EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: walk2k on May 03, 2017, 04:50:40 pm

Title: ToV dragon nicknames
Post by: walk2k on May 03, 2017, 04:50:40 pm
in the heyday of my EQ time, our guild did ToV north. a lot.
we also made up nicknames for the dragons, mostly to break up the boredom between pulls...

some I remember:

Ikatiar the Venom = Icky

Aaryonar    = Larry or Harry or Hairy Nards, or sometimes Gary

Lord Feshlak = Fishlock

Lord Kreizenn    = Cupcake (couldn't really think of anything)

Lady Nevederia = Neverdie, this one liked to AoE stun, and CH.. and would famously never f'king die

Jorlleag = Jorlag, or Jorply (infamous player on our server, once tried to leapfrog my camp to kill this named that charmed.. kobold noble I think? Jorply ran past us, got charmed by the noble, then ran into our camp, while charmed, and started beating on our cleric.. so then while we're killing the noble, and taking a few whacks at him..... he sends me a tell "why U killing my noble!!"...)

Zlexak = Zardoz? (terrible sci-fi film from the 70's starting Sean Connery)
Sevalak = Serverlag
Cekenar    = Alphabet (ran out of nicknames for these 3)

Lady Mirenilla = Liza Minelli

Lord Koi'Doken = Dokken (80's hair metal band) or just Fishface

Lord Vyemm = don't remember

Vulak'Aerr = Vulag (first attempt at him on server, about 70 players showed up... caused lots of lag..) or just Vully

Title: Re: ToV dragon nicknames
Post by: Chunka on May 05, 2017, 02:40:10 pm
Hehe.....Jorply. Urinal server? Barb warrior? I was actually guilded with him once ages ago before they created Drinal, when he was on Mith Marr, Pretty sure he moved there with Cats in Hats. I always got the impression he was either played by two people or had some serious personality disorders, because he'd go from being a well spoken, rather decent guy to someone who typed completely in "txtspk" and acted like a 14 year old with Turrets.

Title: Re: ToV dragon nicknames
Post by: walk2k on May 05, 2017, 03:18:27 pm
same one yep, Mith Marr.

Title: Re: ToV dragon nicknames
Post by: Woodee on June 21, 2017, 03:47:50 pm
wow, Mith Marr, theres a blast from the past

Title: Re: ToV dragon nicknames
Post by: Jorply on June 11, 2018, 07:22:22 pm
Hey guys,

Jorply here from way way back in the Mith Marr and Drinal days.  I googled my character's name and this thread popped up.  I just reinstalled the game and am playing Project 99 on the blue server..  Playing a shaman by the name of Shhamazing...  come say hi!

What a legendary character Jorply was.  I just stopped playing the game one day after getting burned out.   Would it be possible to get good old Jorply fired up again and have all his items still be there?

Long live Jorply!

Title: Re: ToV dragon nicknames
Post by: Otto on June 12, 2018, 10:18:45 am
You'll want to box at least 6 characters on EZ to get anywhere meaningful.

If you only had 1 character before, i would recommend rolling a whole new crew.

War / Pal are required, you can add others from there. I recommend War / Pal / Cleric as the core of your first group.

You can add others on as you flesh it out.