EZ Server

General Category => Shadowknight => Topic started by: Collector on July 28, 2010, 12:02:11 am

Title: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Collector on July 28, 2010, 12:02:11 am
I recently just came back, because computer got messed up and just now got fixed, but i was noticing some severe differenced in the 3.0 proc, not sure if 3.0 itself or oracles maybe, just seems out of wack.

I use to crit for 20-55k with my current oracle which was lvl 8.

Now the max i've seen so far is 24k, but usuall either 6k/12k.

Was curious

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: barrettd04 on July 28, 2010, 12:17:01 am
Yea I'm pretty sure there were some adjustments made, i'm just not able to recall the specifics.  Might be a post somewhere in the updates section. 

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: sohami on July 28, 2010, 07:28:14 am
Is it just the 3.0 I wonder?

I have the 2.5 and everything seems to be in order. Although, I haven't played in a week or two.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: kyle on July 28, 2010, 11:25:10 am
The right click on the SK 3.0 got changed to a low damage disease AOE that gets resisted by everything, but as far as I know the proc wasn't changed.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Collector on July 28, 2010, 11:29:08 am
I did notice the clicky got changed, just seems the drain did too.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on July 28, 2010, 01:38:23 pm
They both got altered in an attempt to make is more in balance of what it should be as a 3.0 and on par with other classes. Unfortunately the code for the proc and the click is not correct and there has not been a patch for it yet correcting the code. It has been found that the proc damage HAS been lower than before and the click effect is doing less damage per tick than intended and too much resistance modifier on it.

We were suppose to have a fix, but we are still waiting.

Just be patient =)

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Collector on July 28, 2010, 06:55:47 pm
They both got altered in an attempt to make is more in balance of what it should be as a 3.0 and on par with other classes. Unfortunately the code for the proc and the click is not correct and there has not been a patch for it yet correcting the code. It has been found that the proc damage HAS been lower than before and the click effect is doing less damage per tick than intended and too much resistance modifier on it.

We were suppose to have a fix, but we are still waiting.

Just be patient =)

Ah, well thank you for the information Trendkiller, I shall just be patient i assume )

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on July 29, 2010, 08:51:08 pm
you might be waiting quite a while, cause that string of code is quite tricky and the main dev that was on it is not around anymore that much.

But my suggestion of just making it unresistable hopefully will get implemented soon to temporarily patch the gimpness up.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: sohami on July 30, 2010, 07:36:29 am
How much worse is the lifetap proc now?

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on July 30, 2010, 07:44:02 am
700-900hp less than it was before, not sooooo bad.

But what is gimping the weapon is its click effect (besides the dps factor on pure melee) the fact that it gets resisted and only does about 10k hp damage max on a turn is what is making this classes 3.0 so weak and unbalanced.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: sohami on July 30, 2010, 07:46:28 am
700-900hp less than it was before, not sooooo bad.

Base, before crit? Or after max crit?

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on July 30, 2010, 07:51:28 am

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Hunter on July 30, 2010, 08:59:18 am
Secrets is the one that created the spell for the SK 3.0 Proc. I'll see if I can edit the resist later.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on July 30, 2010, 10:06:34 am
sweetness..thanks H-man

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Smoka on August 09, 2010, 06:53:16 pm
Secrets is the one that created the spell for the SK 3.0 Proc. I'll see if I can edit the resist later.

Have you checked, or can you check into this yet?

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on August 10, 2010, 11:45:19 am
bumpity bump baby.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: brakkin on August 10, 2010, 02:33:34 pm
Do I like have permision to talk here now tht im 3.0? lol.
Hunter Iwouldnt mind if you just screwed the whole AoE dot in favor of something completely different (and usable) such as a worn buff or lifetap increase.
Just my 2 cp

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: gimpy on August 10, 2010, 02:46:07 pm
I would rather have the aggro clicky put back until something better is worked out

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: sohami on August 10, 2010, 02:51:06 pm
A aoe dmg (albeit very resistable, and not much damage) is better imo than click aoe aggro. Being that is IS aoe aggro already, and does a little dmg.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: brakkin on August 10, 2010, 03:00:30 pm
Actually I agree with gimpy, but only as long as its like instant or something better than dread gaze, the spell that already works fine. In T1 when my groups tank goes down and mobs move to healers/etc that AoE isnt enough to get aggro back

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: gimpy on August 10, 2010, 03:18:01 pm
The SK 3.0 used to have an instant anger clicky, 200 range, just like the warriors epic does.  It was great for pulling or getting aggro because it was instant cast. 

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: brakkin on August 10, 2010, 03:27:47 pm
Exactly what I think it should be. How bout getting a poll up?

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: trendkiller on August 10, 2010, 03:50:47 pm
Too many agreed that the old click hate was not on par balance wise...with its other counterparts or classes. So even putting that back on is a regressive move.

The dot code is pretty damn complex and might take someone with a deep understanding of custom coding experience. This is the problem. The solution for now is just removing the resist counters on it. This would be FAR better than thinking to revert to the old aggro spell.

The SK is meant to be tanking and doing his/her part during the fights to build the aggro, not for a boxxer to just put him in when the tank goes down. I have NEVER had an issue keeping aggro or even pulling aggro from any class, alternating taps and gaze works just fine. I have been fighting from day one to give the SK3.0 the effectiveness that other 3.0's have had given to them (hybrids...i.e.pally) and this rolling dot, while still doing less then intended and getting resisted way too much, is still a welcome upgrade as far as the class is concerned.

I just bumped the thread to give a lil reminder to pop in the SQL and knock off the resistance counters on the spell.

ill even throw in whip cream and a cherry!

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: gimpy on August 11, 2010, 03:09:33 pm
I would love to have the affect fixed on the SK 3.0 to bring them up to par with the other tanking classes, but until then, it would be more usefull to have the old aggro clicky back.  Just my 2 cp  :)

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Relnon on August 13, 2010, 05:21:56 am
PBAE Leech Touch DoT imo.  8)

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: sohami on August 13, 2010, 07:12:02 am


Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Smoka on August 20, 2010, 10:52:00 am
Secrets is the one that created the spell for the SK 3.0 Proc. I'll see if I can edit the resist later.

3 weeks later. Have you even looked yet or is this still a 'later' deal?

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Smoka on August 29, 2010, 11:08:47 am
Guess it's too hard to fix this. Hell, I figure if you can recode new NPC's to solve cosmetic problems, you could actually solve half of an issue in one DB cfind/replace. Guess not.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Lexington on August 29, 2010, 03:07:24 pm
that or he's doing it all by himself, if you not contributing to the solution, then you're the problem, imho- ppl that QQ like the previous poster need to be raped in game.


Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Smoka on August 29, 2010, 06:47:09 pm
He's not doing it all by himself.

If he would give me access to the DB, I would be the solution. Since he won't allow me that access, now what?

Oh, and 'QQ'? Seriously? Really? Yeah....uh huh. I remember my first beer.

Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Lexington on August 29, 2010, 07:04:01 pm
He's not doing it all by himself.

If he would give me access to the DB, I would be the solution. Since he won't allow me that access, now what?

Oh, and 'QQ'? Seriously? Really? Yeah....uh huh. I remember my first beer.


Title: Re: Sk's 3.0 Proc
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on August 30, 2010, 08:14:34 pm
Here boys let me put a nipple on that for ya.  :o