EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Murrjok on June 30, 2010, 05:10:01 pm

Title: Plane of Fire
Post by: Murrjok on June 30, 2010, 05:10:01 pm
Personaly this can go ethier way. I think the majority of the people would like to see an instanced zone to lvl 47 - 70 in. But possibly special rules should apply. Maybe make it flagged in some way ( For instanced , the non instance would remain normal)?

Vote and Post your Thoughts.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Reed on June 30, 2010, 05:39:17 pm
I dont think there should be any special requirements for this instance, just the same as any other. 10k guild instance and thats all

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Loyal on June 30, 2010, 08:22:13 pm
The Best solution would be dropping BoTs lvl req. to 47. If that happened it wouldn't matter what happened to PoFire

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: walk2k on June 30, 2010, 11:48:14 pm
Guild instance why?  This isn't a raid zone.  Group instance is fine.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Consumer on June 30, 2010, 11:57:32 pm
While instancing can solve some specific problems, it also creates a giant problem of turning a MMO into a Diablo like multiplayer game.  

Instancing may make things more convenient now, but in the long run it just takes away from over all experience that comes from having to compete and work with other people in mutual zones.  

What is the point of playing a MMO if you never have to interact with other people?  As awesome as this servers content is, I would not play here if the community did not exist.

I voted no.   ;)

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: walk2k on July 01, 2010, 12:17:42 am
In a few other zones I might agree with you, but PoFire?  Nothing here but massive XP farming..

After the 3rd time in 30 minutes of getting MASSIVELY TRAINED here.. I give up.

Yea I know it says trains are okay.. it also says "use common sense and don't grief each other"..  just because YOU can handle 12 mobs at once doesn't mean that someone else can..  someone who you run past just as they happen to be casting a HEAL spell (HEAL = MASSIVE AGGRO)...  Nobody did it intentionally but still.. F*CKINA people.. do you really need to make trains that big?   Why not just kill 1 or 2 at a time?  

Anyway, it really should just be instanced.. either that or tell me another zone to PL a 47+ in (grouped with 70)?

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Balthor2 on July 01, 2010, 01:26:38 am
voted no. BoT instance is fine. Level 47 change would make it perfect.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: walk2k on July 01, 2010, 12:26:40 pm
Why do you want BoT but not Fire?  BoT is a levelling/progression zone, usually pretty crowded, but not insane, and people don't grief each other (as much) in there since trains aren't allowed (in theory..)

New players actually group in BoT (gasp)!

The 2 zones are basically the same, only PoFire has no loot.  I don't want the loot, I just want to PL/RoA.  That's the point of Fire, XP without having to worry about corpses piling up.

I guess I could switch to BoT instanced...  guess I'll have to bind "/hidecorpse all" to my "move forward" button.  :P

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: tacl on July 01, 2010, 04:41:16 pm
i would toss in the instance thing where ever people wanted as long as it doesn't cause server issues.

pofire is for pure exp grind, most of the time it is one person PL'ing another for 15-20 minutes then they move on. not to many people grind other ways here but if they want to why should they get bothered by more geared people and their huge trains. i always go over the wall to make trains so i dont bother others and there is more mobs anyway.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: robpickles on July 01, 2010, 04:46:28 pm
All you really need to solve this is another zone with lots of mobs of the same lvls as PoFire, lots of space and no loot drops and you will be fine.

A big zone like Commonlands or something could be useful for this.  Large enough to accomadate a lot of people and have a lot of mobs in it at the same time.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: walk2k on July 01, 2010, 05:13:59 pm
It takes me about 1 hour to PL from 50ish to 70 with my mage.  He's not uber-geared, and just using the level 70 earth pet...  So it would be worth paying the 2k or whatever for a group instance to use for an hour.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Reed on July 01, 2010, 06:07:38 pm
I would personally like another zone to be used for RoA. PoFire is fine, dont get me wrong.... but i just hate the zone. Commonlands would be great imo. Granted this isnt going to make a difference on EZ, because its set in its ways lol. Just me derailing the thread.

Karanas would be great as well (the one without Quill or Grenix) its HUGE and if you fill that baby up with mobs that are blue at 70 with quick respawn, there ya go. Something better to look at while making your eyeballs bleed RoAing.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Balthor2 on July 01, 2010, 06:19:30 pm
Why do you want BoT but not Fire?  BoT is a levelling/progression zone, usually pretty crowded, but not insane, and people don't grief each other (as much) in there since trains aren't allowed (in theory..)

New players actually group in BoT (gasp)!

The 2 zones are basically the same, only PoFire has no loot.  I don't want the loot, I just want to PL/RoA.  That's the point of Fire, XP without having to worry about corpses piling up.

I guess I could switch to BoT instanced...  guess I'll have to bind "/hidecorpse all" to my "move forward" button.  :P

Because its already a fucking instance you god damn retard thus why would i want to waste even one second of the admins time instancing fire at this point when i am tryin to get him to change the level requirement down to 47.

If that doesnt get through to you then I give up on this post.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: walk2k on July 02, 2010, 11:46:01 am
So you think it's SO much easier to lower the level req for Bot than to place a waypoint in Fire?  ::) I'm guessing once you are in the database/etc making changes both are about the same level of difficulty...  Take a fucking chill pill, nobody insulted your mother it was a simple question.  Anyway looks like you are outnumbered.    :P

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Razormaw on July 02, 2010, 11:58:01 am
I would imagine with how frequently Fire crashes that it's bound to cause some server strain.

Now imagine the server and "QQ I lost my instance moneys" strain that would be caused by having 30 instances of Fire going and probably crashing at once.

BoT, for me, is primarily an equipment-farming spot. I PLed a paladin to 60 in PoFire then ran and got a BoT instance to farm equipment for him from named and trash. It enabled me to pull to the centre area without worrying about training mobs.

Since I don't use MQ and my PC is crappy and chugs when running two, follow is out of the question.

I think once/if they discover the cause of Fire crashing, we may see instancing there.

But I honestly tend to agree that the solution to many problems people have with the current server status can be resolved by spreading available camps/zones.

FG/CG items? Make them drop from mobs in other zones, or make each step a "Knuckle Dusters OR Tranquil Staff" option instead.

PoFire crowded by people that pull too much and/or train each other? Make another zone or two with the same XP rate and lootless corpses.

We have countless zones that are not being utilized. I'd much rather see a greater range of public/non-instanced options than just make everything on the server instanced.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Darkest on July 02, 2010, 12:11:03 pm
Would think it wouldnt take much to open up some other zones for 47-70 pl/aa purposes (no loot quick respawn), such as:

poeartha (probably easiest with mobs already existing at those levels)
hateplane (new)

lots n lots of zones out there that just dont get used.


Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Balthor2 on July 02, 2010, 01:22:36 pm
Agree there are better zones and I wouldnt mind seeing several instanced zones however I do not know what the limitation is for the server and the admin's time is limited.

I would rather get the amount of time he can dedicate to this server not spent on  completing the same exact thing several times.

While its nice to have instanced areas to RoA I can do my RoA without to much trouble with no instanced zone. I just hate RoA and dealing with zones crashing from retards so yea.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Murrjok on July 08, 2010, 04:28:32 pm
Bump. I still think Fire should be instanced. Way too many crashes to deal with this Bullshit.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 08, 2010, 05:11:59 pm
If it would help at all i could provide the sqls to populate a few extra zones for both clients that would be suitable to xp in that could spread the "crowdedness" out a bit. Wall of Slaughter, Fortress Mechanotus, Splitpaw Lair, The Ascent, Kod'Taz, The Barren Coast, blah blah

Of course this is all dependent on whether Hunter wants them.
It would also take me a little while to get it all together etc etc

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Murrjok on July 08, 2010, 07:33:27 pm
Would be nice to have some SoF/SoD only zones.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Balthor2 on July 08, 2010, 08:19:32 pm
people just need to stop being douchebags in fire.
There are plenty of other spots to use but people want the fastest.
If fire crashed twice in a 20min period I would roa at the same speed in my new locations as you just did because of the fire crashes.

If there is a fire instance make it guild only and cost 50k a shot and only last 2hours.

I would rather see BOT lvl lowered to 47 then anything else to do with fire. Fuckwads on the server couldnt play nice and caused all the fucking issues so suffer with that zone as it is.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 08, 2010, 09:45:38 pm
Would be nice to have some SoF/SoD only zones.
Well i've got em if Hunter wants em. Loot tables and all

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: Reed on July 08, 2010, 11:33:25 pm
Would be nice to have some SoF/SoD only zones.
Well i've got em if Hunter wants em. Loot tables and all

This is why i will let you have my babies.... Always thinking ahead *serious face*


Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 09, 2010, 09:56:43 pm
O.O wat? lol

Well i have Wall of Slaughter and Fortress Mechanotus done and ready to dump into sqls. I'll email Hunter about it later and see if he wants em. I can make more but it'll take time.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 09:59:40 pm
O.O wat? lol

Well i have Wall of Slaughter and Fortress Mechanotus done and ready to dump into sqls. I'll email Hunter about it later and see if he wants em. I can make more but it'll take time.

YOU HAVE WoS?!?!?!...oh shit! I came back during OOW and loved that zone. Hook it up!

We should keep its authenticity and have a mob that wanders half the zone that wipes groups, but drops bangin' loot..

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 09, 2010, 10:02:10 pm
O.O wat? lol

Well i have Wall of Slaughter and Fortress Mechanotus done and ready to dump into sqls. I'll email Hunter about it later and see if he wants em. I can make more but it'll take time.

YOU HAVE WoS...oh shit! I came back during OOW and loved that zone. Hook it up!

I'll come back with some screenshots later. busy atm.

Also remember I have no authority here though so whether they get used is solely up to Hunter, i wouldn't hold your breath atm =X

EDIT: i do have the nameds in both zones with the same loot tables as Live, but the gear in both WoS and FortMech would be extremely under powered here. I may tweak them before dumping the zones into sqls but that would make it even less likely Hunter takes them i'm sure.

Title: Re: Plane of Fire
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 10:57:08 pm
Yeah, I know the gear underpowered. I guess we'd just use it as a PL zone (thus why you posed it on the PoF thread). Just reminessing (sp?) on old times.

Nevertheless it would make a great PL zone. I remember getting some great xp there.