EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: slaybackaskani on October 24, 2023, 01:08:47 am

Title: Brawler 50 w ultimate dagger
Post by: slaybackaskani on October 24, 2023, 01:08:47 am
Hey guys,

Not sure where to post it but the ultimate dagger doesn't get the bonus from the brawler 50. I got the UW on him thinking my DPS would go crazy but instead my highest BS with the dagger and 4.0 is around 330k. I tested in HOH for a while to see. Finally wondering if it was bugged I switched to Soul Shank in my primary and immediately was doing crits between 1-2.2mm dmg.
Soul shank = 2400 white dmg
Ulimate Dagger = 4250 white dmg

Let me know if there would be any additional information that would be helpful.

Just FYI. I'll leave it in offhand for now.