EZ Server

General Category => Server Status => Topic started by: Dharkrah on June 27, 2010, 11:25:18 am

Title: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Dharkrah on June 27, 2010, 11:25:18 am
World server disconected message appeared and now server is not showing in server list

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: ieawenpo on June 27, 2010, 11:25:54 am
World server disconected message appeared and now server is not showing in server list
Aye, disconnected. I emailed Hunter. Not much we can do right now.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Gnaughty on June 27, 2010, 12:46:35 pm
This is a sad Sunday indeedy.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Murrjok on June 27, 2010, 12:50:39 pm
There are other things to do ya know. lol

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Gnaughty on June 27, 2010, 12:59:17 pm
Yes I know but Sunday morning I have a ritual of laying on the couch drinking coffee while watching a movie with my wife and playing on EZ.  Being an older man, messing with my rituals makes me off, kinda like when you dont poop one day, things just arent right.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: swamphy on June 27, 2010, 01:20:01 pm
TMI old man.  :-X

We should petition for double loot drops for the rest of the week to make up for Gnaughty's constipation.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: ieawenpo on June 27, 2010, 02:20:15 pm
LOL@ dont poop.

Im cleaning my office!

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: sohami on June 27, 2010, 03:01:49 pm
Lol, idk bout yall but i just throw constant tantrums.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Gnaughty on June 27, 2010, 03:05:27 pm
Yeah its frustrating but gives me time to run to the store, what time did the server go down exactly?

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Zutier on June 27, 2010, 03:09:35 pm
from EQEmu server status
Worldserver Name:     EZ Server - Custom Zones, Vendors, Quests, Items, etc
 Server Version:    0.8.0
 Server Status:    Down (Last Seen: 06/27/10 12:12 PM EST)
 Average Players:    218
 Max Players:    450

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Odiji on June 27, 2010, 03:10:38 pm
As sad as I am that the server is down, it does give me time to knock out my homework for tomorrow. :P

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Zutier on June 27, 2010, 03:12:15 pm
i do not have any homework for tomorrow =D one of the joys of being a mechanic and going back for re-certification is that any "Homework" just means i get to goof off on my truck =D

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Ummn on June 27, 2010, 03:13:52 pm
really wierd thing happened! the server went down so i met these little midgets in my house that call me Daddy!  I have no idea where they came from or how long they have been here but they seem to know me.  I will give updates as i study their habits further. . . .

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Loyal on June 27, 2010, 03:18:32 pm
I keep thinking of the things I should be doing since the servers are down but I cant help staying close to my computer so I will be ready when the server Is restored to its full Glory!

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Reed on June 27, 2010, 03:24:05 pm
Guess i can work on the wiki again. Someone mentioned it in OOC and it sparked my interest in picking it back up

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: barrettd04 on June 27, 2010, 03:34:46 pm
Lol, at least it forced some people to make forum accounts!  I did a lot of writing(music) today, which is always good.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Reed on June 27, 2010, 03:37:29 pm
been thinking about something to paint for my daughter too. Wife made something for her already, she wants me to as well

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: swamphy on June 27, 2010, 03:43:14 pm
game on.

Server's up.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Loyal on June 27, 2010, 03:49:30 pm
I knew my hard work of sitting by the computer would pay off!

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: youthdragon on June 28, 2010, 11:27:42 am
Let it crash more if that what it takes for people make a account and read the forums here.

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Reed on June 28, 2010, 11:39:33 am
lol well said Pudge

Title: Re: World Server Connection lost
Post by: Eliseus on June 28, 2010, 11:46:42 am
Lol :D