EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Sarthin on July 03, 2024, 07:27:53 pm

Title: 4th of July Event
Post by: Sarthin on July 03, 2024, 07:27:53 pm



Halloween Event  -   Running
Fear Itself - Open.
Double Loot  -  Running.
Double Exp.  -  Running.
Credits  - Closed.
Rallos Zek event  - Closed

Events will be available on EZ from today and until the 10th of July.

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Sarthin on July 10, 2024, 10:08:21 am
Ok, so the event is almost over for this time as I'm writing this. Hope you've had a good time.

We would appreciate if those of you that did Fear this event would leave some loot feedback here. We'd also like to know how much time you've spent in there on average over this event.


Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Serra Angel on July 10, 2024, 10:30:20 am
Having the food and drink no drop sucks.
Instead of having food and drink drop, just have a single clickie item (similar to Embalmer Skinning Knife) that can summon a stack of food and a stack of drink.
Make sure all boss shouts appear as shouts instead of some of them being emotes.
Maybe increase the pop rate of golems or dracalich.
Make more Fear tokens drop.
And increase the item drop rate esp with the difficulty of the bosses.
The EXP needs to be turned on in this zone, or have the exp gem items drop more regularly to offset this.
And make event last longer

Otherwise very nice zone, Thanks

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Nyzin on July 10, 2024, 12:07:12 pm
i farmed Fear itself 5 hours each day except wednesday i did 0 hours
Looted 2848 dream shards
7 of each orb and 2 clnomin notorious things towards neck
spawned 3 terror got 2 dreads spheres
2 Draco
1 fright
got 2 bows and a belt from the nameds that need to be weakened
Got 2 cazic spawn parts
7 Dreadsmith Embers - 5 Shadowbind Grips
11 Kael essence

not all of the 5 hours each day was spent in fear itself i went to sleeper one day for UC4 on a paladin and was not 100% focused on farming when i was in fear as my goal for event was pets for 2 tanks which i noticed i would finnish easily after day 1

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Chieftan on July 10, 2024, 12:32:34 pm
First off,   the zone is great, spent a fair amount of time in there, AVG 6 to 8 hrs, with some breaks

8k plus dream shards, enough for deranged goblin and cazic aug -)

3 belts and 3 bows
Couple of the mirror things...
2 cazic parts, plus 1 from last event

Forget the name, notorious something for the weapon, need five, got 1

Overall it's a great change but could do with a slight increase in quest parts, maybe upping the shards on bosses aswell, it's a sad feeling spending time killing them to get like 4 or 5 shards and little else, Draco drops more like it

Ended up giving up on cazic parts and just farmed shards with the occasional Draco terror fright

Thanks again for the event guys, had a blast

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: wachna on July 10, 2024, 02:01:46 pm
Having the food and drink no drop sucks.
Instead of having food and drink drop, just have a single clickie item (similar to Embalmer Skinning Knife) that can summon a stack of food and a stack of drink.
Make sure all boss shouts appear as shouts instead of some of them being emotes.
Maybe increase the pop rate of golems or dracalich.
Make more Fear tokens drop.
And increase the item drop rate esp with the difficulty of the bosses.
The EXP needs to be turned on in this zone, or have the exp gem items drop more regularly to offset this.
And make event last longer

Otherwise very nice zone, Thanks

so everything needs to get improved because it sucks now but the zone is nice? Great :D

Had more play time (around 20h in total, most of the time while working)

I got around 4.6k shards and around 2.3k food/drink.
I killed 13 bosses in total so I have 13 orbs and 13 of those other things for the weapon.
I already have 4/5 of that neck part
I have 0 blades for the weapon

I killed 3 golems and 5 or 6 draco in total (both events).

I got 3 belts, 2 bows, 1 mirror thing in total.
Yeah and I got 3 CT parts.

Overall it takes way to much time to complete a quest weapon / neck IMO. Considering the fact that one has 18 or 24 toons at least it should be possible to finish 1 char per event.
I would not consider my play time as low or my kill speed as slow yet it will take me 2-3 events to finish the weapon / neck for 1 character with around 20 hours of play time per event.

CT part drops should be increased from around 10% to at least 20% or 25% which still would lead to around 24 boss kills per CT spawn.
Shards should be doubled at least, food / drink is fine. No xp is ok, no plat is a bit sad but ok too. Kael Ess drops are a nice addition.
Golems should really shout or get an on screen message like draco, so I dont miss em next time.
Mob strength is good. Pull range is great. Theme, mechanics and overall feeling in the zone is awesome. That's why it is one of my fav zones.

Thx for the event but I still would like to pay plat to play in Thuledream when there is no event scheduled ;-)

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Fecs on July 10, 2024, 03:21:33 pm
Playtime 5-8 hours per day but while working so not 100% focus, but missed I think 3 full days.

Got around 55 of each orb
about the same for each ember for weapon.
got about 9 of the weapon rare piece
got 6 gnomenclatures

Finished 2 CT quests, was only missing draco for first set.
have full set minus draco + 2 other pieces  now.

Farmed shards for aug, group vitality, and I think 4 pets. so around ~17k shards?

I'd like to see more items, but I think overall it's in a pretty good spot.

The weapons and neck are extremely powerful and they feel a lot faster than HoS weapon/neck quests.
Having a predictable train of "I know I'll get an orb or an ember/grip" from each boss is really nice.

CT fight is a lot of fun.

It'd be neat if there was an increased chance to spawn draco by killing the non-weakening mobs.
Trying to target farm for draco ct piece as is, is much more annoying than any other piece.

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Mangry on July 10, 2024, 03:57:59 pm
Farmed a lot and got a decent bit of gear...except for CT pieces. The drop rate for me seems really low. (including last event and Draco im over 50 bosses and only have seen 1 dragon bones and 1 mask from nocturnia)

I did get a couple of furious sentinel goblins for my rogue and parsed some damage comparisons with angryface from the UA helm. Angryface appears to out damage the new furious by a decent clip (it was between 100-200M damage against TD mobs over the fight). Mind you I don't have UW13 or NS 13 augs yet - still using UW12.5 and NS 12

I do enjoy the zone though. Wish we had more frequent access to it!

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Calzin1978 on July 10, 2024, 05:07:59 pm
Gredaruk here,

I love this event zone, it's fun and challenging at the same time, but there could be some improvements.

Total played time, about 6-8hrs a day on and off. In that time, I collected around 8k shards, 2 belts,1 bow, I forget how many orbs, 2 Clonim's and 2 more CT spawn pieces (I have 4/6 now after 2 events)

I feel that Dream Shards should be increased 4-10 max per corpse and increase drop rates on CT spawn pieces to 25%. Also maybe have the bigger bosses like Bertoxx,Hellwing etc drop 2x each orb and ember/grip and a higher chance to drop Void touched blades/Clonim's

also, some exp would be cool too, or maybe have random trash have a slight chance to drop the 100-150k exp orbs

my 2cents

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Denzig on July 11, 2024, 05:36:58 am
Here is both events combined.

Great zone, great event.

Looks like I got a 20% drop rate total of CT quest items, which looks good on paper but felt low in game. I suppose it always does when you're looking for something specific. I farmed just Bert for 2.5 days without a bottle drop. Not sure on the count but if I had to guess I'd say ~20 kills without a bottle.

16,572 shards
14 CT turn in pieces (4x crown, 3x strings, 2x heart, 2x mask, 2x bones, 1x bottle)
69 Orb of Fire
69 Orb of Dreams
6 Clomin's Notorious Nomenclature
69 Dreadsmith's Ember
69 Shadowbind Grips
3 Voidtouched steel blade

10 belts
1 ear
3 Dreads power spheres
4 bows
1 wand of death

Completed 1 neck
Still need 1 blade for first weapon completion

Didn't count Draco, Dread, Terror or Fright kills. I did get 2x Dread spawns from 2 trash mobs which was pretty cool.

1 Cazic Thule kill and got the caster ranged and a Dread power sphere.

Note on Improved Halloween Group Buff: There is a 1 hour 15 minute difference in the buff duration from the toon casting to other boxes. Also, the caster's buff duration is less than the click cooldown by 30 minutes.

Title: Re: 4th of July Event
Post by: Pubis on July 12, 2024, 03:57:26 am
In my opinion, the zone is currently extremely loot heavy, which is a good thing it puts it in line with the old HW zone. This 4 day stretch I spent in TD likely increased my raid dps as much or more than the entire time I've been in Kael. Each set of 3 bosses is 1/40th of a weapon better than uw13, 1/40th of the best damage neck in the game that benefits every class and a chance at pieces to spawn CT, who will drop an item that give a 10-20 million dps boost. In the meantime you also have the best KD essence farm in the game (I have more essences from TD than I have from completing kael ~2 times) as well as shards for pets/aug, food/drink and the random item drops. It will be an unpopular opinion, but I don't really think any drop rates need to be changed, they all seem very reasonable and time in this zone is already beyond well compensated compared to time in other zones.