EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Costa on July 10, 2010, 03:25:20 am

Title: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Costa on July 10, 2010, 03:25:20 am

As of late, there's been an explosion of new guilds on EZ, including mine.

Who is the biggest guild, and which is the oldest?

Just cuz I'm curious.

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: yellowbird on July 10, 2010, 03:56:38 am
Biggest by numbers or are you speaking to their ability to kill stuff?  Oldest guild with some quasi-active members would have to be <Magister>.  I think that the only member who still logs in from time to time is Jysin.

I have no idea who the largest guild in size is.

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Balthor2 on July 10, 2010, 11:10:46 am
it is hard to determine large because some guilds might hold 200-300 on the roster and most of it could be one person.

Myself I have 12 EQEMU accounts with an average of 3 characters per account and access to the majority of my friends accounts. That stacks a lot of characters into the guild but it is only 1 active player and a few semi active.

Oldest is meaningless since some of the oldest players on the server are playing again but are in new guilds. Most guild names end up going away after awhile or merging into others.

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Hunter on July 11, 2010, 04:23:34 am
I am the most powerful guild, but we're not accepting any invites right now.

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Balthor2 on July 11, 2010, 05:07:33 am
You should make me GM for one month. I'll suspend my play accounts for that month so I can dedicate myself to the job.
Oh I would also /silence myself so I refrain from beating the shit out of the retarded crap in ooc ;p


Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Gnaughty on July 11, 2010, 02:14:36 pm
Lolz Hunter ;D

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Gantrathor on July 12, 2010, 03:47:32 pm
Magister's technically not that old, though all members were former members of Pandemonium which was one of the earliest guilds.  It was formed only a month or so after the guys who created Over Raided split off from Pande. 

I still have half a dozen toons in Magister and play semi-regularly, though at a different time from Jysin so we rarely see each other.   ;)

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Thyl on July 12, 2010, 03:55:40 pm
I definitely wouldn't call Pandemonium one of the earliest guilds. There was alot that happened before Pande came into exsistence.

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 12, 2010, 04:14:05 pm
I definitely wouldn't call Pandemonium one of the earliest guilds. There was alot that happened before Pande came into exsistence.

Yeah, The Order of Sin was much before pande but even The Order of Sin isn't nearly one of the earliest guilds. The Order of Sin was the first guild into Anguish though, (first T1/2 zone).

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Temptrix on July 14, 2010, 12:33:51 pm
I remember being in Pande...  Bad memories. X_x   Think i ended up leaving because one of their leaders was this douche  little teenage kid.

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Chubb on July 14, 2010, 03:11:25 pm
Anyone remember Vigilance? I was in there before i was in oder of sin. Iirc wasnt brut a member before he started oos?

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 14, 2010, 07:23:50 pm
Anyone remember Vigilance? I was in there before i was in oder of sin. Iirc wasnt brut a member before he started oos?

I think he was. Not 100% but I am pretty sure he was. I wish we had access to the old old forums. We could find out this information if we did. We could prolly even find out what the oldest guild is (or close to it).

Title: Re: Guilds on EZ
Post by: Isaaru on July 15, 2010, 11:45:27 am
Anyone remember Vigilance? I was in there before i was in oder of sin. Iirc wasnt brut a member before he started oos?

I think he was. Not 100% but I am pretty sure he was. I wish we had access to the old old forums. We could find out this information if we did. We could prolly even find out what the oldest guild is (or close to it).

The guilds should be in sequential order in the database unless Hunter has purged some of them (unless there are thousands of guilds I don't see why he would).