EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: kaizen on August 11, 2010, 08:39:59 am

Title: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: kaizen on August 11, 2010, 08:39:59 am
There comes a point in progression where you need to get charm upgrades to continue progressing (T3/T4/4.0)

The charm upgrade drop rate is seriously f*&#ed up..

When i spend 10 hours in ldon4 killing 100 mobs/hr and not see a single charm upgrade (~5000 points in cards and coins during that time)

When i spend 6 hours in ldon6 killing 100 mobs/hr and get only 1 charm upgrade (~2500 points in coins)

It can't be RNG because i have killed way too many mobs
I'm not asking for a magical charm fairy that poops out charm upgrades every 30 mins but i would like to average at least 1 charm every 1-2 hours

This is my rant.. thanks for listening
I will now be campaigning for charm upgrades to be acquired through stones in HoH

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: sohami on August 11, 2010, 09:30:14 am
This  has been revisited a ton man look at the threads :P

1. you're probably just unlucky. Keep at it.
2. its supposed to be a grind.
3. 5000 points and then another 2500 is 3 (almost 4) charm upgrades. Yes thats a lot amt for the time you invested but not bad
4. Yes the drop rates are a LITTLE unreasonable.

Hunter did just make the respawns faster.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Loyal on August 11, 2010, 10:06:38 am
Sometimes we just need to vent - hence the very appropriate "Rants and Flames"

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Isaaru on August 12, 2010, 10:45:58 pm
Sometimes we just need to vent - hence the very appropriate "Rants and Flames"

You'll quickly learn the forums are serious business 24/7.

As for the OP, don't feel too bad, you're not alone.  I've ran 9 characters through LDON countless times (Kings cards + epics) and I've picked up 2 oracle, 3 sorcerer, 2 guardian, and 1 brawler.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: ieawenpo on August 12, 2010, 11:21:53 pm
i believe its being addressed, we have these threads every 3 days.
At least i hope its being addressed.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Hunter on August 13, 2010, 10:17:05 am
There comes a point in progression where you need to get charm upgrades to continue progressing (T3/T4/4.0)

Not true. Charms are only required if you want to 1-group your T3/T4/4.0

Qvic and up are designed to be raids (2-3 groups) to survive. Content is designed as intended.

Charms break the game so much that they take forever to get, and is not intended for everyone, or even most of players, to ever get max, or near max, charm levels.



Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Leick.Exhumed on August 13, 2010, 12:40:09 pm
IDK if this will bring hope to others or flames from others.. ;D

I had 1 sorc and 2 oracle upgrades drop for me in 45min yesterday.

I even had to let an oracle rot!

Im pretty sure someone picked it up but who knows?

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: sohami on August 13, 2010, 12:40:50 pm
Honestly, I wish I had that luck :)

But kudos regardless haha.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: swamphy on August 13, 2010, 01:06:35 pm
What's the story on Brawler Charm upgrades? Allegedly they do nothing for dps. Don't tell me I've been farming Brawlers for my monk all for nothing.

I haven't parsed it... not sure if I want to know all those hours were wasted.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Gantrathor on August 13, 2010, 01:12:06 pm
IDK if this will bring hope to others or flames from others.. ;D

I had 1 sorc and 2 oracle upgrades drop for me in 45min yesterday.

I even had to let an oracle rot!

Im pretty sure someone picked it up but who knows?

You do know you can combine charms with upgrades in the Magic Box now?  So if you keep the box with you you won't need to let any rot...unless the first you get completes a charm.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Loyal on August 13, 2010, 01:21:26 pm



Atleast hes a very positive fellow :)

So I have officially started my Charm Grind because I am wanting to 1 group my way to my 4.0's.

This is what I have found. I play in 2 hours stints during the weekdays. I rarely see a single charm upgrade drop on the charm specific LDON level (/cry). However, in these 2 hours I always get around 2k worth of tokens and cards.

This seems reasonable to me.

Also, I just wanted to throw out another option for those who dont want to spend the time grinding. The lengthy time is spent getting your 4 Charms to level 25. This arguably takes about 200 to 400 hours of farming. If you hate farming for this period of time and would rather not. . . consider getting a part time job that pays about $10 /hr. This way you only have to work roughly 52 hours to earn the $400 to buy your charms.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: sohami on August 13, 2010, 01:47:16 pm


Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 13, 2010, 07:50:17 pm
What's the story on Brawler Charm upgrades? Allegedly they do nothing for dps. Don't tell me I've been farming Brawlers for my monk all for nothing.

I haven't parsed it... not sure if I want to know all those hours were wasted.

I parsed this on my monk. My monk without my brawlers charm did 2719.9 dps. With the brawlers he did 3223.3. That is nearly a 20% increase. I am well pleased with my monks dps considering what I put into him to get his brawler to 25.


Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: walk2k on August 13, 2010, 09:10:14 pm
Depends if you're at the haste cap or not.  You'd have to test it with Brawlers vs another item that has the same % haste (and ATK and strikethru and combat eff/ etc etc ...).

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 14, 2010, 02:52:37 am
The haste cap has been raised. My number of attempts went up. Looking over the parse data it is easy to see that the number of attempts goes up as my haste goes up. Even adding spells to my 127% haste upped my attempts, further adding bard songs upped my attempts. I would much sooner believe that strikethrough max was reached since you can only get a maximum of 100% chance to hit something. ATK increases your % chance to hit (connection percentage) and your max (and thus average) damage but has nothing to do with attempts. ATK is capped somewhere between 2k and 2.2k (or there about).

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Balthor2 on August 14, 2010, 09:50:41 am
14550 ldon credits farmed and finally 2 oracle drops.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Hunter on August 15, 2010, 01:02:09 am
For high end zones:

Raid (3+ groups) = Required.
Charms = Not Required.

Any Questions?

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: Balthor2 on August 15, 2010, 11:29:25 am
Charms just let us do it with less. Im looking forward to completing the UC. Ran about 7 hours before I saw a charm and then I averaged one an hour for the next few hours.

Title: Re: Charm upgrades.. Seriously?*!&$
Post by: sohami on August 16, 2010, 07:19:18 am
14550 ldon credits farmed and finally 2 oracle drops.

That is a shit ton.