EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Raygan on May 26, 2017, 03:35:11 pm

Title: EZ Server economy
Post by: Raygan on May 26, 2017, 03:35:11 pm
I have been thinking about this SUPER sucky economy on the server. This is just an idea so if anyone wants to add suggestions on how to fix it, feel free to add on to this thread.

I was thinking one way to do it would be to make some items that are "No drop" tradeable between the player base.  Things like the leaf augs or the citrine augs....maybe come up with something to actually use the stone of impatience on....even if it is as something as silly as giving them to an NPC in nexus at a "chance" at a random essence (think gambling xp crystals with the gnome)......the server economy has been seriously borked since the UW came out (to the best of my memory it didnt suck too bad before then)...if anyone else has some ideas to throw out their for Akka/Rent to see and chew the fat on please feel free!

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Otto on May 26, 2017, 03:41:25 pm
Make Essence of Dragons Minor droppable from trash / chests / mini names

Essence of Gods Minor / Major. Maybe allow these as rare drops in HoH?

Resist stones, charm upgrades should be tradable. We all use our strongest toon to farm them anyway, and loot on the one that needs them.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Raygan on May 26, 2017, 04:07:39 pm
Just an idea......how about making EVERYTHING tradeable? Take the no drop off everything in game, even things like the UW....although I highly doubt anyone would ever sell the item (exceptions would be to EZ Credit items of course)

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Otto on May 26, 2017, 05:51:43 pm
The problem with that, is that players would potentially steal items from "borrowed" characters. Couldn't do it.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Denzig on May 26, 2017, 06:17:49 pm
Borrowed as in sharing accounts? Against the rules.

I like it, old school Firiona Vie rules.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Otto on May 26, 2017, 06:25:26 pm
Borrowed as in sharing accounts? Against the rules.

This reminds me of a super derpy player we once had named Xiggie.


Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Denzig on May 26, 2017, 06:28:24 pm

If you share your account info you deserve to get ripped off. It'd be worth implementing those rules just for the /ooc qq.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Otto on May 26, 2017, 06:29:41 pm
I agree, it's just fun to point and laugh when people quote rules. One of my kids does that. He's 5

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: spuddson on May 26, 2017, 06:33:51 pm
Only way i see to fix the economy is to make Gsoa common so to force lower tier players to farm essence and SlS for upper tiered players and


and heres the idea

its gona get flamed

Rent / Akka to hold regular auctions for UBah rare items so to remove plat from end gamers

Sun Shards and rare Souls im sure would go for 100s of million plat

If end game players spent out then that would remove billions into the nothingness

With tier 12 and 13 im sure any advantage gained would end up being null.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 28, 2017, 09:48:01 am
GM's also point out rules. As do teachers, police and hell, just about everybody.

I have not played in years so I am not going to pretend to know what goes on with the economy now-a-days, but it was mentioned that the economy has been broken since UW. I think what has been broken about the economy is that Hunter did not have the time or patience to hunt down everyone who was botting or exploiting. He relied a lot on others on the server to expose those who were. A lot of people flew under the radar by keeping their botting minor and avoiding exploits. Hunter knew about it and frankly did not care about it. Hunter's way of combating that was making things no trade and more rare. Making things no trade prevents encouraging people to bot to collect items to sell to others. He knew you couldn't just make everything no trade because then you stifle the economy all together. He tried to find the right balance but he was catering to two different types of players. Those who bot and those who don't. Those who don't are at a serious disadvantage because they have to play all the more hours.

The server has changed because of new ownership. If things on the forums are to be believed stopping botters has become more of a priority. As a result rarity also needs to change and possibly even some of the no trade tags.

As I mentioned I have not played in years. I know I can't know even a small amount of what goes on with the server economy right now. If changes have already been made to match the changes in getting rid of botters then disregard. If not then maybe dropping the no trade tag and adjusting rarity might be in order. As for the rules regarding shared accounts, you know the risks when you share your accounts. If a change like removing no trade was to happen I would think it would be a good idea to making an advance notice to give people the opportunity to change their passwords.

On a side note, hey everyone. Congratulations to Rent. I am actually doing what Hunter used to do, driving a truck.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Otto on May 28, 2017, 12:28:18 pm
I am actually doing what Hunter used to do, driving a truck.


Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 28, 2017, 05:22:17 pm
Wow, I must have really pissed you off years ago for you to have this much of a grudge. Oh well.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Rent Due on May 29, 2017, 07:34:00 am
/wave Xiggie!  hope things are going well for you. good to see you back on the forums.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 29, 2017, 07:48:05 am
Extremely well. I lurk the forums here and there. Have not given up that I might return one day, lol. For now tho absolutely not enough time.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: balidet on May 29, 2017, 11:46:06 am
My experience with exposing botters was.....frustrating and in the end  pointless...part of the reason i don't play now

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Peign on June 09, 2017, 09:08:00 am
A few things that may help to fix economy and or reduce the amount of plat hoarded on the server.

  • Increase the plat cost for the UW from 10m to 30m or 50m
  • Add/Increase plat cost to SoA
  • Add/Increase plat cost to strike augs
  • Add a plat cost to the EON -  10 essences + a plat fee.  (maybe have to turn in with plat token to craft it)
  • Add a plat cost to epic turn ins.  (turn in epic + plat token)

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Natedog on June 09, 2017, 11:13:37 am
Increasing the cost of things that the top end players already have just hurts the players that are new... lol

Not a very good idea to do that

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Danish on June 09, 2017, 01:29:50 pm
Increasing the cost of things that the top end players already have just hurts the players that are new... lol

Not a very good idea to do that

Gonna throw the ol' make SLS buyable at vendors for 1 mil in here - should eat up a lot of excess plat =D

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Peign on June 09, 2017, 01:34:41 pm
Increasing the cost of things that the top end players already have just hurts the players that are new... lol

Not a very good idea to do that

It would make more sellers vice buyers.   Everyone on the server is a buyer at the moment, this includes people just joining.   Hardly anyone is farming and selling the "must have" items such as SLS, or the lower tier essences.    Increasing plat cost on the listed items would force people to farm and sell.  

Another option is to completely revamp plat drops from qvic - T10 then do a server wide plat wipe.  

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Abrums on June 10, 2017, 08:49:06 am
Here is a way to fix the economy..... Don't fix it. A casual player like myself enjoys it. I farm something if i need it. I save up for something if i need it.  Do not fix anything if it is not broke.  Also think about this, in reality we actually have around 20-30 actual players on the server at any given time (possibly being generous on the numbers there). There is not going to be a real push for an economy until that number goes up. Supply and demand is not that great either. If you guys want an economy you have to pay for it. Over pay for items, then people would want to sell. 

Other than the things I listed above, quit your bitching. Going back to my hole and not coming out again until something else pisses me off. Have a good day.

Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Ekiir on June 10, 2017, 09:08:39 am
Here is a way to fix the economy..... Don't fix it. A casual player like myself enjoys it. I farm something if i need it. I save up for something if i need it.  Do not fix anything if it is not broke.  Also think about this, in reality we actually have around 20-30 actual players on the server at any given time (possibly being generous on the numbers there). There is not going to be a real push for an economy until that number goes up. Supply and demand is not that great either. If you guys want an economy you have to pay for it. Over pay for items, then people would want to sell. 

Other than the things I listed above, quit your bitching. Going back to my hole and not coming out again until something else pisses me off. Have a good day.


Title: Re: EZ Server economy
Post by: Peign on June 10, 2017, 10:40:49 am
Here is a way to fix the economy..... Don't fix it. A casual player like myself enjoys it. I farm something if i need it. I save up for something if i need it.  Do not fix anything if it is not broke.  Also think about this, in reality we actually have around 20-30 actual players on the server at any given time (possibly being generous on the numbers there). There is not going to be a real push for an economy until that number goes up. Supply and demand is not that great either. If you guys want an economy you have to pay for it. Over pay for items, then people would want to sell.  

Other than the things I listed above, quit your bitching. Going back to my hole and not coming out again until something else pisses me off. Have a good day.

Do you even play bro?    Too busy doing middle out on Felony to log in a play.

edit: lol