EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Gokusse on July 24, 2010, 12:23:04 pm

Title: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Gokusse on July 24, 2010, 12:23:04 pm
Hello everyone, i'm looking to start a new guild that really captures the essence of summertime play on the EZ Server. Firstly I will begin with the requirements of joining the guild.

In order to join this guild you must promise to be and or do all of these things listed below.

             A. You must be a douchebag. By douchebag I mean you must be nice to everyone that can help gear you up and rude to everyone else that you meet in the guild and or outside of the guild at your own disgression. This also includes training others and or KSing.

             B. You must frequently beg people to help you through instances that you have no idea about. An example would be, crying to be run through Qvic when you don't even know what to do for Fighter's Guild / Caster's Guild, as well as not knowing what tokens are or how armor and gems work.

             C. Upon getting gear that you do not deserve you must beg to progress further within 30 minutes of completing said epic or item until the people running you can no longer  progress you or the server goes down. If the server goes down before the person running you can complete your gear then you must beg that same person the moment  you see them log on until they complete the task.

              D. Once you are done draining that person of their fun and have achieved their status with absolutely no effort other than looting (which is all that anyone can ask of you), you must leave this guild within 24 hours and offer up absolutely no reason why you  decided to leave.

The guild name will be <Loot and Scoot> and will consist of a few dedicated people to gear others up quickly in order for new members to be up to standard in other guilds.

Thank you and I look forward to wasting many more hours on the types of people that would be welcome in this type of guild.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: ieawenpo on July 24, 2010, 12:31:54 pm
Hello everyone, i'm looking to start a new guild that really captures the essence of summertime play on the EZ Server. Firstly I will begin with the requirements of joining the guild.

In order to join this guild you must promise to be and or do all of these things listed below.

             A. You must be a douchebag. By douchebag I mean you must be nice to everyone that can help gear you up and rude to everyone else that you meet in the guild and or outside of the guild at your own disgression. This also includes training others and or KSing.

             B. You must frequently beg people to help you through instances that you have no idea about. An example would be, crying to be run through Qvic when you don't even know what to do for Fighter's Guild / Caster's Guild, as well as not knowing what tokens are or how armor and gems work.

             C. Upon getting gear that you do not deserve you must beg to progress further within 30 minutes of completing said epic or item until the people running you can no longer  progress you or the server goes down. If the server goes down before the person running you can complete your gear then you must beg that same person the moment  you see them log on until they complete the task.

              D. Once you are done draining that person of their fun and have achieved their status with absolutely no effort other than looting (which is all that anyone can ask of you), you must leave this guild within 24 hours and offer up absolutely no reason why you  decided to leave.

The guild name will be <Loot and Scoot> and will consist of a few dedicated people to gear others up quickly in order for new members to be up to standard in other guilds.

Thank you and I look forward to wasting many more hours on the types of people that would be welcome in this type of guild.

This isnt new, there are already plenty of guilds like this.
Example <****>
<*** ****>

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Balthor2 on July 24, 2010, 03:30:33 pm
Why blank it out. Be proud and say the name.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Gnaughty on July 26, 2010, 02:28:58 pm
So silly.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on July 28, 2010, 08:08:58 pm
*** **** (red dawn) ??


Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Balthor2 on July 30, 2010, 01:01:04 am
Wait this sounds a lot like Ezry.
Shame he doesnt play anymore, where he could continue the cycle of gearing the greedy fucks on the server.
Those people that want to put in as little work as possible.
The most common words they utter in guild is "Got a coth for that rot?"

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Cheezit on July 30, 2010, 01:15:37 am
Wait this sounds a lot like Ezry.
Shame he doesnt play anymore, where he could continue the cycle of gearing the greedy fucks on the server.
Those people that want to put in as little work as possible in helping me get my gear before my guildmates so that I can move on to other content and then bitch at them when they leave for being greedy assholes and not wanting to help me.
The most common words they utter in guild is "wtf are we gearing all of Balthors alts first?"

*Fixed for ya  ;)

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 30, 2010, 02:06:46 am
You really are an idiot. Stop trolling and grow the hell up.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Cheezit on July 30, 2010, 02:31:40 am
You really are an idiot. Stop trolling and grow the hell up.

Xiggie it's cute how you keep calling me a troll just because I don't spend all day/night posting on here like you. Did I beat you up in 6th grade or do you just always have your panties in a bunch? It sures seems like you're angry all the time and mad at me for no real reason.

I however have multiple reasons to dislike your buddy Balthor and the *fixed version is 100% accurate reflection of his guild leading traits lol.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 30, 2010, 03:05:10 am
Heh, Balthor and I both were leaders of B&H and it was the decision of both of us and our officers. It was a well thought out plan that we thought would benefit both guilds.

I have been playing on this server for well over a year. I have earned my reputation on this server many times over. I am liked by nearly everyone on this server and those who don't... well, I am pretty glad they don't. I have always maintained that reputation is the best piece of gear you can have in EQ. Especially on emu servers where population is lower and more concentrated. You need to change out of your newbi shirt.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Balthor2 on July 30, 2010, 04:53:56 am
Hey Cheezit you are stupid and I can prove it.
I had a guild policy of only doing qvic and tacvi for 2 toons per player in my guild.
That meant I didnt ask for help doing qvic on any of my characters in the guild.

Doing postorms?
Guess what dumbass, when I am the main tank I get plate first on my warrior because it makes things go smoother.
You are just another poor player that didnt like it when I wouldnt let you just leech full suits of gear over my characters....

Btw if I was as greedy as you want to make me out to be I wouldnt have had a policy of passing T1/T2 gear to other guild members over my own characters all the time and I always said the following: "You can have this, I can solo farm this while you can not so I'll just get it later."

Damn dude you just fail.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Cheezit on July 30, 2010, 01:47:14 pm
Heh, Balthor and I both were leaders of B&H and it was the decision of both of us and our officers. It was a well thought out plan that we thought would benefit both guilds.

I have been playing on this server for well over a year. I have earned my reputation on this server many times over. I am liked by nearly everyone on this server and those who don't... well, I am pretty glad they don't. I have always maintained that reputation is the best piece of gear you can have in EQ. Especially on emu servers where population is lower and more concentrated. You need to change out of your newbi shirt.

Ok, I wasn't knocking your guild leading ability, because you weren't a guild leader when one of my old toons was guilded with Balthor. I don't have a newbie shirt in-game, only on these forums because I didn't both to post until recently doesn't have anything to do with the fact I've been playing on EZ for over a year as well. You should really get over the whole thing of assuming everyone is posting on fake accounts or server newbs based on a forum account Xiggie  :-*

Hey Cheezit you are stupid and I can prove it.
I had a guild policy of only doing qvic and tacvi for 2 toons per player in my guild.
That meant I didn't ask for help doing qvic on any of my characters in the guild.

Doing postorms?
Guess what dumbass, when I am the main tank I get plate first on my warrior because it makes things go smoother.
You are just another poor player that didnt like it when I wouldnt let you just leech full suits of gear over my characters....

Btw if I was as greedy as you want to make me out to be I wouldnt have had a policy of passing T1/T2 gear to other guild members over my own characters all the time and I always said the following: "You can have this, I can solo farm this while you can not so I'll just get it later."

Damn dude you just fail.

I have never done PoStorms with you Balthor. Keep reaching in your empty bag of insults because you clearly don't recall who I am. That's fine though, it makes this all the more amusing.

You might hype yourself up on these forums but I know first hand that you're all about gearing your alt toons over anyone else first. Your main tank mentality is fine, most vets of MMO's know the tank needs gear to survive, but your alt dps and healers don't need it more than your guildies main toons.

The thing I love the most about your cockiness is that you think you are the key to anyone else being able to do anything. The people on this server don't need you to act like you're a savoir and swell guy "helping" people progress and no one could without you.

You're right though I'm an "angry poor" player who you wouldn't "leech" gear from. I would say getting T1/T2 geared without you, we did just fine. It's still the same group of 3 friends that started playing here, joined your guild and saw through your stupid propaganda of gearing your alts first and left. You then decided to flame us in OOC for a few weeks for being greedy for leaving (strange, I thought greedy would have been "leeching" gear from you?). You post here like you're great, you're really not and I'm here to knock you off that high horse of yours.

Everyone on the server will be just fine without your saving, don't forget that fact because at some point you did.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 30, 2010, 03:30:54 pm
What I meant by your newbi shirt is your reputation. The fact that you didn't get it means it must also apply to your intelligence. As for the rest of your drivel it is not even worth reading. I'm done.

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Cheezit on July 30, 2010, 05:20:10 pm
What I meant by your newbi shirt is your reputation. The fact that you didn't get it means it much also apply to your intelligence. As for the rest of your drivel it is not even worth reading. I'm done.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get your forum sarcasm mister front desk scholar Xiggie. You're right though it means it much also apply to my intelligence? Good one! ::)

You and Balthor both have massive egos which is why I pity you both. No wonder you fools ran a guild (into the ground) together. It's all making sense now....

*looks around for his "newbi shirt"*  :D

Title: Re: New Guild Type!!!! (or is it old...)
Post by: Tabaisu on August 01, 2010, 08:00:50 pm
Forget looking for your shirt, it's your ass that's showing...