EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Agustos1972 on July 17, 2010, 03:06:57 pm

Title: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Agustos1972 on July 17, 2010, 03:06:57 pm
Hello there I am new to the server and I have been really enjoying myself so far as well as met some nice folks. However the only portion of the game I have seen so far that is seemingly FOOKERD up is the FG quest line when it comes to the LDON step. I have been trying now for almost  2 days to get to lvl 5. Unfortunately the way it is implemented all the high geared folks just run from beginning to end caring not for all the lowers they SLAUGHTER on the way with their obnoxious trains. How is one supposed to get this done with out begging a UBERs help.... I mean come on what is the fun in that haven to go snivvle for help....for LDON ...... at 70....... I have no idea how long this has gone on but I would suggest maybe looking into it. Please it is so frustrating and if I cannot get it done, it stunts my play on this server. Then what would be the point in playing here for others in the same position.

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 17, 2010, 03:55:49 pm
Download fraps and take a video of anyone who trains in custom zones. It is against the rules. Personally I use cam studio cause you are not limited to 30 second videos. http://camstudio.org/

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Agustos1972 on July 17, 2010, 08:12:47 pm
thank you for the suggestion. Kejek and Devination came to my rescue and plvld me through it, muchly appreciated. Though that stills leaves it hard on the noobies trying to get er done. Judgen by the amount of trains going by that I was able to avoid that would be a shit load of banning.... Maybe a instance version?  Anyways thx again for the help see ya all in game

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 17, 2010, 08:25:19 pm
Instance version has been talked about already. Not sure what will become of it yay or nay. Grats on getting your quest done.

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Teffi on July 17, 2010, 10:09:08 pm
I'll sound off on that as well.

It really is incredibly [crappy] to be crawling your way through LDoN 4 only to die due to someone training like a loltard. Having to start again from level 1 is a huge pain when you're having to actually fight your way through and not 1-shotting stuff.

Edit for poopy word!

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Balthor2 on July 18, 2010, 05:55:32 am
When I first started on the server and hit lvl 70 I had full BoT gear.
Tried to do the next step which is potime and discovered it is easier to run LDON floor 2 and 3 for armor cards then progress to 4 and 5 for more armor cards and finish guild flag.

So If you think the LDON was really hard it might just have been your group setup. It never hurts to ask random people on a floor or in nexus if they want to do some LDON runs. It doesnt have to be an uber player.

By asking random people to group I made my original friends on the server that lead to my guild formation.

In regards to trains, fraps that shit. OOC about it.
I love fraps'ing people that are annoying in LDONs.
If you see me lurking near you it means smile you are being recorded.

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: sohami on July 18, 2010, 09:10:26 am
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but it only gets worse. The challenge of progression becomes difficult in the form of getting help to breeze you through it. Unless you put forth a LOT of effort to Ring of Ages your way up to a ton of HP.

For example, without ROA, i have a 4-box team all around 15k hp. I can barely touch qvic. As in, i couldnt get to the first boss

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Gantrathor on July 18, 2010, 09:57:58 am
Yup, fraps the guys who train and kill you.  But remember, trains of up to 10 mobs are permitted, assuming the person pulling them can handle what he's pulled.  It's still impolite to run over you with a train tho.  If I have multiple mobs on my tail and see someone ahead of me, I put on the brakes and kill them before proceeding.

Also, you didn't say if you were in a group, and how big.  Remember that Time and LDoN were designed with a full or near full group of appropriately equipped toons in mind.  If you're going through LDoN solo with Time and BoT gear, you're not supposed to be able to handle it.  You can with three toons, maybe even two, but the boss killing will be slow.

As to Qvic, it says when you zone in that it's a Raid Zone.  It's designed to require one or two full groups of LDoN equipped toons to conquer it.  Four toons at 15k will be eaten by the bosses.

Balthor's got the right of it.  Find other folks at your level trying to get through it and form up.  Those fights are a LOT of fun when you're at the right level and learning them.  Plus you get that sense of accomplishment.  ;)

Title: Re: The FG quest line is seriously flawed
Post by: Razormaw on July 18, 2010, 11:29:50 am
A big part of the problem in finding/making groups is the lack of clerics, and low number of other healers. It seems the only people that play clerics are botting them and being antisocial, or just flying through the progression past where people needed them.

Most solo players are picking DPS classes or the "easy" classes. Which tend to not be tanks or healers.