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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Crabthewall on August 12, 2010, 12:59:26 pm

Title: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Crabthewall on August 12, 2010, 12:59:26 pm
Just a thought, some of the pet classes benefit from being in both fighters and obviously casters guild (swords). Perhaps there could be a benefit if you hailed your pet and were a member of the fighter guild also, for instance a pet hit point buff or a pet damage avoidance upgrade to give people incentive to be in both guilds and to reward those that are.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: sohami on August 12, 2010, 01:01:42 pm
Some classes benefit more from being able to dual weild their epic, too.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Balthor2 on August 12, 2010, 01:08:39 pm
Crab I love that idea.
Sohami wtf are you talking about?

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: sohami on August 12, 2010, 01:19:05 pm
Im saying are we going to make epic shields for pally/sk too?

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Crabthewall on August 12, 2010, 01:20:12 pm
Some classes benefit more from being able to dual weild their epic, too.

Sorry Sohami, I wasn't suggesting that fighters guild members get a pet, I was suggesting much like pet classes that join casters guild get the haste/hp swords, if they choose to join fighters guild also their pet gets a boost for that also. For instance beastlords tend to be members of both and it would be nice if they got a boost from both guilds for their pets.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Warriorstack on August 12, 2010, 01:34:19 pm
Am I missing something?  I thought beastlords are pretty much the only pet class that needs both?

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: sohami on August 12, 2010, 01:38:39 pm
oh right on, I misread your intent then.

Yeah, that is a cool idea. Kind of leaves a lot of the other classes a little in the dust, though. As it stands, very few classes get benefits from both sides really. SK and pally kinda get screwed - moreso SK because they're a pet class and LACK the masters ring/CG pet.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Crabthewall on August 12, 2010, 01:48:05 pm
oh right on, I misread your intent then.

Yeah, that is a cool idea. Kind of leaves a lot of the other classes a little in the dust, though. As it stands, very few classes get benefits from both sides really. SK and pally kinda get screwed - moreso SK because they're a pet class and LACK the masters ring/CG pet.

Well i don't think it screws anyone per say, but it certainly benefits some classes more than others no doubt. Pet classes however have been near useless at anything resembling high end content for quite a while, it just seems like it might help them be a bit more useful and more played if their pets could take a bit more damage or avoid taking some.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Crabthewall on August 12, 2010, 01:49:12 pm
Am I missing something?  I thought beastlords are pretty much the only pet class that needs both?

Well actually I always put necro's/mages in FG also, not to mention SK's are of course in both. The skill training for pure casters can come in handy for them, it just seems their pets should get benefit also.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: swamphy on August 12, 2010, 01:52:29 pm
Sorry, I must have missed something.

Other than a clickable Rez, HP food, overtrained defense skill, what benifit is there for a mage/necro to join Fighters Guild?

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Crabthewall on August 12, 2010, 01:59:16 pm
Sorry, I must have missed something.

Other than a clickable Rez, HP food, overtrained defense skill, what benifit is there for a mage/necro to join Fighters Guild?

Defense is mainly it :) I find that's worth it to me for sure to fg my casters. I also fg my clerics.

Title: Re: Fighters Guild Pet
Post by: Gantrathor on August 12, 2010, 03:35:30 pm
Back when my mage Arcanum was my only toon I did both quests just to have the rez stone.