EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hunter on July 29, 2010, 10:24:26 am

Title: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Hunter on July 29, 2010, 10:24:26 am
I've had enough emails about Ihug with videos and screenshots of him making trains, kill stealing, etc. Time for the community to vote on his future.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: sohami on July 29, 2010, 10:46:19 am
I've seen him at least once every couple times I play. I haven't ran into any of his misfortune, though, so I could be being too light on him... but If I were in his position I would feel a suspend would straighten me out.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Gnaughty on July 29, 2010, 10:46:33 am
Yeah I was wondering when the hammer would come down on this guy.  There are a few others but honestly think this guy is the worst at treating people badly, judging by the ooc everynight of people complaining about him.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Crabthewall on July 29, 2010, 11:04:57 am
Yeah I was wondering when the hammer would come down on this guy.  There are a few others but honestly think this guy is the worst at treating people badly, judging by the ooc everynight of people complaining about him.


Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Loyal on July 29, 2010, 11:26:11 am
To bad we cant just vote him into exhile. Delevel him to 1 and delete all his gear and inventory, remove his aa's and disable him from being able to group or be guilded. Then he can live out his days as a begger.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: ieawenpo on July 29, 2010, 11:45:49 am
Yeah I was wondering when the hammer would come down on this guy.  There are a few others but honestly think this guy is the worst at treating people badly, judging by the ooc everynight of people complaining about him.
This is my thoughts as well.
I havent personally experienced it, but, the nonsense in ooc is bad fellowship at least once every other day.

If he has legitimately been warned, then yes, ban.
If hasnt been warned, give him a chance to clean up.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Razormaw on July 29, 2010, 12:28:19 pm
I'm not sure how much warning he's been given by the GM staff, but I'm a firm proponent of warning before banning. No matter how much of a douchebag the person is.

Sometimes people just figure an Emu server means nobody will enforce any rules, and a firm smack upside the head makes them wise up.

Other times it just makes them act out their douchebaggery in a more subtle manner.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: kaizen on July 29, 2010, 12:38:27 pm
i think he has been given ample warning by everyone and their mom..
ban him

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Murrjok on July 29, 2010, 01:30:18 pm
Normaly i dont step in and want people banned unless i know for 100% fact i think they need it. And his constant troubles causes in LDoN 6 are becoming more then annoying. To the point i made a nice story about it. I finaly got to duel him, and won. Paladin > Warrior muhahaha! Im satisfied in my own respect.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Chubb on July 29, 2010, 01:40:25 pm
Paladin > Warrior
/cry sad but true

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Tuomo on July 29, 2010, 02:07:45 pm
Big surprise... Was in LDoN6 about a minute ago and Ihug crashed the zone with a massive train. I'd like to see him banned.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Loyal on July 29, 2010, 02:12:43 pm
Big surprise... Was in LDoN6 about a minute ago and Ihug crashed the zone with a massive train. I'd like to see him banned.

Do you Blame him? Hes enjoying his final supper. You dont see inmates on deathrow ask for macaroni and cheese right before they get banned.

Edit: Looks like someone thinks hes a great asset to the community - or else he has found the thread himself :P

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Mirielle on July 29, 2010, 02:15:19 pm
If there are emails, screenshots and videos on the matter showing his offences, why is there a discussion on this?

The rules are clear (as are the consequences).

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Murrjok on July 29, 2010, 02:18:41 pm
Yeah i was there when he crashed it .... looting a corpse ... while it had a charm upgrade on it ... slowly watching lag bar go down. .....

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: swamphy on July 29, 2010, 02:22:52 pm
I finaly got to duel him, and won. Paladin > Warrior muhahaha! Im satisfied in my own respect.

The fact that he was sport enough to take on the duel tells me there may be a chance of reform.

By strict rights, he should be banned. However, without mercy, Justice is cruel.

If he has not been warned/suspended in the past, it would be kind of hunter to offer a suspension followed by a ZERO tolerance policy for this person. If he's been warned by GM's, toss him like last year's Easter eggs.

My 2ยข

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Gnaughty on July 29, 2010, 02:30:48 pm
Hes in game right now begging people to vote for him that hes a good assett to the community.  Dude, shit come back on you, maybe now you wont have to send us tells asking to get you a 4.0 and when we say no have to listen to your bitching and such.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Cheezit on July 29, 2010, 03:23:51 pm
If he has legitimately been warned, then yes, ban.
If hasnt been warned, give him a chance to clean up.


Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: jason1171 on July 29, 2010, 03:30:26 pm
see what i dont get is many of you are saying ban ihug for being rude and ur sitting here talkign shit about him. very nice way of being a hypocrit

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Narcissus on July 29, 2010, 03:47:09 pm
see what i dont get is many of you are saying ban ihug for being rude and ur sitting here talkign shit about him. very nice way of being a hypocrit

Really?  You don't get it?

I said give him a suspension because most everyone gets a little carried away with ldon now and again.  However, I have not had the pleasure of a run in with him yet.  If he has been doing this for a while now, it might be time to swing the ban hammer.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 29, 2010, 03:54:56 pm
He blatantly disregards the server rules. He blatantly disregards playing nice around others that don't benefit him. Ban.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: SinjynWake on July 29, 2010, 03:56:07 pm
Name:   jason1171
Posts:   1 (N/A per day)
Position:   Newbie
Date Registered:   Today at 02:13:17 PM
Last Active:           Today at 03:33:18 PM

Frankly, I find it hard to believe that you aren't ihug. If you are indeed a new player, you may not have had the pleasure of dealing with this activity. If this is an alternate account from a seasoned player then I apologize. If you are ihug, I don't apologize and pull out my 'lame meter'. I have had too many nights of /ooc nonsense that had ihug's name all over it.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Gnaughty on July 29, 2010, 04:26:12 pm
He was in ooc saying that the people making new forum accts just to try and ban him were all jerks or something like that which tells me yes he must have created a few himself.  This is the same guy that harassed crab while he was killing in T4 this was the same guy who coerced a newer player in our guild to login a high hp tank in the guild and try to get Ihug a 4.0 un til crab stopped him.  This same Ihug asked another of our players two days ago to help him get a 4.0 he was answered with a sorry can't do that he got irate and cussed our person out with awful language.  Then a few mins later he smirked in tells to our guy saying its ok I'll just wait until early in the morning and coerce someone in your guild to get me a 4.0.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: jason1171 on July 29, 2010, 04:26:50 pm
but frankly you have never ran into anything wrong with ihug, you have "heard" stuff about him, not expereinced it, therefore u get ur vote, and use it wisely compared to what people think and know.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: jason1171 on July 29, 2010, 04:28:42 pm
gnaughty do u have any Screenshots of ihug "Cussing out" ur guild?

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Balthor2 on July 29, 2010, 04:30:37 pm
Sorry dude but you cause no end of grief to players in LDON6.
That goes against one of the core rules I believe in.
I voted ban.
Maybe if you would learn to share the damn zone people wouldnt hate you.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: ieawenpo on July 29, 2010, 04:33:57 pm
I've had enough emails about Ihug with videos and screenshots of him making trains, kill stealing, etc. Time for the community to vote on his future.

I missed this in the first post.
Pretty cut and dry to me.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: tacl on July 29, 2010, 05:03:27 pm
blatant disrespect for the rules and other players. i believe he crashes ldon6 on purpose no one can be that stupid to do it that many times in a row. so the way i look at it, he is crashing the zone to make harass other players in to leaving the zone or he is to stupid to realize it.  either way he has shown he cant play nice with other players.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Thyl on July 29, 2010, 05:37:32 pm
This guy has never shown any remorse about his actions.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Gwendlyne on July 29, 2010, 05:55:54 pm
I say ban him solely based on his inability to correctly utilize to, too, and two.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Budzwar on July 29, 2010, 06:27:54 pm
LoL, this is the guy that was boxing Yellowbird in HoHonor the other night haha.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Loyal on July 29, 2010, 06:58:11 pm
see what i dont get is many of you are saying ban ihug for being rude and ur sitting here talkign shit about him. very nice way of being a hypocrit

This might be a valid arguement if people were actually wanting to ban him for being rude instead of breaking multiple server rules.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: sebekl on July 29, 2010, 07:12:50 pm
gnaughty do u have any Screenshots of ihug "Cussing out" ur guild?

It was me that he was cussing out the other night and yes I do have the SS's of the convorsation that went to hunter. So gnaughty isn't lying... nice try jason

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: jason1171 on July 29, 2010, 09:13:30 pm
send me the screenshots then buddy (: i AM ihug, and i have never cussed anyone out for not getting me a 4.0

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Meatbag on July 29, 2010, 09:50:52 pm
In the time I have spent with Ihug I have found him to be a driven player.  I have spoken with Ihug and demoted him from Officer status with one last chance before I boot him from the guild all because of this issue.  He has helped alot of people, not the ones that are complaining I take it but quite a few.  Many of the people he has helped probably don't have an account on this forumn.  I have also whitnessed first hand alot of bad behavior on the server but usually dismiss it and move on.  I think Ihug just needs a little guidance and maybe even a suspension if there is any evidence.  I have not seen anything, I just hear what other people have heard.  Regardless of what I say, he will probably be banned and have to start over maybe the wiser but I think he deserves another chance.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Crabthewall on July 29, 2010, 09:55:25 pm
When 70% of the voters want to ban you,  I think it's pretty clear what people think of you.

I've had highly negative dealings with you also in airplane for example, and claiming you are stoned to excuse your behavior carries no weight with me. Furthermore creating a secret account on the forums and commenting on this issue as a third party without making it clear who you are from the get go is disingenuous at best.

You've earned the ban when/if it comes.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on July 29, 2010, 10:09:11 pm
I voted for suspension, because i have only seen some of his problems the other day. Havent had any personal issues.. So basicly in my mind this guy's an ass but doesnt deserve the ban quite yet. Just imo. Im sure others have seen worse..

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Balthor2 on July 30, 2010, 12:51:07 am
Its just sad that even with /ooc turned off so I never see it, I hear about him causing issues and crashing zones.

Damn LDON trolls calm the hell down and learn to share.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: walk2k on July 30, 2010, 02:28:55 am
Lol this is the guy who came into my Balrog camp, stood on the spawn point and says "killing again"... That's it, like like I'm supposed to figure out what he means... I say "yes I'm killing him again if that's what you mean" and literally as I hit enter the boss spawns AND HE ATTACKS IT... I'm like "wtf are you doing" and he just says "it hit me"..   Well DURR fuckin HURR you stood on TOP of his spawn point, what do you expect?  I say banhammer and none too damn soon.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Tuomo on July 30, 2010, 02:38:36 am
Ceaser has spoken:


Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Soakked on July 30, 2010, 02:40:51 am
Meat you are a cool guy, you should kick him out your guild, he makes it look bad  :(

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Rystan on July 30, 2010, 06:02:36 am
Hi there Hunter

First time post on here - fairly new to the sever.  Great job by the way!

I thought I'd add my perspective to this debate and hopefully give some pause for thought.  I encountered iHug the other night for the first time when I was in the Nexus looking for help on a LDON run.  A character called "Steriods" was advertising in ooc that he was doing 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 runs for a price.  I negotiated with Steriods and then was promptly invited into a group by iHug.  At the time, I figured that Steriods was a boxed minor character for iHug.  We got all the way to lvl 6 and were short 3 pages before iHug dropped out.  I then got a message from Steriods saying that iHug had crashed and did I want my money back.  I said no - but that I would like some help getting the other three pages at some point in the next day or two.  Steriods agreed to this and then logged.

Last night I logged on and iHug was in the Fighters Guild Glade.  I messaged him and asked when he thought we might be able to do the other three pages.  At this point the conversation became strange.  The person operating iHug had no memory of me from the previous night - nor of doing a LDON run with me.  It clicked at this point that iHug is being handled by a number of people (all with the login details of that account).   

Then, ironically, I saw Paladinsteve's ooc (about trains and crashing zones) and I came and read this thread.

From my perspective, EZ server is a strange beast in the EQ world.  iHug is simply a product of a culture that has developed on this server.  Right or wrong - we all need to take resposibility for where that culture leads.  When we box multiple toons with the intention of power leveling ourselves - we take a little piece of the heart out of the game.  It is a small piece albiet - but a piece nonetheless.  EQ was always designed with a multi-player model in mind.  While I love the idea of a soloable EQ - this fact still remains true.  Verant had always seen boxing as a form of cheating on the live.  It promotes self greed over comradary and in the end we all suffer from self absorbed players who are so focused on this concpet they sacrifice all else to achieve it.  In the end, isn't iHug just a product of this culture that has developed on the server?  To some degree, isn't there a little of iHug's narcisism in every person who focuses on boxing toons over making friends?   

I played EQ on the live for many years and made friends all over the world (some of which I have visited and have had stay at my house).  When I stopped playing EQ it was mainly because my friends stopped playing and I was off time to the rest of the server (being an Aussie player on a US server made being a member of a guild very hard).  The loss of those friends in game eventually ended my subscription and the ultimate deletion of my account.  Finding this server has been one of the greatest finds for me personally in a number of years post EQ.  I enjoy the idea of logging on and playing casually - helping people out when I can - and generally expoloring parts of EQ I was never able to see on the live.  If there is anythinig that disappoints me about the server it is, perhaps, the absence of people looking for groups.  Most are boxing alts - to the point where you zone into PoFire and see 15 - 20 alts stationary on the hill leeching xp while the main trains the zone.  It depersonalises the server to some degree - and it creates players like iHug.  It creates the idea that the toon isn't really the extension of anything and that it's just simply a means to an end.  That there aren't other people playing who perhaps see the game differently.

So should iHug be banned?

To ban him in a culture that has promoted his way of thinking is a little extreme.  Certainly a human conversation is needed in this situation.  In my dealings with the operator of the iHug toon - I found the person on the other end affabol and approachable.  To execute summary bannings on players such as iHug, to my way of thinking, would only serve as further promoition of a dehumanising culture on the server.  Surely the way forward has to be with real conversations with individuals?


Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 30, 2010, 06:26:58 am
Wow, don't ban him because the server created him? That was a huge post of absolute nonsense.

Picture related but I am not sure how. Yes I did totally use the same picture twice

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on July 30, 2010, 07:13:57 am
lmao  ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Balthor2 on July 30, 2010, 07:15:36 am
I think the post by Rystan is full of shit but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Basically the owner of the account knows or should know what is going on with his or her characters.
They made the choice to share the info and they have to deal with the rep earned for that character by other players.
EQ Live is all about money, you could box 50 characters and they wouldnt care. They want the money.
Maybe the first 2 years the game was released the company fought the idea of allowing "cheats."
That type of shit was mostly aimed at forcing your windows to fullscreen and not being able to easily tab.
All that really did was make money for the companies that make paper and printer ink.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Warriorstack on July 30, 2010, 07:26:55 am
Players that get banned have their accounts linked together by IP. If you allow someone to use your account and that person breaks the rules, then your account will be linked by IP and banned as well. You have been warned.

Looking at Rystan's post it looks like multiple people are playing Ihug.  I know I paid Ihug for a few tokens from qvic and Steriods was with him.  Then Steroids went LD and never came back.  I think if he is banned, we should also ban all his other accounts connected to that IP. 

Just my 2cents.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Murrjok on July 30, 2010, 07:42:14 am
Someone who trains from Chaos to Balrog is im sure in complete control of there actions. Is well aware that will crash the zone as a warrior. And a tad beyond the limit of trains. yes i train from time to time, most people do. i try and keep mine in perspective. Around 10, i dont count my mobs when i train but 10 mobs is around an area of what i normaly pull, a room a 2. But i would never train from Chaos to Balrog or something like that even if there was a all trains allowed there anyway due to the sheer fact im forced to kill 1 at a time as a paladin.

My Reason for wanting him banned is Basicly Griefing in a way for crashing zones. Everytime Ihug is in there it takes him less then 5 mins to crash it.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: kaizen on July 30, 2010, 08:22:47 am
IP BAN.. please do it before the weekend starts

i really don't want to see this guy in ldon this weekend

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: DBrackish on July 30, 2010, 08:26:18 am
Nothing new with this post, just adding my encounter with Ihug while camping pages in LDoN. My brother was on his bst with me on my cleric, we were trying to get my 2.0. My brother sets up in the room with the named spawn, Ihug runs in, stands on the spawn point and proceeds to KS the mob when it spawns and leaves. Before leaving, he says, "THANK YOU COME AGAIN" and runs out. This guy needs to be banned for repeatedly breaking the rules, feigning ignorance doesn't make what you do any better.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Thyl on July 30, 2010, 08:27:53 am
iHug is simply a product of a culture that has developed on this server. 

Well then things have really gone down the toilet. Wether multiple people play him or not someone really f-ed up and maybe multiple people will pay for it. There is an individual playing on the server who harasses other people and has no problem with ruining their experience.

I would say suspension instead of ban if it was maybe just one or two incidents. But this guy is doing this all the time and despite numerous player warnings he still does it. Even more than just ignoring the warnings he acts like a jackass to people in say and ooc about his actions.

A couple of people want leniency because of stupid things like it's a free server or he didn't know that rules were seriously policed on the server. Both of which just mean hes fine taking advantage of people and acting like an a-hole when given the option. So this isn't someone I would really miss or feel got screwed got by not knowing a rule.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: sohami on July 30, 2010, 08:37:14 am
I went from "Give him another chance" to

"Ban that fucker" by the end of reading this thread.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Hunter on July 30, 2010, 08:58:00 am
Ihug has been banned!

He has harassed (trained, ks, etc) many people in many zones. He does this knowing the rules. Everyone has asked him to stop, yet he continues. A lot of people have posted screen shots and stories about Ihug. The people have spoken, and have voted for a ban.

Yes, you can and will be banned if the majority of players don't like you, cause if you create a negative atmosphere here, then your just not welcome to play here anymore.

Are there any other players that we all don't like? I could set up another vote later for fun, maybe starting with Budzwar since he is a big drama queen. That'd be for another day though.



Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: DBrackish on July 30, 2010, 09:02:26 am
Ihug has been banned!

He has harassed (trained, ks, etc) many people in many zones. He does this knowing the rules. Everyone has asked him to stop, yet he continues. A lot of people have posted screen shots and stories about Ihug. The people have spoken, and have voted for a ban.

Yes, you can and will be banned if the majority of players don't like you, cause if you create a negative atmosphere here, then your just not welcome to play here anymore.

Are there any other players that we all don't like? I could set up another vote later for fun, maybe starting with Budzwar since he is a big drama queen. That'd be for another day though.



Hunter is the bringer of great justice!

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: sohami on July 30, 2010, 09:17:30 am
Are there any other players that we all don't like? I could set up another vote later for fun, maybe starting with Budzwar since he is a big drama queen. That'd be for another day though.


Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Gnaughty on July 30, 2010, 09:25:09 am
Omg I bow to you Hunter.

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: swamphy on July 30, 2010, 09:58:08 am
Ditto to the last 4 posts... well played.

(...and Rystan, Here's your sign)


Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Chubb on July 30, 2010, 10:32:42 am

Are there any other players that we all don't like? I could set up another vote later for fun, maybe starting with Budzwar since he is a big drama queen. That'd be for another day though.

aww.. lol

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: Warriorstack on July 30, 2010, 10:56:33 am
in one voice the people cried out Hunter the Hero!

Title: Re: Ban Ihug?
Post by: SinjynWake on July 30, 2010, 11:25:35 am