EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: sjobidoo on September 29, 2018, 06:00:34 am

Title: Problem using mq2autologin
Post by: sjobidoo on September 29, 2018, 06:00:34 am

thought I'd try out mq2autologin for the first time. But I'm having a little trouble which I hope you guys might be able to help me with.

I've followed the wiki: http://wiki.ezserver.online/MQ2_Autologin_Setup

But it seems I'm stuck at server selection screen. All the accounts are being logged in - using WinEQ profiles - i start all the windows..they log in, but stop at server selection.

Here is my INI:
WinTitle=EverQuest -

RA=[] Raid Addicts (Fully Custom) [Solo/Group/Raid]
EZ=[] EZ Server - Custom Zones, Vendors, Quests, Items, etc
PEQTGC=[] [PEQ] The Grand Creation - Omens of War
SH=[] Storm Haven - High-Quality Custom Content
S2K=[] Scorpious2k: The Next Generation [custom]



Title: Re: Problem using mq2autologin
Post by: Chieftan on September 29, 2018, 07:25:14 am
I dont use WinEQ and the guide doesn't mention it so it may not work correctly with it, others may do and have it working

First thing to try is launch eq as per the guide and see if it loads correctly then you know its a Wineq conflict if it does

Title: Re: Problem using mq2autologin
Post by: sjobidoo on September 29, 2018, 05:51:01 pm
Same behaviour unfortunately using regular eq . All accounts are logged in, but they all stop at server selection :(

Title: Re: Problem using mq2autologin
Post by: Brannyn on September 30, 2018, 02:53:14 am
Did you put in a server id number? It should look something like this:

EZ Server=120

Might not look exactly the same but you do need to have the server number in there, and unless you have a script that will automatically grab that number and put it into your autologin file then you will need to manually check it from the eqlsplayerdata.

Title: Re: Problem using mq2autologin
Post by: Chieftan on September 30, 2018, 03:49:27 am
It dosen't need the server ID anymore, should work fine with the INI as is, (with account name / password / character name filled in right )
Maudigan updated the plugin a while ago so you don't have to find and change ID every time the server reboots

Only think i can think is you are using a different / old build of MQ2
Try re-downloading from the link on the wiki , and don't modify / add any plugins to it
Just make sure the autologin plugin is loaded

Other than that, i dont know what's wrong

Title: Re: Problem using mq2autologin
Post by: sjobidoo on September 30, 2018, 04:05:09 am
Weird stuff... I am already using that build from the wiki...redownloaded now to make sure...verified that autologin plugin is loaded..still same issue. Aw well... atleast I don't have to log my toons in with passwords anymore  :-\