:08 am

Any word on when/if anything is going down this xmas?

I know other peeps are wondering, but just wanting to plan time around to enjoy any event )
We know your coding hard on updates/T10, and appreciate how busy you are, just looking for a heads up is all

Thanks Akka

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: Felony on December 20, 2016, 09:39:40 am
He said in ooc the other day we wont have a event, he doesn't have the time to baby sit it.
Waiting on him to make a news post, sounded like we would get double loot and maybe discounted credits.

Title: Re: Christmas event?
Post by: synthaxx_17 on December 20, 2016, 05:34:19 pm
He said in ooc the other day we wont have a event, he doesn't have the time to baby sit it.
Waiting on him to make a news post, sounded like we would get double loot and maybe discounted credits.

Aye, he did mention that. Though he did say that we will have Double loot and prolly (hoping) double credit as well.