EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Solbash on July 21, 2010, 09:04:32 am

Title: Charm upgrades
Post by: Solbash on July 21, 2010, 09:04:32 am
I'd like to propose an idea. As the past week i've been camping for charm upgrades, i've had alot of noobs/lower end players complain alot about camps being taken. Would it be possible to make it to where Cyan stones can upgrade below level 25 charms? It would clear ldon for the people that actually need it and give the higher end people something to do with the millions of plat that they have banked. Just my idea, comment please.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: swamphy on July 21, 2010, 11:29:24 am

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: trendkiller on July 21, 2010, 12:02:55 pm

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Bunk on July 21, 2010, 12:40:27 pm
This topic has been brought up before, and passed over.  I do disagree, I think cyans should be left as they are, as its a big effort to make it to the 25 mark.  Now that said, and it has been said before, it would be nice to have a chance at upgrades in other zones, say like tunat in tacvi droping the quiver or arrow. 

One idea is having t1/t2/3/4 chest bosses and epic 4.0 boss having an upward scaling chance to drop an upgrade, on top of what their normal drops are.  Another take away the chance of ldon bosses to drop an upgrade, and increase the % to drop off trash, therefore the camps are left in most part to the people who need them for their 2.0 pages. 

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Narcissus on July 21, 2010, 01:16:03 pm
Another take away the chance of ldon bosses to drop an upgrade, and increase the % to drop off trash, therefore the camps are left in most part to the people who need them for their 2.0 pages. 

I think that is a really good solution.  That and maybe some rare chance that a PoD boss could drop a charm upgrade.

Keep cyans the way they are though.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Loyal on July 21, 2010, 03:25:42 pm
What are they complaining about? For the most part if someone is camping for Charms they let nearly everything else rot and allow passing noobs to loot.

As I worked through LDON 6 I found the only thing to complain about was if the higher levels were there clearing the trash 1/4 of the zone at a time - I could easily be making my way to one of the bosses and find the entire room spawn on my head.

However, the only solution to this problem would be to remove the desire for high end players to be there at all.

I like the idea of increasing chances of charm drops on the bosses of each progressing zone and would go so far as to say make the drop off trash in LDON 6 low enough to be undesireble to farm for.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Balthor2 on July 21, 2010, 03:27:54 pm
Use to get charm upgrades off MoW and TT on a semi regular basis. I once got one off Tunat.
Some time ago it was changed and they no longer drop charms. Wouldnt mind seeing it added back on cause it was a nice reason to go kill mow for others. A chance I could get a charm upgrade.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Thyl on July 21, 2010, 03:37:51 pm
Use to get charm upgrades off MoW and TT on a semi regular basis. I once got one off Tunat.
Some time ago it was changed and they no longer drop charms. Wouldnt mind seeing it added back on cause it was a nice reason to go kill mow for others. A chance I could get a charm upgrade.

I recall this was how it was before I took my long break. I thought it got changed because of the reduced spawn times on these mobs. I think Tunat's drop rate was eitiher extremly high or guranteed.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Narcissus on July 21, 2010, 04:05:20 pm
I like the idea of increasing chances of charm drops on the bosses of each progressing zone and would go so far as to say make the drop off trash in LDON 6 low enough to be undesireble to farm for.

I understand your point about entire rooms spawning at once.  It's something I've not worried about for a while now but makes sense for newer players.

However, I'm not sure lowering the trash drop rate and increasing boss drops will make a difference.  You would still see warriors pulling ungodly large portions of the zone in an effort to get to the bosses quickly.  In fact, the trains might be larger because if the boss is your only shot at a charm you damn sure don't want to be leapfrogged.

Not to mention you would see even more fights over boss camps because I'd wager more people are in ldon for charms than pages (i could be wrong though).

I think we all know that something needs to be done with the ldon but I'm not really sure what that is.  My guess is that if a lower player gets tramped when a room repops it won't be as hard to get a rez and keep moving to the boss as it will be to sort out the problems that would come with trash drops being close to nil.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Balthor2 on July 21, 2010, 04:32:27 pm
He was saying REDUCE the boss and INCREASE the trash.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Loyal on July 21, 2010, 04:36:51 pm
I didnt specify in my earlier post but if they were made to drop off each progressing zone (Qvic, Tacvi and the tiers) I would hope the bosses in LDON 6 would get a drop rate just as undesireable as the trash.

This way people who are able to pull large amounts of trash could find charm upgrades quicker by killing qvic bosses than they could in LDON at all. This would leave LDON to the newer players and provide another area where helping others could benefit higher players.

By the By: As much as a change like this would be convenient and nice, I dont think the problem is large enough to warrant the amount of work and time it would take to fix it. When you get down to it this doesnt hinder anyones progression.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Narcissus on July 21, 2010, 04:49:20 pm
I see what you are saying.  I like the concept.  Would be nice to back gear boxes and farm for charms at the same time in PoD.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: tacl on July 21, 2010, 05:12:47 pm
ya i think toss them in the POD loot table would be awesome. i love the charms, i just hate sitting in ldon6 farming trash. it is not the farming trash is the problem it is i am normally a contest to see who can kill the most trash for the best chance of a charm.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: walk2k on July 21, 2010, 05:27:08 pm
I hope you don't reduce the drops in LDON because it's the only way I can get charm upgrades at the moment..  and I mean they are ridiculously rare as it is.  I've spent more hours in ldon6 than I want to think about and gotten maybe 8 or 9 charm upgrades total, for 2 characters (and yes I'm doing bosses AND trash - just not 47 trash at a time...)

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Loyal on July 22, 2010, 12:16:10 am
Personally I dont think getting your charm lvl25 is all to important in progressing to Qvic. I think the majority of people end up going back to farm them up.

Like in all things you cant make everybody happy :D

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Balthor2 on July 22, 2010, 02:54:40 am
it wouldnt be that hard to add it into loot tables.
really the issue is that the drop rate has gone down and some things that use to have a small chance of dropping charms do not.

now I may be crazy but has anyone else noticed that certain floors of the ldon drop specific charms only of late?
I use to see a mix of sorc,brawler on 2-4 and most oracle and guardian on 6.
Now I see oracles a lot on other floors and only the other 3 on 6. strange.

It might be intended to be a bottle neck on the way to ultimate but it really sucks esp with the way points are done now. Will take the average player 6x as long to get the points they might need compared to what it use to take.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Murrjok on July 22, 2010, 04:07:41 am
I havent seen a guardians charm drop for weeks.

4 Seems to drop the most Oracles, 6 seems to drop most Sorcers. 3 seems to drop most guardians in my time playing.  and 2 Tends to drop brawlers more so.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: swamphy on July 22, 2010, 08:17:44 am
Every charm upgrade I've gotten has been in Ldon6. I was doing my 10th Ldon page run (killing every boss on every level) when I got my first drop from a trash mob in Ldon6.

drops I've gotten, all in Ldon 6:
first: Oracle off a trash mob
second: Brawler off a named
third: Brawler off trash
fourth: Brawler off named
Fifth: Guardian off named

Never seen a Sorcer upgrade yet.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Gnaughty on July 22, 2010, 09:55:49 am
Yeah I like Bunks idea it makes sense.  I for one was very upset when I saw the changes to ldon points being given out the group points were so nice for boxxers.  I know this is a free server and people are cash poor and such but man, I look at it this way.  Those charms up to 25 anyhow are such a pain in the ass that why not pull a few bucks out every so often and just buy them up to 25?  I mean 10 dollars here and there the time you save doing that is so great it seems worth it ya know?  I have not farmed ldon6 for charms in months because that zone isnt instanced and really brings out the nasty side of people.  Hell one of my clerics is still at lvl 4 oracles.  It just seems like such a small price to pay for such a huge timesink.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Bunk on July 22, 2010, 11:42:11 am
The only other level of Ldon, besides ldon6 that I have seen charm upgrades drop is Ldon2. And only brawlers charms there as well.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: Tavi on September 14, 2010, 01:17:05 am
Just a thought and my first POST WOOT. How difficult would it be to set an exchange of AAs for Charm upgrades? I know most max out their AAs quickly after attaining 70 and many of us are siting at 9999 AAs and nothing to do with them. Set the trade value between 1 and 3k in AA. This would allow Toons to go grind in any zone they choose. This should be possible as I remember on Live they implemented one time use AAs

I know I would love to be able to run all over this wonderful world killing everything that moves and helping others in the process, I do this already anyway, and never having to step foot in LDON again, or until I build another toon


Title: Re: Charm upgrades
Post by: swamphy on September 14, 2010, 09:17:46 am
Grats on your first post.

/headsmack on the content...
This has been suggested and rejected over and over and over (and over... really) on these forums.

AA's will never be used to purchase anything other than existing AA abilities.

Yes, it's possible. No, it's not going to happen. Look up the old threads if you want to know why.