EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Crabthewall on July 20, 2010, 11:04:55 am

Title: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Crabthewall on July 20, 2010, 11:04:55 am
I'd like to take a minute or two to propose some player courtesy rules for Airplane. As more and more guilds move up there and it gets more crowded (instancing is still somewhat broken there) so you really only have 3 islands to work with.

I'd like to suggest a few rules, some being common sense, a few being a bit less common sense.

1. Stay off each others island - there is no reason you should ever be on another group's island when they are fighting or about to fight or really ever. Give them the courtesy of staying out of their way and I'm sure they will show you the same courtesy. Certainly when asked to leave, don't try and hide in a corner of the island and hope you won't be noticed - it's just rude.

2. People generally use instancing to reset the island spawns so they become available. With that said it makes the most sense for the fastest killing groups to be on the lowest island populated upwards in order of killing speed. That way then the islands are reset the fastest killing group on island 1 will spawn and the ones above it can then respawn preventing multiple groups from having to wait for a long time to get a spawn.

3. There is nothing wrong with asking another group for help in killing a mob if you are worried about time running out or the likes. However nothing obligates that other group to help, and certainly if they won't help you for whatever reason that is no reason to throw abuse at them - they don't owe you anything. If they help great, if not be gracious and move on with it. Almost everyone looses spawns/stones from time to time.

4. If someone wipes - it is still their boss to kill (ala pod) do not go up to someone else's island to engage their spawn. Consider that spawn/island off limits until the hour is over or they invite you to kill it.

5. What else you got?


Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Narcissus on July 20, 2010, 11:17:03 am
This has more to do with HoH (which is instanced now I think?) but with respect to leapfrogging I assume common courtesy rules apply?

As in someone killing towards a particular section of avatars and then being leapfrogged.  I had to figure out why some sections of avatars were more desirable than others ala my boxes being flung in multiple directions at the same time  :)

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 20, 2010, 11:25:17 am
2 is a bit wordy, I am not really understanding what you are saying there. It sounds like you are saying that the fastest killing team gets island 1 (the multi class island I think?) then the next fastest team gets island 2 (single class island?) and finally the slowest team gets island 3 (epic 4.0 island?). If that is the case it kinda seems backward as the slowest team would certainly take even longer the higher up it goes and might not even be able to do the epic 4.0 encounter). If I am mistaken and any enounter can happen on any island then what would be the point in deciding which island they go to? Who ever is there first gets island 1, second gets island 2 and finally third there gets island 3. I am not disputing or arguing with what you are saying, I am just trying to understand it.

Last night we paid the 10k and created our own instance of sky and I didn't see where it was broken. Granted it was our first attempt at a boss I was a little confused about where it was broken. Any heads up on this would be cool. The rest of what you said makes perfect sense.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Bunk on July 20, 2010, 11:30:54 am
xiggle you are confused by how things work i believe.  All islands can be used for any type of boss, t3 boss, t4 boss, epic boss just depending on what type of stone you use to spawn them.  He was stating the fastest killers on island one because when the zone is reset, the first available island to spawn a new boss is Island 1

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Crabthewall on July 20, 2010, 11:38:24 am
2 is a bit wordy, I am not really understanding what you are saying there. It sounds like you are saying that the fastest killing team gets island 1 (the multi class island I think?) then the next fastest team gets island 2 (single class island?) and finally the slowest team gets island 3 (epic 4.0 island?). If that is the case it kinda seems backward as the slowest team would certainly take even longer the higher up it goes and might not even be able to do the epic 4.0 encounter). If I am mistaken and any enounter can happen on any island then what would be the point in deciding which island they go to? Who ever is there first gets island 1, second gets island 2 and finally third there gets island 3. I am not disputing or arguing with what you are saying, I am just trying to understand it.

Last night we paid the 10k and created our own instance of sky and I didn't see where it was broken. Granted it was our first attempt at a boss I was a little confused about where it was broken. Any heads up on this would be cool. The rest of what you said makes perfect sense.


The islands are all multi purpose, no matter what you spawn t3/t4/epic 4 it goes to first available island. So it makes sense for the fastest killing group to be on the first island as if you use an instance to reset the zone then all islands become available again and the fastest killing group will spawn quickest on 1, meaning group on island 2 can then spawn, and then island 3 can spawn. So lets say a group that takes 45 minutes is on island 1, and a group that only takes 10 minutes is on island 2. The group on island 2 is stuck waiting for island 1 to finish killing and respawn again because when they reset the zone island 1 becomes available again so they can't spawn onto their island 2 until island 1 respawns. Meaning they sit there for 30 minutes or more each spawn of dead time - especially if a group is on island 3 also.

You are right in that whoever is first must be on island 1, but when a quicker killing group comes in, makes more sense for the slower crew to finish their fight and move to island 2 so that the fast killing group can respawn over and over again on island 1 - while there is no impact to the slower group on island 2 as they will basically almost always be able to respawn since the people on island 1 will now keep locking and resetting their island meaning isle 2 will always be ready to respawn.

Instancing is broken if there is someone in main instance and you create an instance for example. Person in  main instance gets all set to spawn on island 1 but in the instance you then spawn island 1 when they are about to. Your spawning on island 1 in your instance then locks island 1 in the main instance (this is what is broken) and the group there has no idea until they hand in their stone and it pops on island 2. Believe it or not, it happens quite a bit - we end up with stuff spawning on our heads by mistake or end up with a spawn on the wrong island (depending on what you spawn this can be near unrecoverable leading to a lost stone to a group)

if instancing is fixed of course, this becomes moot.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 20, 2010, 11:43:40 am
Thank you very much to both of you for clearing that up. I can see no reason why anyone would not only abide by the rules but also want them in place. Hopefully we can get it pretty official from Hunter.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Thyl on July 20, 2010, 11:49:23 am
I have to laugh/facepalm at Crab's post.  Not because of his suggestions but because quite often rules have to be made or suggested because some body did something just ludicrious or stupid. Reading it I can only imagine the situations that happened for these lines to be included:

Certainly when asked to leave, don't try and hide in a corner of the island and hope you won't be noticed - it's just rude.

There is nothing wrong with asking another group for help in killing a mob if you are worried about time running out or the likes. However nothing obligates that other group to help, and certainly if they won't help you for whatever reason that is no reason to throw abuse at them


Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Crabthewall on July 20, 2010, 11:55:14 am
I have to laugh/facepalm at Crab's post.  Not because of his suggestions but because quite often rules have to be made or suggested because some body did something just ludicrious or stupid. Reading it I can only imagine the situations that happened for these lines to be included:

Certainly when asked to leave, don't try and hide in a corner of the island and hope you won't be noticed - it's just rude.

There is nothing wrong with asking another group for help in killing a mob if you are worried about time running out or the likes. However nothing obligates that other group to help, and certainly if they won't help you for whatever reason that is no reason to throw abuse at them


Yeah it's probably a bit less funny when it's happening to you Thyl :) The excuse I was "high" when I was doing it, doesn't exactly carry that much weight with me either  ::)

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 20, 2010, 12:02:41 pm
Yeah it's probably a bit less funny when it's happening to you Thyl :) The excuse I was "high" when I was doing it, doesn't exactly carry that much weight with me either  ::)

Yeah, that is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard. It is amazing how some people think that is a justification for idiocy.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Thyl on July 20, 2010, 12:15:07 pm
Yeah it's probably a bit less funny when it's happening to you Thyl :) The excuse I was "high" when I was doing it, doesn't exactly carry that much weight with me either  ::)

Yeah, that is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard. It is amazing how some people think that is a justification for idiocy.

Another one I love to hear is: "Well it's a free server, what do you expect?" When someone is just being a complete jerk.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Narcissus on July 20, 2010, 03:14:54 pm
The excuse I was "high" when I was doing it, doesn't exactly carry that much weight with me either  ::)

See that is what you go to law school for. 

If Crab caught me hiding in the corner of an island he was using I would first try the chewbacca defense on him.  If that didn't work I'd go full ostrich and jam my head in the ground.... works every time.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Balthor2 on July 20, 2010, 03:18:20 pm
Thats why you shouldnt just give gear to the "Derrr I am a retard" crowd. Let them earn the right to get up there.

Rules make sense, thanks for posting as it clarifies something for me. Some people have been mute when I asked for pointers while others have given just basic info.
I understand learning the content on my own and have no issue with it but if people want to play stupid and I end up fucking a group over in main instance then I feel bad AND I blame the person that doesnt inform me.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Gnaughty on July 20, 2010, 08:59:42 pm
Yeah something tells me were going to have problems up there in airplane with some folks.   :(  That was very adult of you crab for not mentioning the name of the little guy who couldnt find his way off the island, maybe he was lost.  

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Balthor2 on July 21, 2010, 12:39:53 am
Gnaughty can I pillage your little gnome body? I hear Uxt is interesting in some of that as well

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Gnaughty on July 21, 2010, 10:04:13 am
Stranger Danger! :o

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Hunter on July 21, 2010, 11:46:18 am
Players should play nice. You can get banned for something thats not even in the rules, if I decide you are being a jerk and interfering with others game play. Don't push the limits or you'll be banned.

That said, there are no written rules yet for airplane. I'll probably add some official rules soon.

For now I'd like people to stay off each others island.

Do not loot another guilds mob unless they told you that you can do so. If an item will rot, then too bad.

Do not engage a boss that is not yours, even if the guild that spawned it wiped out. There is a 1 hour depop timer, so give the time to re-engage it. If the time runs out and is about to depop, then too bad. Only attack mobs that your guild spawned.

I have idea how to fix the bug with the 3 islands in multiple instances being spawned. It has to do with globals controlling which islands (the npc thinks) is in use. I'll just have to add the instance ID to the qglobal name and that should solve things. Will need time to do it though, cause I work 6 nights a week for about 70 hrs total.


Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Gnaughty on July 22, 2010, 09:43:21 am
Yup we know you work your ass off man and here we are having fun so don't worry about it .  I think most of us understand that you work hard and don't expect you to come home immediately to log in and start fixing stuff.  Thats like coming home from a job to start another job.  It would be nice if you had some help but oh well.  Have a nice day and hopefully stuff like this won't keep happening.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Fecs on September 05, 2010, 01:38:03 pm

As much fun as it was to have an extra boss spawned on my head, then have the group that spawned the extra boss steal my boss also after wiping me, could people avoid doing things like that?

The accidental spawning I get, but the fact they purposely stole my boss after is pretty messed up.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Lexington on September 05, 2010, 02:20:56 pm
your boss was stolen? i never saw a tell about this, tho i did arrive late. Perhaps speaking with the ppl when this happens so it can be fixed then- not just coming on the boards and posting.   

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Gnaughty on September 06, 2010, 11:28:44 am

As much fun as it was to have an extra boss spawned on my head, then have the group that spawned the extra boss steal my boss also after wiping me, could people avoid doing things like that?

The accidental spawning I get, but the fact they purposely stole my boss after is pretty messed up.
I'd say if that were true its a bannable offense, per the rules.

Do not loot another guilds mob unless they told you that you can do so. If an item will rot, then too bad.

Do not engage a boss that is not yours, even if the guild that spawned it wiped out. There is a 1 hour depop timer, so give the time to re-engage it. If the time runs out and is about to depop, then too bad. Only attack mobs that your guild spawned.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Scootz on September 08, 2010, 04:55:02 am
For the record i read these posts, not the more recent ones, but the ones crab wrote, and I was in stitches.  I have never laughed harder over this game than that.  I understand the situation so it makes it easier to laugh, but Crab i gotta give it up to the " when asked to leave don't just hide in the corner" remark, classic.

Title: Re: Player Rules for Airplane
Post by: Fugitive on October 05, 2010, 08:40:49 pm
Players should play nice. You can get banned for something thats not even in the rules, if I decide you are being a jerk and interfering with others game play. Don't push the limits or you'll be banned.

That said, there are no written rules yet for airplane. I'll probably add some official rules soon.

For now I'd like people to stay off each others island.

Do not loot another guilds mob unless they told you that you can do so. If an item will rot, then too bad.

Do not engage a boss that is not yours, even if the guild that spawned it wiped out. There is a 1 hour depop timer, so give the time to re-engage it. If the time runs out and is about to depop, then too bad. Only attack mobs that your guild spawned.

I have idea how to fix the bug with the 3 islands in multiple instances being spawned. It has to do with globals controlling which islands (the npc thinks) is in use. I'll just have to add the instance ID to the qglobal name and that should solve things. Will need time to do it though, cause I work 6 nights a week for about 70 hrs total.


Just want to bump this ....

Seems like people have a hard time understanding then they call you a child ... well I guess this child can read..

I had an issue tonight with a random person deciding to tell me PoA is open and can do what he wants.. I should get an instance.. if I want to kill the mobs..


I got 4 screen shots..
I just sent it all to Hunter.. I tire of people just being rude 100%...

Fugitive "the apparent 10 year old"