EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bogreaper on June 30, 2017, 12:44:19 pm

Title: Xtarget usage (macro to target the one with the least % hps)
Post by: Bogreaper on June 30, 2017, 12:44:19 pm
Someone asked me to post this so here it is.

Basics of it.

It checks the first 40 targets on xtargets list looking for the one with the least % of hps (is that the lowest # amount? no, but hey its quick and dirty).
This allows the warrior to snag the one whom is the lowest and knock him off so that he can heal via a (hopefully) non-trival kill.

If you improve on it, please post back here and share.

If this violates any rules about Automation here on ez server please let me know and I will delete this post and stop all usage of it.

Thanks and Peace be with you.

| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
   Targets the mob in the XTargets with the lowest hps
   By BogReaper ( Bogreaper@gmail.com ) June 18th 2017
   Hope you enjoy, and may the Bog be with you.
  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= |

Sub Main
/echo -------------------
/echo Killing from the Least % hps first
/echo -------------------
   /declare xtlookingat int outer
   /declare xtleasthp int outer
   /declare killingit int outer
   /declare whatchakilling int outer
   /call getatarget
   /if (${xtleasthp}<41) {
      /target ID ${Me.XTarget[${xtleasthp}].ID}
   } else {
      /if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>1) /target id ${NearestSpawn[npc radius 30].ID}
   /if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>0 && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 99 raid]}>0) /call getsomehelp
   /delay 1
   /call keepswinging
   /if (${Me.XTarget[1].ID}>0) /goto :letsbeginshallwe
   /echo All Done
   /bcaa //endmac
Sub getsomehelp
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[bogtank]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 bogtank]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct bogtank //macro bogtankatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[bogblessing]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 bogblessing]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct bogblessing //macro bogblessingatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[fally]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 fally]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct fally //macro fallyatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[bogreaper]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 bogreaper]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct bogreaper //macro bogreaperatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[savagespirit]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 savagespirit]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct savagespirit //macro savagespiritatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[bogzerker]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 bogzerker]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct bogzerker //macro bogzerkeratk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[bogfists]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 bogfists]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct bogfists //macro bogfistsatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}
         /if (${Me.CleanName.NotEqual[bogfingers]} && ${SpawnCount[pc radius 100 zradius 100 bogfingers]} && ${Target.ID}>0) /bct bogfingers //macro bogfingersatk ${Me.CleanName} ${Target.ID}


Sub keepswinging
   /attack on
   /varset whatchakilling ${Target.ID}
   /for killingit 1 to 99999
      /if (!${Melee.Combat} && ${Target.ID}>0) /attack on
      /if (${Target.ID}==${whatchakilling}) {
      } else {
         /varset killingit 99999
      /delay 5
   /next killingit

Sub getatarget
   /if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}<40) {
      /varset xtleasthp 1
      /for xtlookingat 1 to 40
         /if (${Me.XTarget[${xtlookingat}].ID}>0) {
            /if (${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtlookingat}].ID}].PctHPs}>0 && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtlookingat}].ID}].PctHPs}<${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtleasthp}].ID}].PctHPs} && ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[${xtlookingat}].ID}].Distance}<20) /varset xtleasthp ${xtlookingat}
      /next xtlookingat
   } else {
      /varset xtleasthp 69

Title: Re: Xtarget usage (macro to target the one with the least % hps)
Post by: warrior5 on June 30, 2017, 08:26:51 pm
As long as you have to press it every time I don't see why it would be a violation. Thanks!