EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Akkadius on December 23, 2016, 03:41:25 am

Title: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 23, 2016, 03:41:25 am
Holiday Event
  • Double Loot will be available Friday through Tuesday
  • Double Credits will be available Friday through Tuesday

  • Update your /say #files or use the link on the left as there is new Spell data

  • [Drajor] Hero Forge models now work correctly in game
  • [Akkadius] Hero Forge models now load at character select

  • Muramite Proving Grounds expedition will now enforce essence selections allowable based on the lowest level toon in the expedition

Ultimate Weapons:

  • Ultimate Weapons have had a visual overhaul, each Ultimate Weapon set now changes weapon graphic and icon every 3 tiers.
  • "Ultimate Knuckle" line has been renamed to "Ultimate Weapon Fist"
  • "Ultimate Zweihander" line has been renamed to "Ultimate Great Axe"
  • [Rent] "Ultimate Mace" last few ranks of the line had an issue with healing proc, this has now been resolved


T10 Changes


  • A zone out beacon has been added near the zone in of Sunderock
  • Each faction camp in T10 has been made to stand out more distinctively as separate camps within the main entrance area
  • Log objects near the Orc camp have been removed
  • Many objects have been removed from the zone that contribute to memory/zone overhead
  • Many visual adjustments have been made to the zone for look and feel as well as functionality
  • Players are now able to create instances, however even with free waypoint items, T10 will cost due to server resources until T11 is open
  • Players just starting out T10 get a notification when entering each specific camp
  • Portals now tell players whether they are currently closed or not
  • The zone in location for Sunderock has been moved to the hill below the camp

  • All visible and non-visible armor sets have had a significant stat boost so rewards are more inline with zone difficulty
  • Visible armor sets now have appropriate Mana/Endurance as well as regeneration rates
  • Ring of Sunderock is now available on the Roaming Gnome
  • New Ultimate T10 Armor line uses the new Hero Forge Models
  • A New Vitality line has been introduced to T10, "Citrine Gemstone of Vitality X" - this is not parallel progression to Leaf of Vitality

Preview of New "Ultimate" T10 Hero Forge:


  • Beast of Burden now appropriately spawns in the Sarnak camp
  • Boss spawn conditions so they are based on roll rather than total kill count
  • Fixed "Little J-haughn" now properly give task completion credits for kill
  • Fixed "Ro`kki" now properly give task completion credits for kill
  • Fixed "Sharpclaw Tuff Grimefoot" now properly give task completion credits for kill
  • Fixed "Vampire Lord" now properly give task completion credits for kill
  • Sarnak Boss Lord Vaxxol should now spawn
  • Forgemaster Blazeclaw (Gnoll) should also be far more realistically spawnable
  • Gnoll bosses have been increased in physical size and appearance has changed to make them more "boss-like"
  • Lord Venombite boss triggers have been reworked into general Gnoll kills
  • Ro`kki in the bandit camp should also be more easily spawnable
  • Spawn conditions for various bosses have been rewritten so they can be triggered with realistic conditions
  • The Basilisk Den Mother (Boss) now spawns with more realistic conditions
  • Vampire Lord no longer wanders after being triggered
  • [Rent] All bosses in T10 now have spawn emotes, if they had existing ones they were most likely revised or changed
  • Plagueborne spawn rates have been increased
  • Plagueborn's now give a zone wide emote when they spawn

  • All traps have been removed from the zone
  • Camp Leaders have been pulled out of their tents to make them easier to access
  • Camp NPC's have had their appearances adjusted and dialogue adjusted to make it more obvious of their importance
  • Cross camp invasions have been removed and NPC's stick to their own camps
  • NPC Dialogue is now accompanied with animations to give more life to player interaction
  • NPC pathing pauses in between grid points have been heavily adjusted to reduce zone overhead
  • Orc models have been changed to newer models and textures have been changed appropriately
  • Rangers and Archers have been removed from all camps. Any Quest NPC's referencing them in dialogue have also been removed
  • Roaming Gnome's last name has been changed to: "Core Quest NPC & Information"
  • Vaquel the Champion is a new NPC in the main camp

  • A new armor "Ultimate set" not to confuse with the "Ultimate Weapon" line has been added as a questline to Sunderock. Nuwferus MacKilligan handles this after players have achieved Ally with all 3 factions
  • All NPC's that give dialogue in Sunderock now use dialogue windows interaction quality/ease of readability
  • Artifacts questline has been removed from Elgeon Silvershaper
  • Camp leaders now display faction levels in the armory once a player has gotten to the level of unlocking the Armory for each camp
  • Casters guild "Blood Token" line for Necromancers now requires Undead to kill versus the Archers since they have been eliminated from the zone
  • Each camp leader now displays locked/unlocked status in a dialogue window when a player has gotten to the stage of the armory
  • Freeport and Qeynos questlines have been removed
  • Nightblade Carella's original quest has been removed
  • Elgeon Silvershaper's Artifact questline has been removed
  • Quest NPC's now have more appropriately labeled last names
  • Roaming Gnome now allows players to start another camp faction once an existing camp faction has been completed
  • All 3 camp leaders no longer give the faction task once player is 'Ally'
  • Orc bosses now drop a single "Faydwer Alliance: Armory Token"
  • Gnoll bosses now drop a "Indigo Vanguard: Armory Token"
  • Sarnak bosses now drop a "Cabilis Foreign Legion: Armory Token"
  • Camp leaders take armor tokens as hand in now for Armory credit per physical token drop changes
  • Vaquel the Champion has a new quest in the main camp area

  • "Enslaved Undead Gnolls" now allows 18 players to enter
  • "Enslaved Undead Gnolls" now no longer repop after 6 hours after they've been killed

Special Thanks:
  • To all of the players that make EZ what it is
  • To Rent for spending many many hours helping out with this last patch. He has shown tremendous desire to help this community because it is something he's been a part of for so long and loves. He truly has been a big help in assisting with tasks and getting various things doled out as needed. Please give him your appreciation.
  • Drajor with helping out with the latest Hero Forge patch and getting a few things working regarding them so I could keep working on other things

I will edit more of this post later on, but for now I'm going to bed.


Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Brunaa on December 23, 2016, 04:03:45 am
Thanks Akka and Rent for all the work you have done.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: synthaxx_17 on December 23, 2016, 04:12:43 am
Hoping that the double loot would be until New Year  ;D ;D.

Thank you for your hard work! Excited to get to T10 :)

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Denzig on December 23, 2016, 06:05:24 am
Thanks to all for putting the time and know-how in to work out T10. Really excited.

Some tidbits upon first entering:

Seems everyone's extended target window is gone
No Ring of Sunderock on Roaming Gnome in the merchant window (edit: actually no items on any merchants I've found)

Wish I could stay home and play!  :(

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Chieftan on December 23, 2016, 06:17:22 am
Thanks for all the work Akka/Rent

Seems everyone's extended target window is gone

Yeah it seems UF expansion is disabled, says you must purchase Underfoot when trying to bring xtarget window back

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Felony on December 23, 2016, 06:51:54 am
Paladin and cleric group invis to undead AA is now gone.
Rogue Cunning Disguise AA now gone.

Not seeing anything else unexpected that hasnt already been mentioned.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Mersedez on December 23, 2016, 07:29:04 am
I love you guys.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Rakharth on December 23, 2016, 07:39:45 am
  • Muramite Proving Grounds expedition will now enforce essence selections allowable based on the lowest level toon in the expedition

Um why. Now all this will be is a expedition that will collect dust.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Mersedez on December 23, 2016, 08:09:41 am
Extended targets is bugged

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Felony on December 23, 2016, 08:33:33 am
Looks like Mnemonic retention AA changed as well. Lost gem slots and just noticed. Have to load up on a older client now just to kill my toons and release spells.

EDIT: so can't see gem slot 11 or 12 BUT can still use the spells with hotkey or MQ2 so not as bad as I thought at first.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: avadar on December 23, 2016, 08:41:10 am
Wow guys, sounds like some amazing changes... will be loading up EZ to check them out!! Thanks for all the hard work Akka and Rent. Rent not surprised to hear you're willing to put in so much work into this community, you've always had the passion for this place. Thanks mate! Happy holidays to all!


Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Fecs on December 23, 2016, 09:18:52 am
Really excited to try the new T10, but running into a weird error that is completely unrelated to the changes but maybe someone here can help.

Changed nothing since halloween except downloading new server files:

I can open the first client fine works perfect, but if i try to open any additional clients, or even a different one after that first client is opened and closed eqgame crashes. I have no idea what is causing the crashes.

Running Windows 10, 24 G RAM.

Anyone happen to have any ideas?

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on December 23, 2016, 10:14:47 am
First thanks Akkadius, Rent and Drajor for you work, much obliged.

Checked out T10, it looks good.  One thing noticeable right away, no lag with labels on on the map!   Looks promising.    I noticed that there are no mobs on the 2 plateaus in the north, where orc and sarnaks used to be, by design?

Bug:  Vendors do not currently have any inventory

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Rent Due on December 23, 2016, 10:52:17 am
Thank you all.

It was a pleasure to work with Akkadius on this update. I hope everyone enjoys the changes.

PS, hail all the NPCs in camp, lol

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Noot on December 23, 2016, 12:02:02 pm
Thanks so much Akka and Rent. These changes look fantastic. I can't wait to get some time to check this stuff out. I zoned into T10 once a few months ago and nopped right out.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: walk2k on December 23, 2016, 12:21:49 pm
hearing spell effects that I didn't before -  not a big deal obviously but this happened with the 1st Halloween spell file too, and lots of bad stuff happened with that (later corrected).

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: warrior5 on December 23, 2016, 01:54:34 pm
BOOM thanks Akka and Rent and everyone who helped with these changes :)

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 23, 2016, 02:27:41 pm
  • Merchanlists are resolved, just need to zone
  • Extended targets window should now be working correctly again, this also requires a zone if you are already online
  • Missing AA's or Spell Gems because of AA's should also be resolved, this also requires a zone

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Rent Due on December 23, 2016, 02:36:52 pm
Thanks so much Akka and Rent. These changes look fantastic. I can't wait to get some time to check this stuff out. I zoned into T10 once a few months ago and nopped right out.

And this is exactly why Akkadius took the time to redo the zone completely, so that people would come into T10 and say, "yeah, I want to grind here to get the goods!"

This is now a very playable, very likable zone and I think in the future when time permits the code/script that was created for this update will be used in other zones to make those zones fun as well. And looking towards the future, Akkadius created scripts and code from scratch that will very much improve the way people play on this server. The future looks very bright indeed.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: warrior5 on December 24, 2016, 02:39:22 am
Since my toons are all different faction I attempted to change them today but the gnome ignores me when I say "start over." This is a big problem as I will have to do all factions, then do them all again.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: warrior5 on December 24, 2016, 03:38:20 am
Since my toons are all different faction I attempted to change them today but the gnome ignores me when I say "start over." This is a big problem as I will have to do all factions, then do them all again.

Akka fixed this rapidly please ignore :)

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 24, 2016, 09:18:35 am
PB's are not emoting...BoB started out emoting but doesnt now...

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Denzig on December 24, 2016, 09:24:21 am
Yeah haven't seen an emote from a plagueborn, and are we sure the spawn rate was increased?  ;D

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: spuddson on December 24, 2016, 11:03:44 am
Plageborns seem very rare and kill liljohn and didnt get a shard but got 2 essence so not gona cry

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Rent Due on December 24, 2016, 11:14:51 am
Yeah haven't seen an emote from a plagueborn, and are we sure the spawn rate was increased?  ;D

Yes, the Plagueborn spawn rate was increased, however it will still be a difficult quest to complete.

Plageborns seem very rare and kill liljohn and didnt get a shard but got 2 essence so not gona cry

Those shards do not always drop. Several times in the past when I was doing T10 I had him drop notta, and other times he would drop 3, 4, 2, whatever.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 24, 2016, 12:13:15 pm
Any fixes or adjustments will have to wait until later tonight as I am doing family stuff today.

Enjoy the event everyone

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Denzig on December 24, 2016, 12:45:12 pm
My instance has been active for 8 hours and I've had one plagueborn spawn.

If they are tied to kill count now, that makes sense as I've been afk more than not. But, if they're the same as before, somethings up.

Thanks, Akk and Rent.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 24, 2016, 02:16:50 pm
My instance has been active for 8 hours and I've had one plagueborn spawn.

If they are tied to kill count now, that makes sense as I've been afk more than not. But, if they're the same as before, somethings up.

Thanks, Akk and Rent.

Yes you still have to kill things to get anything to spawn

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 24, 2016, 05:00:01 pm
Also have noticed, on Sarnaks, that a good amount of the mobs are stuck under the world.  Also not sure what spawns BoB, random on # of mob kills or what...but spawned him twice yesterday evening in about an hour...then nothing....this morning spawned him quickly...and then nothing all day.  Was on the 250 kill quest and then the 500...now almost done with the 750 (732/750) and havent got to spawn again....have yet to see but 3 PB's within 250+500+732=1,482 mobs.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Mersedez on December 25, 2016, 11:20:38 pm
Double loot is the bomb


Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Loyal on December 26, 2016, 05:19:47 am
  • Muramite Proving Grounds expedition will now enforce essence selections allowable based on the lowest level toon in the expedition

Um why. Now all this will be is a expedition that will collect dust.

Edit: no real change to MPG, i think Akka was just saying you cant bring a lvl 70 into a LP MPG and get mega AAs....still useful zone for backfarming.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Drep on December 26, 2016, 11:30:33 am
thanks akk and rent!

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: balidet on December 26, 2016, 01:32:06 pm
  • Muramite Proving Grounds expedition will now enforce essence selections allowable based on the lowest level toon in the expedition

Um why. Now all this will be is a expedition that will collect dust.

Edit: no real change to MPG, i think Akka was just saying you cant bring a lvl 70 into a LP MPG and get mega AAs....still useful zone for backfarming.

I dont know if is a change or not but I tried to bring in some alts so I could run MPG twice and it would not let me do higher than dragons major with a lvl 72 toon in the expedition.

I have never tried this before so i dont know if that is a change or not.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on December 26, 2016, 02:04:03 pm
  • Muramite Proving Grounds expedition will now enforce essence selections allowable based on the lowest level toon in the expedition

Um why. Now all this will be is a expedition that will collect dust.

Edit: no real change to MPG, i think Akka was just saying you cant bring a lvl 70 into a LP MPG and get mega AAs....still useful zone for backfarming.

I dont know if is a change or not but I tried to bring in some alts so I could run MPG twice and it would not let me do higher than dragons major with a lvl 72 toon in the expedition.

I have never tried this before so i dont know if that is a change or not.

Yes, that is the change.    Peeps cant roll 5 70s and a 78 and do OC essence anymore.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 26, 2016, 02:43:54 pm
No PB's are spawning it seems.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 26, 2016, 08:44:38 pm
All toons started sarnaks at same time and all hail to complete each mission at the same time...Raygan is apprehensive the rest are still dubious (and have done the SAME # of missions for faction on each toon)???

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: spuddson on December 27, 2016, 01:41:32 am
Weapon hand ins have so far only been for the character handing in. Says 50 but needs 100. Only get a raid credit on boss kills if in range.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on December 27, 2016, 06:53:09 am
CAUTION:    The roaming gnome change of heart option will remove ALL of your active quests

Edit:  This may not be an issue.  Noticed after doing had 0 tasks, but toon may not have had any non faction related tasks in the first place.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 27, 2016, 06:15:14 pm
CAUTION:    The roaming gnome change of heart option will remove ALL of your active quests

Edit:  This may not be an issue.  Noticed after doing had 0 tasks, but toon may not have had any non faction related tasks in the first place.

As discussed in game - this is only faction related tasks

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 27, 2016, 06:41:24 pm
Weapon hand ins have so far only been for the character handing in. Says 50 but needs 100. Only get a raid credit on boss kills if in range.

Of course bosses are only going to give credit if you're in range.

T10: Grand Summoner Agwin can now take in multiple weapons at a time for Weapon Research
T10: Stone Sergeant Grognir can now take in multiple weapons at a time for Weapon Research
T10: Warlord Asmodae can now take in multiple weapons at a time for Weapon Research

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 27, 2016, 06:41:49 pm
No PB's are spawning it seems.

T10: Fixed an issue that was preventing plagueborne to spawn properly in certain cases

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 27, 2016, 07:52:01 pm
This is odd doing kill quest on sarnaks on all toons...have done the same number of tasks on each toon...(Group 1)Raygan, Widomaker, Orthanos, Lunarmace, Damaskus are indifferent and Rellin Apprehensive....(Group 2)all apprehensive....(Group 3) 3 are on orc faction...3 casters in same group on Sarnak faction are Apprehensive, Apprehensive, Dubious...shouldn't they be getting the same faction hits per task?

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 28, 2016, 03:10:45 am
This is odd doing kill quest on sarnaks on all toons...have done the same number of tasks on each toon...(Group 1)Raygan, Widomaker, Orthanos, Lunarmace, Damaskus are indifferent and Rellin Apprehensive....(Group 2)all apprehensive....(Group 3) 3 are on orc faction...3 casters in same group on Sarnak faction are Apprehensive, Apprehensive, Dubious...shouldn't they be getting the same faction hits per task?

Each task completion can have a small variance in the faction points

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on December 28, 2016, 08:37:01 am
T10 is sweet now.   Much more enjoyable.    Thanks again for your work and keeping this place going. 

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 28, 2016, 05:30:04 pm
- Utility based NPC's no longer will participate in combat
- T10: Roaming Gnome now tells you if you tried to do "change of heart" without having 500k Platinum to "Reset"
- T10: Roaming Gnome now sends players to Character select instead of killing them
- T10: Main Quest NPC's should now be targetable using certain MQ2 builds
- The Teleporter should also be mass /assist targetable now through certain MQ2 builds

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on December 28, 2016, 06:35:58 pm
T10 is sweet now.   Much more enjoyable.    Thanks again for your work and keeping this place going. 

Glad to hear, would be nice to hear what others think of it as well

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: warrior5 on December 28, 2016, 08:43:03 pm
My playtime has been limited, but what I've seen so far in T10 has been a huge, huge improvement. Awesome job Akka!

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Dimur on December 28, 2016, 09:37:58 pm
It's definitely playable, but it feels like just another grind zone.  Don't get me wrong, buggy doesn't necessarily mean challenging, but in it's in-tuned incarnation doing T10 felt dangerous.  Yeah, no death penalty, but if you could actually get all your toons to sync to the zone after force crashing and reloading them when they couldn't, you really needed to decide where you wanted to go before you wandered off aimlessly.  You didn't just go kill gnolls for a while, then wander over to the sarnak camp before grinding armor quests at orcs because at any time during your trek you could spawn random ambush mobs from 3-10 or w/e it was.  You had to be careful when pulling camps because your puller could fire off a trap spawn and dump his entire pull on the camp while getting smoked from behind by the ambushers.  You needed to find out for yourself where  the best camp spots were by knowing where those ambush mobs would spawn and adjust accordingly, so it was always fun watching people unfamiliar with the zone 'test' it out and wipe repeatedly not only to the normal npcs, but getting smoked by a random ambush when running back to rez was pretty common too. 

I'm happy the zone got totally gutted and reworked, it was a real shit show as far as consuming content went with the retarded number of mobs in camps, crazy dmg output and hella high hp totals, broken quests, spawn mechanics and unitemized/unseen named mobs.  I just think that it now feels like there's little risk involved, just grindy grind.  I've only scratched the surface of the zone.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: bridgitx on December 29, 2016, 05:43:12 pm
For the people who have t10 armor there seems to be alot less risk involved. For those new to t10.. Its feels rediculous.

Tier 9 to tier 10 is the biggest jump of all the tiers. Zoning in i picked orcs and continuously got pounded. Some mobs can kill me in 2 hits with full buffs. And most pulls are 3 to 7 mobs.

I play with 2 paladins in main group and a druid shaman and cleric chain healing my melee grp. This gets me through most small pulls.

T10 is not a zone for a single group unless youve worked multiple uws and gotten your ucs to v3.

Not complaining because i like the challenge. Its just rough with my 2 grps of max strikes and uc2.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Dimur on December 29, 2016, 07:28:52 pm
For the people who have t10 armor there seems to be alot less risk involved. For those new to t10.. Its feels rediculous.

This confused me.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: balidet on December 29, 2016, 07:32:37 pm
Yea its def a huge improvement.

It is the grind of all grinds with thousands of kills for each faction to be complete as well as the plaugeborn but its all doable...maybe dont start with orcs... try something that is not so dominate.  

This is where you need to look in the EZ mirror and realize that you do need uc3 on all of the toons... you do need as many UW as you can handle... healing healing healing....

TBH once you start progressing you wont require much healing.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: bridgitx on December 29, 2016, 07:55:09 pm
For the people who have t10 armor there seems to be alot less risk involved. For those new to t10.. Its feels rediculous.

This confused me.

I just meant that the people who have already fought through the horrible first iteration of t10 and have their orc armor will not suffer like the people new to the rereleased t10.

Its still plenty hard.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 29, 2016, 08:10:03 pm
For the people who have t10 armor there seems to be alot less risk involved. For those new to t10.. Its feels rediculous.

This confused me.

I just meant that the people who have already fought through the horrible first iteration of t10 and have their orc armor will not suffer like the people new to the rereleased t10.

Its still plenty hard.

It is NOWHERE near the difficultyit was in it's original form.....and I still die a lot in T10. You will get there...just like those before you IF you persevere.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on December 30, 2016, 04:37:05 am

T10 is not a zone for a single group unless youve worked multiple uws and gotten your ucs to v3.

Not complaining because i like the challenge. Its just rough with my 2 grps of max strikes and uc2.

Yes you need UCv3,IG,SoA,UW XI, on MT...IG on every toon. I SoA every toon that is having issues (cleric,shaman,druid,bard,zerker) that has to stay close to the mob. Also, try using Lingering  Sloth on your MT (is a sha man spell) with druid regen with cleric PoV. Clerics also have a Bestow Divine Aura AA that you can use on your tank.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Denzig on December 31, 2016, 10:39:34 am
Undead do not spawn at night in instances sometimes. Zoned out to public and they were up.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Denzig on December 31, 2016, 04:50:48 pm
Glad to hear, would be nice to hear what others think of it as well

From a before and after perspective:

The zone "feels" much better. it's obvious right off the bat how much work you and Rent put into this
No traps is so much better. Newer folks will simply have ...no....idea....

I've only worked Sarnaks so I cannot speak to orcs and gnolls since the reboot of the zone

Many things happen like I suppose are intended...and then just stop after a while:

Beast of Burden stops emoting on spawn
Undead stop spawning in instances, skipping spawns intermittently
Plagueborn are weird. They spawn, and then just stop. I'm on 2000+ sarnaks today and haven't seen 1 since the first 2 hours I was in here (one spawn in 8+ hours)
Vaxxol exists per another player, but I haven't seen him since the new T10 went live. Keeping every spectral down for 8+ cycles today and nothing. I could be barking up the wrong tree as far as spawning him goes, though

Cycling through instances seems to help some of the issues. For instance, when undead skipped spawned twice, I made a new instance. The new one hasn't skipped. (EDIT: undead have stopped spawning in the latest instance  :( )

Happy New Year

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on January 01, 2017, 06:26:53 am
Vaxxol=Wailing sarnak...and after you kill it, and other spectrals, make sure to /target wail...because may spawn somewhere else not IN the sarnak camp....sometimes across the river.....down near bandits....you just never know.....and i only have gotten him to spawn twice....funny thing is I was talking to Akka in /ooc and I told him "I know something has got to be up with this wailing spectral because there is only one of them."...hehehe

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: balidet on January 01, 2017, 07:01:00 am
can we keep the spoilers off this thread? like for real some people like to figure out stuff for themselves.


Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on January 01, 2017, 07:59:54 am
I also have to agree with Dim...undead not spawning at night is troublesome...also PB's are just...not...spawning...much

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on January 01, 2017, 08:03:04 am
can we keep the spoilers off this thread? like for real some people like to figure out stuff for themselves.


Ok...I can do that....who handles the wiki now?  I can just post it there =)

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on January 01, 2017, 08:05:52 am
Also have started to notice when you die and zone to your bind location....it is taking a lot longer to zone over than usual...bind spot is nexus...is this due to all the people in nexus now?  ???

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: balidet on January 01, 2017, 08:43:59 am
A blackburrow carp in the t10 mini if aggroed and you are not in the water ..can and will cause all of your toons to crash...basically dc from server just like the zone crashes....but is not a zone crash cause the npc don't reset...

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Akkadius on January 01, 2017, 02:56:18 pm
can we keep the spoilers off this thread? like for real some people like to figure out stuff for themselves.


Ok...I can do that....who handles the wiki now?  I can just post it there =)

Anyone looking to contribute to the Wiki just has to register for an account and wait for approval, send me a PM after you do 

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on January 01, 2017, 04:49:17 pm
The night time undead are not spawning in my t10 instance...also PB's are still not spawning, in a way that is much better than they were previously.  I have had 2 PB's all day and one of them spawned inside a wall.  Mant mobs are respawning under the world where you have to pet pull them.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: spuddson on January 05, 2017, 04:25:40 am
Good job im loving the new quests .

One issue i see is the lack or keys dropping for the locked chests.

It was that the gloops killed the gnoll minors so they grew to full size and so droped lots of loot.

Ive killed some basic gloops and very few had loot.

Ive fed some gloops with my boxes and they had loot.

so unless you kill your team keys are gonna be silly rare.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Brunaa on January 06, 2017, 02:20:17 am
I get nearby all Bosses to spawn except the Orc Bosses, killed about 2000 Orcs but no Thunder or any other Orc Boss in sign.
Anyone else has that problem?

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on January 06, 2017, 09:20:52 am
I get nearby all Bosses to spawn except the Orc Bosses, killed about 2000 Orcs but no Thunder or any other Orc Boss in sign.
Anyone else has that problem?

Haven't tried this week but was able to spawn Thunder np last week.     I've been able to spawn (no spoilers!) all but 4 of the bosses thus far,  but haven't put much effort into those bosses as I'm faction grinding.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Mersedez on January 06, 2017, 09:57:03 am

Haven't tried this week but was able to spawn Thunder np last week.     I've been able to spawn (no spoilers!) all but 4 of the bosses thus far,  but haven't put much effort into those bosses as I'm faction grinding.

I want spoilers. I'm too lazy to figure it out myself ^_^

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: warrior5 on January 06, 2017, 11:29:11 am
No Thunder or any orc boss in 1000+ kills for me. Especially glaring since he used to be up constantly. I had Svart popping more often during DL lol.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Raygan on January 07, 2017, 08:25:16 am
Just throwing this out there...but why is the PB kill count 1000?  At the rate of 1000 you could have an UW, that you couldn't use, before you would even have the epic.  ??? The logic i don't understand......

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Mersedez on January 07, 2017, 01:36:15 pm
Just throwing this out there...but why is the PB kill count 1000?  At the rate of 1000 you could have an UW, that you couldn't use, before you would even have the epic.  ??? The logic i don't understand......

I think the pb spawn is still not enough. I spawn way more gnoll bosses during my 750 than pb's. The bosses I also think needs to be spawned more or drop more tokens because it's going to be hell of a grind for anyone new breaking into this zone.

Same with the ultimate armor quest and soul quest things. I've killed about 40 gnoll bosses and seen 2 armor quest things and 2 soul quest things. By the time alot of peeps get ally to all 3 factions, gnolls will be so heavily camped because they're the easiest to kill and bosses are easiest to spawn.

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on January 07, 2017, 02:41:24 pm
It looks like some quests are no longer active.   Stamp out undead, qeynos, freeport etc.     However, items for those quests are still dropping and the mobs for qeynos/freeport are on the lieutenant spawn cycle.     Could those items and those mobs be removed?

Title: Re: T10 Revamp & Many Others
Post by: Peign on January 07, 2017, 05:32:18 pm
Akkadius requested a list of T10 Trash loot.   Here is the list.    I also included a list of mobs that are no longer used for quests but take up space on the PB cycle.

Trash Loot

Items from Defunct quests

Glowing Ritual Skull
Sacrificial Blood-Red Candle
Cursed Amulet
A Kidney

Misc Drops

*** Note:  All of these items can be obtained through quest turn ins

Potion of Deepest Understanding
Potion of No Regrets
Potion of Smarts
Bottled Elements
Potion of Angriest Rage Ever
Potion of Placeruid
Potion of Not So Smarts

Fortune Cookie
Sugar Cookie

Scroll of Death Touch
Scroll of Iron Skin
Scroll of Hurts So Good
Scroll of Extreme Plaguejuice
Scroll of the Martyr
Scroll of Grand Vivification

Magically Delicious Pie
Burping Beer
Seventh Shot of a Seventh Round
Very Prickly Pear

Mobs on Plagueborne cycle that are no longer used

Freeport Exiles

Estrata Gargurd
The Freeport Squeaker
Rossa Strongbranch
Lawna Tasknon
Jaina Lerkarson
Eli Nasin

Qeynos Exiles

Lattere Finham
Murrine Clothspinner
Acolyte of Discord
Moscoli Ironforge
Haskgar Takenmaul
Melloch Varshen
Travin Loresinger