Here is a little something i made a while ago to farm t1 emissary... basically you give all your crystal to a mule, park him near the emissary and launch the macro... he will start feeding crystal as soon as previous target is dead and the statue is back up...
I was able to burn about 400 crystals per hour using that macro... on triple loot... average was 1/4 for essences... use at your own risk! enjoy my little contribution and sorry for my english!
Sub Main
/declare n string local
/declare c int local
/delay 1
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinv
/if (${SpawnCount[npc Emissary radius 50]}<1) /goto :again
/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50]}>1) /goto :again
/squelch /target Emissary
/delay 2s ${Target.CleanName.Find[Emissary]}
/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
/if (${Target.CleanName.Find[Ice]}) /varset n Ice Crystal
/if (${Target.CleanName.Find[Fire]}) /varset n Fire Crystal
/if (${Target.CleanName.Find[Earth]}) /varset n Earth Crystal
/if (${Target.CleanName.Find[Water]}) /varset n Water Crystal
/varcalc c ${FindItemCount[=${n}]}
/if (${c}>0) {
/echo emissary.mac Found:: ${n}=[x${c}]
/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${n}].InvSlot} LeftMouseUp
/delay 5s ${Cursor.ID}
/click left target
/delay 5s !${Cursor.ID}
/delay 2s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
/if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) {
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button LeftMouseUP
/delay 5s !${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
/goto :again
/echo emissary.mac complete...
Someone report that he have to open all his bags for the macro to see correctly the crystals...