EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rent Due on April 13, 2017, 12:09:16 pm

Title: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 13, 2017, 12:09:16 pm
Ok, so I have a vision of an area where new and old players alike can go and complete their Crafter's Guild quest!

One area with all the brew barrels, ovens, etc and all the NPC merchants needed to get materials from, I think that would be a nice streamline

The goal of this area would be to streamline the quest, you still have to grind it to get your skills up enough to make the grand master items, but you wouldn't have to spend a ton of your grind time running around in an unused zone (Plane of Knowledge).

So, with that, I am looking for a List of the NPC merchants (all of them) needed to complete the materials part of the quest. Which merchants are needed from POK to buy all those raw materials.

I also want to open up the idea machine for where! Where would you put this mecca of trade skills? Which zone, and where in the zone.

So, why would you want to participate in this information gathering brew-ha-ha?

Because I will be awarding 2 minor awards for the completed information.

1 award for the collection of all the names of the merchants needed and 1 award for the place that is chosen to build this in

YAY! gifts from the GM!

Thank you all for your participation in advance, this community is a wealth of information and has the best ideas. I like to consider new ideas and thoughts and debate on subjects. Please keep this discussion civil and orderly, those who do not follow this direction will be asked to not participate further and if you get out of line your award can be removed :(

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Chieftan on April 13, 2017, 12:58:54 pm
Solbash did a good write with all the names/locs with input from others
 Forum Link (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=2882)

I made compiled into a PDF guide as well (<Reddwarf)
PDF Guide (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9A8LWJEUf9nb2NpNENRaWdoVU0/view)

But can list em all here if you want


PoK Merchants
Merin Darkanvil - Dairy spoon

Kanio Paerk - Smithy Hammer

Tratlan Matrick - Needle Mould & Large Tailor Kit
Culkin Ironstove - Mixing Bowl
Tallis Paerk - Small Piece of Ore
Ramos Jerwan - Water Flask
Loran Thu`Leth - The Scent of Marr
Darius Gandril - Celestial Solvent

Audri Deepfacet - Jewlers Kit & Silver Bar
Elisha Dirtyshoes - Glass Shard

Unfired Artisan Seals
Tallis Paerk - Small Block of Clay
Ramos Jerwan - Water Flask
Ciren Darkbog - Poison Vial
Kirem Deepfacet - Ruby
Dalin Greskar - High Quality Firing Sheet

I think thats all the PoK merchants needed

2nd edit

NPC's in other zones required

Grobb - Graktak - Corking Device

Unfired Artisan Seal
Abysmal Sea - Tasec Dreeng - Diamonds/Blue Diamonds/Jacniths
Abysmal Sea - Tialechaety Orrthemech - Black Sapphires
Thurgadin - Talem Tucter - Velium Bars

Possible addition - Vial of Purified Mana adding to a merchant, for non enchanters or who dont have one - Just a thought

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Loyal on April 13, 2017, 03:07:28 pm
I would suggest using Sanctus Seru. Right at the courtyard area near the zone in would be ideal. Nice open space to throw your crafting merchants around  the pool. There are currently two bar's set up that you could use for crafting merchant placement. You could toss a merchant up on top of the mini pyramids. its an open and nice looking zone and if you keep to those few ares everything will be close enough that nobody feels like you just set up another POK

As i run just 10 feet further out of what i explained above i see a few more rooms with armor set up that would make sense to throw your blacksmithing merchants and forge.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 13, 2017, 03:18:59 pm
Thank you Chieftan, early bird gets the worm!

Thanks Loyal

Please keep the ideas coming for a suitable location where everything can be put in a small area for easy work

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rosalitan on April 13, 2017, 08:28:07 pm
i like the sanctus seru idea.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: KnowFear on April 13, 2017, 08:34:56 pm
Pick a wing in the bazaar

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Brannyn on April 14, 2017, 03:07:44 am
I'd say use the void. It's nice and small so we aren't wasting a huge zone on it and you could maybe redirect one of the portals to go straight to the crafters guild. Just split everything up among the islands and you should have a proper amount of space.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Noot on April 14, 2017, 11:09:10 am
I fully support streamlining the Crafting quest, although I will mourn the loss of my crafters guild video's relevancy.  I'll just make a new one when the new area is completed.

I agree with Sanctus Seru.

Another idea for future centralized areas is weddingchapel and darkweddingchapel.  The entire zone is one room.  The only drawback is you have to have RoF2 to zone into it.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 14, 2017, 06:52:54 pm
I'll have to check out those zones

LOL I didn't even think about  your awesome videos :(

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Loyal on April 15, 2017, 06:58:09 am
You may already be planning on doing this, but wherever this ends up being it would be nice to have MacGyver in the zone too.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Loyal on April 15, 2017, 08:31:01 am
We could also utilize the Arena if nobody would cry over the loss of a PVP zone (if it even works).

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 15, 2017, 01:07:45 pm
You may already be planning on doing this, but wherever this ends up being it would be nice to have MacGyver in the zone too.

pretty sure we can have him standing there too

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Shudder on April 15, 2017, 05:05:10 pm
We could also utilize the Arena if nobody would cry over the loss of a PVP zone (if it even works).

Erudin palace would be nice as I know they had multiple levels in the palace square that you could run from one place to another.  Lots of open space in the palace square to add the various craft tables, brew barrels and what not.  Nice thing is Jewel crafting is already there.


This would give you a spot without loosing PVP as I know that sometimes it is nice to have a spot that is secluded try macros to see what works without having to consent to a fight.

my 2 coppers

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 15, 2017, 07:26:54 pm
nice. thanks Shudder.

keep the ideas flowing

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Brannyn on April 15, 2017, 09:22:50 pm
You could use one of the newer guild halls as well.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Kwai on April 16, 2017, 10:21:37 am
IIRC ... Crescent Reach had/has almost everything for crafting already in place.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: walk2k on April 16, 2017, 11:25:31 am
I would suggest NOT using SSeru unless you plan to wipe all NPC because I'm pretty sure it holds the record for most # of npc (just checked, 804 by mqmap count) and many of them are pathing, etc.. I remember seeing a very early video Hunter made testing EZ server and he pulled every mob in SSeru as a stress test..

Why not use bazaar? it's right there next to nexus.. or the city there, Shadowhaven?

or basically any small, empty zone

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Loyal on April 16, 2017, 11:42:13 am
Nuke the mobs that arent necessary, if necessary :D

Lots of these small zones are super enclosed and will suck for them fatty ogres.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Loyal on April 16, 2017, 11:52:24 am
Firiona Vie - take over the settlement. Slightly change port in to drop you on the ramp leading to the coliseum under construction.  You could throw the majority of the mobs just right inside there and perhaps a few outside it or in the huts surrounding the coliseum.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Loyal on April 16, 2017, 02:13:22 pm

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: walk2k on April 17, 2017, 01:47:33 pm
EC tunnel!

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 17, 2017, 02:42:02 pm
EC tunnel!

LOL, you know I know now that EC tunnel was the best known place to trade on EQ, but honestly on Tunare server we always used Gfaydark for some reason.

I would suggest NOT using SSeru unless you plan to wipe all NPC because I'm pretty sure it holds the record for most # of npc (just checked, 804 by mqmap count) and many of them are pathing, etc.. I remember seeing a very early video Hunter made testing EZ server and he pulled every mob in SSeru as a stress test..

Why not use bazaar? it's right there next to nexus.. or the city there, Shadowhaven?

or basically any small, empty zone

After looking at SSeru I tend to agree here, it would take a lot of destruction for a small crafting area.

I'm not hip on using the bazaar, but Shadowhaven may be a good candidate.


Not happening.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Rent Due on April 17, 2017, 02:44:39 pm
IIRC ... Crescent Reach had/has almost everything for crafting already in place.

I'm going to take a hard look at this zone.

You could use one of the newer guild halls as well.

Not sure on this one. I'd rather leave those zones alone.

Title: Re: Looking for ideas for upcoming Rent Due project
Post by: Raygan on April 17, 2017, 03:28:38 pm
I think the Crafter's Guild would be a good place for all of that to be.....and just make the toons that sell quest parts/mask/UW...just move them to another zone.....Heck move them to bazaar......then make it so once you get CG flagged it opens the bazaar.....you have all the things you need in the CG for leveling up tradeskills. Don't know but I would guess would be easier to just move NPC's than it would be to try to hunt down a new zone...and since it is right off the nexus. Just throwing spaghetti against the wall here.