EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Balthor2 on August 07, 2010, 10:35:30 pm

Title: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Balthor2 on August 07, 2010, 10:35:30 pm
Today Yellowbird and Crab got together and provided a open chance to the server to attempt the 4.0 boss fight.
The reason I attempted the fight was so that I could speak from the perspective of attempting the fight.
Anyone that has not attempted the fight really should not speak about it in a negative way and I retract all previous comments I might have made about the fight.

This fight is fun as all hell. Probably the funnest fight I have seen to date and I only survived it for roughly 45seconds. I have no doubt in my mind that I can and will beat this fight when I am ready for it.

It is not a black and white fight that people might believe. This fight takes some tact and imagination and is very much doable if you open your eyes and watch what is going on.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: barrettd04 on August 08, 2010, 12:04:33 am
That's cool of em.  What kind of group(s) did you attempt with?

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Balthor2 on August 08, 2010, 02:17:54 am
As the boss was spawned by another person with a specific purpose in mind I am refraining from discussing what I used and what I learned.
I am just here to tell people talking shit about the fight to stfu unless they go attempt it.

Kind of funny that Yellowbird offered several groups a chance to attempt the fight and only 2 of us tried it.
Some people didnt even want to attempt it just for the hell of it.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Crabthewall on August 08, 2010, 04:57:12 am
As the boss was spawned by another person with a specific purpose in mind I am refraining from discussing what I used and what I learned.
I am just here to tell people talking shit about the fight to stfu unless they go attempt it.

Kind of funny that Yellowbird offered several groups a chance to attempt the fight and only 2 of us tried it.
Some people didnt even want to attempt it just for the hell of it.

Yeah that's the part that surprised me too Balthor - people just want to complain that they can't do it, or it's not possible - even when given a free chance to kill it where all they risk is a death or two on EZ (since we provided the spawn - they weren't risking the 64 stones) they don't try it. Truly disappointing to say the least. i thought lost of people would at least give it a try so they could get an idea of what the fight would be like - a few at least probed to see what it hit for which was nice.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Vorpse on August 08, 2010, 05:26:36 am
Would have loved to see the fight. Unfortunately, at the time, I was helping my pals.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: sohami on August 08, 2010, 08:59:04 am
If people had the means necessary to even justify attempting the fight, there would be a line out the door.

And to be devil's advocate, no matter how fun the fight is, it still requires that extreme amount of work prior to to even get to it, which is one of the big arguments.

But sweet. Im looking forward to maybe one day getting to the fight :) Sounds fun.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Crabthewall on August 08, 2010, 09:17:59 am
If people had the means necessary to even justify attempting the fight, there would be a line out the door.

And to be devil's advocate, no matter how fun the fight is, it still requires that extreme amount of work prior to to even get to it, which is one of the big arguments.

But sweet. Im looking forward to maybe one day getting to the fight :) Sounds fun.

The key is how do you know if you have the means unless you try it? That's the whole point :)

All high level content in eq takes extreme amounts of work, that's the point of high level content, if it was quick and easy, what would be the point, you'd blow through the server content and then what? Sit on your hands?

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: sohami on August 08, 2010, 10:45:47 am
The key is how do you know if you have the means unless you try it? That's the whole point 

Well, sure, i suppose, but most people know they're far from the content :P I have a 20k hp tank. If I knew I even had a 1% chance, I'd try it. Lol

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Crabthewall on August 08, 2010, 10:48:12 am
The key is how do you know if you have the means unless you try it? That's the whole point 

Well, sure, i suppose, but most people know they're far from the content :P I have a 20k hp tank. If I knew I even had a 1% chance, I'd try it. Lol

Fair enough ;) but people that are farming t3 shouldn't be afraid to try it was my point since they are roughly at the right content level.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 12:39:09 pm
In all fairness i "maybe" wrong.

My issue before was not the battle, but the amount of resources needed to complete it.
You dont need first hand experience for any part of this game before you are allowed to comment on it.

I never completed the UC but i dont need to, to know its a bitch.

Anyway, my concerns previously were.
1.0 through 3.0 can be completed by a single group and obtainable to all the server.

My thoughts before were that the 4.0 may be WAY out of progression and unobtainable to most of the server.
At this point in the game, it may seem that way but it is not any further out of line as the 3.0 was when nobody had 3.0's.

I will reserve my comments a few more months and watch the progress.

For the record, crab is still a homo :P

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 08, 2010, 12:52:20 pm
In all fairness i "maybe" wrong.

You probably are, as in the fact you didn't even earn your 4.0 yourself. Yet you try and talk like you have hahahahahaha,

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 12:54:15 pm
In all fairness i "maybe" wrong.

You probably are, as in the fact you didn't even earn your 4.0 yourself. Yet you try and talk like you have hahahahahaha,
LOL, wtf does my 4.0 have to do with this discussion?
I dont have my UC and neither do you, but that doesnt stop us from having an opinion.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: yellowbird on August 08, 2010, 12:55:44 pm
You are comparing Apples to Oranges by saying that you've not done finished the UC but you know it's a pain in the butt. In that example you have seen everything required to do the UC, you just haven't finished it. You can calculate about how long it will take you to farm four charms to 25 in LDoN. You know how long it will take you to get the Cyan stones required to make your 50 charms. So in that example you know exactly what it will take for you to complete the UC.

That said, you and your guild have not spawned The MCP. Therefore any comments by you on it's difficulty is purely speculative. I've also noticed that a good portion of your speculation is based on inaccurate information. Yes, FoH has put 20+ people in airplane to down The MCP. It just so happens that we had that many people in the zone because that is who happened to be online when we decided we were going to kill some mobs. After you've tried the mob a couple of times then you can intelligently comment on it's difficulty.

There are three guilds on this server that could down The MCP if they took the time to farm the stones and learn the fight. Forbidden Prophecy, Rising of Light and Bastions of Honor.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 02:32:06 pm
You are comparing Apples to Oranges by saying that you've not done finished the UC but you know it's a pain in the butt. In that example you have seen everything required to do the UC, you just haven't finished it. You can calculate about how long it will take you to farm four charms to 25 in LDoN. You know how long it will take you to get the Cyan stones required to make your 50 charms. So in that example you know exactly what it will take for you to complete the UC.

That said, you and your guild have not spawned The MCP. Therefore any comments by you on it's difficulty is purely speculative. I've also noticed that a good portion of your speculation is based on inaccurate information. Yes, FoH has put 20+ people in airplane to down The MCP. It just so happens that we had that many people in the zone because that is who happened to be online when we decided we were going to kill some mobs. After you've tried the mob a couple of times then you can intelligently comment on it's difficulty.

There are three guilds on this server that could down The MCP if they took the time to farm the stones and learn the fight. Forbidden Prophecy, Rising of Light and Bastions of Honor.

Not sure why you guys continue to stress this shit.
You do NOT need to spawn a mob in game to comment on the progression of the server, gimme a break.
Discussion forums are exactly that, open forums for discussion and just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean they are immediately wrong.
I have full right to comment on whether or not a quest is "proven", "not proven" or even speculatively difficult because thats it, its just a comment.

There is a good portion of the server that believes the 4.0 quest requires TOO much effort, doesn't matter if they haven't spawned it or not, they have a right to offer an opinion.

My opinion and I will state it again, I think I maybe wrong since the 4.0 requires significantly more effort than the previous epics underneath it. But since speaking with Crab, speaking with my guild-mates and understanding whats going on. It might be in-line with the 3.0's of before since acquiring the 3.0 with a bunch of 2.5's maybe be inline with acquiring the 4.0 with a bunch of 3.0's and t3 geared toons.

On a side note, I think you guys are personally too attached to the upper end content and are slightly biased when commenting on quests or content lower down in the game.

Example, was speaking with Crab today saying that I still believe the Charm quest needs to be fixed since its painful to obtain the charms now.
His comment and others on the server is... omg dont touch it, farming HOH for the upgrades is a godsend.
Well, thats perfect for those of you who are farming HoH for upper end charm upgrades but reality is, I have 4 new members of my guild that have been in LDON for 2 days now and have seen ONE charm upgrade.
So, even though the upper portion of the quest is fixed, the bottom part of the quest is horribly broken. Again, though, most of those who comment or believe they have this "righteous word" againts the quest havent had the pleasure of farming LDON6 with 19, yes, thats 19 other players in the zone AFTER its already been nerfed.


Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 02:44:51 pm
There are three guilds on this server that could down The MCP if they took the time to farm the stones and learn the fight. Forbidden Prophecy, Rising of Light and Bastions of Honor.
Hey I see our name there.

Folks too, remember this is just comments and no offense meant towards anyone personally.
Well, except Budzwar.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Crabthewall on August 08, 2010, 03:46:46 pm
I have full right to comment on whether or not a quest is "proven", "not proven" or even speculatively difficult because thats it, its just a comment.

On a side note, I think you guys are personally too attached to the upper end content and are slightly biased when commenting on quests or content lower down in the game.

Hey just wanted to comment on these two things.

1. I have a right to comment on particle physics and string theory since it's just that a comment - the problem is when I actually end up in a conversation with someone that actually understands what particle physics and string theory I just end up looking like a moron :)

2. I think you are right - we are personally attached to the high end upper content and hate to see it get turned down too quickly. Most of us on the high end have been playing a very long time - and hope to continue to do so. If the content gets turned down too quick (aka dragon armor and t1 rot bot - glad they are in now but would have hated it back then since I would have been stuck with nothing to do for months) it means everyone slides up to the top end content right away which leaves nothing left to do and achieve and it gets over-crowded up here, that's how high end players burn out.

Just like in EQ the top end content tends to get made easier as expansions release and things get easier and people move up, it's just generally a step behind. That's normal and expected in all online games - everyone will get there in time, but give it time. I've been farming in t3/t4 and testing mcp since February - so do the math on how many months that is as an example. I guess until new content comes out, plan on spending that amount of time (already been shortened though with charm upgrades being 16 not 64, and red stones not getting consumed on each port per player up to airplane like it used to be) to get to the same place, so now maybe you can do it in 2-3 months of farming, is that so vastly different than t1/t2 prior to rot bot/dragon class?

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: sohami on August 08, 2010, 04:01:49 pm
Iae, agree w/ charms comment. It's been run over several times, i looked at it with optimism, but i'm finding myself hella bored farming after farming and not having one charm to my name after a weekend of (as much as i can possibly tolerate) farming. What kinda weekend is that ;p

but then again maybe im just bitchin'

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: nuska on August 08, 2010, 04:15:01 pm
Fun fact about live. 2008-12-23 was when the first guild beat tower. Official release date of the next expansion was December 15, 2009 or if ya pre-ordered you got in December 8.
also, read this link below, its like a history of exploits!


Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Balthor2 on August 08, 2010, 04:15:58 pm
You are comparing Apples to Oranges by saying that you've not done finished the UC but you know it's a pain in the butt. In that example you have seen everything required to do the UC, you just haven't finished it. You can calculate about how long it will take you to farm four charms to 25 in LDoN. You know how long it will take you to get the Cyan stones required to make your 50 charms. So in that example you know exactly what it will take for you to complete the UC.

That said, you and your guild have not spawned The MCP. Therefore any comments by you on it's difficulty is purely speculative. I've also noticed that a good portion of your speculation is based on inaccurate information. Yes, FoH has put 20+ people in airplane to down The MCP. It just so happens that we had that many people in the zone because that is who happened to be online when we decided we were going to kill some mobs. After you've tried the mob a couple of times then you can intelligently comment on it's difficulty.

There are three guilds on this server that could down The MCP if they took the time to farm the stones and learn the fight. Forbidden Prophecy, Rising of Light and Bastions of Honor.

Quoted for the truth of it.
Other people should listen when someone that at least knows wtf they are talking about talks about a subject they know.
Stop bitching about how you will never see a 4.0 because guess what fuckers, 3 guilds are close to being able to do it.

Oh well people are being hardheaded so I guess the 4.0 book link when I finally get it will just have to prove the point.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 05:00:12 pm
Stop bitching about how you will never see a 4.0 because guess what fuckers, 3 guilds are close to being able to do it.
My guild is close and I am not speaking about this event from my guilds perspective, Im speaking of the event in the eyes of someone lower looking up.

I think this maybe the issue.
See, someone returning to the game (like the other thread) or someone progressing through t1 currently will look at that sentence and think "oh shit, I aint ever gonna see my 4.0 if it requires a guild".

You guys ARE RIGHT.
What may require a guild today, 2 or more groups or x amount of players will be substantially less in the next 6 months as more people obtain the 4.0's.

Example, someone gets pissed at a guild and decided to pull their toons out of it, they start a new guild and that new guild has 4.0's already and can farm the 4.0's for their new guild.

I think myself and others forget how hard the 3.0 would be to obtain with just 2.5s in your group.

Its like take a plane t1 outfitted group and go attempt Kronos. You will get owned.
But, once that t1 group gets a few good items from those folks above them, they can soon farm Kronos. Just as the first attempts at Kronos required multiple groups, its perfectly acceptable for the 4.0 to require it.

I was wrong about the 4.0 in the aspect that even if it did take 13 or 18 toons today (the exact number is irrelevant), it will eventually become as trivial as Kronos is to some.

Maybe its the length of progression through t2/3 that is disconcerting, dunno.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 08, 2010, 05:23:01 pm
You mean you are close because someone got a 4.0 for you? so you'll be able to cheese the rest of your guild through it now with your super 4.0 powers. lol.

Seriously man, just shut the fuck up already, everyone knows that Crab and Yellow are always right, so get back on your knees where you belong.

Oh btw the picture in the other thread was only funny when Yellow did it because at least he can actually kill the 4.0 boss himself, unlike your bitch ass.

You probably still wipe to Kronos even with your 4.0.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 08, 2010, 05:37:32 pm
The statement about the 4.0 being the only epic that requires more than one group is relative to the times. At one time, many of you may not believe this, but even the 1.5 took more than a group to obtain. Every epic has made the previous content trivial. Hell at one time the badest warrior on the server was barely a 30k warrior with a 3.0 and a 2.5. Hell at one time my monk was the best monk on the server with 52k hp and just under 3k regen. The closest monk to my monk was over 20k hp away. But times change, what was once hard is now trivial. What is hard now, will one day be trivial. A year from now someone will be on the forums bragging about getting his 5's, two 5.0's and 500k hp. To be honest, saying that the 4.0 is impossible to get is being short sighted in the same way that a year ago the 3.0 was called impossible to get. Someone was actually on the forums at ez.makeforum.org and said that the majority of the server will never see their 3.0's.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 05:42:28 pm
You mean you are close because someone got a 4.0 for you? so you'll be able to cheese the rest of your guild through it now with your super 4.0 powers. lol.

Seriously man, just shut the fuck up already, everyone knows that Crab and Yellow are always right, so get back on your knees where you belong.

Oh btw the picture in the other thread was only funny when Yellow did it because at least he can actually kill the 4.0 boss himself, unlike your bitch ass.

You probably still wipe to Kronos even with your 4.0.

You are one angry kid.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 05:43:20 pm
The statement about the 4.0 being the only epic that requires more than one group is relative to the times. At one time, many of you may not believe this, but even the 1.5 took more than a group to obtain. Every epic has made the previous content trivial. Hell at one time the badest warrior on the server was barely a 30k warrior with a 3.0 and a 2.5. Hell at one time my monk was the best monk on the server with 52k hp and just under 3k regen. The closest monk to my monk was over 20k hp away. But times change, what was once hard is now trivial. What is hard now, will one day be trivial. A year from now someone will be on the forums bragging about getting his 5's, two 5.0's and 500k hp. To be honest, saying that the 4.0 is impossible to get is being short sighted in the same way that a year ago the 3.0 was called impossible to get. Someone was actually on the forums at ez.makeforum.org and said that the majority of the server will never see their 3.0's.
This is why I now agree.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 07:20:19 pm
You mean you are close because someone got a 4.0 for you? so you'll be able to cheese the rest of your guild through it now with your super 4.0 powers. lol.

Seriously man, just shut the fuck up already, everyone knows that Crab and Yellow are always right, so get back on your knees where you belong.

Oh btw the picture in the other thread was only funny when Yellow did it because at least he can actually kill the 4.0 boss himself, unlike your bitch ass.

You probably still wipe to Kronos even with your 4.0.

You are one angry kid.

You're a dipshit. Maybe if you didn't have your head between some guys legs all the time you would see that.

You realize that of the 35 posts you have on this forum your contributed absolutely nothing to any conversation?
You also need to stop being so vulgar as we have forum rules.
This is a game. Maybe you should relax a bit and not resort to personal vulgar attacks.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 08, 2010, 09:11:08 pm
Im sorry you are threatened by my internet comments. Words on a screen really hurt don't they?  I contribute plenty of laughter to any conversation I'm in thank you very much .

ps. this is a game, and you are bad at it.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 08, 2010, 09:42:45 pm
Im sorry you are threatened by my internet comments. Words on a screen really hurt don't they?  I contribute plenty of laughter to any conversation I'm in thank you very much .

ps. this is a game, and you are bad at it.
Threatened i am not.
Asking you to follow board rules is just that.
And if you truly believe you contribute to conversations here other than trolling, I suggest you review your posts.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: SinjynWake on August 08, 2010, 11:47:09 pm
I just have to jump in and thank Ieawenpo for his continued support. He always helps anyone when asked. He has helped me a few times and just tonight when I helped a mage walk through 1.5/CG/2.0 runs, he helped kill MoW after we wiped a couple times.

Thank you! Your attitude toward this game is much appreciated!

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: sohami on August 09, 2010, 08:03:59 am
Only posts i've ever seen you make Budz are trash. Don't care if you think what you post is true or not. It shows you have no character or integrity.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: swamphy on August 09, 2010, 10:00:37 am
Ieawenpo's ability at this game is not in question. You are obviously a petty troll attempting to get a reaction. I invite you to consider a less destructive hobby.

Ieawenpo is also the most liked person on this server hands down. He is constantly helping and encouraging others. So your lame attempts to insult him make you look really stupid.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 09, 2010, 04:10:18 pm
I obviously got a reaction out you two idiots. So who wins here?

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: swamphy on August 09, 2010, 04:49:47 pm
You did. The reward is yours to keep.


Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: SinjynWake on August 09, 2010, 05:07:18 pm
I obviously got a reaction out you two idiots. So who wins here?


Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Hunter on August 09, 2010, 05:39:01 pm
Budzwars chill out, cause I'm about to revoke your access both forums and in game, although rumor is you don't play here anymore anyways.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Illustrator on August 09, 2010, 05:58:02 pm
Budzwars chill out, cause I'm about to revoke your access both forums and in game, although rumor is you don't play here anymore anyways.

Please start a ban vote for the Budzwars, his addition to this thread are uncalled for, offensive, and are a violation of the agreement to enjoy this FREE service.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: brakkin on August 09, 2010, 06:00:39 pm

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 10, 2010, 12:39:08 am
Budzwars chill out, cause I'm about to revoke your access both forums and in game, although rumor is you don't play here anymore anyways.

Please start a ban vote for the Budzwars, his addition to this thread are uncalled for, offensive, and are a violation of the agreement to enjoy this FREE service.

Grats on your first post.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: ieawenpo on August 10, 2010, 12:58:47 am
Budzwars chill out, cause I'm about to revoke your access both forums and in game, although rumor is you don't play here anymore anyways.

Please start a ban vote for the Budzwars, his addition to this thread are uncalled for, offensive, and are a violation of the agreement to enjoy this FREE service.

Grats on your first post.

You cant stop can you?

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Balthor2 on August 10, 2010, 02:24:24 am
budz dude chill plz. Dont wanna see you banned.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: kaizen on August 10, 2010, 08:57:01 am
i like budzwar's posts

you can't have good without evil..
(btw i'm not saying crabs and foh are good..)

it all comes down to 2 things on this server.. whether you have an actual real life and how many toons your computer can box efficiently with your MQ2 macros

people with no lives will always be the ones with the best gear
if he wants to be a hater of people with no lives that play on a free server all day let him..
i just hope he keeps it clean.. the sexual suggestions are a bit much)

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 10, 2010, 02:53:17 pm
You cant stop can you?

Niether can you evidently.

 Btw you kids that can't take a few words over the internet can go climb back up in your mom's womb. I'm pretty sure you don't cry and report everyone that cusses around you IRL. So why would you cry about something over the internet. Probably because you were the playground nerd that got bullied around and now you think you can be some savior of the internets. 

Anyways, im done trolling here, its no fun without Yellow joining in. This Ieatpoo guy is no fun cause he just cries like a girl.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Thyl on August 10, 2010, 02:56:21 pm
I think you were supposed to say "Can't stop, won't stop!"

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: swamphy on August 10, 2010, 03:40:40 pm
Budz, can I hire you to come follow me around my company and make fun of me all day long? Just perhaps a day or two. It would be like having a real court jester.

As a side benefit, you can be in charge of getting rid of those stinking sales people cold calling me all day long. Those annoying parasites are worse than Budzwar on an internet forum.

Title: Re: Epic 4.0 fight
Post by: Budzwar on August 10, 2010, 05:21:56 pm
I would be more than happy to do that for you Swamphy. I hate those damn salespeople too =(