Title: Essencce of Plat money picker Post by: Dimur on January 05, 2019, 03:04:16 pm It's been a while since I've updated hotkey code, so posting this in case anyone working on Ultimate Weapon combines finds it handy. It just pulls 10mil plat from your inventory window so you don't have to manually do so.
Line 1: /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money0 leftmouseup Line 2: /delay 2 Line 3: /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Slider newvalue 10000000 Line 4: /delay 2 Line 5: /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup This will put the 10mil on your cursor, you still have to hand it in. Despite that, it should remove some of the tedium. Title: Re: Essencce of Plat money picker Post by: Chieftan on January 20, 2019, 05:21:44 am Just FYI, this does not seem to work with MQEmulators Build, which most probably use, at least not for me, even fresh download
If I am wrong,apologies, if someone has it working please post and I will remove this post Line 3: /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Slider newvalue 10000000 isn't changing the amount, it just picks all the plat up seems the slider command does not set the new value Works ok on RedGuides Build, they fixed/added it years ago 29 Dec 2014 by eqmule - Fix/New Feature: /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_slider newvalue # works now/again (did it ever?) Thanks to nytemyst for the report. Maud prob never fixed or added Chief Title: Re: Essencce of Plat money picker Post by: Dimur on January 20, 2019, 08:20:17 am Yep Chief, I am using Redguides build with this. Mqemulator build is built against a 2013 version of MQ2 and likely is missing this fix whereas the Redguides version is built against a much more recent MQ2 and is frequently updated. When I post code, I do try to avoid things the Mqemulator does not support but was unaware that the use of newvalue was one of them.
Title: Re: Essencce of Plat money picker Post by: Chieftan on January 20, 2019, 09:03:06 am Nps, will let Maud know, see if possible to add =)
Was doing a new toon, noticed he had 200 mill on cursor lol, don't know if he would pass back but glad i noticed it thou hehe Good thinking not to add an auto give line to it =) Chief Title: Re: Essencce of Plat money picker Post by: Natedog on January 21, 2019, 02:17:42 pm I dont remember where this code came from.. but I remember using it to turn in a ton of plat to a vendor for something...
will pick up the gold and hand it to the NPC without clicking turnin Code: sub Main |