EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rakharth on December 26, 2020, 07:53:32 am

Title: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Rakharth on December 26, 2020, 07:53:32 am
No double loot or nothing?

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: crusad0r on December 26, 2020, 02:02:21 pm
Hopefully! With this covid thing I haven't been able to do anything with my family so all i got is EQ. Would be awesome to have something to make the end of 2020 a little bit better ;)

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Draca on December 26, 2020, 07:09:52 pm

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: warrior5 on December 29, 2020, 10:32:06 am
How did you guys not notice the quad loot for three days straight?

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Badkore on December 31, 2020, 05:48:30 pm
I was out of town checking the forums for updates, was going to suffer on the laptop had an event been announced.  Unfortunately no that means I didn’t get to see that quad loot was enabled.  Awesome.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Rakharth on December 31, 2020, 09:11:43 pm
No one else did either lol

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Zentail on December 31, 2020, 09:43:58 pm
Godtank was joking. There was no quad loot. In case people didn't get the sarcasm in the post (text can be hard to tell sometimes).

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Badkore on January 01, 2021, 01:12:14 am
Godtank was joking. There was no quad loot. In case people didn't get the sarcasm in the post (text can be hard to tell sometimes).

That is quite reassuring lol, thank you. :)

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Hank Hill on January 04, 2021, 11:44:00 am
So there is no Christmas Stuff what so ever?! Shame on you 2020!

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Rakharth on January 05, 2021, 03:42:29 pm
.......cricket noises....... think we have been abandoned.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: UmmnLala on January 07, 2021, 12:44:50 pm
Something that needs to be remembered with events is, this is a free server!  Akka and Rent don't get paid to help this server out and it wasn't thier's to begin with.  EZ was started and maintained by Hunter before he died, RIP Hunter.  The vision and desire to play on this server was bound to fade after his untimely demise.  I know it sucks, this server was a home for me, and many others, for many years but its fading and nothing will change that.  No personal issues with Akka or Rent but I can all but guarantee that EZ wasn't even a passing thought through either of thier heads during the holidays, especially with the way the last event went.  There are those condescending "thanks for all you do" posts any time there is an event, but it truly is a thankless no reward volunteer job that understandably no one wants anymore.

I like many others have moved on, if all you depend on is events to play on this server maybe its time you move on too and let this server respectfully fade.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Draca on January 07, 2021, 04:06:50 pm
I don't see how thanking Akkadius is condescending, and I think they happen around events because Akkadius starts the threads for the events, so people feel like they have his ear in those threads, more so than just posting randomly. I believe Akkadius and Rent both understand what this server means to the people that play it, whether they have the time to invest in developing new content or not. Obviously the population is down some recently, as old content is languishing, and 10.5 didn't take enough time to complete to allow for anything new to be developed in the mean time, but I'm hopeful for some new content this year, and certainly don't doubt that Akkadius will continue to support this server as long as people are interested in playing it.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Raygan on January 07, 2021, 07:09:17 pm
Something that needs to be remembered with events is, this is a free server!  Akka and Rent don't get paid to help this server out and it wasn't thier's to begin with.  EZ was started and maintained by Hunter before he died, RIP Hunter.  The vision and desire to play on this server was bound to fade after his untimely demise.  I know it sucks, this server was a home for me, and many others, for many years but its fading and nothing will change that.  No personal issues with Akka or Rent but I can all but guarantee that EZ wasn't even a passing thought through either of thier heads during the holidays, especially with the way the last event went.  There are those condescending "thanks for all you do" posts any time there is an event, but it truly is a thankless no reward volunteer job that understandably no one wants anymore.

I like many others have moved on, if all you depend on is events to play on this server maybe its time you move on too and let this server respectfully fade.

Apparently you havent "moved on" if you are stopping by to troll....server isn't "fading"....it is still rolling and the log in #'s aren't down dramatically...would it be nice to have new content?  Of course! Still plenty to do though....maybe able to "beat" 10.5 but I bet no one has all UCv4 on every toon in their army. Just like all the other UC's it takes time to complete them.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Hank Hill on January 08, 2021, 10:13:44 am
Something that needs to be remembered with events is, this is a free server!  Akka and Rent don't get paid to help this server out and it wasn't thier's to begin with.  EZ was started and maintained by Hunter before he died, RIP Hunter.  The vision and desire to play on this server was bound to fade after his untimely demise.  I know it sucks, this server was a home for me, and many others, for many years but its fading and nothing will change that.  No personal issues with Akka or Rent but I can all but guarantee that EZ wasn't even a passing thought through either of thier heads during the holidays, especially with the way the last event went.  There are those condescending "thanks for all you do" posts any time there is an event, but it truly is a thankless no reward volunteer job that understandably no one wants anymore.

I like many others have moved on, if all you depend on is events to play on this server maybe its time you move on too and let this server respectfully fade.

This just all sounds like BS to me. And some kind of empty flattering, dont you think we all know this. i have been here form 2008 and know most of the history on EZ, knew and spoke with hunter. So making this sound like we dont see the work they put in it, is kinda offensive. HW can be turned on and off at there will and that is the onley thing we are hinting at, and not bitching.

But take it how ever you want. But dont think we dont know they have other things to do, and have there own fam they wanna spend time with.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: WatchYouDie on January 08, 2021, 04:35:36 pm
Something that needs to be remembered with events is, this is a free server!  Akka and Rent don't get paid to help this server out and it wasn't thier's to begin with.  EZ was started and maintained by Hunter before he died, RIP Hunter.  The vision and desire to play on this server was bound to fade after his untimely demise.  I know it sucks, this server was a home for me, and many others, for many years but its fading and nothing will change that.  No personal issues with Akka or Rent but I can all but guarantee that EZ wasn't even a passing thought through either of thier heads during the holidays, especially with the way the last event went.  There are those condescending "thanks for all you do" posts any time there is an event, but it truly is a thankless no reward volunteer job that understandably no one wants anymore.

I like many others have moved on, if all you depend on is events to play on this server maybe its time you move on too and let this server respectfully fade.

Akka puts in time and so does Rent (on occasion). Everyone who has played on this server with any frequency knows this. Honestly I feel your Ip and account should be banned for being so jaded.

On that note. we aren't guaranteed an event. Akka felt that the people earlier this year ruined the spirit of the event and has not wanted to put it back because of it. I'm sure at some point he will either come up with some new event or fully fix the issues that were brought to light earlier this year.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Hank Hill on January 08, 2021, 05:50:09 pm
On that note. we aren't guaranteed an event. Akka felt that the people earlier this year ruined the spirit of the event and has not wanted to put it back because of it. I'm sure at some point he will either come up with some new event or fully fix the issues that were brought to light earlier this year.

If that is really the reason he did this, then im back at, why the hell did the persons involved just get a light tap on the wrist?! So he wont reward the server a little holiday fun, because a few people are rotten. We all knew this would happen

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Ginge on January 09, 2021, 12:44:51 pm
On that note. we aren't guaranteed an event. Akka felt that the people earlier this year ruined the spirit of the event and has not wanted to put it back because of it. I'm sure at some point he will either come up with some new event or fully fix the issues that were brought to light earlier this year.

If that is really the reason he did this, then im back at, why the hell did the persons involved just get a light tap on the wrist?! So he wont reward the server a little holiday fun, because a few people are rotten. We all knew this would happen

Yeah, that's a little messed up...

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Draca on January 09, 2021, 01:28:37 pm
I think he's probably just really busy.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Draca on January 15, 2021, 04:21:04 pm
That's an asinine statement Tank. He's not making excuses, he just explains that he has real life commitments, as well as his contributions to the EQ Emulator project as a whole, which are substantial. He was volunteered into taking over the server, when likely no one else had the ability too, and he's continued to make upgrades to the stability of the server, while supporting much of the work of the EQ Emulator community as a whole. I get frustrated too, but this isn't his only responsibility. I think we'll see some activity soon.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: RedDwarf on January 21, 2021, 06:46:43 am
That's an asinine statement Tank. He's not making excuses, he just explains that he has real life commitments, as well as his contributions to the EQ Emulator project as a whole, which are substantial. He was volunteered into taking over the server, when likely no one else had the ability too, and he's continued to make upgrades to the stability of the server, while supporting much of the work of the EQ Emulator community as a whole. I get frustrated too, but this isn't his only responsibility. I think we'll see some activity soon.

Yeah, i did hear from Akka back in December and just says he's been real busy, RL always will take priority over this sandbox, but would be nice just to hear from GMs on forum now and again, even just to say hello  ;D blah blah


Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: crusad0r on January 21, 2021, 09:23:04 pm
I admit I did stop playing EZ because of this. I don't care about the XP bonus, but it was a sign that the GM cared about us. I notice that server updates are getting less and less frequent, and it looks like 3 months+ now. its been since Oct 31 since we heard something last. I remember the days when the GM's would pop in and say hi all the time, now it feels like that time is over. I'm not complaining, I'm not upset by this, but I am not enthusiastic anymore to play on a server that feels like its been put out to pasture.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Akkadius on January 25, 2021, 05:00:08 pm
Let me frame things again since this appears to be a post and a theme I see from time to time

Server has been up for well over 10 years free to the community

Server will continue to be online as long as there are players to enjoy it

The server was Hunter's baby and could have flat out died with him if I didn't coordinate with his family to crack the password on the server that was at his father's, put all of the data on a HD and ship it out so we could get it up and running again 6 years ago. There was a ton of effort to make this happen because no one wanted to see this community go and it continues to be that way

We have far exceeded life expectation of the server. When he asked me to keep "hosting" the server, I didn't want to because its his baby that he share with Nate (Basher) and they honestly did NOT expect EZ to last past T8. Each tier they did they completely blew numbers to a point of ridiculousness and they had serious doubts the server would be able to live beyond that point. There are many technical challenges to consider

I think a lot of people heavily underestimate what it takes to run a server. The burnout, the energy, the longevity of running it year over year, issues, bugs, triaging, new content. Some people can do it well, but so many people get burnt out within a few months and the server barely lasts a year.

I support ProjectEQ which is the vanilla project that every single EQEmulator server is built off of, I host the server and help the team of 10+ do what they need to do to create content which involves tooling; backend support; feature support

I support EQEmulator and lead a lot of efforts and have done so for the latter part of 10+ years now, the amount of time I've invested into not just EZ Server but the community at large is mind blowing. So even if you don't directly play on EZ all the time, you are definitely playing a collective product of the massive open source community we've fostered for a long time

Now, that doesn't take away from the future. I have had the busiest year of my life last year, between COVID, given 6 months to build a new platform at a huge company that we were acquired by, building a house and dealing with all kinds of things in between. I don't expect folks to understand this or have sympathy for this but that's just been my reality. If I had it my way, I would love to work on EZ / EQEmulator full time - but that definitely is not a current reality - but I would like to work towards having time to make dope shit for EZ

Whether or not I directly have time myself, we can borrow on the strength of the community members to keep the spirit of EZ server continuing on. There is no "stronghold" grip here - anyone who is willing, capable and can actually contribute is more than welcome to. You have to keep in mind though that it takes a certain level of ability / talent to be able to build content and do it in a way that doesn't fall completely flat. There's a lot of pressure on anyone who tries to take on the next level of incremental content and challenges that folks don't exactly understand. Anyone who does take them on will see oversight to ensure that things have continuity from the previous tiers

This game isn't going anywhere for the next 10 years, easily

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: akpainter on January 25, 2021, 05:25:24 pm
Great post Akka...

Just from a different perspective (I was busy, not as busy as you but busy), a lot of the players here are working from home or out of work. 

It is a testament to what has been built that people flock here to enjoy it and help escape the reality of our last year.  This community has helped a bunch of people connect in a time that we were lacking that.  With that being said too much free time leads to issues or keyboard warriors.

Your issues are unique and your accomplishments are great in the EMU community but we also want to be a little selfish and get a little of your time.  Some day this will fade and RL will rule us all again but not today.  I'm sure some original people will want new content and fixed content and want, want, want but the majority of the people just want to see a post from you/rent saying howdy.

Glad you got to drop in today and read about Peeing on the BBQ

As far as the development/management stuff my hats off to you guys, running a small business is like hearding cats and the EMU community is doing it for free and distanced.

Just my 2 cents

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: Zentail on January 25, 2021, 05:28:51 pm
Sorry to hear how incredibly busy things have been Akka. I know not everyone understands it all the time. Most of us (well, I hope most) understand things going on. We appreciate the immense amount of work you've put into EQEmulator as a whole over the years. Who knows where things would be without you. Being here specifically, we're super grateful for your part in EZ and the taking over after Hunter to keep the community alive.

Whether or not I directly have time myself, we can borrow on the strength of the community members to keep the spirit of EZ server continuing on. There is no "stronghold" grip here - anyone who is willing, capable and can actually contribute is more than welcome to. You have to keep in mind though that it takes a certain level of ability / talent to be able to build content and do it in a way that doesn't fall completely flat. There's a lot of pressure on anyone who tries to take on the next level of incremental content and challenges that folks don't exactly understand. Anyone who does take them on will see oversight to ensure that things have continuity from the previous tiers

This is somewhere I would love to help out but I'm probably in the same boat you're in. While I know I am capable of doing the stuff, time is a hard factor to come by. I tried communicating this to some people in /ooc a few weeks back as people were talking about wanting to see new content. As a programmer, I began grasping the concept of pressure that can be involved, but I don't think I fully understood until I actually developed and shipped a game. Sometimes you finish something and you have that sense of wanting a new project. Sometimes you want to keep working on the project but there's a lack of money coming in from it and you have to leave it, even worse when in comparison to a project like EZ where there's no money at all. Without understanding, people just want more even though it's far from that simple.

As mentioned, my time is sometimes limited (though I get time off occasionally and have far more time than you), but if you feel there's anything that you could use help with, I'd be more than happy to help when I can. I know it's also a situation where you don't exactly want lots of hands touching things which can be hard to manage.

Title: Re: Christmas Stuff???
Post by: warrior5 on January 28, 2021, 12:32:19 am
Akka if you need any help with EZ consider me an asset. I think my playing days might be numbered but I’d love to give back to the community as a content creator if needed.

Also, if anyone on the board is interested in developing a new MMORPG with me I’ve been working on one for some time and it’s a lot of fun. Even if it’s just for a small group I think it’s tons of fun. Hosting a server with a EQ emulator is fun and all but I think we should make an EZ inspired game which isn’t based on 20 year old code. Just sayin. DM me if you’re interested!