EZ Server

General Category => Warrior => Topic started by: Studmuffin on July 09, 2010, 03:22:30 am

Title: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: Studmuffin on July 09, 2010, 03:22:30 am
I'm just starting out at 70 and my rogue is better geared than my warrior, so I have problems holding agro off  him.  I'm farming out time at the moment and have a 1.5, working on a second (my cleric's 1.5 is a higher priority though...).  I know there are anger augs that drop in Qvic, but I'm a long way from 3 boxing that...  Anyone know of an easier to obtain hate augment?

Title: Re: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 09, 2010, 05:09:26 am
Do the fighters guild quest.

Title: Re: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: trendkiller on July 09, 2010, 08:42:31 am
or perhaps look for a group or another player to take on qvic.

Title: Re: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: Reed on July 09, 2010, 10:35:11 am
As mentioned, FG does has anger augs for lower tier.

Before anyone says anything, No the idea of an AoE on lower tier anger augs (no matter how small) would be a horrible idea. I imagine its kinda where the thread was heading "my warrior cant hold aggro on all the Qvic mobs im trying to pull.." or something like that, "lets add a small hate AoE proc to the lvl 3 anger aug"

Anger 5 AoE is a small (or large, whichever you think) reward for the progression toward end game. Not to mention, before T2 you really dont have enough HP/ AC to take on packs of mobs and really survive.

Back to the real topic though. Yes lower tier forms of Anger augs exist, lvl 3 is in FG

Title: Re: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: Studmuffin on July 09, 2010, 09:01:26 pm
I imagine its kinda where the thread was heading "my warrior cant hold aggro on all the Qvic mobs im trying to pull.." or something like that, "lets add a small hate AoE proc to the lvl 3 anger aug"

Believe me when I say this, that was the LAST thing on my mind. As I said I'm just getting started here, and my 3 box can barely handle trash in time (although oddly the bosses are much easier than the trash for me) on account of my warrior only being at about 13k hp fully buffed... I'd die in no time flat to more than a single qvic mob, and probably oom my cleric keeping up with the damage from just one!

Title: Re: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: Murrjok on July 10, 2010, 01:13:45 am
There are NO anger augs in qvic. Anger 1 is FG , Anger 2 is no where to be found, Anger 3 is a click on war 3.0 and the Anger 4 and 5 are in Dragons.

Title: Re: Lower tier hate augs
Post by: Everlon on July 10, 2010, 01:37:16 am
Not how rare it is but i have had a Anger 3 aug drop off of Terror in PoFear.