EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: sohami on July 20, 2010, 07:14:32 am

Title: Public thanks :)
Post by: sohami on July 20, 2010, 07:14:32 am
(This is for you, Uxt)

So im 2 months in on an awkward stretch with my 2.5's on my monk just sitting around, loggin in, listening to chat and logging out. I hate to be the guy to mooch help so I never begged/pleaded for it in /ooc.

But one day i /ooc'd that it sucked being stuck in the pre-qvic phase with 2.5's and Uxt sent me a tell and said next time he's on he'll help me out and run me through. Honestly I thought it was "party talk" and just him being nice, but sure enough hes on when i got on next and was free to run me.

As easy as it was for him i still have to stress the fact on how helpful it is to me, on my end, to do that for me :)

Oh and honorable mentions go to Soulpatch for getting my second TT kill this morning. Just good stuff . I like this server we have. And people like Uxt make it a place to be.

oh. and he's supercute :3

Title: Re: Public thanks :)
Post by: Soakked on July 20, 2010, 09:29:40 am
He was looking at your nah nahs, J/k. Yes you are right there are many people on this server that will lend a helping hand if they feel you aren't just trying to get a free ride and free hand out. Just stay friendly, don't spam, and be thankful afterwards and people will always help you.