Title: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on October 24, 2019, 01:50:01 pm In the interests of streamlining gameplay and removing tedium, I reached out to Rent about the possibility of building a macro that handles all the looting logic I'd use through normal gameplay. Looting is not inherently hard, but as you start to mass pull more and more the corpses pile up. Specifically in T9, with all of the quest armor components and vendor sellable items, you can end up with more than 250 corpses on a zone pull. Although T9 is probably the worst zone to sift through corpses in, it can certainly be an issue with any zone you are mass pulling in. There's always a gray area when automating a process, and I wanted to be certain that the request wasn't encroaching on it. I explained what the macro would do and how it would work, Rent said he didn't take issue with it and I started writing it about a year ago. Since then I've shared it with a few people and asked for feedback and made subsequent tweaks to it, and I feel like while it's still very much a work in progress, it might be time to publicly release it and advance from the alpha phase to beta.
What it does: In it's current iteration, the macro just runs passively as you play and watches for triggers to start processing logic. What this means is that the macro does nothing until you tell it to, you have to initiate the process. The triggers are all /echo commands, echo is a way for you to send text to the mq2chat window. If I /echo Dimur, you'll see it Dimur displayed in the mq2chat window. This macro watches for specific echo commands in the mq2chat window and when it sees those trigger commands it executes the corresponding logic. When you execute the command /echo ezloot, the macro looks for a file in your macros folder named EZLoot_YourName.ini. If the file doesn't exist, a new one will be generated for you with a section for letters a through z. Initially this is a blank template that you need to populate with values, you can add items to this from in game or edit the file manually. Hopefully when people get fleshed out values in this file, they'll share them for other people and expedite the process but you'll always be able to add items you want the macro to watch for either way. The macro checks for corpses within 200 units of you and starts putting the corpse ID numbers into a string and will do this for up to 250 corpses, from nearest corpse to furthest. Then it starts reading each corpse ID from the string, moves you to looting range of the corpse and opens up the loot window and iterates through each populated loot slot on the corpse and checks to see if each item has a value set in the associated INI file for your character. If the item is listed in your INI file, the macro will execute the associated command. Options you have to set an item to are Keep, Announce, Destroy or Ignore. An item set as Keep will tell the macro that every time it sees that item on a corpse to right click and loot it. The announce setting is handy for items that the looting character does not need but another character in your party might. Whenever the macro encounters an item flagged Announce, it will send a /raidsay saying what item it found and what the ID of the corpse the item exists on. This allows you to toggle to that character, /tar id AnnouncedID and /stick to it and loot it. It could be especially handy when farming epic book pages for multiple toons, as well as any number of other items/hp augs that drop. Destroy is currently enabled with the macro, but I'd advise against using it unless absolutely necessary because every time the macro sees that item it will pick it up off the corpse and destroy it. Ignore is just a way to tell the macro to ignore when this item drops, it's basically the same as removing it from your INI file but you are unable to delete items in an INI file from in game so this is a simple workaround for items you no longer have any use for. There is Sell logic built into the macro as well, when you are in the lower tiers this probably isn't that useful since all the plat bags and chests stack but once you start getting expensive blue diamonds to drop and start eating up your bag space, you'll find yourself having to sell them off to vendors regularly. Selling a stack of plat bags is easy, just highlight them in the sell window and shift click to sell the entire stack. With items that occupy a bag slot you kind of have to go through and click each one then click sell, and as incredibly lazy as it sounds to have the macro do that for you, there's a certain sense of satisfaction in opening a merchant window and /echo ezsell to let it do it for you. When you first /echo ezloot, summary help text is displayed. Currently it should be set to turn off after the first time displayed, but you can call up the help text by /echo ezloot help. The macro will always enable /hidecorpse looted when doing it's loot logic, it is NOT destroying items on the corpse unless you specifically set those items as Destroy...again, I take no responsibility for any items you destroy by using the Destroy setting in your INI. This is still a beta project, feel free to use it and submit feedback to this thread and I will do my best to address the issue(s). There are 3 associated files you need to run this. The first is a blank macro that does nothing but watch for chat events, the seconds is an include file named EZLoot.inc...this file gives all of the logic and trigger text to the macro and the third adds logic to set up specific looters for items and if the item is found on the corpse, the looter checks to see if it's assigned to a toon to loot and sends a tell with loot logic to that toon to loot. Drop all 3 of these files into your Macros subfolder in your MQ2 directory, then in game /mac ezmac. https://drive.google.com/open?id=10AyLaXcqrirV1yjGEq-x4c4effQ6GEPc < EZMac https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx1n7qV-qwdiN0VzUlJGNFNmYVc4YjlaeVllX2d4SC01OUhz/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-1JTJ2ZuGg7EhQkXw7mqGmw < EZLoot https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lSCd8kuVb9tGc4cjXo5TvSXElrVZyf6X/view?usp=sharing < EZLootItemCount https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hmTt62Flus19Thg4lYEYBCQZ8CA1MsBe < EZRLoot Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on October 24, 2019, 02:31:29 pm To do list:
Set user enabled toggles for some of the options, like returning looter to the place they started the loot logic. Settings you can modify from in game currently, note the /echo has to end with an exclamation point (!): Summary Loot Announce - This watches what you loot and tallies the totals of each up and after it's finished looting, it will list what you looted and the total for each item. [2] Big Bags of Platinum [5] Big Chests of Platinum [3] Expensive Blue Diamonds [1] Glowing Sun Shard This is the layout of the announce, it can announce a summary total in your mq2chat window, see attached picture for an example of what the raidsay summary looks like. /echo ezloot settings Summary Loot Announce setto On! On or Off is the only value you can set this to. Summary Loot Channel Raid - This is the same as above, but it spits the message out in raidsay /echo ezloot settings Summary Loot Channel Raidsetto Off! On or Off is the only value you can set this to. Return To Start Location - This save your location when the macro enters loot logic and returns you to that same spot when you are finished looting /echo ezloot settings Summary Loot Channel Raidsetto Off! On or Off is the only value you can set this to. Destroy Enabled - This allows you to use the Destroy logic when looting, the macro will loot and destroy this item if it is set to Destroy, this will be disabled by default (off) and I suggest leaving it that way but it was an option an alpha tester asked for. /echo ezloot settings Destroy Enabledsetto Off! On or Off is the only value you can set this to. Loot Radius - This tells the macro the radius in which to check corpses, it's set to 200 units by default but can be modified from 1 unit up to 500 units. /echo ezloot settings Loot Radiussetto Off! On or Off is the only value you can set this to. These are the current settings that will be user modifiable in the updated EZLoot.inc file, I'm open to suggestions for anything else people might want to have more control over...leave feedback on this thread. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Fecs on October 24, 2019, 09:11:19 pm excited to give it a shot, but the EZLoot google drive is set to private.
Sounds like the perfect fix to the number 1 cause of me not logging in as often, not wanting to spend 12 of every 14 minutes looting bodies lol. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Draca on October 24, 2019, 09:48:05 pm Thanks Dim, I know most of the higher ends on this server tend to keep custom macros to themselves, but this is an excellent quality of life tool for everyone. If I can ever do, or, get you something in game, let me know.
/cheers Dracawarrior Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on October 24, 2019, 10:55:53 pm Sorry, apparently turned share link off when I updated the file, both should be downloadable now.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on October 28, 2019, 12:03:32 pm Posting my INI settings to help people have a pre-populated file, the only things I have as Keep at this point are all tier essences, tofs essences, plat bags and chests (smaller ones not in here, you have to add those yourself), gsoa and gss and aa crystals as well as Halloween drops. Add anything else you'd want to keep or announce, but this should cover the aforementioned for you.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on October 28, 2019, 01:45:51 pm Updated the EZLoot file with some additional options.
The file will now build the INI with settings populated, Pop Up will be Off by default. /echo ezloot help for in game help menu Added an option to use an /echo command to add an item by name and it's associated setting [Keep,Announce,Destroy,Ignore]. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 02, 2019, 10:50:57 pm I just set it up to try it out and it works well EXCEPT that whatever toon I run it on will lock up after checking around 50 corpses it seems.
I did notice that I was getting an error about not finding eqbc names in the spam in mq Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 03, 2019, 12:28:32 am The lockup does not actually seem to happen because of how many corpses have been looted and there is nothing limiting the number of corpses checked.
Lockups were happening in Illsalin and when testing in ToFS there were no crashes. Currently checking if reducing the number of items the characters are looting fixes the issue. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 03, 2019, 12:59:13 am After looting around 25 items in a single loot loop they will lockup.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wolfegunr on November 03, 2019, 02:30:31 am Quantity window for looting foxy coins:
Does anyone know what this window is called or how to notify it to accept the quantity? My loot macro gets stuck on these, so I can't loot. One method to fix is to notify the window and click accept, but I don't know what the window is named. Another way would be to hold ctrl button, but this does not seem to be a function I can do, that is /keypress ctrl will do nothing, /keypress ctrl hold doesn't work either Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 03, 2019, 09:44:40 am /ctrlkey is the MQ2 command to keypress control, but that would pick one coin out of a stack so not sure why you want that. /shiftkey should already be in the code before the notify to mouseclick right so it should be picking up full stacks of numbered items. If this is not happening, I need to figure out why.
I talked to Brannyn last night in game and he had some good, actionable feedback that I can try working with. If the macro is crashing at 25 items looted, it could be that the loot announce string is getting too large and for some people that logic needs to be turned off or commented out. I'll be in game grinding but will try to make it a point to update a file with summary loot announce turned off yet today. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 03, 2019, 06:56:30 pm Brannyn isolated the issue he was having and it was part of the loot summary logic, the trigger for that logic has been commented out on the most recent version so please test it and feedback here if there are further issues.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: stales on November 04, 2019, 12:00:47 am This is great for people that zone pull! loving it
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 04, 2019, 08:01:45 pm Add something that checks if an item is in the ini file as you are looting and pauses you allow you to choose keep, ignore, or announce when it finds new items. Also the ability to turn this on or off so you don't have to have it running after you have already built the ini file
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 04, 2019, 10:49:47 pm Good suggestion, I implemented this and sent you a PM with a link to updated file. If you can test it and help work the kinks out, I'll update the main file with the changes.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: TonyTheGrey on November 05, 2019, 07:36:42 pm This is my ini. Basically I use it as a "roomba." It runs through the corpses looting the really rare stuff and destroying the trash. After I finish that run, I use hotkeys to loot what's left over on whatever toon needs it.
For me, that second round of looting is important because sometimes (due to lag I think) the ezloot macro will loot a corpse and then decide there's nothing on it and move on. I've salvaged a few essences by going back over the leftovers. Code: [A] --Farking Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Fecs on November 06, 2019, 09:30:50 pm By Popular demand, Dimuwar updated the ezloot file to auto-loot the 20/50k aa crystals instead of being blind to them.
Thanks Dim! Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 15, 2019, 12:54:17 pm Branyn suggested and tested out adding in options to have the EZLoot logic prompt the user when an item is found that isn't yet in the INI file. This makes sense when you're running through progression and want a concise and fully fleshed out INI file, but I'm not sure what limitations there might be with reading from an INI file. I don't know at what point the INI file might become too large and cumbersome to efficiently process, but this would be a good stress test for it. If anyone wants to guinea pig it and flesh out the ini file with every item you encounter progressing through like T3, let me know if you notice any decrease in performance when the macro has to process through tons of possible matches to find the items as it loots. If this is the case, the INI can further be modified to split out the loot tables into a zone by zone basis or some other option. I don't mean to put the cart before the horse, just spitballing as I type this out, for all I know even a very large INI file will work just fine by splitting it into it's current setup of listing by first letter.
With all that being said, EZLoot.inc has been modified and refactored a bit. I removed the Summary Loot and Summary Loot Announce logic since this was causing some to hang after 20 or so items looted and removed their entries in the Settings section. If you have an existing INI file you can either remove these manually or leave them in, the macro just won't reference them for anything. I've added 2 options that users can change, [Pause on New Item] and [Delay Seconds on Pause]. The INI should also populate the settings with default settings that the user can enable/disable or alter the values of after the initial file write. Short aside to give context, the EZMac is a macro that passively runs constantly. MQ2 has a way to pause a running macro without exiting it, just pausing at it's current place and this is /mqp. This slash command is used to both initiate the pause and to resume the macro. While the macro is paused, it won't process anything so the pause built into this version is there to prompt the user to unpause and subsequently update the INI. [Pause on New Item] tells the logic to pause the macro when it encounters an item that it can't find in the INI. When this is set to [On], every time a new item is found the macro will tell you that there's no match for the item and pick up the item and pause execution, when you /mqp to resume the macro you'll have [Delay Seconds on Pause] seconds to apply /setto [Keep,Announce,Ignore] and this delay can be set by the user to be between 1 and 10 seconds. After the [Delay Seconds on Pause] have expired, the macro will autoinventory the item and proceed. Currently if the user has [Destroy Enabled] set to on and execute /setto destroy with the item on cursor, it will delete the item instead of autoinventory...I've considered having it do the same for items that are /setto ignore as well since you don't want the item on that character but I'm reluctant to do so since another character might want/need the item even if the main looter doesn't. I could configure it to autoinventory if the item is /setto announce and delete on ignore, but feedback can determine that. Accessing the current settings is easy, /echo ezloot help should list them. Editing the settings from in game is easy too, you just have to use the correct syntax. /echo ezloot settings OPTION setto SETTING! So to set the [Pause on New Item] to [On] and [Delay Seconds on Pause] to [3], it would look like: /echo ezloot settings Pause on New Item setto On! /echo ezloot settings Delay Seconds on Pause setto 3! The original EZLoot.inc file is still on the first post, but anyone who wants to try the Branyn version can access the share link below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=15lLyYpsTG0m-mKZ8QPGOASheZA5auEd3 Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 15, 2019, 02:09:33 pm Here is my .ini file for now, it still has pause on loot on and does not have the new settings for the seconds delay.
Just change TOONNAME to your toon's name and edit the ini to adjust the keep/ignore Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 15, 2019, 02:16:43 pm The EZLoot file should check for the settings it uses and create them if they aren't currently in an existing INI file, let me know if it doesn't properly update and add the seconds delay.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 15, 2019, 03:07:41 pm it does not add the seconds delay.
Also, there should be a minimum of 1 second, otherwise it clears the cursor too quickly for the item to update. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 15, 2019, 09:37:23 pm Not sure if the new file isn't taking, I'm saving these as different versions of the same file but the link should be giving you the most recent version, version 4, and I've tested this a few times with toons by starting with no INI file, starting with a prepopulated INI file without [Pause on New Item] and [Delay Seconds on Pause] and it's adding those entries. The default [Delay Seconds on Pause] is set to 5 but can be user modified to be between 1 and 10 seconds, but if you aren't getting a Setting for [Delay Seconds on Pause] it would assign NULL to the delay after resuming, this would explain why you don't have a delay when trying to execute /setto after resuming macro.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on November 16, 2019, 01:47:17 am It probably is, I haven't grabbed the file since you updated it to get that working.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: itsakankie on November 18, 2019, 01:41:12 pm This is awesome for looting a giant pile of corpses. I decided to have a blank ini and build it out myself as I am only in the lower tiers.
Thanks Dimur Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on January 25, 2020, 05:33:33 pm As per user request, updated the EZLoot logic to [Announce] the 20k and 50k exp crystals in hillsofshade instead of looting.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 29, 2020, 11:05:35 pm There have been a few people who've asked how to stop this macro from looting once it's started so I wanted to update it here. When the ezmac is running, if you executed the loot logic and are looting corpses and want to stop it from doing so, you can just reload ezmac. This will end the loot logic and restart the macro so it's just waiting for the next time you execute /echo ezloot to start looting again.
/mac ezmac This will end where you are in the current macro and reload the macro and set to default waiting to loot state. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wolfegunr on March 29, 2020, 11:20:45 pm Dim remember to relay loot tells! And update for spicy goodness!
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Fecs on March 29, 2020, 11:21:23 pm Hey Dimur, do you know if there would be a way to reliably randomize where in the corpse id list they start looting from? For example - on a halloween Zone pull, there is what 460ish? corpses, and if you run the macro on a group of toons they'll all start from the same corpse, or very close to the same corpse and run into each other a lot, i've tried spreading them out around the pile before running it but they never really make it through the whole pile because they keep bumping. if they could some how randomly start part way through the list instead of all at 0 it'd really get through the body piles faster :)
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 29, 2020, 11:26:45 pm Dim remember to relay loot tells! And update for spicy goodness! Yes, this is on the to do list and I asked Arkain to post here so I don't forget. I have logic that I added to my ezloot file that lets you set up a designated looter for certain items. What this means is that when you have an item set as Announce, the macro checks another file to see if someone is designated as looter for the item. Example, in T10 you are done with looting all the Citrine HP augs you need so you designate another toon to loot them...other toons all have this item set as announce and once they see this item and announce it, they check that ini file to see if there is a set designated looter for it. If there is, there is logic to tell the designated looter to target the corpse, move to it, loot the item off of it. The logic exists, I just need to update the ezloot.inc linked here to have it. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 29, 2020, 11:30:15 pm Hey Dimur, do you know if there would be a way to reliably randomize where in the corpse id list they start looting from? For example - on a halloween Zone pull, there is what 460ish? corpses, and if you run the macro on a group of toons they'll all start from the same corpse, or very close to the same corpse and run into each other a lot, i've tried spreading them out around the pile before running it but they never really make it through the whole pile because they keep bumping. if they could some how randomly start part way through the list instead of all at 0 it'd really get through the body piles faster :) Excellent question, I know mq2 does have access to random with the math datatype. Just spitballing here, but without boring people with the details on how to do it, it should be pretty easy to set up an extra step once your corpselist is compiled to randomize it. Added this to the to do list 1. Add relay loot logic 2. Randomize corpse list order 3. Add an echo command, use this command to check the value of the item on your cursor. All this does is read the name of the item on your cursor and check your ini file to see if there is a listing and setting for this item, if so it reads it back to you. Someone asked for this to be added so they don't have to open ini file to check values of an item they weren't sure was in their ini Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Knorgar on March 30, 2020, 01:31:50 pm Random will still result in the same issue.
You need to create a list of all corpses in range, put them in an array, and then divide that array of corpse IDs by however many toons are looting. Then you can have each toon loot through their division of the array. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 30, 2020, 10:24:29 pm I don't understand why randomizing the list would not work, is Math.Rand broken in mq2? Without devoting any time to this other than jumping on long enough to zonepull ToFS to produce enough corpses to test randomizing a compiled corpse list, I haven't had much time to mess with it, but initial results of randomizing a list of corpse id's with 250 corpse ID numbers seems to return random results consistently.
I'm also not sure what the point would be in changing the datatype from a string to array? Is there a benefit to making an array and iterating through that as opposed to just iterating through the string? At the very least, if you don't want to use random, you can easily split a string into 4 segments of the string based on the size of the count of the delimiter between corpse ID values and do the same thing. I hope this isn't dismissive at all, I love that someone is offering feedback, I am just trying to qualify the feedback and see if it might be a better approach than I had considered. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 30, 2020, 11:45:40 pm Updated the EZLoot.inc file
1. Updated to add a command to check the value of a cursor item and see if it is in the EZLoot.ini file for the character issuing the command, if so it will read the value you have it set to in the ini 2. Updated to add a setting to randomize the loot list, the setting is named Randomize Loot List. The default setting will remain Off but you can edit this setting one of 2 ways A. You can manually edit the ini file and change the Off setting to On. Open your MQ2 directory and navigate to the Macros folder, find the file named EZLoot_CharacterNameThatYouWant.ini and open it in a text editor. Look under [Settings] and change the value for Randomize Loot List from =Off to =On B. You can use the build in command to update from in game, /echo ezloot settings Randomize Loot List setto On! <-- You need to put the ! at the end, the macro expects this to update from in game Anyone that wants to beta test it, I'd suggest backing up your existing EZLoot.inc file somewhere so if this updated version doesn't work the way you want it, you can just delete it and drop your backup back in Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Knorgar on March 31, 2020, 12:17:19 am No, random works as well as it does on any computer.
If all toons are working off a random sorting of the same list, they are going to have duplicates and try to loot a corpse ID that is gone and also have the chance of trying to loot the same ID at the same time. Chances will diminish the more corpses you have. Creating an array allows you to divvy up the list of all corpse IDs to each toon without two toons being assigned to loot the same corpse. The array makes it easy to give each toon the ability to cycle through their portion of the array. As for how to divvy up the list, I believe an array would be the cleanest/easiest method. If you've got another method you think is better to divvy up, by all means. Not at all! Love the conversation. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 31, 2020, 12:40:30 am The string already exists as a character array, in mq2 I have found an array and string to share the same limitations of 2054?ish characters total. The string .Arg works the same way as elements in an array, just wondering if I am missing a benefit to adding an additional cast.
The random assignment should work better than default since we are dealing with corpse piles of 250+ corpses, it's an optional toggle defaulted to off so people would have to enable it to use it, but for those particular scenarios like Halloween zone it should have relevant merit. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Knorgar on March 31, 2020, 01:20:30 am Ah I see. You're creating a string array with the "-" separator. Nope, as long as you have an array and know the number of entries, you've achieved the same thing! Just a different array method :).
Random will definitely work better than default, but the optimal will still be to divvy up the array you created based on the number of toons looting. So you've got the number of corpses from ${SpawnCount[corpse radius ${LootRadius}]}, you'd need a new value for how many toons are doing the looting, say call it ${numLooting}. Divide the num corpses by ${numLooting}, and then assign each toon to cycle through the array starting at the low+1 and ending at high. For examples sake, 60 corpses and 6 toons looting. Array all the corpses, then divide by the numLooting of 6 = 10, assign a grouping to each toon. Toon 1 loots 0+1-10, Toon 2 loots 10+1-20 etc. It's the optimal way, but definitely a lot more work on coding than randomizing. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Fecs on March 31, 2020, 01:21:41 am Updated the EZLoot.inc file 1. Updated to add a command to check the value of a cursor item and see if it is in the EZLoot.ini file for the character issuing the command, if so it will read the value you have it set to in the ini 2. Updated to add a setting to randomize the loot list, the setting is named Randomize Loot List. The default setting will remain Off but you can edit this setting one of 2 ways A. You can manually edit the ini file and change the Off setting to On. Open your MQ2 directory and navigate to the Macros folder, find the file named EZLoot_CharacterNameThatYouWant.ini and open it in a text editor. Look under [Settings] and change the value for Randomize Loot List from =Off to =On B. You can use the build in command to update from in game, /echo ezloot settings Randomize Loot List setto On! <-- You need to put the ! at the end, the macro expects this to update from in game Anyone that wants to beta test it, I'd suggest backing up your existing EZLoot.inc file somewhere so if this updated version doesn't work the way you want it, you can just delete it and drop your backup back in Excited to try, off the bat when I use the " /echo ezloot settings Randomize Loot List setto On! " is just gives error pause needs a value between 1 and 10, but the setting did appear in the characters options so i'll manually change it to check, but other than that it sounds perfect - and personally, i'd prefer random rather than array. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Fecs on March 31, 2020, 01:40:58 am When I ran ezloot with the new ezloot file, after updating all characters to randomize loot list, they all got stuck on a single corpse and none moved past it.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 31, 2020, 12:12:45 pm I'll hop on tonight to look at it Fecs, hoping I can add the relay loot logic as well.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 31, 2020, 05:49:51 pm Ah I see. You're creating a string array with the "-" separator. Nope, as long as you have an array and know the number of entries, you've achieved the same thing! Just a different array method :). Random will definitely work better than default, but the optimal will still be to divvy up the array you created based on the number of toons looting. So you've got the number of corpses from ${SpawnCount[corpse radius ${LootRadius}]}, you'd need a new value for how many toons are doing the looting, say call it ${numLooting}. Divide the num corpses by ${numLooting}, and then assign each toon to cycle through the array starting at the low+1 and ending at high. For examples sake, 60 corpses and 6 toons looting. Array all the corpses, then divide by the numLooting of 6 = 10, assign a grouping to each toon. Toon 1 loots 0+1-10, Toon 2 loots 10+1-20 etc. It's the optimal way, but definitely a lot more work on coding than randomizing. I beg to differ that totaling a string count up, separating the string into X number of values based off of the number of looters and assigning each character a unique list to loot is going to be quantifiably more efficient in looting with multiple toons. I guess if you had 6 toons looting a pile of 60 corpses you could assign 10 to each, but the specific instance the randomization is dealing with is a zone that leaves 452-462 npc corpses to loot that before they decay. You would have to tell the loot macro how many looters are looting so it could divide the string into equal(+1) sizes and feed those 6 new strings to each toon who will do the looting. If we have overlap on corpses, it's not that big of a deal because mostly what the looters are doing is checking corpses for tradeable items...they can loot any quest coins they come across but we're more concerned with checking for essences/sls than we are equally distributing the loot across toon. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Knorgar on March 31, 2020, 06:17:12 pm I totally agree, given the number of corpses randomization is certainly good enough. Divvying up will still be "optimal" but the gains probably aren't worth the effort.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Fecs on April 01, 2020, 02:28:40 am I'll hop on tonight to look at it Fecs, hoping I can add the relay loot logic as well. It works now, nothing changed, thanks computers, I guess the full computer just wanted a longer break before it'd work right haha Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Chieftan on April 02, 2020, 01:49:50 am Hi
Awsome work on this, been using a lot and works very well -) - Just a couple things i have noticed Now and again i get an error saying unable to parse command /fix - assume this is an alias for #corpsefix or similar - not much, but seen on occasion The other one i see a fair amount, screen grab attached, seems to target corpse but not in range so cant loot but dosen't move closer, can get quite a few in a row, manually moving char gets him looting again He does run around a lot to loot, so maybe just a range to target issue No other probs i have come accross Nothing major and perfectly usable as is, thanks for all the hard work put in to this Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on April 04, 2020, 05:06:01 pm Flattery will get you everywhere Chieftan, thanks for the kind words. Yes indeed, I have an alias set for /fix, it executes the /say #corpsefix command and I thought I had the macro write it for you. There's really no benefit to using it in the macro over just typing out the command so I'll do a search and replace for /fix and use the native command. The out of range thing I can look into as well if it's an annoyance, I just wanted to push the remote loot logic for now.
New feature update, added a new file and will have a share link with the other 2 files on the first post of this forum. This new file adds logic for when you loot macro finds and item marked as Announce. In the case that your macro finds an item marked announce, it will still announce it in raid (or whatever channel you saved it to in settings), but it will also check another INI file for a designated looter. To illustrate this a bit, in T10 there are HP augs that randomly drop that allow you to combine them with previous ranks of said aug up to rank 10. It's not bad when you're looting with the ezmac logic and have it set to loot, it'll just loot to the character's inventory. But if you no longer need to loot those items and some alt character does, you can designate that character as the looter for the item. There will be a separate INI file that the loot logic can check when it's an item flagged as announce and if the item is listed in there with a designated looter, the designated looter is sent a tell and targets the corpse that the item is on, moves to loot it, opens up the corpse and checks for the item and loots it. The INI file will be editable from in game or you can open it up to do manual edits, items will be alphabetized and associated with the designated looter. The INI file will also just be a single INI file, all characters will access the same one so if Toon4 is designated to loot a blue diamond, Toon 1, Toon 2 and Toon 3 have their blue diamond set to Announce, when any of them find a blue diamond, they'll send the loot command to Toon 4. The EZRLoot.inc file is completely optional and won't interfere in any way with the current loot logic, it's just an added feature that further improves QOL. Download it and put it in the Macros folder of you MQ2 directory just like the EZMac.mac file and EZLoot.inc file. Back up the existing ones just in case, this is a constant beta test after all, but I'd suggest grabbing all 3 files because the previous 2 have been modified to add the new features. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on April 04, 2020, 05:58:24 pm Updated: Added echo command to set designated looter for an item from in game
1. Hold the item on your cursor 2. /echo update looter to [then press enter] 3. ??? 4. Profit Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Mersedez on April 05, 2020, 12:24:21 am This Macro is the bomb. In fact it cured my Corona Virus
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Draca on April 05, 2020, 06:00:36 pm Dim, is it possible to add a radius check for a certain number of NPC's near me, so in a case where the macro is running through looking for rotted or missing corpses, it won't activate and move me while I'm in combat with the next pull?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on April 11, 2020, 10:03:22 am Done with a busy work week, sorry for the late response Draca. Yes, this should be an easy thing to add and I'll update the file and post here when it's done.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Jaara on July 02, 2020, 05:28:26 pm Some issues:
Started a team of warriors for my group. Got them to PoD with one master looter and populated the ini from PoT to PoD. Holloween started, so I'm getting double loot and the chests in PoD are stuffed to the brim. The extra augments, holloween candy, etc are causing issues for the macro. Issues: When a corpse is stuffed to the brim, some items get skipped over. Some gems that are marked for destruction remain, and one dragon is looted but the rest (marked destroy) remain on corpse. One gem + 3 ores remain on corpse. The crystals are ignored, but the augments are destroyed on one corpse, but on another, the opposite happens. Perhaps the large-ish ini starting from PoT is casuing enough lag for the loop to skip every once in a while? I've seperated the items amongst my other characters and I'll see how that plays out. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Jaara on July 02, 2020, 05:34:30 pm Also,
Getting error message in MQ window "No such EQBC member 'Names'". Running the macro a second or third time: the list is still populated with the corpses from the initial run. It keeps trying to target IDs that no longer exist. No big deal, figure it's a performance hit. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: bononomon on July 04, 2020, 02:21:49 pm When a corpse is stuffed to the brim, some items get skipped over. Some gems that are marked for destruction remain, and one dragon is looted but the rest (marked destroy) remain on corpse. One gem + 3 ores remain on corpse. The crystals are ignored, but the augments are destroyed on one corpse, but on another, the opposite happens. the destroy option has been similarly unreliable for me. i'd recommend just using ignore (or removing the item from the list) rather than destroy, because if destroy hiccups and you're left with some gotdamn zany zingers on your cursor you wont be able to loot a real item if it comes up next. i went through and just removed all the "destroy entries" from my .ini and it's been smooth sailing. when "destroy" bugs it looks to me like it's going through the destroy button logic before the item is on the cursor, which means you're left holding it afterwards. if the next item you encounter is also a "destroy" this resolves itself but if it's a "keep"er you get the "can't loot with item on cursor" error and skip the corpse. the destroy-before-loot issue seems to happen reliably with certain items although it's seemingly unrelated to ABC order, as both delicious pumpkin bread and zany zingers fail while pumpkin candy works perfectly. i skirted around it by taking out all the "destroys" as mentioned above, and supervising the looter during the process (only because i'm paranoid, haven't seen it miss any goodies since removing "destroy" flags). overall this macro is a huuuge qol improvement, 5 stars! Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Miriya on July 07, 2020, 10:46:25 pm Hanging out with Draca over the July 4th event had my fingers quite tired looting Foxy's coins. Thanks for the team up, Draca!
Anyway. apologies for my tech noobishness. Not sure why i can't get it to work. I downloaded EZ Mac and EZLoot.inc and placed both in my MQ2 Macros sub folder. When I /echo ezloot I get: [MQ2] ezloot When i /echo ezloot help I get: [MQ2] ezloot help Nothing opens up. I didn't see a Macros folder with my name generated either. I tried /mac ezmac and i get: Couldn't open include file: C:\\users\name\\MQEmu_Classic_ROF2\Macros\EZLoot.inc The current macro has ended. Unable to add macro line. I tried generating my own EZloot_Miriya.ini and placed in the Macros but it doesn't work as well. Is there something I'm supposed to do to activate it? Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on July 08, 2020, 04:03:07 am Hanging out with Draca over the July 4th event had my fingers quite tired looting Foxy's coins. Thanks for the team up, Draca! This is just a shot in the dark, but have you tried checking the permissions on the files and folder?Anyway. apologies for my tech noobishness. Not sure why i can't get it to work. I downloaded EZ Mac and EZLoot.inc and placed both in my MQ2 Macros sub folder. When I /echo ezloot I get: [MQ2] ezloot When i /echo ezloot help I get: [MQ2] ezloot help Nothing opens up. I didn't see a Macros folder with my name generated either. I tried /mac ezmac and i get: Couldn't open include file: C:\\users\name\\MQEmu_Classic_ROF2\Macros\EZLoot.inc The current macro has ended. Unable to add macro line. I tried generating my own EZloot_Miriya.ini and placed in the Macros but it doesn't work as well. Is there something I'm supposed to do to activate it? Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Miriya on July 08, 2020, 08:54:57 am Full control on all files. Everything below that is also checked as allow. I'm also the only user on my PC. Thank you for the suggestion Brannyn. Can you think of anything else that could be affecting it ?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Chieftan on July 08, 2020, 12:11:26 pm Nothing opens up. I didn't see a Macros folder with my name generated either. I tried /mac ezmac and i get: Couldn't open include file: C:\\users\name\\MQEmu_Classic_ROF2\Macros\EZLoot.inc The current macro has ended. Unable to add macro line. Looking over this, am guessing the error is EZRloot.inc it cant open, as you haven't mentioned Or you have downloaded EZRloot.inc but not EZloot.inc Download all 3 files from page 1 and put in macro folder with other files, hopefully should work then ;D Chief Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Keranthas on July 08, 2020, 01:21:31 pm C:\\users\name\\MQEmu_Classic_ROF2\Macros\EZLoot.inc The double slashes are most likely the issue. Should be: Code: C:\users\name\MQEmu_Classic_ROF2\Macros\EZLoot.inc Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Miriya on July 08, 2020, 08:53:14 pm So I downloaded the 3rd file and added it per Chieftan. Just tested it and it works!! I assumed it was an optional file as the wording said 2 associated files. I'm sorry, my reading comprehension is poor lol.
Thanks Chieftan and Keranthas also for your suggestions. Definitely top notch, number one QOL macro! Thank you, Dimur for sharing. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Brannyn on July 08, 2020, 09:12:32 pm there is an EZRloot.inc file?
Guess I haven't bothered to update in quite some time. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Chieftan on July 09, 2020, 04:29:46 am No Prob, glad it sorted
Dimur added a few month back, to add further QoL, although the EZRloot.inc is an option to add, it doesn't seem to function if not present, you could edit the ezmac.mac and remove the include line, but easier just to have it -) Thanks again for this Dimur, absolutely love using it, especially at event time :D Chief Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on July 26, 2020, 11:50:03 am Some issues: Started a team of warriors for my group. Got them to PoD with one master looter and populated the ini from PoT to PoD. Holloween started, so I'm getting double loot and the chests in PoD are stuffed to the brim. The extra augments, holloween candy, etc are causing issues for the macro. Issues: When a corpse is stuffed to the brim, some items get skipped over. Some gems that are marked for destruction remain, and one dragon is looted but the rest (marked destroy) remain on corpse. One gem + 3 ores remain on corpse. The crystals are ignored, but the augments are destroyed on one corpse, but on another, the opposite happens. Perhaps the large-ish ini starting from PoT is casuing enough lag for the loop to skip every once in a while? I've seperated the items amongst my other characters and I'll see how that plays out. Destroy is something I never bothered addressing cleaning up the bugs in, it was an initial feedback request from a user who subsequently stopped offering feedback. Ultimately it was decided that since you can hide looted corpses there wasn't much point in using the destroy option and using /hidec looted with ignore was more efficient anyhow. There's an inherent delay coded in of like 3ms between commands that can be problematic if you have latency issues. The macro works locally so it doesn't care what your connection is, it's just going to execute the next command it comes to regardless if your client has received the updated packet and once it borks because of it your best recourse is to just restart the macro. It's possible to refactor the macro and change the delay between commands to be user modifiable so people can figure out their own best delay in relation to their connection if that's something people want to see. One other issue is that the EQUI window for corpse can only show a maximum of 30? items at a time, so if you're looting chests in POD during a double or triple instance the macro is going to check the corpse and work through the first 30 items it sees and stand up to hide the corpse when it runs out of loot slots to evaluate. I never found that to be much of an issue though since there are very few mobs that you would be looting with this being an issue. Having said that, I'm looking for ideas and projects to work on so if anyone has actionable feedback regarding the stuff referenced in this response or ideas on any other QOL items, please post them and save me from doing yardwork. It's hard to motivate to log on when there's no new content or activity so please give me a project if you have one. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Miriya on July 31, 2020, 09:00:13 pm Another issue popped up. My PC auto updated and restarted. On using the loot macro, it does not announce or loot what it did before. It goes thru the whole logic but does not go thru my Miriya.ini it seems. It just starts looting but does not loot anything on my list or announces. Was something deactivated?
Nothing has changed other than the computer restarting. Thank you in advance. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: RedDwarf on August 01, 2020, 04:24:55 am Another issue popped up. My PC auto updated and restarted. On using the loot macro, it does not announce or loot what it did before. It goes thru the whole logic but does not go thru my Miriya.ini it seems. It just starts looting but does not loot anything on my list or announces. Was something deactivated? Nothing has changed other than the computer restarting. Thank you in advance. Not sure what a OS update would have on MQ2/EQ, but shouldn't effect a macros operation, my first thought is do you have the right file name?, should be EZLoot_Miriya.ini, has a blank version been created (in the macros folder) Red Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Miriya on August 01, 2020, 09:46:13 pm Thanks, Red. I just deleted all the files and re-downloaded them. Then copy/pasted my previous ini files. It didn't work initially and i had to restart my characters and mq2emu a couple times but finally works. Woot! Really not sure why that happened though.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Natedog on August 24, 2020, 06:25:57 pm This is fancy as fuuuck. Nice work! Looks like you know a lot about MQ2 :)
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on August 30, 2020, 12:31:22 pm Dim, is it possible to add a radius check for a certain number of NPC's near me, so in a case where the macro is running through looking for rotted or missing corpses, it won't activate and move me while I'm in combat with the next pull? I haven't tested it yet, but the code should be updated to facilitate Draca's laziness and give an option to toggle on an opt out in the loot logic. Each time it iterates to the next corpse in the list to loot, it should check for any NPCs within 100 radius of you and if the [End on NPC Close] setting in the EZLoot.ini settings is set to [On] it should just jump to the end of the macro and end it. I doubt I'll log in any time soon to test it, if someone could drop some feedback here and let me know if it works or needs to be refactored, let me know and I'll do my best to address it Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on September 14, 2020, 01:51:09 pm Just a quick one..My loot macro gets hung up on corpses with no loot but that have coin on them, it doesn't close the window and move to the next corpse if that makes sense..
Any ideas on how to fix that would be great :D Tankus Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on September 14, 2020, 03:40:21 pm Yes sir, talked to Tankus in game about this and I think I isolated where this happens in the code. Below is the Sub LootCorpse, the last else just returns to the caller if no items are found on the corpse but it doesn't actually close the loot window when doing so, this means if the corpse has plat but no items it tries to go to the next corpse but never closes the corpse loot window of the corpse it's on.
Here's how to fix it: Code: |==== Sub LootCorpse } else /return Change this to : } else { /if (${Window[LootWnd].Open}) /notify LootWnd LW_DoneButton leftmouseup /return } This should fix it until I'm motivated enough to upload the fixed version. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on September 14, 2020, 03:59:32 pm Can confirm that the code above fixed my issue :D
Thank you once again Dim :D Tankus Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on September 14, 2020, 05:57:09 pm Updated the ezloot.inc file link to point to the updated file.
Changes: 1. Added an option to bail out of loot logic if an npc is near when looting, default is off but you can toggle it to on if you want (not sure if this took in last update but it should work now) 2. Added code to release corpse looting window when only plat is found on corpse (thank you Tankus) 3. Preliminary code added to correctly see 20k and 50k exp crystals in the ezloot_characterName.ini file, won't know if this works until someone can test it If there are any other suggestions, please leave feedback on this thread and I'll try to respond. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on September 15, 2020, 05:10:11 pm Hey Dim just wanted to say thank you for the work you put in on the macro... i have another issue that's arisen today..
After a certain time looting corpses It stops and gives me an error that says.. {} pairing ran into another subroutine.. I haven't downloaded the updated one yet, maybe i should do that... ;D Tank Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on September 15, 2020, 09:35:39 pm That sounds like a missing curly brace error, try the updated file and let me know if it persists.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on September 18, 2020, 09:03:46 am Downloaded new file, I have the hang on plat corpse problem again now... not sure if it's just ToFS??
Tankus Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on September 20, 2020, 10:48:36 am Sorry, I had pushed the other changes but apparently forgot to save the one line of code that addressed coin only corpses, should be fixed now.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on September 22, 2020, 01:13:21 pm Sorry, I had pushed the other changes but apparently forgot to save the one line of code that addressed coin only corpses, should be fixed now. All sorted now thank you Dim.... Tankus Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on December 19, 2020, 01:52:14 pm Heya Dim, firstly I hope you are well, secondly I have a new issue...ToFS, chars won't move the two inches to loot the corpse next to them, just says you are too far away to loot that corpse, so I have to swap to the char and move them an inch and then they continue...Any ideas or are my chars just being idiots?
Edit:- Fixed this by changing the /if (${Target.Distance}>22) to /if (${Target.Distance}>12) Tank Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Rakharth on December 22, 2020, 12:18:36 pm So when i Do a /setto with item on cursor some toons show update on there ini and some dont any idea?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on December 23, 2020, 03:14:27 pm I'll try to take a look.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on December 25, 2020, 11:28:32 pm I have not found anything in the code, it should check the directory for the ini file...if found it should update and if not it generate a new one. I don't see anything that would prevent it from updating an existing ini file. Are the offending char ini files set to read only?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Rakharth on December 26, 2020, 07:28:38 am yea was wierd i had to remake a bunch of the ini files cause they wouldnt take the setto command, they work now i redid them /shrug
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Pele on March 25, 2021, 12:59:33 pm Hello!
This is a great macro, but I have been having trouble getting it to work at its potential. The main problem i am having is that it will loot a corpse much too fast and end up skipping over an item it was supposed to loot on that corpse. For example, this happens on average once or twice per wisp clear in jaggedpine to give an idea about frequency. My solution has been to /hidecorpse none and re-EZloot and everything usually gets picked up the 2nd time around. Additionally, i can not get the Announce function to work properly. I downloaded the 3 files in the first post, as well as the pre-populated loot ini. Since i discovered these issues, i have deleted and re-downloaded everything from scratch and experience the same problems. Does anyone have any ideas what could be amiss? I attached all the relevant files I am using in case that helps. Thank you! Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on March 28, 2021, 08:22:41 pm Hello! This is a great macro, but I have been having trouble getting it to work at its potential. The main problem i am having is that it will loot a corpse much too fast and end up skipping over an item it was supposed to loot on that corpse. For example, this happens on average once or twice per wisp clear in jaggedpine to give an idea about frequency. My solution has been to /hidecorpse none and re-EZloot and everything usually gets picked up the 2nd time around. Additionally, i can not get the Announce function to work properly. I downloaded the 3 files in the first post, as well as the pre-populated loot ini. Since i discovered these issues, i have deleted and re-downloaded everything from scratch and experience the same problems. Does anyone have any ideas what could be amiss? I attached all the relevant files I am using in case that helps. Thank you! It's likely the macro is running faster than EQ can keep up with, the default setting for delay is .2 seconds and the macro doesn't know if EQ has completed one step before moving on to the next. Instead of making the user have to go an modify each delay in the macro, I added the ability for a user to update the standard delay. There should be a new setting in the updated EZLoot file for Standard Delay. This will default to 2 (.2 seconds) but is user modifiable up to 50 (5 seconds), once you set the value to what you want it should stay at that value until you change it again. You can either change it in game: /echo ezset 'Standard Delay' to 6 (for .6 second delay) or directly in the ini: [Settings] Standard Delay=6 Give it a shot and let me know if this helps Additionally, i can not get the Announce function to work properly. I think the AnnounceString was disabled because people had issues crashing if they exceeded the max character count on a string, IE MQ2 has a limit to how many characters are in a string and if you loot enough items that the list of looted items exceeds it can crash. I may revisit this and see if I can get a work around, I have a few ideas how to approach it. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wachna on April 04, 2021, 03:28:06 am Hey Dimur.
We talked about that topic in /gu yesterday and did not find a variable called standard delay. Maybe we (Pele aka Warriar and I) have a wrong version of your files or we are too blind to see. Anyway Pele changed all delay variables from 2 to 3 and now he is fine. Thanks again for this amazing macro... it is really really helpful Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Abuelo on May 12, 2021, 12:15:34 pm Hello! This is a great macro, but I have been having trouble getting it to work at its potential. The main problem i am having is that it will loot a corpse much too fast and end up skipping over an item it was supposed to loot on that corpse. For example, this happens on average once or twice per wisp clear in jaggedpine to give an idea about frequency. My solution has been to /hidecorpse none and re-EZloot and everything usually gets picked up the 2nd time around. Additionally, i can not get the Announce function to work properly. I downloaded the 3 files in the first post, as well as the pre-populated loot ini. Since i discovered these issues, i have deleted and re-downloaded everything from scratch and experience the same problems. Does anyone have any ideas what could be amiss? I attached all the relevant files I am using in case that helps. Thank you! It's likely the macro is running faster than EQ can keep up with, the default setting for delay is .2 seconds and the macro doesn't know if EQ has completed one step before moving on to the next. Instead of making the user have to go an modify each delay in the macro, I added the ability for a user to update the standard delay. There should be a new setting in the updated EZLoot file for Standard Delay. This will default to 2 (.2 seconds) but is user modifiable up to 50 (5 seconds), once you set the value to what you want it should stay at that value until you change it again. You can either change it in game: /echo ezset 'Standard Delay' to 6 (for .6 second delay) or directly in the ini: [Settings] Standard Delay=6 Give it a shot and let me know if this helps So I downloaded and setup EZloot based on this thread and had the same issues as described above. When a loot window contained more than 1 item it would almost always loot one item and skip the others with no particular consistency. I tried changing the settings in the file that was created called ${ezloot (or something) but these settings would never save. Also tried running the command listed above in game and had no luck either. (Unclear on what to type. I tried /echo ezset 'Standard Delay' 6 and other variations of the string) I got another copy of the ezloot.inc from someone using a much older version? and I could tell the noticeable difference in loot speed, but it was consistently looting all of the items in the loot window so I'm currently using that instead of the the one downloaded from the OP. Edit: Added a copy of the slower more accurate EZLoot.inc file to my post so if others are having the same issues they can use this version. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Rangewind on July 07, 2021, 02:36:36 pm I am by no means a coder but from what I have looked though I found some problems with the current macro. I have attacked a link to an older one I have been editing myself to fix the problems I see. If I understand what is causing it and then adjusting the code. The main thing I use is just the loot function so I have focused on that. I was getting things sorted out with it during the 4th July 2021 event. It still needs some cleanup as far as I can tell but since I dont really know what all I am looking at this will take me time lol.
The 2 problems I noticed the most was it would get stuck on corpses with just money on them or it would out right just open the loot window and move onto the next corpse without looting anything. So far with my testing I have resolved these but I know things dont always work the same for everyone. Items set to announce with post in raid chat if in a raid and the ID of the corpse they are on. I wanted to test looting the 20k and 50k AA crystals but I have not gotten a chance to find out why they are not being looted for people. I am still progressing to be able to farm HoS right now. I still get a flood of things to the MQ2 window when it goes to find missed corpses. This is what I am currently wrapping my head around for what its looking at causing. Will post an edit if I am able to get this sorted out. This one has set delays and not the variable style that Dimur currently has posted. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DD3178HwNwz-s3XOYCmlruxjzM4Lxtnv/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DD3178HwNwz-s3XOYCmlruxjzM4Lxtnv/view?usp=sharing) Dimur - Thanks for all the work you have put into this and I hope that I am not over stepping trying to help out. The current one with the variable delay has some broken code lines so the delay is not functioning right. Line 439/470 are missing } at "${EZLootIni" - I ended up getting a friend to help me look at finding the problem. The delay on line 85 is also being ignored due to the ${Window[LootWnd].Open} after it and that was a cause to part of the problems I ran into. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Marcone on July 20, 2021, 07:32:53 am Wish I could get this to work properly as I've just started trying to break into T9, but so far have been unsuccessful. Added the missing "}" which then started populating the standard delay in the ini properly. Slowing it down helped and it started looting most things. Setting things manually appears to work in game and write to the ini, but the looting logic appears to ignore the settings in the ini for certain items and I'm not really sure why. Do the items listed under every letter need to be in alphabetical order to function?
Also the number list with the 50,000 and 20,000 entries appeared to break the script entirely so I had to remove all the numbered entries from the ini to get it to run again at all. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Raygan on July 20, 2021, 05:03:03 pm I wanted to test looting the 20k and 50k AA crystals but I have not gotten a chance to find out why they are not being looted for people. I am still progressing to be able to farm HoS right now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DD3178HwNwz-s3XOYCmlruxjzM4Lxtnv/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DD3178HwNwz-s3XOYCmlruxjzM4Lxtnv/view?usp=sharing) The comma (,) in the 50,000 and 20,000 is what is causing the issue in those items.... Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on July 20, 2021, 09:13:47 pm I can look at refactoring this soon, I may have the link set to the wrong file. The comma is the default delineator so you can't use the string to compare, an easy fix would just add an or check for both, I have just been lazy.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on July 25, 2021, 03:30:57 pm Dimur - Thanks for all the work you have put into this and I hope that I am not over stepping trying to help out. The current one with the variable delay has some broken code lines so the delay is not functioning right. Line 439/470 are missing } at "${EZLootIni" - I ended up getting a friend to help me look at finding the problem. The delay on line 85 is also being ignored due to the ${Window[LootWnd].Open} after it and that was a cause to part of the problems I ran into. Thanks Rangewind for isolating the curly brackets issues, I've updated the linked file to correct this. Regarding line 85, the $(Window[LootWnd].Open} after the delay is a condition check, it tells MQ2 /delay for 2 seconds UNLESS loot window is open, basically says wait up to 2 seconds for the loot window to be open to proceed, if loot window is open before the delay it just moves on. The macro evaluates the item on the corpse as a string, if it finds a matching string in the INI it checks the setting for the item and does the appropriate action, Keep means it gets looted etc. MQ2 has limited options by default for collection objects, you can do an array or a string with a delineator between items on the string. The macro tallies up the corpses in range, for each corpse it finds it adds it to the end of the current string by adding a comma and the corpse ID. When it starts looting it reads the string by evaluating each corpse id, by default when MQ2 reads a string the comma is the delineator. When MQ2 sees the 20,000 or 50,000 as the item name, it reads 20 then stops or 50 then stops because it assumes the comma means end of line (delineator). There are a few ways around this, you can hardcode the item ID into line 95 as an additional check using an OR condition with the || which would probably be the easiest or your could write a small sub routine to check for 2 strings with the second string being 000 to identify the AA crystals, this would work until another item ends up having ,000 in it's listed name. If someone wants to inspect the items and give the ID numbers for them, I can add that line of code as a quick fix for now. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Draca on July 25, 2021, 03:42:18 pm There are a few ways around this, you can hardcode the item ID into line 95 as an additional check using an OR condition with the || which would probably be the easiest or your could write a small sub routine to check for 2 strings with the second string being 000 to identify the AA crystals, this would work until another item ends up having ,000 in it's listed name. If someone wants to inspect the items and give the ID numbers for them, I can add that line of code as a quick fix for now. Dim, expect those to be renamed before the next HW event, I wouldn't spend any time on that. Draca Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on September 29, 2021, 07:38:26 am Hi Dim, miss your face..
I has a question... In the loot macro is there a way to set a number limit on something you want to loot, for instance I want to loot 25 guardian v1 charms, is there a way to set it so that the macro see's the 25 and then stops collecting them? Just curious :) Tank Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wachna on September 29, 2021, 09:25:30 am I dont know of dimurs loot macro can add a counter for specific items but generally a counter should be possible to add.. not by me lol
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 20, 2021, 11:57:06 am Per Tankus request, added a line to check to see if there is a count associated with a loot item, you will need to manually add a comma and the count in the ini file. Additionally this will only count the items in the inventory so if you have shit in the bank the macro doesn't look there before deciding whether to loot or not. This has not been tested, feel free to test and feedback.
To set a max item loot limit, in the EZLoot.ini file, find the item and add a comma after Keep then the count number Charming Black Rose=Keep,70 You'll need to comment out the EZLoot.inc include line in EZMac and add EZLootItemCount.inc to use this version. |#include EZLoot.inc #include EZLootItemCount.inc https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RJFRDbTRJtt9hKut4NZ97ii3LI19ERaB/view?usp=sharing <- Share link to EZLootItemCount.inc Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on November 20, 2021, 12:22:59 pm And I thank you from the bottom of my heart once more Dim, I'll get it testing in the next couple of ToV pulls..
Tank Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: itsakankie on November 20, 2021, 01:48:20 pm Pure brilliance Dimur...thanks again :)
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wachna on November 20, 2021, 03:24:32 pm I will try your loot macro on monday aswell.. or try to add the count to the one I use … thx dim
Edit: does this work on non stackable items also? Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on November 20, 2021, 04:29:33 pm It should work for stacked or unstacked, it counts total items not bag slots.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Sarthin on December 21, 2021, 04:46:09 pm I keep getting errors when running the macro. Character stops looting before all the corpses are looted. Any wizards here know why? https://ibb.co/XCP5WmC Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ogru on January 02, 2022, 03:12:33 pm I keep getting errors when running the macro. Character stops looting before all the corpses are looted. Any wizards here know why? https://ibb.co/XCP5WmC Looks like line 301 in "Sub SetUpOuterVariables" is not declaring the variable as an outer. Just update the line to this and it should fix the issue. Code: /if (!${Defined[ezd]}) /declare ezd int outer 2 Edit: added fixed files Edit2: There were a couple other things that needed to be fixed. I Updated this file. 1/5/22 Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Sarthin on January 03, 2022, 03:04:48 pm Nice fix, Ogru!
I also had to upgrade my old MQ2, which let the macro run flawlessly 8) Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wachna on January 03, 2022, 03:48:44 pm Any specific link to update mq2?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ogru on January 03, 2022, 04:39:50 pm Any specific link to update mq2? It should work just fine with the RoF2 - EZ Server Classic from http://mqemulator.net/downloads.php Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dokplayer2 on February 10, 2022, 07:10:46 am i installed the new rof2 ezserver classic macro quest and ezloot is not following the filters i have set for my characters at all. I replaced my old ezloot, ezmac, and rzloot files with the new install.
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ogru on February 10, 2022, 06:40:58 pm i installed the new rof2 ezserver classic macro quest and ezloot is not following the filters i have set for my characters at all. I replaced my old ezloot, ezmac, and rzloot files with the new install. You probably need to increase the delay. That is usually the issue when its not looting correctly. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on February 11, 2022, 08:35:40 am Doesn't one version of MQ2 swap delay for pause or vice versa?
Tank Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dokplayer2 on February 12, 2022, 09:17:55 am Still no luck with /echo ezloot following the logic in character files. Currently I type /echo ezloot and the character loots literally everything.
EZMac.mac, EZLoot.inc, EZRLoot.inc all within macro folder in macro folder. Start of character file- [Settings] = Standard Delay=20 Summary Loot Announce=On Summary Loot Channel=On Return to Start Location=On Ignore Enabled=On Loot Radius=200 Pop Up=Off Destroy Enabled=Off Max Corpses=250 Pause on New Item=Off Delay Seconds on Pause=20 Randomize Loot List=Off End on NPC Close=Off Include files present on EZMac macro |==== Include files section, add your .inc files here #include EZLoot.inc #include EZRLoot.inc |==== End Include files section |==== Sub Main Sub Main /echo Loading EZMac...loading EZLoot and EZRemoteLoot :MainLoop /doevents /delay 20 /goto :MainLoop /return |==== End Sub Main Not really sure what is causing the problem. This started with the new ROF2 ezclassic macroquest install. unfortunately when I tried to install the old macroquest I was having issues with everquest loading at all. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wachna on February 12, 2022, 09:42:29 am You need a loot file for every character.. you got those?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dokplayer2 on February 12, 2022, 09:45:04 am yep
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ginge on February 12, 2022, 10:09:08 am isn't it
/mac ezmac /echo ezloot Sounds like you aren't getting the macro to check the ezloot.ini for that toon so it's just seeing all the stuff and looting it all. Maybe.....I don't know ;D Tank Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: wachna on February 12, 2022, 10:20:42 am isn't it /mac ezmac /echo ezloot Sounds like you aren't getting the macro to check the ezloot.ini for that toon so it's just seeing all the stuff and looting it all. Maybe.....I don't know ;D Tank Would guess the same Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Chieftan on February 12, 2022, 10:38:21 am Just did a fresh download of mq2 and used Ogru's modified EZLoot.inc Here (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=5731.msg73690#msg73690) and worked fine, looted just what i have in the .ini
I would rename your EZLoot_Dok.ini Run /mac ezmac and /echo ezloot - before any corpse's to loot That will create a new EZLoot_Dok.ini Then copy all from [A] down from you old .ini to the new, and try again See if that gets it going Chief Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dokplayer2 on February 12, 2022, 10:40:54 am problem solved. thanks team!
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on February 12, 2022, 01:43:14 pm Updated the links on the first post to reflect Ogru's fixes.
Ogru is working on refacactoring his own version of the loot macro and has agreed to be the caretaker for this version until his is done. I'm hit or miss still and he is going to be the best point of contact for the loot macro for now. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Dimur on February 12, 2022, 02:18:38 pm Doesn't one version of MQ2 swap delay for pause or vice versa? Tank No, the newer version works the same way as the legacy version, it just has a lot more updates/options available to it. It makes conditions much easier to code, but timed is still timed and delay is still delay, pause would not be used except in a hotkey. Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Pubis on February 24, 2022, 12:55:51 pm Is there a wildcard for looting anything with a name starting with "dracolich" as a necro, for instance, just to loot any and all T8 armor?
Title: Re: Loot Macro Post by: Ogru on February 24, 2022, 03:31:30 pm Is there a wildcard for looting anything with a name starting with "dracolich" as a necro, for instance, just to loot any and all T8 armor? no, The names have to be exact. But you can get the names of all armor from the armor list file http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=6089.0 |