EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on July 09, 2010, 12:04:17 pm

Title: Enough!
Post by: Hunter on July 09, 2010, 12:04:17 pm
Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. You will be suspended or banned completely for breaking them.

In the future, I might delete a character or ban the account completely for having a bad name. I don't have time for people who like to push the limits and running out of second chances to give out.

Also, mobs are not yours to loot unless the group that killed it gives you permission first! Although you can hold a camp for 5 minutes before forfeit the rights to the camp, you can't loot other peoples corpses, even after waiting 5 minutes.

Read the rules!

People are being banned today for this. If your one of them, then wise up when you make a new account.


Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: goladith on July 09, 2010, 12:13:54 pm
All I have to say, is thank you Hunter, thank you.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Razormaw on July 09, 2010, 01:15:21 pm
I know how much a pain in the ass it is to play babysitter to a bunch of people that should be acting like adults, or at least semi-mature teenagers.

I don't envy ya, but I do appreciate the work you and the other GMs put in.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Otaduke on July 09, 2010, 02:33:09 pm
perhaps add to the no ninja rule that your group should clean up your corpse that are left after you get the gear off that you want. I have to turn on /hidecorpse looted just to clear the tons of corpse laying around in dulak. Or add to the no training message in dulak FFA after the timer expires since so much gear rots in the zone. Seen the same thing in non instanced Bothunder as well as City of Mist.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Reed on July 09, 2010, 03:39:02 pm
Hunter, this is great! Exactly the kinda fire i knew was all pent up.
Drop that ban hammer, make 'em think twice next time.

This here makes me eat one of my previous flames, so i apologize for it (public no less), i was wrong and all you needed was a little time to sift through the stuff. Thanks again man, you made more people happy than sad with this.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 09, 2010, 03:46:30 pm
perhaps add to the no ninja rule that your group should clean up your corpse that are left after you get the gear off that you want. I have to turn on /hidecorpse looted just to clear the tons of corpse laying around in dulak. Or add to the no training message in dulak FFA after the timer expires since so much gear rots in the zone. Seen the same thing in non instanced Bothunder as well as City of Mist.

There is already a rule that handles this. You can not loot corpses you did not kill. As for the lag with corpses if that is what your getting it, make a /hidecorpses all button.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: walk2k on July 09, 2010, 03:47:28 pm

In addition I'd like the "camp" rule clarified since there seems to be a lot of questions in /ooc about it lately.  Specifically, the FG/CG mobs. 

We currently have people who:
- Camp the CG/FG mobs for 5 hours solid, even with a line of people waiting, getting multiple items - not for their own character(s) but to sell/trade.
- Sell "looting rights" to the camp, and tell other people who wander by that "sorry but Soandso gets the camp after I leave"... this is my favorite ::) 
- Park 5-6 toons in guk at every one of the camps - yeah this is hard to spot unless they've named all their characters something similar.. but still shouldn't be allowed (IMO).

Unfortunately I think the only real solution is to make these items no-drop, but a clarification of the rules would help since this seems to come up a lot lately.

I say unfortunately because yeah I've given extras to my other characters, or just outright given them away...  I think I got like 8 Mana Robes on double-drop weekend, and I can't even count the number of Jade Reavers I've given away...

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 09, 2010, 03:52:45 pm
I think the camp rule is already clarified and needs no further clarification. If someone has an alt camping something or alts camping stuff, the only thing that matters is that they engage it within 5 minutes. There is no gray area there.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Balthor2 on July 09, 2010, 04:06:41 pm
guild items are sucking right now because the online population (not real players just online population) has gone up from 160 characters 6months ago to over 500 on most days.
A lot of players are guilding and gearing up more and more alts.

Keep in mind the ideal RoA setup includes a 3.0 shm druid and bard. Most people see that it almost requires 2war2clr2rng to beat a lot of content which blows and then there are those doing t3 that see that 10 more boxed /autofire rangers would make it bearable....

Basically camp rules are fine, the only change I would even consider supporting is that if server reboots and the player holding camp logs back in within 5min of the server coming back up they can keep their camp.

I had someone log out at my camp this morning and didnt say a thing to me. Server came up and my mob was there. I didnt bother to ask them anything and killed it since I had waited my turn in line before the server went down.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 09, 2010, 04:12:00 pm
Basically camp rules are fine, the only change I would even consider supporting is that if server reboots and the player holding camp logs back in within 5min of the server coming back up they can keep their camp.

Now that is a good, make sense suggestion where there is an obvious lack of information governing.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 09, 2010, 04:15:01 pm
Btw, it is awesome to see Hunter growling like this and running around smacking people with his *ban stick* in the face and saying, 'I own this m'fer'.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 04:27:39 pm
- Park 5-6 toons in guk at every one of the camps - yeah this is hard to spot unless they've named all their characters something similar.. but still shouldn't be allowed (IMO).

Unfortunately I think the only real solution is to make these items no-drop, but a clarification of the rules would help since this seems to come up a lot lately.

I say unfortunately because yeah I've given extras to my other characters, or just outright given them away...  I think I got like 8 Mana Robes on double-drop weekend, and I can't even count the number of Jade Reavers I've given away...

I think this is an excellent idea. If you have your 2.0 and your working for 2.5 you can easily take all the mobs required to get the drops (excluding kings cards which are already no drop). These items should be made no drop to eliminate the horror that is guk.

oh and the fishbone earring...ugh.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Sablen on July 09, 2010, 04:42:13 pm
Wow.. just wow.

I was banned for looting a single mage ring from a corpse that was obviously already looted, and that had been sitting there for 10 minutes.

The guy was pulling all of Qvic, and the only person he had with him was a ranger. There were no other mages in the area, and the ring would have just sat there and rotted.

Not really sure why that justifies a ban, but whatever. It's your server.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Mirielle on July 09, 2010, 05:04:00 pm
Because it's against the rules to loot a mob you didn't kill without permission?

Yes, it would have rotted, but tough - them's the breaks.....

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Slackoff01 on July 09, 2010, 05:31:42 pm
Holding camp post reboot...Seems like a first in force kinda deal, first one back in should have rights to it. Or am I to log into to an alt i plan on working on FG for before server goes down to see whos there chit-chat and wait in freakin line again....

Yea right, I hope to get back in beofer anyone and get lucky on the pop. If you were in before I got logged back in oh well log back to main and go on my merry way.

Not that I actullay do this but as an example, i did my FG for main and only need CG for shammy.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Bikaf on July 09, 2010, 05:53:34 pm
Holding camp post reboot...Seems like a first in force kinda deal, first one back in should have rights to it. Or am I to log into to an alt i plan on working on FG for before server goes down to see whos there chit-chat and wait in freakin line again....

Yea right, I hope to get back in beofer anyone and get lucky on the pop. If you were in before I got logged back in oh well log back to main and go on my merry way.

Not that I actullay do this but as an example, i did my FG for main and only need CG for shammy.

This is dangerous because folks can crash zones and have another of their char come in and swipe the camp while everyone is logging back in.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Sablen on July 09, 2010, 05:56:15 pm
Because it's against the rules to loot a mob you didn't kill without permission?

Yes, it would have rotted, but tough - them's the breaks.....

I looked around the site and wasn't able to find anything labeled "rules". You should probably put that up somewhere.

I normally wouldn't be bothered by being banned off a private server, but I've put quite a few (in the hundreds) of hours on this server between characters. To have that all wiped out because some guy decides to be an asshole annoys the fuck out of me.


Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 06:01:26 pm

I looked around the site and wasn't able to find anything labeled "rules". You should probably put that up somewhere.

I normally wouldn't be bothered by being banned off a private server, but I've put quite a few (in the hundreds) of hours on this server between characters. To have that all wiped out because some guy decides to be an asshole annoys the fuck out of me.


Sticky under General Discussion:


I don't necessarily agree with everything, but it's not my server so I've gotta follow all of it.

Also, sounds a bit more then a ring looted for a mage in qvic...just my 2c.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 06:08:10 pm
wait, you loot his mob and hes the asshole to fraps you for breaking the rules? wow

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: tacl on July 09, 2010, 06:13:19 pm
Wow.. just wow.

I was banned for looting a single mage ring from a corpse that was obviously already looted, and that had been sitting there for 10 minutes.

The guy was pulling all of Qvic, and the only person he had with him was a ranger. There were no other mages in the area, and the ring would have just sat there and rotted.

Not really sure why that justifies a ban, but whatever. It's your server.

you should of frapsed the guy pulling everything to entrance, 10+ mobs and you take a step = training in custom zones = ban.  people abuse the training rule all the time. i have 15-20 screen shots of people training,  if they ever piss me off i will turn them in.  you see you have to fraps it or screen shot it or it didn't happen just like this guy training no one reported him so he didn't get in trouble, but he reported you so you got in trouble.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: walk2k on July 09, 2010, 06:13:50 pm
Actually the rules don't say anything about "camps" exactly.  The only thing close is under "don't KS" and talks mostly about raid bosses and waiting for people who are "buffing up"

Yet if you ask in /ooc you get a dozen responses, all different.  That's what I mean, they need clarification.

Personally I think it's stupid we need rules about this at all, people should just "play nice" and share crap... but I guess not everyone can act like an adult around here ...  :P  ;D

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Sablen on July 09, 2010, 06:17:40 pm
Yes. I looted a mob that was -going to rot-. He decides that I wasn't deserving of his awesome power of killing and reports me. Thus making him an asshole.

The guy was pulling every boss in the zone to one spot then leaving the stuff to rot. Still not really sure why he wasn't using the instance. I doubt very highly money is an issue for someone in T3+ gear.

"Also, sounds a bit more then a ring looted for a mage in qvic...just my 2c."

Nope. Just a ring. I think my group mate (who is also now banned) looted a rotting shield.

"Sticky under General Discussion:


I stand corrected on that.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: walk2k on July 09, 2010, 06:32:14 pm
Honestly the solution for Lguk is just instance it already.

Then people who wanna farm items to trade for epic/etc "runs" can do that, and people who need the items for legit progression can get theirs without too much hassle.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 06:35:26 pm
People who kill like that hate it when people vulture. A polite tell asking if you may check and loot items most of the time will grant you permission to loot, just that simple. Also if they can kill that many and pull to same spot, then they have gone through way too much ninja looting and are sick of it.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 06:38:48 pm
Actually the rules don't say anything about "camps" exactly.  The only thing close is under "don't KS" and talks mostly about raid bosses and waiting for people who are "buffing up"

Yet if you ask in /ooc you get a dozen responses, all different.  That's what I mean, they need clarification.

Personally I think it's stupid we need rules about this at all, people should just "play nice" and share crap... but I guess not everyone can act like an adult around here ...  :P  ;D
Honestly the solution for Lguk is just instance it already.

Then people who wanna farm items to trade for epic/etc "runs" can do that, and people who need the items for legit progression can get theirs without too much hassle.

Walk2k...I mean...Damn man A+. I like both of those ideas. Though I'm sure we wont see the rules changing, it sure would be nice too see that Lguk instance.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Isaaru on July 09, 2010, 06:43:28 pm
Honestly the solution for Lguk is just instance it already.

Then people who wanna farm items to trade for epic/etc "runs" can do that, and people who need the items for legit progression can get theirs without too much hassle.

Please for the love of god.  I'm a new player (who boxes cause I've gotten little help so far) and I REALLY don't want to spend the better part of a year sitting in these zones farming CG/FG drops.

Shit I'm leaving for the desert in 2 months I'll be lucky to see a single CG/FG flagged person by then.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 06:45:32 pm
Actually the rules don't say anything about "camps" exactly.  The only thing close is under "don't KS" and talks mostly about raid bosses and waiting for people who are "buffing up"

Place nice here, and don't kill steal. You can hold a camp if you are not afk. When a mob spawns, you need to engage it, or else you will be considered afk and forfeit the camp.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 06:57:47 pm
IMO, I don't really agree with banning people for breaking the rules (except for extreme circumstances ie. regular repeat occurrences and complete disregard for rules). I do think people should play nice and treat everyone around them with respect, but banning is just too extreme for the days of played time people have put in to their characters. I can understand suspensions, but not the ban hammer. Not with Sony and not now.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Mirielle on July 09, 2010, 07:03:30 pm
Don't want to be banned?   Then follow the rules.

Hunter has spelled it out now, nice and clear for all to understand (again).

You speak of the amount of time that people have put into their chars.
What of the amount of time that the rest of the server population have put into theirs?

It's gone on far too long (imo) with people taking it further and further, and so it seems like Hunter has reached his breaking point and taking action.
Which is no bad thing.

Maybe now the offenders will sit up and take notice.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: walk2k on July 09, 2010, 07:06:18 pm
Exactly, it only says I can "hold" a camp if I'm not afk ... for how long?  Forever?  What about selling "loot rights" to the camp after I leave?  (yes I have seen this)  ::)  Can I set up a rotation of people to camp it 24/7?  Hey we're not "afk"!!  You know someone will think of this... sad as it is.

Classic "play nice" rules say you get 1 (non PH) and then the next person in line gets his turn.  This seems a lot more reasonable to me, but hey not my server. (I would do it anyway if someone was in line behind me, because it's the non-douche thing to do.....  actually I would do it because I'd be so happy I got my item and I can GTFO of there and go do something non-soul-crushingly BORING ;)

Really, just instance the ding dang thing, then you don't have too many issues like this, and you don't have to make the items no-drop which causes other headaches.  I know this requires work, and may cause other issues.. just a suggestion.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 07:21:03 pm
Don't want to be banned?   Then follow the rules.

Hunter has spelled it out now, nice and clear for all to understand (again).

You speak of the amount of time that people have put into their chars.
What of the amount of time that the rest of the server population have put into theirs?

It's gone on far too long (imo) with people taking it further and further, and so it seems like Hunter has reached his breaking point and taking action.
Which is no bad thing.

Maybe now the offenders will sit up and take notice.

That's a way to think about it. I just think if you get to crazy with the power it will piss people off. Given it's not my server and if Hunter wanted to he could just flip the switch and none of us could log in. I just find it to be an extreme form of punishment will only cause more problems. Sorry this just reminds me of being banned on live when all of the information was not considered and I just couldn't do that to someone else. It's like your older brother logging onto your account and deleting your character because he can overpower you.

But by all means people who cheat should be eliminated. I'm just talking about those regular players.

Though at the same time I can understand that Hunter is tired of his wasted time dealing with problems. Again, it's just a personal opinion.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 07:53:02 pm
Why does the rule need to be more clear than it already is? you can hold a camp as long as your not afk. You can move to a different camp or wait till that person is done.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Crabthewall on July 09, 2010, 08:04:28 pm
The problem with instancing a place like lower guk, is anyone with any amount of plat can basically spawn an instance, kill the mobs, delete the instance, recreate it for 10k which will force a repop, kill it again, rinse/repeat for instant/unlimited FG items. You can see the exploitability here I'm sure.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 08:06:18 pm
Go Go lockout timers!

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Crabthewall on July 09, 2010, 08:12:01 pm
Go Go lockout timers!

Sure but easy enough to use multiple toons etc Nuska, plus when you repop one instance it repops them all. It's terribly exploitable.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 08:19:49 pm
well if lguk is made instance before ldon and pofire.. i would want the lguk to be priced more than 10k :) hehe. I bet hunter will increase the price. If noobs need money, you can easily get a stack of 100 diamonds which sell for 190p and change each in 30min or less.  bump grp instance to 20k each and guild instance to 50k each. within 24 hours of qvic you should have a lot of money. In one run alone in qvic you should walk away with 50k or more plat.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Crabthewall on July 09, 2010, 08:23:02 pm
well if lguk is made instance before ldon and pofire.. i would want the lguk to be priced more than 10k :) hehe. I bet hunter will increase the price. If noobs need money, you can easily get a stack of 100 diamonds which sell for 190p and change each in 30min or less.  bump grp instance to 20k each and guild instance to 50k each. within 24 hours of qvic you should have a lot of money. In one run alone in qvic you should walk away with 50k or more plat.

And the fact is on the high end we have millions of plat, it wouldn't mean anything even at 20k or 50k really to bump out unlimited fg/cg items. While the system is exploitable it would be bad to instance lower guk, assuming hunter is using the quest as a progression speed bump.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Mirielle on July 09, 2010, 08:28:02 pm
Make all the items Lore and No Drop (except the King's cards, they obviously can't be Lore, lol).

And make the queues exactly that - a queue.
No selling "next in line" tickets.  If you're not at the camp waiting, then you don't get a shot.
And no swapping toons in and out to farm the items.
Part of the whole "play nice" aspect.

Sucks for those of us who use FG / CG items to barter for Qvic runs etc, but I'm sure that there are other ways to get a run through.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Temptrix on July 09, 2010, 08:52:23 pm
IMO, I don't really agree with banning people for breaking the rules (except for extreme circumstances ie. regular repeat occurrences and complete disregard for rules). I do think people should play nice and treat everyone around them with respect, but banning is just too extreme for the days of played time people have put in to their characters. I can understand suspensions, but not the ban hammer. Not with Sony and not now.

There are to many other important  issues for the server team to worry about.  Having to police childish behavior takes away time that could be spent developing new ideas to make the game more fun.  The rules are VERY SIMPLE.  If you don't agree with the rules and don't want to follow them, find a new G.D. server and free up some space for the rest of us who follow them.  That is all.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 08:53:15 pm

Sucks for those of us who use FG / CG items to barter for Qvic runs etc, but I'm sure that there are other ways to get a run through.

This is a huge part of the problem. You have people that are trying to get their FG/CG items for their own toons. Then you have others that are farming them up for qvic runs just ruining the whole camp because they are not looking for 1 item, but as many as they can get to barter so those of us who are actually just trying to get the items for 1 toon are SOL.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 08:56:25 pm
There are to many other important  issues for the server team to worry about.  Having to police childish behavior takes away time that could be spent developing new ideas to make the game more fun.  The rules are VERY SIMPLE.  If you don't agree with the rules and don't want to follow them, find a new G.D. server and free up some space for the rest of us who follow them.  That is all.

Temp, you misunderstood me. I'm not trying to say that I wont follow the rules. I haven't run into a problem with them so far. The banning just reminds me of my time in live when I was banned. Not trying to stir up any problems, just saying I couldn't ban someone myself. Just like i couldn't fire someone from a job. I just couldn't do that to someone. I still think he has valid reasons for it. It's just a personal opinion and also it's not my server so i don't have a say in those kinds of things.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: trendkiller on July 09, 2010, 09:02:08 pm


Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Temptrix on July 09, 2010, 09:04:15 pm
Temp, you misunderstood me. I'm not trying to say that I wont follow the rules. I haven't run into a problem with them so far. The banning just reminds me of my time in live when I was banned. Not trying to stir up any problems, just saying I couldn't ban someone myself. Just like i couldn't fire someone from a job. I just couldn't do that to someone. I still think he has valid reasons for it. It's just a personal opinion and also it's not my server so i don't have a say in those kinds of things.

Sorry to hop all over you like a rabid monster... anyone else who may want to groan about the rules can refer to my post above.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 09:07:43 pm

Sorry to hop all over you like a rabid monster... anyone else who may want to groan about the rules can refer to my post above.

It's cool I can understand the pent up anger from those who have wronged you as I have been in the same boat.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 09:08:29 pm


shit..i'm fired...god damnit lol.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Balthor2 on July 09, 2010, 09:19:11 pm
If I waited in line for the damn thing to spawn and it just so happened the 6am reboot rolled around why should I lose my spot **IF** I am back online with in minutes of the server coming back up?

I am not asking for 10min, I am asking for reasonable, from the second the server shows unlocked till I get in has never been more then 5min.

I mention this in direct regards to the individual that showed up at the CG camp this morning just minutes before the reboot and logged out right on the spawn point.
I log in after reboot ((server locked at 0601 according to my clock, yes its 1 min fast. Server unlocked at just over 0608 for me. I was back in zone at 0610)), see named up, see the person there starting to cast a spell and ignoring me.
Good thing I have instant click hate to show first actual engage and I can 1shot stuff.
-- I also take screen shots of the spawn location with /time and /who for the zone prior to reboots when I am camping FG/CG items and again right after I log in.--

To many douches do shit like this and it sucks.

I do feel bad for the players that need CG/FG items for their first set of characters and I am guilty in a sense of furthering the camps because I actively buy FG/CG sets for qvic token runs and boss kills.
The mid/top end either get to the point where they need more boxs or are bored and want more boxs.

People need to just play nice. Having to nerf every other thing because of bad behavior just ruins the game.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Hunter on July 09, 2010, 10:30:27 pm
Wow.. just wow.

I was banned for looting a single mage ring from a corpse that was obviously already looted, and that had been sitting there for 10 minutes.

The guy was pulling all of Qvic, and the only person he had with him was a ranger. There were no other mages in the area, and the ring would have just sat there and rotted.

Not really sure why that justifies a ban, but whatever. It's your server.

You were 7 day suspended. Next offense is a ban.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Hunter on July 09, 2010, 10:40:44 pm
Just finished skimming all the pages for this topic. Only reason stuff is not no-drop cause I like the idea of an economy here. I might be willing to modify the instance script to allow your own guild instance of Lguk for 100kpp for 30 minutes. I know end game players have millions, but someone that just finished their 2.0 Epic probably wouldn't.

I'll be home Saturday night as usual. See ya all then.


Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 10:43:48 pm
Just finished skimming all the pages for this topic. Only reason stuff is not no-drop cause I like the idea of an economy here. I might be willing to modify the instance script to allow your own guild instance of Lguk for 100kpp for 30 minutes. I know end game players have millions, but someone that just finished their 2.0 Epic probably wouldn't.

I'll be home Saturday night as usual. See ya all then.


That would eliminate sooo much eye gouging. Please do. Though 30mins seems a bit short epically since I only have like 30k.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: trendkiller on July 09, 2010, 10:48:28 pm
get a damn job slippysloppy . =P jk jk

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Isaaru on July 09, 2010, 10:50:19 pm
Just finished skimming all the pages for this topic. Only reason stuff is not no-drop cause I like the idea of an economy here. I might be willing to modify the instance script to allow your own guild instance of Lguk for 100kpp for 30 minutes. I know end game players have millions, but someone that just finished their 2.0 Epic probably wouldn't.

I'll be home Saturday night as usual. See ya all then.


Not going to solve anything.  The purpose of the instances in this case is to benefit the non-ubers.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 10:51:41 pm
get a damn job slippysloppy . =P jk jk

Slippsloppy?! wha? It's Drippy dog. and I'm at work. If i wasn't I'd be on EZ :P HIGHFIVE!

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 10:52:56 pm
Just finished skimming all the pages for this topic. Only reason stuff is not no-drop cause I like the idea of an economy here. I might be willing to modify the instance script to allow your own guild instance of Lguk for 100kpp for 30 minutes. I know end game players have millions, but someone that just finished their 2.0 Epic probably wouldn't.

I'll be home Saturday night as usual. See ya all then.


Not going to solve anything.  The purpose of the instances in this case is to benefit the non-ubers.


Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Hunter on July 09, 2010, 11:04:24 pm
30 minutes just means you can't re-enter after 30 minutes, but if the timer expires, you can still stay in the zone until you are done.

At least the higher end players would just get their own guild instances leaving the newbies to figure out how to split up the free non-instance zone.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 11:06:28 pm
30 minutes just means you can't re-enter after 30 minutes, but if the timer expires, you can still stay in the zone until you are done.

At least the higher end players would just get their own guild instances leaving the newbies to figure out how to split up the free non-instance zone.

That would eliminate some of the bottleneck. I like it.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 09, 2010, 11:27:44 pm
um, instances boot people out when the time runs up

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: drippysloppy on July 09, 2010, 11:30:56 pm
Just finished skimming all the pages for this topic. Only reason stuff is not no-drop cause I like the idea of an economy here. I might be willing to modify the instance script to allow your own guild instance of Lguk for 100kpp for 30 minutes. I know end game players have millions, but someone that just finished their 2.0 Epic probably wouldn't.

I'll be home Saturday night as usual. See ya all then.


I think that if you want to create an economy you have to find use for a lot more than 30 items in the game that are droppable. I don't know how you will find use for them, but if you did I think it would.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Isaaru on July 09, 2010, 11:39:09 pm
um, instances boot people out when the time runs up

+1, I got kicked out of time right after pulling a boss once  :(

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Scootz on July 10, 2010, 12:40:03 am
I think that a guild instance for guk at the time and price would make it a guild event, and I like it.  That means everyone get coordinated and move the alts in there then farm farm farm, and hand off the the extras to the alts and then get a set for yourself for later purposes seeing as to how they are lore.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 10, 2010, 01:50:12 am
I would imagine it would be a special script that would be different from the guild and group instances. He would need to do so to change the price and also make it so it does not kick you out.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Tabaisu on July 10, 2010, 09:53:25 am
My only concern with a 30 min timer for a guk instance, is mobs are on a what...28 min spawn timer? So what if the PH is up? You're out the plat. Over all, if you coordinate, throw money into the pot and set up a guild event, it "might" work. It's a tentative solution to an ever growing problem.

As to the banning and suspending and OMG I didn't know...Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. Oops, I think that may have been said before. I know the EZ server rules are a tad different than SOE rules, but to even play the game you have to click the accept button on the EULA page.

Let's stop for a moment, and pretend that the EULA has EZ server rules on it. Did you stop to read it all before hitting that accept button? I know I didn't. I've read it once before and I think my eyes bled for a week. Just by logging into the server, you're agreeing to play by their rules...whether you know what they are or not.

Hunter, I don't envy you. I've been the babysitter, the policewoman, and the "best friend in the whole world giving back pieces of the wizard epic after your stupid dark elf ass tried to MQ it with not enough faction". Hats off to you Hunter, you've given me back the game I loved to play.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Balthor2 on July 10, 2010, 11:04:23 am
does the instanced zones boot you when the timer is up?
I have yet to have it happen to me but it could probably be fixed

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Isaaru on July 10, 2010, 11:51:14 am
does the instanced zones boot you when the timer is up?
I have yet to have it happen to me but it could probably be fixed

Yes they do.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: nuska on July 10, 2010, 03:44:55 pm
just booted me from pod instance hen the timer was up. It gives a 15, 5 and 1minute warning tat the expedition will come to an end.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 10, 2010, 05:18:06 pm
I would imagine it would be a special script that would be different from the guild and group instances. He would need to do so to change the price and also make it so it does not kick you out.

Title: Re: Enough!
Post by: Reed on July 11, 2010, 03:38:09 pm
As to the banning and suspending and OMG I didn't know...Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. Oops, I think that may have been said before. I know the EZ server rules are a tad different than SOE rules, but to even play the game you have to click the accept button on the EULA page.

Let's stop for a moment, and pretend that the EULA has EZ server rules on it. Did you stop to read it all before hitting that accept button? I know I didn't. I've read it once before and I think my eyes bled for a week. Just by logging into the server, you're agreeing to play by their rules...whether you know what they are or not.

There is a way to edit the EULA page you get when logging in. Could have EZ server's rules on it instead of SoE's