EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ieawenpo on August 15, 2010, 08:59:35 pm

Title: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 15, 2010, 08:59:35 pm
Strange lag tonight.
I know we have a lot of people online, 500+ but we dont normally get THIS much lag.
New processes on the server or somthing?

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: krujo81 on August 15, 2010, 09:22:15 pm
yeah i wanna make a quick note that the lag is not related to video or lattacy ping is 65 ms and am reciving 90fps with 3boxes running atm

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 15, 2010, 10:08:09 pm
I am not trying to flame you or anything, but please learn to use punctuation.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: krujo81 on August 15, 2010, 10:20:38 pm
whats the mater dont like vary long run on sentences? to bad this is the internet be lucky i did say something like

yh qk nt th lag snt l8tcy or vid my png is 65ms n 90fps wit 3bxs.

Lol, yeah i know just fucking with ya man.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 16, 2010, 12:23:56 am
Just trying to offer friendly advice. Someone will eventually nail you for it, it is the nature of these boards. After all, as you pointed out, this is the internet.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Balthor2 on August 16, 2010, 04:41:46 am
I'll poke you in the eye you dirty gnome lover!

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: sohami on August 16, 2010, 07:04:31 am
Not to flame you Xiggie, but who the hell cares about a missing comma here and there?

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 16, 2010, 10:06:12 am
How many times have people, (me included) blasted someone on this board for not using punctuation? It has happened many times. And this board isn't the only place it happens. When someone forgoes punctuation you end up having to read something 2 or 3 times and make assumptions about when a sentence ends or begins or when a comma should be or not. It wasn't my intention to make this a big deal or anything. Look over my post history, if I wanted to make a big deal about it I would have been a lot more sharp, lol.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Crabthewall on August 16, 2010, 10:10:53 am
Strange lag tonight.
I know we have a lot of people online, 500+ but we dont normally get THIS much lag.
New processes on the server or somthing?

This is what happens as population goes up, it really impacts certain custom zones more than others also. It's why I mentioned about increasing bandwidth as being important in that other thread. The server has 5mb of upstream right now which in my mind is only optimal for approx 400 users, as you add additional users the connection gets considerably worse.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 16, 2010, 10:20:32 am
Thank you Crab for getting this back on topic, lol. Sorry for the derail. We had the same issue back when the server was on cable and the population reached either 200 or 300 (cant remember exactly). Hopefully with school starting soon the population will thin out a little bit.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Gunther on August 16, 2010, 10:41:09 am
School will be starting back up soon. That should bring down the numbers correct?

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: sohami on August 16, 2010, 10:51:36 am
During the day I suppose. But nights and weekends will be the same I would think. I like the higher population. Just not in LDON.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 16, 2010, 11:00:30 am
When I first started the population when it was busy was 35. I remember when we first hit the 50 mark and i was like, wow, where are we going to go now where we can get mobs. I have to say I like it better also with higher population but not quite over 500 and stuff. It not only causes server lag but it increases the server drama. Basically everything is more more more.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: walk2k on August 16, 2010, 12:44:33 pm
Anything over 400 players starts to cause NPC lag (buying, selling, teleporters etc) in places like nexus, but I don't notice serious lag in other zones (fighting, looting etc) so it may be a cpu issue (not enough cycles for zones like nexus) might require some process management to make sure those zones have enough cycles available.

Could be network too I guess but I don't notice lag in other zones..

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: gimpy on August 16, 2010, 01:07:11 pm
This weekend (Saturday night) was bad for me.  I had airplane crash with Lightbringer at 1%  :(.  I don't think it was anyone else in airplane, as two of the islands were locked out when the fight started. 

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 16, 2010, 01:24:49 pm
Every zone I was in was laggy. Some of them I was the only one in them. It seemed as if it was computer lag on the server end.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Crabthewall on August 16, 2010, 01:28:23 pm
It's network - not CPU. Hunter has screenshots of the cpu with 400+ it sits at 0-1%, database is coming off of a ssd so the io is fine, on the other hand the network is a known pinch point with the upstream bandwidth in the end without more bandwidth the effective cap has been reached/exceeded.

The server itself is bigger/more powerful than any other server currently out there for emu by a long shot, the only thing it lacks is bandwidth.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: swamphy on August 16, 2010, 02:48:37 pm
The server itself is bigger/more powerful than any other server currently out there for emu by a long shot, the only thing it lacks is bandwidth.

So... what's the solution?

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Nulo on August 16, 2010, 03:00:48 pm
A better internet plan, one with more up-speed obviously.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Crabthewall on August 16, 2010, 04:00:48 pm
A better internet plan, one with more up-speed obviously.

Correct :)

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: krujo81 on August 16, 2010, 05:31:36 pm
right now i wouldnt do jack, mainly because our population goes up and down alot. give it couple weeks and it be back to normal

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 16, 2010, 07:15:39 pm
It's network - not CPU. Hunter has screenshots of the cpu with 400+ it sits at 0-1%, database is coming off of a ssd so the io is fine, on the other hand the network is a known pinch point with the upstream bandwidth in the end without more bandwidth the effective cap has been reached/exceeded.

The server itself is bigger/more powerful than any other server currently out there for emu by a long shot, the only thing it lacks is bandwidth.

Thinking about it that makes perfect sense.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 16, 2010, 07:54:20 pm
The issue is this seems to be on a residential plan, you wont find residential plans with much for than that for upload speeds.
You can get 100mb upstream on a real server, but, would have to lease the hardware.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: walk2k on August 16, 2010, 08:30:13 pm
You can get 50/10 cable plans here for $190/mo (Comcast business class).

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 16, 2010, 08:55:45 pm
You can get 50/10 cable plans here for $190/mo (Comcast business class).
Can get a managed 100mb uplink server for half that.
Mind you the hardware would be leased, but, thats not the issue currently.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Gunther on August 17, 2010, 08:48:04 am
If you shop around and are willing to commit to a contract you can find some good pricing.

I've got USA choice 20m up 20m down fiber connection, no leased equipment, $100 a month.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: yellowbird on August 18, 2010, 11:40:32 am
You can get 50/10 cable plans here for $190/mo (Comcast business class).
Can get a managed 100mb uplink server for half that.
Mind you the hardware would be leased, but, thats not the issue currently.

I don't know of any provider that sells an unmetered 100mbit port for 100/month. There are some providers that will sell 100mbit ports for that much, but you then pay per TB per month. There is also power to consider. Most colo places charge $150/15 amps per month.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: walk2k on August 18, 2010, 11:56:47 am
$149/mo unlimted bandwidth, 100mbits

I don't know if they allow you to just run anything you want on there (ie they may have a problem with emu) and it's probably a moot point anyway if Hunter/etc want direct physical control over the server (it doubles as a space heater ami rite???)

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: walk2k on August 18, 2010, 11:59:55 am
Anyway last night was the worst I've ever seen it.  Previously it was only slow NPC and zoning in nexus but last night it was bad lag in every zone.  There was about 490 on when I logged in and I heard it hit well over 500.

Something needs to be done.  I don't know how much bandwidth AFK people take up but if it's possible I'd say the server should boot anyone who's AFK in nexus or sfg for more than 15 mins or so.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: swamphy on August 18, 2010, 12:10:42 pm
the server should boot anyone who's AFK in nexus or sfg for more than 15 mins or so.

I would hate this.

I've had a couple times, taking a group through Ldon where we wiped on 5. Took my monk 15 min to get back to 5 solo and rez the group just before corpse timers went out. If they had been booted and had to relog I would have lost all progress as there wasn't time.

60min I understand, 30min maybe. But 15min is way to short in some circumstances.

Either way it is a half-baked solution that would not solve the problem long term.

Fact is, Hunter has put together a great server. It is bound to grow. It's alot of fun to play on.  So everybody pitch in a few $ and help the server keep growing.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Thyl on August 18, 2010, 12:34:27 pm
Anyway last night was the worst I've ever seen it.  Previously it was only slow NPC and zoning in nexus but last night it was bad lag in every zone.  There was about 490 on when I logged in and I heard it hit well over 500.

Something needs to be done.  I don't know how much bandwidth AFK people take up but if it's possible I'd say the server should boot anyone who's AFK in nexus or sfg for more than 15 mins or so.

I think this is a good idea. Something like an hour would be a better time though.

I know there have been times when I have played for a while and left some toons in the nexus after finishing a session only to return to my pc hours later having forgotten they were still logged in.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Hunter on August 18, 2010, 01:45:28 pm
Our server hardware is as good as it can get, probably better than any other server out there. Our limit as we all know is bandwidth, and we're currently looking at solutions to increase our 5 mbits/sec upload bandwidth. We have a possible options with our current ISP that might offer an unadvertised deal for us for a price. No promises yet, but we're aware of the problem with bandwidth and working on it.



Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Nova5555 on August 18, 2010, 02:04:16 pm
For someone that offers this service for free, you certainly are attentive and it's appreciated! I think I'm going to stay a while.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 18, 2010, 03:24:06 pm
Booting AFK players after an hour might help alot.
Yes its not a solution for more bandwidth that is needed, but, it is at least a solution that would yield better resources of our bandwidth moving forward.

Thanks for the response Hunter.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Powar on August 18, 2010, 03:48:25 pm
The lag has been bad, I agree, booting would be a nuisance for players but perhaps to encourage players to log off when AFK.
What's the main cause of peope going AFK anyway for you lot?
I've started logging off when I'm done with someone, and I don't bother with the practice dummy now.
Good luck Hunter and thanks!

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: yellowbird on August 18, 2010, 07:51:48 pm
$149/mo unlimted bandwidth, 100mbits

I don't know if they allow you to just run anything you want on there (ie they may have a problem with emu) and it's probably a moot point anyway if Hunter/etc want direct physical control over the server (it doubles as a space heater ami rite???)

Review of gameservers.com: "I did had a server and had big lags never get help of them after 2 months i stopped paying the server!

Players on the server had pings of 300 or more!"

This provider is more for FPS type games. I can offer 100mbit internal and unlimited bandwidth usage on my home network for $10/month. Means nothing. I still only have 10mbit upload to the open internet. Sounds like they have completely oversold themselves from a bandwidth perspective.

SoftLayer is probably the best example of what dedicated hosting with a solid provider costs. 100mbit port (internal) from them runs $100/month and 6TB/month is something like an additional $800/month.

Pretty much every option available has been discussed. Dedicated/Colo is out of Hunter's comfort zone price wise.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: yellowbird on August 18, 2010, 08:01:14 pm
As far as colo is concerned these were the best prices that I was able to find.

$5/mbit -- 100% Cogent bandwidth. No SLA. Minimum 100mbit order. ($500/month)
$25-45++/mbit -- Blended BGP bandwidth from multiple tier1 providers. Minimum usually 10mbit, but that also put the cost nearer the upper end per mbit. SLA was generally fives 9s.  We would need about 20-25mbit of aggregate bandwidth to handle our current player base plus have some head room for growth.

None of the above options include the charge for rackspace or power. Rackspace is a tricky issue because the case is a mid/full tower configuration. I think I've been told that the server can fit in a 4u chassis. So that would require buying a new case AND being charged around $25-50 per U of space per month.

Sure you can find "deals" by googling "cheep dedicated server/colocation", but at the end of the day you get what you pay for.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 18, 2010, 08:09:57 pm
Yellow, any idea what p99 is on?

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Crabthewall on August 18, 2010, 08:47:34 pm
Yellow, any idea what p99 is on?

I'm not yellow, but they have a 10gb connection meaning someone there works in a datacenter, or they are paying a grip for that.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: walk2k on August 18, 2010, 09:42:55 pm
or they have verizon FIOS, 25/25 is $65/mo
wish I had it here...

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Hunter on August 18, 2010, 09:54:40 pm
Wish I had it here too *sad face*

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 18, 2010, 10:08:42 pm
or they have verizon FIOS, 25/25 is $65/mo
wish I had it here...

Some of our players have this, fyi.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Isaaru on August 18, 2010, 10:41:02 pm
or they have verizon FIOS, 25/25 is $65/mo
wish I had it here...

My guess ^

My server was hosted by someone with FIOS.  Was so nice  ;D

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Thyl on August 18, 2010, 11:29:58 pm
I have it but. But I'm not hosting the server so  :P

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: ieawenpo on August 18, 2010, 11:43:22 pm
lol, i didnt mean you.... well... maybe

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Scootz on August 19, 2010, 03:41:51 am
Just get yellow to host it, apparently he is god, and I assume god has a sweet server.....

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Narcissus on August 19, 2010, 07:45:20 am
I'm no theologist but from what I know about god, if he had a sweet server he would use it for something related to SC2.   :)

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: swamphy on August 19, 2010, 07:49:31 am
and I assume god has a sweet server.....

He does. I recommend everyone connect to it from time to time.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: walk2k on August 20, 2010, 03:08:47 pm
Nah that server sucks!  He never answer my petitions and he bans good people for no reason!  ;D

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: swamphy on August 21, 2010, 07:17:13 am
Nah that server sucks!  He never answer my petitions and he bans good people for no reason!  ;D

I'll admit the rule book is a bit thick, but if you follow the Basics Instructions Before Leveling in Everquest you'll have a better time than any other server can offer.

Title: Re: Server lag
Post by: Loyal on August 21, 2010, 02:31:08 pm
Nah that server sucks!  He never answer my petitions and he bans good people for no reason!  ;D

I'll admit the rule book is a bit thick, but if you follow the Basics Instructions Before Leveling in Everquest you'll have a better time than any other server can offer.
