EZ Server

General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: Sarthin on July 18, 2023, 06:35:25 pm

Title: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: Sarthin on July 18, 2023, 06:35:25 pm
So T11 is closer to release than ever before and while there are tons of work left before the Tier is live, I wanted to get a discussion going regarding the EZWiki and T11.

I certainly make mental notes when testing content and I don't mind spending time on adding some general information about Dragonscale once it hits live. However,  I know there are difference in opinions regarding what some would call spoilers and others would just see as a useful place to look up information. So I wanted to get a thread going so we can get an idea of how everyone feels about it, perhaps even put it a poll at some point.

My personal perspective is that the Wiki is a place you can choose to visit, or not. Certainly most questions can be asked and answered in OOC, and they will be. General information about quests,  boss names,  loot, faction and how to progress in the tier are normally information that could be available for those that wish to seek it, in my opinion. Tips and tricks on how to beat this or how to more efficiently do that may be information that has not historically been added at all or at least not in the beginning. Personally I don't have any strong feelings either way,  but that's me. I am already ready for T11 and will most likely have many chances to be one of the first to try out new stuff. Things may feel different for others.

Title: Re: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: clbreastmilk on July 19, 2023, 04:30:28 pm
People should be able to control themselves by not clicking on a wiki to avoid spoilers, but sometimes shiny thing so maybe a "general direction" spoiler free initial section.

"Go here, talk to these NPC to pick up task 1/2/3/4/5."

Title: Re: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: Draca on July 22, 2023, 06:42:57 am
People should be able to control themselves by not clicking on a wiki to avoid spoilers, but sometimes shiny thing so maybe a "general direction" spoiler free initial section.

"Go here, talk to these NPC to pick up task 1/2/3/4/5."

This is only my opinion, this isn't a mandate on how it has to be, but I think clbreastmilk has the right idea. As the developer, I'd hate to see content spoiled for people who weren't looking for it, but there will also be some things that require some figuring out, and not everyone enjoys reading the dialog thoroughly, or even realizes quest tasks have descriptions that might provide some help. By having a section of 'Tips and Tricks' (or some such thing) that helps people through spots that may not immediately be apparent, it lessens frustration with new content, and allows people to move on without waiting for in-game help from someone who has done it before. Obviously, the wiki should never provide information on bugs, or exploits, but certainly providing some pointers from people who have done it before is a big part of what it's there for.

Again, this is only my opinion, if the general consensus is to keep the wiki free of spoilers, that's fine as well....(anyone who disagrees with me is getting banned   ;))

Title: Re: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: Raygan on August 28, 2023, 03:25:12 pm
(anyone who disagrees with me is getting banned   ;))

Roll Tide! ;D

Title: Re: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: Mixlor on August 28, 2023, 03:42:45 pm
The wiki is needed but can be over explanatory.. giving away the feel for figuring things out on your own. But case in point.. alot of the old recipe books on the Crafter Guild vendor are out of date. i couldn't have create a mana necklace without the use of the Wiki because the recipe book is wrong.

Interesting how things will turn out.. but one thing NO ONE can escape, whether they have a guide that points them from A-Z, is the RNG monster. Good luck getting what you need, even if it is spelled out how to get it in the wiki....


Title: Re: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: Draca on August 28, 2023, 03:47:38 pm
(anyone who disagrees with me is getting banned   ;))

Roll Tide! ;D

Roll Tide? That's weird.

Title: Re: T11 wiki discussion
Post by: Mixlor on August 28, 2023, 03:53:08 pm
So T11 is closer to release than ever before and while there are tons of work left before the Tier is live, I wanted to get a discussion going regarding the EZWiki and T11.

I certainly make mental notes when testing content and I don't mind spending time on adding some general information about Dragonscale once it hits live. However,  I know there are difference in opinions regarding what some would call spoilers and others would just see as a useful place to look up information. So I wanted to get a thread going so we can get an idea of how everyone feels about it, perhaps even put it a poll at some point.

My personal perspective is that the Wiki is a place you can choose to visit, or not. Certainly most questions can be asked and answered in OOC, and they will be. General information about quests,  boss names,  loot, faction and how to progress in the tier are normally information that could be available for those that wish to seek it, in my opinion. Tips and tricks on how to beat this or how to more efficiently do that may be information that has not historically been added at all or at least not in the beginning. Personally I don't have any strong feelings either way,  but that's me. I am already ready for T11 and will most likely have many chances to be one of the first to try out new stuff. Things may feel different for others.

This would be nice and you hit upon something about the wiki being a choice to use or not use. You can tell those who use it and those that don't from /ooc (me being one of them that don't use it like I should).

If T11 will be not included from the wiki... then I ask that all info/tips/tricks be given to me. I don't mind the spoilers....