EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on July 24, 2010, 07:40:50 pm

Title: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Hunter on July 24, 2010, 07:40:50 pm
Edited the Ultimate Charm in hopefully enabling the healing focus, and the damage focus might now affect dot's but dunno so keep me posted if over powered or broken, for those 0.001% of you that have that item. (Update: Paladins reporting that Ultimate Charm is now affecting their healing, as intended, woot!)

Updated Key_Master NPC to allow custom item ids to make keys for any item, and now allows charms to go above 25, up to 50.

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Cleric T2 BP Clickie 8 sec cast copied to T4 BP as a 6.5 sec cast.

Three more T3/T4 custom spells got named. Two spells left to be named.

T4 Monk BP lowered HP from 18000 to 16000 which was error before. Warriors are now highest HP BP with 17000 hp on their T4.

100k pp instances added to Dalnir and Sebilis.

#revoked someones ability to chat ooc and forgot who it was, and don't care either.

Be sure to download new spell file if you have T3/T4 spells or an Ultimate Charm.


Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Solbash on July 24, 2010, 07:47:54 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Temptrix on July 24, 2010, 07:49:12 pm
I believe that's correct. =/

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Crabthewall on July 24, 2010, 07:50:56 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Yeah I think you can thank the morons that were camping the bosses and destroying the pages rather than letting people loot them... You know who they were.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Solbash on July 24, 2010, 07:54:19 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Yeah I think you can thank the morons that were camping the bosses and destroying the pages rather than letting people loot them... You know who they were.
Glad people come to conclusions when they don't even know what was going on. One person got upset because the mob was camped and the page wasn't there. I myself was the one camping it that day and the pages either rotted or were given away numerous times.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Temptrix on July 24, 2010, 07:55:21 pm
Hmmm That's funny... got a page earlier today from Sol.  Guess I was dreaming.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: ieawenpo on July 24, 2010, 08:00:19 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Hunter, any plans on making charm upgrades more accessible?
We currently have a few HUNDRED people waiting to get these and the only zone is LDON6.

The ones who have Ultimate charms etc, didnt have to compete with the new influx of population.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Balthor2 on July 24, 2010, 08:06:21 pm
Hey now you know you did it to me :)
You took away tells as well. Think I'll make a character named "BalthorTellBot"

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Solbash on July 24, 2010, 08:08:43 pm
Guess i took your height away from you to eh Balthor. ;D

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Crabthewall on July 24, 2010, 08:09:39 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Yeah I think you can thank the morons that were camping the bosses and destroying the pages rather than letting people loot them... You know who they were.
Glad people come to conclusions when they don't even know what was going on. One person got upset because the mob was camped and the page wasn't there. I myself was the one camping it that day and the pages either rotted or were given away numerous times.

Wow considering I didn't mention names or days I'd guess that it must be true to have gotten a reaction this strong out of you. Were you one of the people camping bosses denying people that need the pages?

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Solbash on July 24, 2010, 08:14:23 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Yeah I think you can thank the morons that were camping the bosses and destroying the pages rather than letting people loot them... You know who they were.
Glad people come to conclusions when they don't even know what was going on. One person got upset because the mob was camped and the page wasn't there. I myself was the one camping it that day and the pages either rotted or were given away numerous times.

Wow considering I didn't mention names or days I'd guess that it must be true to have gotten a reaction this strong out of you. Were you one of the people camping bosses denying people that need the pages?
How is that strong? Just clearly stated that was the only time i've heard anyone QQ about the pages and I had been there for 10 hours camping charms. And it's funny how they were denied, as the only person that didn't get the page got mad and logged out before a respawn. Know what went on before commenting on things please. Saves people alot of time from reading the walls of texts.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Crabthewall on July 24, 2010, 08:15:32 pm

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

Am i reading this wrong, or was the chance reduced even more? Which leaves it harder to get charms from 1-25?

Yeah I think you can thank the morons that were camping the bosses and destroying the pages rather than letting people loot them... You know who they were.
Glad people come to conclusions when they don't even know what was going on. One person got upset because the mob was camped and the page wasn't there. I myself was the one camping it that day and the pages either rotted or were given away numerous times.

Wow considering I didn't mention names or days I'd guess that it must be true to have gotten a reaction this strong out of you. Were you one of the people camping bosses denying people that need the pages?
How is that strong? Just clearly stated that was the only time i've heard anyone QQ about the pages and I had been there for 10 hours camping charms. And it's funny how they were denied, as the only person that didn't get the page got mad and logged out before a respawn. Know what went on before commenting on things please. Saves people alot of time from reading the walls of texts.

Did I mention your name? Perhaps you are the one jumping to a conclusion? I don't know your toon names, but if it is solbash it isn't the one I heard of specifically. Perhaps you should be less defensive and realize people may not be talking about you?

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Solbash on July 24, 2010, 08:20:49 pm
I'm not being defensive, just trying to get people to realize, if you weren't there when it happened then you don't know what happened. Your 2cp doesn't help the situation when you don't know the situation. kkthxbai

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Hunter on July 24, 2010, 08:22:32 pm
I'm considering adding the LDoN charm upgrades onto the Hohonora trash mobs as a very rare chance for drop, so that high levels have an alternate place to start getting their charms up to rank 25 so they can use stones for ranks 26-50.

Also, I'm planning on getting charms 1-25 to be combined in the Magic Box instead of hand in to the NPC asap, when I'm awake and have time.

Did everyone forget that LDoN 2-5 each drops a different type of charm, so you can choose which charm you want to farm, and stay on that level killing trash.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Crabthewall on July 24, 2010, 08:23:02 pm
I'm not being defensive, just trying to get people to realize, if you weren't there when it happened then you don't know what happened. Your 2cp doesn't help the situation when you don't know the situation. kkthxbai

What situation, I saw someone specifically announce in OOC they were destroying pages, that's the situation I was referring to, if that isn't you, then what's your point? If it was you then you are a moron, and I can't help that. Whoever it was that announced it in OOC - this is what happens ends up screwing everyone.

So even if you were joking about it in OOC I'm sure the server won't thank you for screwing them over like this, nice job.

If you aren't the one that was announcing it in ooc, then my comment wasn't directed at you.

That plain enough?

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Uxt on July 24, 2010, 08:24:49 pm
Did everyone forget that LDoN 2-5 each drops a different type of charm, so you can choose which charm you want to farm, and stay on that level killing trash.

Forget? I didn't even know! This could have saved me like two days trying to get my last few specific charm upgrades! @_@

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: ieawenpo on July 24, 2010, 08:26:25 pm
I'm considering adding the LDoN charm upgrades onto the Hohonora trash mobs as a very rare chance for drop, so that high levels have an alternate place to start getting their charms up to rank 25 so they can use stones for ranks 26-50.

Also, I'm planning on getting charms 1-25 to be combined in the Magic Box instead of hand in to the NPC asap, when I'm awake and have time.

Did everyone forget that LDoN 2-5 each drops a different type of charm, so you can choose which charm you want to farm, and stay on that level killing trash.

Im assuming the LDON levels are even rarer than LDON6 since ive been through about 50 times and only seen 1 piece drop.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Narcissus on July 24, 2010, 08:27:00 pm
Forget? I didn't even know! This could have saved me like two days trying to get my last few specific charm upgrades! @_@

Because you have a gambling problem and spend all your time at the lotto bot.


Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Warriorstack on July 24, 2010, 09:36:16 pm

Hunter mentioned that the other Ldon levels have a chance of dropping a certain charm.  Do we have a list of what level for what charm?  Also is the chance still 1%?

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: walk2k on July 24, 2010, 09:37:44 pm
Have to say I'm a little confused and dismayed by this move.  I'd say 99.9% of of the time people let "newbies" loot the pages.  When I was doing 2.0 the first time I even had a mage COH me to the boss so I could loot it...  Every time I have camped the bosses there (which isn't often, they are about permacamped) I've had literally a stream of people wander thru to loot the pages. 

So 1 guy acts like a moron and now charms have to be EVEN more rare?  Ouch.

If you add them to honora that's great, but it won't help people who are still ages away from being able to hang in there (ie most of the new people, who still need charms 1-25..)

Please do something (else) with the charms.  Off the top of my head, easy things you could do, make them cost a lot less points.. 500 or 300 or even less wouldn't be out of line IMO.  A bit more work would be to up the drop rate in the other zones..

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Gokusse on July 24, 2010, 09:44:49 pm
Updated Key_Master NPC to allow custom item ids to make keys for any item, and now allows charms to go above 25, up to 50.

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

These two statements back to back seem to imply (to me) farm less buy more. If i'm taking it out of context then I must be mistaken in some way.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: ieawenpo on July 24, 2010, 10:13:56 pm

Hunter mentioned that the other Ldon levels have a chance of dropping a certain charm.  Do we have a list of what level for what charm?  Also is the chance still 1%?
As mentioned the drop rate is significantly lower than LDON6.
You can clear LDON6 and expect 1 charm upgrade every other clearing.
You can clear the other levels 20 times and not see a charm.
I have been testing this since this post and it still rings true.

Nice to know they drop in other levels, but if the drop rate is crazy low, you are still better off in 6.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: trendkiller on July 24, 2010, 10:25:41 pm
ya this move on charm reduction...really gimps the ones working on the charms AND REALLY REALLY screws the lowbies trying to start on theirs.

I second the motion on trying something different for the benefit of everyone.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: drippysloppy on July 24, 2010, 10:37:00 pm
I agree farming charms is bad enough as it is. There needs to be more options (in the form of zones in my opinion) to farm charms. What happened to the LDON7 idea?


Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Balthor2 on July 25, 2010, 12:03:20 am
Ive always been short. I am a dorf.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: walk2k on July 25, 2010, 12:10:45 am
They do drop in other levels, I got one in 3 or 4 I think, but I think that's extremely rare.

Hell they were rare before in level 6.  I've spent more time there than I ever wanted to and got about 18 upgrades total for 2 characters, and probably 5 of those I turned in for the points, because honestly at that rate I will NEVER see ultimate charm... I'll be lucky to reach lv 25 on one character, and that was before this change.

Just IMHO trying to be constructive here, I appreciate all the hard work that goes into this and don't envy you when you have to babysit children that can't behaive...  8)

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Padme on July 25, 2010, 12:36:07 am
Well camping boss to get charm is just a waste of time ... almost all my charm upgrade comes from killing trash in ldon 6, so let people that need page kill boss and keep clearing trash, loot charm upgrade and credit and you will be fine, patience is a vertu  ::)

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: walk2k on July 25, 2010, 01:07:43 am
It's not a waste of time.. or wasn't ... you have (had) a good chance to get a charm upgrade from the boss, and at the least a 50pt token.  Plus I always cleared trash around the area in-between spawns (and to get there) anyway.

Yes NOW it's probably a waste of time..   :P

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Gnaughty on July 25, 2010, 01:30:50 am
I have never ever got a charm off the bosses it's always been on trash and yes you can get to 25 and on to ultimate charm.  Just cant burn through shit as fast as WoW here, and like I said in another post, whats 20 bucks here and there to get upgrades?

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Hunter on July 25, 2010, 03:33:46 am
Updated Key_Master NPC to allow custom item ids to make keys for any item, and now allows charms to go above 25, up to 50.

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

These two statements back to back seem to imply (to me) farm less buy more. If i'm taking it out of context then I must be mistaken in some way.

I had to laugh, cause your right, it seems that way. Honestly, very few people buy charms, and even fewer buy them post level 25, but this code was so I don't have to manually find a player in game or search thru the inventory table in the database to update their charm.

Charms in general are my topic for this weekend. Other edits happened from random tells and emails about hey fix this and that quick, etc.

I'm hoping to get all charms 1-25 as a working recipe in the Magic Box before my weekend is over, and then remove the turn in from the NPC. This way players won't lose their charm upgrades by giving to wrong NPC and it'll be easier to upgrade in Magic Box without leaving the zone.

I'm going to change the chance of drops off trash for levels 2-5, see next update topic.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: Smoka on July 25, 2010, 10:20:16 am
Other edits happened from random tells and emails about hey fix this and that quick, etc.

You said you don't read tells. Cat is out of the bag!

How about halfway fixing the SK epic click and make it unresistable for starters? That should be an easier fix than making the DoT work properly I would assume.

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: trendkiller on July 25, 2010, 02:40:39 pm

please for the love of innoruk!

Title: Re: Updates 07 24 10
Post by: ieawenpo on July 25, 2010, 03:32:41 pm
Updated Key_Master NPC to allow custom item ids to make keys for any item, and now allows charms to go above 25, up to 50.

LDoN 6 has the bosses reduced chance of loot. The charm upgrades off LDoN 6 bosses are now 1% drop, points 5%, and illusion cards 25%. This is to reduce the amount of high level players hording the bosses, so low level players can kill bosses for their Epic 2.0 Quest.

These two statements back to back seem to imply (to me) farm less buy more. If i'm taking it out of context then I must be mistaken in some way.

I had to laugh, cause your right, it seems that way. Honestly, very few people buy charms, and even fewer buy them post level 25, but this code was so I don't have to manually find a player in game or search thru the inventory table in the database to update their charm.

Charms in general are my topic for this weekend. Other edits happened from random tells and emails about hey fix this and that quick, etc.

I'm hoping to get all charms 1-25 as a working recipe in the Magic Box before my weekend is over, and then remove the turn in from the NPC. This way players won't lose their charm upgrades by giving to wrong NPC and it'll be easier to upgrade in Magic Box without leaving the zone.

I'm going to change the chance of drops off trash for levels 2-5, see next update topic.

Im still trying to understand why you are chosing to make charms harder to obtain while we are faced with constant camps?
Lowering the drop rate doesnt really improve anything.