EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Darkest on July 07, 2010, 09:45:21 am

Title: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Darkest on July 07, 2010, 09:45:21 am
Now, I know there is a thread for offensive names that go against Hunter's naming policy, and thats all fine and well, but when I saw this guild name it just made me /boggle !!

I've nothing against anyone in the guild, but cant for the life of me understand how this guild was created: Aryan Brotherhood

For those who might not know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Brotherhood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Brotherhood)

Like I say, nothing against the people in the guild, I personally dont know or have any dealings with any of them, but that name rings so many alarm bells its defies belief.


Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Balthor2 on July 07, 2010, 10:23:05 am
Yes I was more then a little upset when I noticed that.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Reed on July 07, 2010, 10:30:29 am
Yes I was more then a little upset when I noticed that.

Agreed. Idk what is going on with this, but hey its not my server. Maybe things just fly however. Making my new ranger tonight named Kiddy Rapist_the_Drug_Dealer
and joining the Aryan Brotherhood...

No limits right?

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: PORTIS on July 07, 2010, 10:53:19 am
And to think my char needed renaming cause he was called Nipple. I work in one of Englands most racist regions now I have to play EQ with these fucktards.  >:( Humour is one thing but this cuts deeper.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Reed on July 07, 2010, 10:58:21 am
And to think my char needed renaming cause he was called Nipple. I work in one of Englands most racist regions now I have to play EQ with these fucktards.  >:( Humour is one thing but this cuts deeper.

I know right? All about shock value I guess

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Mirielle on July 07, 2010, 11:02:44 am
Guild definately needs to be re-named.....

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: trendkiller on July 07, 2010, 12:40:54 pm
Well it wasnt offensive to the asshats that thought it up, or who choose to join it. So since a select few don't mind or care....why should they have to change it?
I mean the naming policy obviously is not being enforced here, so why is this racists bigotry expected to be altered?

And no I am not racist, or Pro-AB. But I am a firm believer in overall fairness. And quite a few people have already complained of completely retarded, pointless, annnnnnnnnd offensive names that they see on other peoples characters.

See link: http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=141.0

SO if a mass enforcement is not going to be made towards them. Then this should be overlooked as well.

I personally hope this guild gets deleted or altered, because I see it as the proprietors are either completely devoid of actual marginal intelligence or they are just straight up assholes to promote a name which holds a lot of negative connotation.

I don't care WHO the person or people are, if they have stupid/offensive/racist/retarded/ or pointless names as their character and/or guild they need to be changed.

In Summation:

These current issues contained herein massively derail from the whole gameplay experience as a rpg and from mirrored asshatedness in the real world. I come here to relive my EQ experience and the enhancement that hunter and crew have added provided via custom content. NOT to run across characters named "poon_raper","wantsome_nutz_in_you_mouth", "yellow_avain_shit_talker", "gank gank _shoot_them_up" or arrogance such as "aryan brotherhood"


We want to enjoy this game, not shudder everytime we see this shit.
We really need to purge the world of the derailment.

Shit I would even give up my personal play time to /guide and take on the task of enforcing a name policy.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Isaaru on July 07, 2010, 12:47:22 pm
Why is this group offensive?  The only acts of racism were against another racist group, and I quote:

By the 1990s the AB was less about killing for racist reasons and more about power and organized-crime activities: drugs, prostitution, hits for hire

It's just a gang, most of whom are in prison.  Who the hell cares?

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Mirielle on July 07, 2010, 12:50:54 pm
You're kidding, right??

Re-read the article linked and then come back and say there is nothing wrong with naming a guild after this particular group of people.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Isaaru on July 07, 2010, 12:53:22 pm
You're kidding, right??

Re-read the article linked and then come back and say there is nothing wrong with naming a guild after this particular group of people.

Yes I'm serious.  Please enlighten me.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: walk2k on July 07, 2010, 12:58:00 pm
lol yeah guys why is that racist I mean the Nazis just burned a few jews what's wrong with that lulz

brb to make Nazi_JewGassers

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Isaaru on July 07, 2010, 01:00:17 pm
lol yeah guys why is that racist I mean the Nazis just burned a few jews what's wrong with that lulz

brb to make Nazi_JewGassers

They don't represent the nazis.

I'm not defending these guys but I have yet to see a defining reason to why they are "offensive."

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Mirielle on July 07, 2010, 01:02:51 pm
How about this?

Years active:    1964-present
Territory:    federal prison system, California, Texas, New York, Ohio and Arizona
Ethnicity:    White
Membership:    15,000+[citation needed]
Criminal activities:    Murder, assault, Drug trafficking, Extortion, Racketeering, Arms trafficking, and inmate prostitution
Allies: Mexican Mafia, Nazi Lowriders, Public Enemy No. 1,[1] Hells Angels, Gambino crime family,[2] Philadelphia crime family,[2] Irish Mob.[3]


The AB has focused on the economic activities typical of organized crime entities, particularly drug trafficking, extortion, inmate prostitution, and murder-for-hire.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Isaaru on July 07, 2010, 01:05:12 pm
You just re-iterated what I already said--they are a gang. 


Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: walk2k on July 07, 2010, 01:09:28 pm
lol yeah guys why is that racist I mean the Nazis just burned a few jews what's wrong with that lulz

brb to make Nazi_JewGassers

They don't represent the nazis.

I'm not defending these guys but I have yet to see a defining reason to why they are "offensive."
Are you high?  Their logo is a swaztika.

This guild should not only be deleted but everyone in it should be permabanned.

In fact if that doesn't happen I'll have to seriously reconsider playing here.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Crabthewall on July 07, 2010, 01:19:10 pm
You just re-iterated what I already said--they are a gang.  


http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2005/fall/smashing-the-shamrock/being-a-brother read some excerpts from their constitution if you doubt what is offensive.

I believe they are also on the list of Domestic Terrorist organizations.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: walk2k on July 07, 2010, 01:34:50 pm
This is a dumb "discussion"

from the RULES

Offensive words in names   or public chat will not be tolerated, such as anything sexual, racist, hateful, etc.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: trendkiller on July 07, 2010, 01:37:34 pm

You don't see what is wrong with organized crime, murder, extortion....etc?

jesus tapdaning man...

Let go kill your family after we rape their skulls, steal all their money, and burn their house down. Would that offend you, yet?

And lets say the group that did this called themselves "panda bears"

If I saw a guild named "panda bears" I would expect them to be banned from any public forum...let alone a fucking RPG game that an outside negative element such as said symbolic name represents does not belong in.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: trendkiller on July 07, 2010, 01:40:13 pm
Back to the core, thanks walk2.

Now if we can just get that policy enforced, the world in which we seek escape and enjoyment in can once be....and escape and enjoyable.

Hunter and crew will be referred to this and these very important matters.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Slackoff01 on July 07, 2010, 02:56:49 pm
Stupid question I suppose but doesnt anyone wishing to create a guild need to post here as a request for Hunter / GM approval?

If thats the case I would assume someone would already know and possibly be turning a blind eye to it.

And for the record I in no way support the idea of a guild with any sort of racist or otherwise stupid ass name.

And to the person tryin to say this isnt offensive or should be allowed as thier right or some BS, are you fucking serious?!

That only goes to show the level of idiocy that is present in our society.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Mirielle on July 07, 2010, 03:00:03 pm
It may have been that Hunter was unaware of it's background history.

I am sure that after reading this, he will be.......

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Eliseus on July 07, 2010, 03:05:17 pm
Fucking fail

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: zomgDanyelle on July 07, 2010, 03:15:19 pm
That only goes to show the level of idiocy that is present in our society.

I don't know you but.....will you marry me? <3

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Reed on July 07, 2010, 05:11:46 pm
I tried pretty hard up to this point to avoid directly calling anyone out Admin wise, but seriously:


Are you allowing names to be whatever we want?
Can we have guild named whatever we care to pollute the server?
Can we just end this whole thing once and for all?

Seriously, just log in for a minute and say "Hey, no need to fight about this, i dont give a fuck what you name your characters or guilds", because im sure thats about the response incoming.

This would end this thread and the one i started with names of characters. I would gladly end it if you just said you didn't care.  At that point I would just ignore everyone's dumb ass names and just not care about bettering the server. Let its filth ruin itself. Wow-ish kids will go nuts making the OOC even worse than it is, chuck norris jokes will run rampant, (more) immature arguments for everyone to hear in global channels, etc...

Like I said, 5 minutes of your time man. Does us all a world of good.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: yellowbird on July 07, 2010, 05:18:39 pm

I am not suggesting that your named is based off of or influenced by that group.  However, I think it illustrates the point that Hunter may not be "in the know" when it comes to extremist/racist groups.  He works a fulltime job (often times 60+ hours a week) and runs this server as a hobby.  At the very least cut the guy some slack.  Ideally give him the benefit of the doubt.  I am sure that Hunter had no idea what the Aryan Brotherhood was when he made the guild.  In the same way that I am sure no one from Blood and Honor knew it was an obscure neo-nazi record label.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 07, 2010, 05:53:53 pm
This is the kind of things that happen when the naming policy is allowed to get as lax as it has been lately. I agree with what someone else said, the entire guild should be banned.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Reed on July 07, 2010, 05:54:28 pm
The difference is everyone on the server (who reads the forums) knows that my guild was one merged with another. Blood and Steel was original, Merge with (Dignatio = Honor in Latin iirc) thus Blood and Honor. A pretty forgivable mistake if anyone would like the guild name changed, however I dont think B&H has nearly the same impact. I dont expect every name to be analyzed to death, however common sense man.

Its pretty common knowledge that stuff like AB was a gang. I know he works long hours and what not to make ends meet and does this as a hobby. Its just fucked up that there have been 13+ pages in the thread i made about names  and a bunch of stupid bickering that could have easily been resolved with a Hunter post.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: trendkiller on July 07, 2010, 05:56:37 pm
Although spelling is different with blood and honor. Yellow does pose a good point. But I have already sent hunter all the information that is needed and offered several alternative/solutions and my own time in effort to enforce the policy if needed. People have spoken, and they are sick of the fucktards polluting the server. And we are not JUST bitching, we are saying we want it fixed...and we have ways of offering a hand in the solution.

There is no reason this policy should not be in full effect by this point in time.

Given that Hunter simply did not realize that AB was an offense, might be true...but at this point in time it is obvious that it is not a welcome choice by the majority

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Mirielle on July 07, 2010, 05:59:16 pm
The thing is, the post is there in the rules, about offensive names etc.

The problem lies in the enforcing of said rules.

I understand and acknowledge that Hunter works a shedton of hours.
But if there are rules, then there need to be people able to enforce them.

Otherwise it spirals out of control (as it has done).

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Reed on July 07, 2010, 06:01:13 pm
Just remove the rule and save everyone heart ache, at least we know to expect it at that point

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: nuska on July 07, 2010, 06:02:16 pm
just saying, if you know any history at all, the word Aryan will never mean anything good.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Bikaf on July 07, 2010, 06:20:33 pm
i propose a new guild name:

<Aryan Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants>

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Secrets on July 07, 2010, 09:26:51 pm
I'm well aware that this guild is offensive and i'll forward this to Hunter to see why he made the guild. I am sure he just didn't know the background behind the group before he made the guild.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 08, 2010, 02:17:18 am
I am not sure if guilds can be created from the back end through the database but it could be that he just copy and pasted and therefore did not even read it. I do wish though we had someone with a little more time that can police something like this. The naming issue is getting well out of hand. It is starting to really look like a circus around here.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Hunter on July 08, 2010, 03:03:09 am
Renamed to "Brotherhood". Sorry didn't realize.

(Sent from my iPhone)

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Thyl on July 08, 2010, 08:46:51 am
Thanks, Hunter. I'm sure when you get a chance to look at PMs and emails there is usually a backlog and it's understandable for a guild name without the typical unacceptable words to sneak in.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Hunter on July 08, 2010, 10:33:54 am
I don't read my hundreds of PM's I got, but I do check my emails daily, which I'm about to do now.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on July 08, 2010, 07:46:37 pm
Thats pretty crazy. Morons that enjoy being a part of that play EQ too?

Fuckin' rediculous.

What are some of the kids names that are in that shithole?

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Balthor2 on July 08, 2010, 08:21:32 pm
People make mistakes. No need to go naming names.
Am very surprised about the appearance of the guild tag as I would like to think those people would have picked a better name.

Anyways its done and fixed so next topic.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: sohami on August 03, 2010, 07:36:15 am
What a gross overreaction honestly... yeah.. it's offensive. Yeah its not appropriate. But we're all adults here. Relaxxxx. What is the guild name actually doing anything besides trying to shock you? Honestly It was made to troll and you guys all got froggy.

The reason people pull sh*t like this is because they get this exact reaction.

Im not defending it....promise. Just saying. Honestly if i saw it in game, id come post about it too. But a lottt calmer.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Balthor2 on August 03, 2010, 07:52:34 am
nice post. like 3 weeks after the fact.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: sohami on August 03, 2010, 08:16:08 am
/fail. I didnt look at the date. Just saw it was a new thread that I haven't read yet.

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: Isaaru on August 05, 2010, 08:24:57 am
nice post. like 3 weeks after the fact.

It's not like this is a super popular forum with thousands of posts a day.  90% of the thread necros are threads still on page one.  QQ somewhere else  ::)

Title: Re: Offensive Guild Name
Post by: sohami on August 05, 2010, 08:43:05 am
It's not like this is a super popular forum with thousands of posts a day.

I wish it was. :/ Then i'd be less bored at work during the day. Or I could actually do work....
