EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Finkleton on January 06, 2020, 12:56:02 am

Title: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Finkleton on January 06, 2020, 12:56:02 am
Just a suggestion. Maybe lower the price of the insane goblin pet? I mean 200 credits is just way over priced. I know for a fact alot of my guildies would buy one if it wasnt so much. I understand its nice but not worth more then a free way point.

-gumboo- leader of La Familia

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Kovash on January 06, 2020, 01:15:13 am
I would have to agree. It seems way over priced at the moment. Please consider lowering.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Brannyn on January 06, 2020, 01:23:16 am
IG is more important than FWP.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: clbreastmilk on January 06, 2020, 11:53:09 am
Lowering the price for an item many would consider baked into the tanking aspect of EZ seems like a good route to take.

On top of that, could we also consider adding this item or a similar mitigation item into the progression of the game itself. 


1.  Directly add a mitigation value click or focus effect onto warrior item slots that increases in tier until it reaches IG level at some point.

2.  Allow IG to drop rarely, from tier bosses, increasing in % as you progress through the tiers.

Unless of course, the sale of this item is a big part of financially keeping the server afloat.  In that case, lowering the price should be sufficient to keep that metric stable.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Danish on January 06, 2020, 12:25:20 pm
Can it still be farmed during Halloween?

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Finkleton on January 06, 2020, 12:33:20 pm
Yes it drops in halloween still. Thing is, how many people actually have paid the 200 credits for it ever? I doubt hardly any and if im wrong then wow but i know personally no one in my guild has ever. And they donate alot

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Warrchar on January 06, 2020, 01:38:34 pm
I would consider the IG pet a pretty essential tanking item, certainly for folks that can only play 6 and may not have all the buffs available to those of us that have multiple groups. I would like to see the price lowered I think it would be great for new folks to get access to this item for a reasonable price. 

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Ryndon on January 06, 2020, 09:14:42 pm
Hey, it's free during Halloween. That's how I got all 13 of mine. We could probably start talking about how many of the things are overpriced credit-wise. I'd love buying a ton of triple loots myself, but I never would at their current price. I guess if someone wants the items badly enough, they'll buy them no matter the price. Otherwise they'll wait for Halloween.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: clbreastmilk on January 07, 2020, 09:15:11 am
It would be interesting to see the data (no names attached) of items bought over a period of time.  Especially that IG pet.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Raygan on January 09, 2020, 05:23:15 pm
These are not even needed (for anyone other than tank/knight classes) until t10. If someone is just starting out by halloween, or when they enable halloween event, can get one easily. This is kinda silly imo

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Warrchar on January 09, 2020, 06:56:47 pm
Hey, it's free during Halloween. That's how I got all 13 of mine. We could probably start talking about how many of the things are overpriced credit-wise. I'd love buying a ton of triple loots myself, but I never would at their current price. I guess if someone wants the items badly enough, they'll buy them no matter the price. Otherwise they'll wait for Halloween.

I think we are starting to talk about how overpriced, credit-wise some items are.  We all know they drop during halloween, everyone in this forum post has  gotten them on toons there and this post was not really about that. Its about the fact that something that does drop there, for free, and has a pretty niche utility for one specific class type. Should be priced at double a free way point cost, a item that has equal utility regardless of the class type it is placed on and does not drop for free. (I know, I know.The IG pet does add hp and some small mitigation to the other classes, but your not taking damage on those classes anyway. Unless have no resist augs or maybe you tank on top of your entire raid. But you can solve those problems with the same solution of playing smarter. Max melee your toons behind the mob and take the time to get you resists up before you move to the next tier.)

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Warrchar on January 09, 2020, 07:11:20 pm
These are not even needed (for anyone other than tank/knight classes) until t10. If someone is just starting out by halloween, or when they enable halloween event, can get one easily. This is kinda silly imo

 Im sorry I did not follow you there, what was silly about starting a conversation about the cost of a specific item? I would also counter that the additional hp and mitigation provided by the pet specifically early on in the lower tiersof the game ,were it easily adds 2x 3x or more hp to your tank.  Would be of extreme value and that  the pet buff actually begins to lose value in the top tiers as the hp part of the buff is barely passing a single gear piece.( Yes it does add significantly to the mitigation needed in the top tiers, but im speaking of the 'value' of the complete IG pet buff and sooner is certainly better then later on a progression timeline.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Rent Due on January 10, 2020, 09:20:09 am
The IG pet was introduced as a Halloween only item. It has remained that way. It was added to the rewards NPC list as a way for people to get it that started the game a long time away from Halloween.

I have zero plans to change any price of any item on the rewards list.

It would be unfair to players that have purchased the item(s) in the past.

As a former player I can tell you that I would make new characters and wait for Halloween to roll around just to get the different pets on all of my toons, even making new toons just to loot the pets in case I wanted to level them in the future.

From time to time Akka and I decide to open the Halloween zone and loot drop lists. This is actually a new concept because in the past it was only open for Halloween, maybe 1 week out of the year. I feel there is plenty of opportunities throughout the year to obtain these pets.

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Raygan on January 10, 2020, 02:39:12 pm
These are not even needed (for anyone other than tank/knight classes) until t10. If someone is just starting out by halloween, or when they enable halloween event, can get one easily. This is kinda silly imo

 Im sorry I did not follow you there, what was silly about starting a conversation about the cost of a specific item? I would also counter that the additional hp and mitigation provided by the pet specifically early on in the lower tiersof the game ,were it easily adds 2x 3x or more hp to your tank.  Would be of extreme value and that  the pet buff actually begins to lose value in the top tiers as the hp part of the buff is barely passing a single gear piece.( Yes it does add significantly to the mitigation needed in the top tiers, but im speaking of the 'value' of the complete IG pet buff and sooner is certainly better then later on a progression timeline.

The topic it self isn't silly.  The fact that you have SO much opportunity through the year to get it for free, hence the thread is kinda pointless. In lower tiers the mitigation you get from the self-buffs is proficient to tank the content. HECK with the super buffs being pumped out of Nexus every hour is enough to be a leg up to ANY new player w/o ANY mitigation!

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Finkleton on January 17, 2020, 08:45:09 pm
These are not even needed (for anyone other than tank/knight classes) until t10. If someone is just starting out by halloween, or when they enable halloween event, can get one easily. This is kinda silly imo

 Im sorry I did not follow you there, what was silly about starting a conversation about the cost of a specific item? I would also counter that the additional hp and mitigation provided by the pet specifically early on in the lower tiersof the game ,were it easily adds 2x 3x or more hp to your tank.  Would be of extreme value and that  the pet buff actually begins to lose value in the top tiers as the hp part of the buff is barely passing a single gear piece.( Yes it does add significantly to the mitigation needed in the top tiers, but im speaking of the 'value' of the complete IG pet buff and sooner is certainly better then later on a progression timeline.

The topic it self isn't silly.  The fact that you have SO much opportunity through the year to get it for free, hence the thread is kinda pointless. In lower tiers the mitigation you get from the self-buffs is proficient to tank the content. HECK with the super buffs being pumped out of Nexus every hour is enough to be a leg up to ANY new player w/o ANY mitigation!

Have you even read what i posted orthanos? Or just see a opportunity to try and sound smart? Idc about how strong it is and the fact you keep saying how often it can be obtained for free just proves my point it should be lowered. 200 credits just seems excessive for something thats free and as you say "not really needed"

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: shawnluc on January 18, 2020, 01:18:45 am
These are not even needed (for anyone other than tank/knight classes) until t10. If someone is just starting out by halloween, or when they enable halloween event, can get one easily. This is kinda silly imo

 Im sorry I did not follow you there, what was silly about starting a conversation about the cost of a specific item? I would also counter that the additional hp and mitigation provided by the pet specifically early on in the lower tiersof the game ,were it easily adds 2x 3x or more hp to your tank.  Would be of extreme value and that  the pet buff actually begins to lose value in the top tiers as the hp part of the buff is barely passing a single gear piece.( Yes it does add significantly to the mitigation needed in the top tiers, but im speaking of the 'value' of the complete IG pet buff and sooner is certainly better then later on a progression timeline.

The topic it self isn't silly.  The fact that you have SO much opportunity through the year to get it for free, hence the thread is kinda pointless. In lower tiers the mitigation you get from the self-buffs is proficient to tank the content. HECK with the super buffs being pumped out of Nexus every hour is enough to be a leg up to ANY new player w/o ANY mitigation!

Have you even read what i posted orthanos? Or just see a opportunity to try and sound smart? Idc about how strong it is and the fact you keep saying how often it can be obtained for free just proves my point it should be lowered. 200 credits just seems excessive for something thats free and as you say "not really needed"

In my experience if you keep pushing, all your gonna achieve is that they will remove the thing from the credit vendor all together...


Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Raygan on January 18, 2020, 11:57:06 am
Maybe the easiest way to stop the butt hurt is just to remove it off the vendor so you stop getting your panties in such a bunch. ;)

Title: Re: Insane goblin pet
Post by: Finkleton on January 18, 2020, 01:55:14 pm
Maybe the easiest way to stop the butt hurt is just to remove it off the vendor so you stop getting your panties in such a bunch. ;)

Butt hurt is every time you see me or my guild post or progress. Im simply trying to suggest an item thats way overpriced be dropped on price so maybe people would actually consider it. But hey, just take it off. Not like anyones actually buying it.