EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Balthor2 on July 20, 2010, 03:42:48 pm

Title: Options - Filter
Post by: Balthor2 on July 20, 2010, 03:42:48 pm
Bad Word - Hide
Now stop your stupid QQing whining in ooc about the occasional curse word.
You opted to not filter it so take your holy and higher then tho attitude and stuff it.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Loyal on July 20, 2010, 04:20:44 pm
Perhaps through some reverse engineering I can disable my filter!

Finally!! I can sit at the grown-ups table!

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 20, 2010, 04:55:35 pm
I've always wondered how "I" could be punished because some other douche opted to turn his filter off.  Why even give us the option ???

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: sohami on July 21, 2010, 07:04:04 am
No bad words...? Cmon..

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: swamphy on July 21, 2010, 07:46:50 am
This is nothing new. It's a PG server. If swearing is such an important part of someone's life, why play here?

The kid's table is more fun.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Thyl on July 21, 2010, 08:54:27 am
I've always wondered how "I" could be punished because some other douche opted to turn his filter off.  Why even give us the option ???

Filter doesn't catch all offensive material.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 21, 2010, 02:04:28 pm
wall of text that is completely irrelevant to the point trying to be made.

Completely irrelevant to the point trying to be made.

This is nothing new. It's a PG server. If swearing is such an important part of someone's life, why play here?

The kid's table is more fun.

Once again, irrelevant to the point.  Plus there is occasional cursing in PG.

I've always wondered how "I" could be punished because some other douche opted to turn his filter off.  Why even give us the option ???

Filter doesn't catch all offensive material.

It's an all-encompassing statement.  Filters can be modified.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: tacl on July 21, 2010, 05:51:15 pm
having the server PG keeps people in check. it helps keep thing civil. 

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: yellowbird on July 21, 2010, 10:22:35 pm
wall of text that is completely irrelevant to the point trying to be made.

Completely irrelevant to the point trying to be made.

This is nothing new. It's a PG server. If swearing is such an important part of someone's life, why play here?

The kid's table is more fun.

Once again, irrelevant to the point.  Plus there is occasional cursing in PG.

I've always wondered how "I" could be punished because some other douche opted to turn his filter off.  Why even give us the option ???

Filter doesn't catch all offensive material.

It's an all-encompassing statement.  Filters can be modified.


No you won't find swearing in a PG movie.

The point of the post was this, "Why am I being punished for people turning off an option on their local copy of Everquest."  I posted the rules which explain why you'd be punished.  The rules do not state "occasional swearing is ok, just keep it in moderation."  It is a zero tolerance policy.

Isaaru: You are a moron.  Stop making things up to bolster your own argument.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 21, 2010, 10:33:59 pm

Isaaru: You are a moron.  Stop making things up to bolster your own argument.

My statement didn't refer to EZ specifically.  You seemed to have missed my other comment, "Why even give us the option."

This applies to Live too, as well as other games.  There is a bad word filter, but you will still be punished if someone reports you for cursing, even though they voluntarily turned it off.

So once again, why even give us the option?

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 21, 2010, 10:50:06 pm

No you won't find swearing in a PG movie.

Enchanted: Exactly 30 seconds in someone yells "Get the f- off/out of there"


Just Wright:

Leap Year:

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 21, 2010, 10:53:52 pm
So once again, why even give us the option?

That is a question you should ask eqlive. EZ did not put that option there.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 21, 2010, 10:59:51 pm
So once again, why even give us the option?

That is a question you should ask eqlive. EZ did not put that option there.

Once again I'm not specifically referring to EZ, but to games in general.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 21, 2010, 11:37:57 pm
But it sounds like you are either trying to justify cursing because there is a filter in game and/or say people should not be punished simply because there is a filter. No matter how you word it to make sense fact is, filter or no, the rules are there.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Balthor2 on July 22, 2010, 03:01:13 am
I post random stuff after adventures in /ooc land.
Its always interesting to go back and read what others respond with.
I swear, most of the server swears.
Its knowing the limit.

If people are offended they need to chill, go join the military and see how hard it is for them to not cuss from time to time, or more often.

If its really a big issue for someone I would suggest a POLITE tell to the person asking them to stop or relax. Being a douche in /ooc back trying to act all cool and crap by calling someone a kid or a teenager or whatever just makes you look like the flaming retard you are.

Raise your hand if you are under 25, under 21 and how about under 18.

People that whine about how their "young child" plays the game can shove it. You as a player know what eq servers are like. This server is very very very mild compared to others. If you want to whine about how your 9 year old is being exposed to this environment then I suggest you take a class in parenting.

Flame on folks, I'll check the thread again in about a week.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 22, 2010, 07:43:41 am
But it sounds like you are either trying to justify cursing because there is a filter in game and/or say people should not be punished simply because there is a filter. No matter how you word it to make sense fact is, filter or no, the rules are there.

Incorrect sir.  I rarely, if ever, curse.  My point, that everyone is missing, is that if a game has a no cursing rule why even give the community the option of displaying curse words.

It's a system designed for people to fail.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Narcissus on July 22, 2010, 08:08:32 am

If people are offended they need to chill, go join the military and see how hard it is for them to not cuss from time to time, or more often.

If you don't want to join the military then just spend some time grouping with Balthor.

All of the fun and none of the camel spiders.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: sohami on July 22, 2010, 12:54:14 pm
Honestly, this is stupid to argue about.

It's one of those stupid rules that mom/dad feel better just saying/stating but don't really intend to police it. I mean cmon. If it really is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy then why aren't we all banned.

It's a loose rule that basically means don't be an idiot/obnoxious with language/chat.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 22, 2010, 07:09:13 pm
But it sounds like you are either trying to justify cursing because there is a filter in game and/or say people should not be punished simply because there is a filter. No matter how you word it to make sense fact is, filter or no, the rules are there.

Incorrect sir.  I rarely, if ever, curse.  My point, that everyone is missing, is that if a game has a no cursing rule why even give the community the option of displaying curse words.

It's a system designed for people to fail.

I am trying to tell you what your post sounds like, if you don't want to listen to that, it's fine, but don't dismiss what I said and call me incorrect. Incidentally, now it sounds like you are trying to twist into a ethics discussion about games in general and how their systems are designed for people to fail. Just stop now, lol. It sounds like you are bs'ing your way through the conversation.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Isaaru on July 22, 2010, 08:29:30 pm
But it sounds like you are either trying to justify cursing because there is a filter in game and/or say people should not be punished simply because there is a filter. No matter how you word it to make sense fact is, filter or no, the rules are there.

Incorrect sir.  I rarely, if ever, curse.  My point, that everyone is missing, is that if a game has a no cursing rule why even give the community the option of displaying curse words.

It's a system designed for people to fail.

I am trying to tell you what your post sounds like, if you don't want to listen to that, it's fine, but don't dismiss what I said and call me incorrect. Incidentally, now it sounds like you are trying to twist into a ethics discussion about games in general and how their systems are designed for people to fail. Just stop now, lol. It sounds like you are bs'ing your way through the conversation.

If I'm twisting this into games in general, then show me where I was specific about a certain game.

I'll be waiting  ::)

I don't know why so many of you get bent out of shape when someone wants to have a casual discussion about something.  I'm not contesting any rules;  I abide by all of them.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: walk2k on July 23, 2010, 12:36:21 am
Use common sense and don't over-do it.

The occasional 4-letter-word isn't usually a problem (that I have seen) but a NOBODY wants to read your curse-ridden tirade (this isn't directed at anyone in particular.. Balthor... :)

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: Balthor2 on July 23, 2010, 12:39:58 am
hahah I know I know.
There are times I go hard core on an issue and when I get tells saying to chill I generally turn off /ooc for a few hours.

Some of this thread is petty bickering which isnt the point of it.

Title: Re: Options - Filter
Post by: brakkin on July 23, 2010, 12:52:31 am
But it sounds like you are either trying to justify cursing because there is a filter in game and/or say people should not be punished simply because there is a filter. No matter how you word it to make sense fact is, filter or no, the rules are there.

Incorrect sir.  I rarely, if ever, curse.  My point, that everyone is missing, is that if a game has a no cursing rule why even give the community the option of displaying curse words.

It's a system designed for people to fail.

I am trying to tell you what your post sounds like, if you don't want to listen to that, it's fine, but don't dismiss what I said and call me incorrect. Incidentally, now it sounds like you are trying to twist into a ethics discussion about games in general and how their systems are designed for people to fail. Just stop now, lol. It sounds like you are bs'ing your way through the conversation.

If I'm twisting this into games in general, then show me where I was specific about a certain game.

I'll be waiting  ::)

I don't know why so many of you get bent out of shape when someone wants to have a casual discussion about something.  I'm not contesting any rules;  I abide by all of them.

Lmao we arent getting 'bent out of shape' because you are casually discussing something. you decided to put on ur smart ass britches and bs around something you knew nothing about. However thanks for a little entertainment